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Zelensky Does Not Know How To Fight, But He Knows How To Beg

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Zelensky Does Not Know How To Fight, But He Knows How To Beg

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Zelensky Does Not Know How To Fight, But He Knows How To Beg
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Zelensky Does Not Know How To Fight, But He Knows How To Beg

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Russian Kalibr missiles and Geranium-2 UAVs continue to strike military and energy infrastructure facilities throughout Ukraine. So far, some regions remain cut off of electricity supply and the country’s energy system is heavily damaged.

The Air Forces of Ukraine lose the battle against the Russian UAVs. Over the past two days, Ukraine has lost four aircraft. For the already small fleet of Ukrainian aircraft, that is a very tangible damage.

Ukrainian air defense means are also failing to protect the strategically important facilities throughout the country. In another pledge to his European patrons, Zelensky claimed that Ukraine’s air defense needs are provided only by 10%. He supposes that Europe will make more efforts to protect the sky over his country.

Zelensky does not know how to fight, but he knows how to beg. On October 14, Ukrainian Minster of Defense confirmed that Spain has sent four Hawk air defense systems to Kiev.

Losing in the air, the Armed Forces of Ukraine fail to develop any offensive on the front lines.

On the northern borders of the Luhansk People’s Republic, the Ukrainian military continue their attempts to attack Russian military positions along the Zherebets River, in order to storm the towns of Svatovo and Kreminnaya. So far, their attempts have failed. In turn, Russian troops took control of the dominant heights in the gray zone in Chervonopopovka and Peschanoye.

Russians are also coming closer to the town of Bakhmut, where clashes are already ongoing in the industrial area on the eastern outskirts. The Wagner group officially confirmed that the village of Ivangrad located on the southern outskirts of the town came under Russian control.

In the southern Kherson and Zaporozhie regions, there are still no changes on the front lines. The ongoing Ukrainian attacks did not lead to any gains.

Having lost the upper hand in the battles on its territory, the Kiev regime has significantly increased shelling on the Russian border regions and Donbass republics. Civilian houses in the border villages in the Russian Belgorod and Kursk regions are constantly shelled by Ukrainian artillery. At the same time, Ukrainian forces attempt to break through Russian air defenses and hit residential areas in the city of Belgorod, including with foreign missiles like US-made AGM-88 HARM missiles. Even so, they lose the battle against the Russian air defenses. After more than a hundred of missiles were launched, only minor damage in Russia was reported. Wreckage of a downed Ukrainian missile fell on the roof of a residential building. People were not injured. The shelling also resulted in an explosion of an ammunition depot in the village of Oktyabrsky in the Belgorod region. People were evacuated.

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Canadian Observer

I mis-read the title as “The Fighting Begins” I laughed… Then I re-read the title and I laughed again.

Joseph Day

Why would there be an ammo depot in Oktyabrsky.

Tuck Carlson Fan

IMO Musk is just the first in -hopefully- a increasing number of Western sponsors of the terrorist regime in Kiev who will refuse to pay. Those who have a brain understand quite clearly that the Nazis can’t win this war and will not win this war, NO MATTER HOW MUCH they pump into Zelensky’s pocket.

Canadian Observer

Ask him about his daddy’s Emerald mine. Their working conditions. Watch him shed a fake tear, for the little people.

Falling Tree

Elon Musk’s Grandfather was once Head of Canada’s Technocracy movement,


putan was once a commie, so you commies can get killed by romans, and you can kill romans (your half bred cousins).


wow, little behind the times there achmed, the ‘Romans’ huh…. should I remind you that ‘cousin’ inbreeding among the arab have left him the most corrupted of the earths DNA among Humans. Arabs have the highest birth defect and retardation among ALL men on planet Earth.because of islams “Marry your 1st cousin for mohammad the pedophile” platform. p.s. also genetically proven that you and Jews are EXACTLY the same creature. LMAO dont believe me, go read facts for yourself, both of these facts are over thirty years old and accepted by science as FACT. lol go stick a note in a crack in the wall, Hymie Jewstein


ok roman phaggot.


fuck any good looking camels lately achmed? or just the regular ugly ones?




Standing Tree

Mujahedeen #America!

Z for Victory

Sooooooo i saw well, HAWKs were atlast sent. Wonder why Spain sent them, as they had so few of such anti-aircraft missile systems.

Canadian Observer

I wonder too. A virtue signal? 4 HAWK systems with a range of ~50Km. How big is the front line again? I’m not being sarcastic. It’s 1000Km or something isn’t it?

jens holm

Im no expert, but those are very good for the slow incommers. The Irianian newcommers has a speed of 125 km/hours.

