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MARCH 2025

Zelensky Must Choose Between Talks Or Losing More Territory -Former US Army Chief

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Zelensky Must Choose Between Talks Or Losing More Territory -Former US Army Chief

Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will have to choose between peace talks with Moscow or the continuation of the conflict and the loss of more territory, former US Army Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Davis wrote in an article.

“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is loath to agree to any deal that leaves Ukrainian territory in Russian hands. The reality, however, is that he does not have what it takes to fully force Moscow off his territory. The most realistic choice he faces is between negotiating an end to the fighting that allows Ukraine to hold what it has, or to continue fighting and lose even more ground. That decision is Zelensky’s alone to make, but America also has agency and must look out for its own interests,” Davis wrote in 19FortyFive.

According to him, the counteroffensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is unlikely to be successful since they do not have enough troops to cope with the Russian military given the superiority in the number of soldiers, weapons, and equipment.

The former lieutenant colonel also reflected on his own country’s policy regarding the armed conflict, lambasting the promise to continue giving Ukraine what it needs “for as long as it takes” because it is not a sustainable strategy and will almost certainly not produce a beneficial result for either the US or Ukraine. “A course correction is therefore required,” he stressed.

Davis added that many in Europe already recognise that Ukraine cannot win in a practical time frame at a reasonable cost.

In the end, the author states that, “as horrible as it would be for us to accept ending the war on undesirable terms, it would be even worse to ignore reality and continue pursuing an unattainable military objective. The cost for the former is unpleasant. The cost to the latter could be infinitely worse.”

In early April, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken hinted that the Ukrainian Armed Forces might carry out an offensive in the coming weeks. For his part, the Ukrainian Defence Minister, Oleksii Reznikov, appealed to wait until the end of the mud season, known as Rasputitsa, so that the roads are useable.

Spokesman for the Russian Presidency, Dmitry Peskov, noted that any statements about the planned offensive by the Ukrainian military are being carefully monitored and considered in their own planning of the special military operation. In this way, Russia has had ample time to prepare for this Ukrainian offensive, and although gains might initially be made, it is expected that it will fizzle out and be followed by a major Russian counterattack.

The New York Times noted that if the Ukrainian military are not successful in pushing back Russian forces, Western support for Ukraine might weaken. This is especially the case since war weariness and economic crises are gripping the EU and USA.

None-the-less, the European Commission adopted on May 3 the Act in Support of Ammunition Production (ASAP) “to urgently deliver ammunition and missiles to Ukraine and to help Member States refill their stocks.”

“By introducing targeted measures including financing, the Act aims at ramping up the EU’s production capacity and addressing the current shortage of ammunition and missiles as well as their components. It will support the destocking from Member States and the joint procurement for ammunition,” the announcement added.

For her part, President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said: “We stand by our promise to support Ukraine and its people, for as long as it takes. But Ukraine’s brave soldiers need sufficient military equipment to defend their country.”

However, for all the talk of supporting Ukraine “for as long as it takes,” it is doubtful that EU member states will continue draining their economies and resources in the long-term because Kiev refuses to negotiate. This will become especially apparent as elections begin creeping up in member states and people’s fury about the dire economic situation are expressed.

In the same light as Ursula von der Leyen, White House spokesman John Kirby revealed on May 3 that the US has already handed over almost 100% of the military aid that Kiev requested for its offensive but this will not prevent them from making further deliveries.

There is evidently a clear divide between Western rulers and experts, especially when recalling that former US Army Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Davis is far from the only expert urging for negotiations since Ukraine does not have a chance of winning the war despite all the brave talk and propaganda.

Pumping resources to the Ukrainian military stems from the fact that if Kiev’s offensive is unsuccessful the West would have failed in its task to preserve Ukraine’s pre-war borders and halt Russia’s advances, in addition to wasting billions upon billions of dollars to their own immense detriment. But as said, for now, it is only Western experts, and not the rulers, who are willing to face this reality.


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And what is the picture of General David Petraeus doing here? Nice try. Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Davis is not well known and we don’t know how reliable and credible his opinions are.

Steven Armstrong

His position has nothing to do with the Truth.

Buford T Justice

Whoever the guy is is , he is right , but Russia will not stop until they’ve secured everything east of the Dnieper and south all the way to Transnistria . They’d be fools to quit prematurely. Ukraine , what is left of it , will be land locked.

Last edited 1 year ago by Buford T Justice

Correct,they must take the whole coast and Odessa and make sure Nato is nowhere in whats left of Ukraine.



All true, but the main thing one needs to get is that the whole war is rigged. Would USA really want to wage a successful proxy war against Russia, USA would long have assasinated Kadyrov in Chechnya, ignited the whole caucasus and exponentially raised the weapons deliveries to Ukraine to a level near to equaling that of WW2 Lend-and-Lease programm it granted to UDSSR at that time. But USA doesn t do it. The jews there ( ruling the USA) have other plans. They want Russia to win – they hae shifted their money to China, and want to wear down USA and EU economically – hence they drag out the war, and not give sufficient amounts of weapons and troops to Ukraine.