Its also not only 4. Its a 4 addiction.


It will be of no value on the iranian drones they are to slow for hawk to engage. too small even improved hawk will not track. it would be of value for the cruise missiles.

jens holm

You might be right. Hawks are fast.

we will see if they hit and if so what.


Yes they are fast, at mach 2.5 speeds they would have a hard time with a 70 mph kite. They were designed to hit faster targets and the drones are pretty small and made of low return materials. Gotta be less than 1m 2 .So it will depend on a lot of factors and what version they were given. What radar etc.

They are not war winners but they add another layer of defense. Kuwait had five batteries when they faced Iraq they claimed several kills but only two were confirmed both large strike aircraft.

jens holm

We had them in Denamrk for some years. Before that we had the non mobile Nikes.

They were against jets.

Im sure the Ukras are happy for any improved aircover.


The air space is much larger than the front. That is a given . While 4 Hawks alone are not much you add them to 4 NASAM and 4 irst and who knows what else and it becomes a viable resource.

In addition the VKS does not operate openly or effectively perform deep strike missions and have not since day one. Very little CAS is performed and they are either unable to participate or simply are not allowed. Who knows the truth? They have been able to perform effective air patrols but Ukraine has little air power. The problem is the UAF can move its resources on a operating rail system over intact bridges. They can move the sams to where they conduct offensive operations and return later to defend. They will pose a threat to the LACM and that will be the real issue.

Last this is what is announced , who knows what it delivered at no time was it told that the US would deliver AGM88 missiles but they are there, just like Finnish APCs etc. In the end Russias reluctance to actually destroy and fight will be the deciding factor in the war.

Z for Victory

Strange how west is ignoring how the democratic Ukronazis are shelling russian territory. Of course, it’s all Putin fault.

jens holm

We are not ignoring things like that at all. Thats why its accepted.


“Ukraine” aka Globohomo Russia.

“Ukrain”, supported by homos and troons.


Zelensky doesn’t even know how to beg. All he can do is demand!

Falling Tree

Psychopaths have that tendency! :) Actor/comedian/president. Great combo, add some black ops money and some MK ultra. “Only nut cases want to be president. This was true even in high school. Only clearly disturbed people ran for class president.” Kurt Vonnegut “Any man who wants to be president is either an egomaniac or crazy.” Dwight D Eisenhower.

jens holm

Its not like that here.

But we have elected people good as well as bad for the job.


His best bud is Arestovych, who proudly admits he enjoys lying and manipulating people.

jens holm

H eis doing a lot more then that. He keep up the morale well and unite them. Thats one way to be a good leader.


Hitler was charismatic. Kept the morale up. United Germans. Not so good. Bottom of the barrel soldiers, Berlin in ashes. Generations lost. Good leaders get killed. Like John Magufuli, murdered by globalist because he exposed covid lies early on with a papaya and PCR.

jens holm

It make sense to compare with all the other systems for the world. You dont.

You refer to a system, which only was there for 12 years and also was defeated partly by itself.

You could refer to GB and USA. They actually defeated the nazis system and was winners.

jens holm

I see the results. He is getting a lot of stuff for own and world reasons.

Not many leaders in the world has collected more stuff and money then him.

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Those American b@stards left me swiniging in the wind with my pockets turned inside out. They tried to buy me off with a hokey university lecture circuit and the students booed me off the stage. Then they sent me on a Mission Impossible to Ukraine and I nearly got a bullet in the head. Now I’m sitting in a prison cell being tortured by the very same guards that I trained. Never trust the Americans.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Karl Rove

It’s the Saakashvili curse. I tried to warn him.


“Eat 1 tie a day to keep the Russians at bay” he still in jail for treason or has he fled georgia again?

jens holm

Zelinsky is not even elected to fight. He is a well organized poltical leader.

In Ukraine they have very well educated experts in figthing. Thats how it is here too. The parlamant and the Goverment has the militaries as tools.


Z is too demanding for a beggar, but I am sure the US and Britain promised him everything he needed if he fought instead of negotiating back in March, so he feels entitled to demand.

jens holm

Thats not correct. Some 35 to 40 countries promised to help and do.

Even more donate civile stuff.

But we do have conditions, where Zelinsky has problemns with Oligarcs and corruption. So we donate but also try to avoid how bad Ukriane is too.

It also makes no sense to donate weapons, they cant use. So the more advanced stuff is packages with education build innes.

And we do see the results. Their newmade military forces are able to use advanced stuff as its supposed to. Quality seemes to pay off.

We try to control the civile help to them too to reduce theft and sale. Its difficult. They just as Russia are very infected. Zelinsky by that has replaced some of the worst ones. But there are still too many there.

Zelinsky by that give ud carrots in mouth and behind.

jens holm

Not only GB and USA promised them a lot of support. Many did. Actibe militaryand civile support is given by 35-40 countries.

Several others are given civile help.

UN condem the invasion.


He reminds me of those NYC beggars that walk up to your car at intersections, spit on the windshied and then demand a buck to squeegee it off.

Last edited 2 years ago by LOL

He won’t be the first ally du jour to be thrown under the tank, nor the last.


“Zelensky does not know how to fight, but he knows how to beg.” … wait a minute .. are you saying he’s a Zionist?

jens holm

I dont see that. The author seemes to prefar Hitler, Stalin and Putin as military leaders.

Here Stalin learned and gav back the military parts back to the Stavka. Hitler did the opposwit and Putin has no idea about most things arorund their military forces and what has changed Ukraine the last 3 years.

Zelinsky became a safe card making jokes about Putin. They needed an experienced one in communication supporting Ukraine as no part of Russia.

So far it has been a very good choise. Even here not many name him as comedian. He is Zelinsky. Some feqw use jew about it. I see no jewish in him apart from being hardworking doing well.


He and his entire staff are cheeky, parasitic Khazarians. God help Russia!

jens holm

Khazars had the Sothern part of Ukraine for about 1000 years ago in 100 years. Before their country was destroyed they were east of Rostov and the river there. Thats not even Ukraine today.

Blinken the jew

He is us


The Russian is born to fight like a Spartan. You better watch out, Zelensky. Putin is the modern-day Peter the Great.

jens holm

He will be burried under Stalin. Hard time for Stalin. Putin the blimp has gas.


Peter the Great was ruthless. Putin shows he loves Ukrainians and he does not want to hit them very hard, just a little show of force in the beginning.

Russia Is Looking Like A Fool!

Yes Putin after a failed 8 month Military Campaign in Ukraine he defiently deserves the Title: Peter the Great, you stupid Pro Putin Shrills!

Die Grünen sind Kriegstreiber

there were some good posts here, why they have been deleted

jens holm

It seemes random and for very stranges rules.

jens holm

Zelinsky is figthinbg very well in civile matters. Thats what he is elected for.

The militaries are a part of his tools and are experts in military matters.


If he would have known anything about war, he would have never started one with Russia!


Zelensky is an actor, and by that i mean there is no real person called Zelensky. He is played by an actor, a Dutch royal for the british crown corporation. Anyone know Zelenskys class mates from kindergarten or school years in Ukraine? Have photos for such an important person from their childhood years? If someone has them, they should be looked over very carefully as they are fake. An actor president..some nerve sending innocent Ukranians and Russians to their death.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pertti
Vlad RuSs

I thought begging was forbidden in Jewish religion?


Jesus and the money changers, Roman Palestinia – jewfest #33 jewapolooza

Russia Is Looking Like A Fool!

Obvious Zelensky knows how to Fight because he kicking Russia Ass, also Zelensky is doing what anyone else in his shoes would do and that’s asking for the International Community for help and its working!

Russia has been fighting for almost Eight Months now and are nowhere nearer to their goal of winning then they were in February, for Russia this War will be a permanent stain on their Reputation, noone after this will take the Russian Military Serious!


Guess his favorite tune is the old Rolling Stones number … “Ain’t too proud to beg”. Hope Elon Musk cuts off his Starlink access … it will bring his use of HIMARS and other guided missile use to a halt which will save the lives of many civilians in Novorussia.


Zelenski is fighting a hell of a lot better then humanitarian Putin.


It’s not that the begger is begging for help… it’s that the begger is DEMANDING help.


Thank you, Ukraine, you’re helping to disarm the evil Western Empire and hopefully, the Military Industrial Complex, too.

Also, dealing with nationalists it’s really annoying, the ones in the Baltic region and Poland are Nazis and the ones from South Korea love to whine, while they beg for recognition every second and all of those nationalists think they’re better than everybody else just because of being from those countries.


That’s Zelensky’s job description! CIA tells him how high and he jumps on command. This fool thinks he will live very long proves how delusional this dope addict is.

Terry Terrific

Zelensky needs to entertain us for tips and so far I am getting bored with the routine. Cancel the show and refund the money!

not sure

btw i heard zelensky is jewish

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