It is all rigged. Famous US General Patton nearly 75 years ago already had to find out this truth the hard way. He fought for the USA and found in 1945 that the Soviet army was totally exhausted and near breaking point. He asked his higher-ups to give him permission to hunt the whole red pest down and push them back till Vladivostok, knowing that with the immense 1945 US military boots on the ground build-up in Europe it would be a relative easy task to do. But the US high command and politicians refused and instead force-retired him. There he started to realize that not only UDSSR but also his USA was fully run by jews. He started to write his wife about what he had found out, and even openly started to speak about it. This of course resulted in him being assassinated by the jews, and that’s how his shining career ended.

Bottom line is: Only thing I want to show by this is: USA could easily push Russia out of Ukraine if it really wanted to do so. And on the other hand also Russia could have long overrun Ukraine and killed Zelensky and his whole government, had it want to do so. Butboth sides, they are in fact working secretly hand.in-hand. They are both jewish, and their aim is not to win a war, but to drag it on, and escalate it slowly into WW3. This is what you all here need to realize !!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Svetlana
Svetlana Sarah Ashton

Stopped reading at “that the whole war is rigged”. Another insane conspiracy tirade how USA and Russia had to secretly join forces to contain 100 “heroic” drugged tattooed thugs from Azow (owned by Kolomoyskyi btw, all worthless idiots just like you)

good advice

Unfortunately I did read Svetranny’s garbage, at least most of it. What a waste of time….


Both WWI and WWII were rigged as both brought fundamental changes in global society. Remember that only general objective (agenda) of the huge societal upheavals is planned, local players may not be aware of the role they were given. Do you really think some Azov thugs play an important role? Rethink.


Svetlana the BOTTOM line is : you need a BBC !! Seriously !!


Please share with her your own experiences with BBC. Seriously.

stop farting and gtfo

Soviet army in 1945. was at the breaking point?? Hahaha I mean how absolutely clueless and completely brainless you transgender Nazi freak have to be to write such imbecilic crap. Patton was a manic fool, Anglo-Americans would be crushed like roaches and thrown into La Manche in 2 weeks.

They were almost defeated in Ardennes in winter ’44. by rag tag Germans, the only reason why they managed to advance quickly next spring is because Germans massively surrendered without any resistance trying to avoid Soviets. Muricans were beaten in Korea by Chinese light infantry ffs and run away aaaall the way to Seoul, but they would reach “Vladivostok” from the West LOL you total retaaaaaaaaard.

Keep your deranged and delusional crap for Ku Klux Klan orgies in Kentucky, although I even doubt you are Murican. Or German. You’re not even a human being.


@stop farting

You ate to much of your jewish-communist propaganda. Supply lines from Soviet Forces in 1945 where completely overstreched. Troops exhausted from the “run on Berlin” because in 1945 several russian generals had pushed merciless on the soldiers to take the city, always fearing that the USA might re-decide and try to take Berlin before the russians. Germany was defending the town and surrounding areas to the last day causing significant losses to the invaders till the last day.

Whereas the United States had plenty of everything in 1945. Troops, equiptment, money, weapons – and Patton said he’d easily hunt the reds back to Vladivostok and many historians from all around the world do agree with him that that was the moment USA could have easily finished of the the Red Army. (let alone USA in July 1945 already had the atomic bomb, while Soviet union didn t) Moreover as the Germans where more then ready to switch sides and fight against Communism together with the USA. But due to USA being ruled by jews too ( same as Soviet Union) of course US general Patton was blocked and killed by the jews, and his plan to crush the Red Army immediately after 8 May 1945, was dismissed by his US-jewish superiors. Check it out yourself if you don t believe me.

Last edited 1 year ago by Svetlana

You must be from Nazigrad

Buford T Justice

Up the dose, Sveta .


@Buford T Justice

Didn t Russia murder about 50 civilians in Moscow theater by fentanyl poison gas some years ago ?

Using poison gas against chechen freedom fighters and civilian hostages there ? And on other occasion poisoned chechen freedom fighter Emir Ibn Al Khattab etc. etc. ? So it’s ok when Russia does these kind of assassinations, but when others do, it suddenly becomes “coward” and “evil” ?

No, man we need to get real, and face the facts. USA, EU, Russia and China are ruled by jews. It’s not only the western hasnaRats, it’s hasbaras and whatever jewish and crypto-jewish rats running the show globally. Not only in the western world. China is ruled by the jewish ideology called communism still today. Mao Tse Tung was an agent from the jewish Yale university organisation Yale-China, closely supported by prime jeiwsh swine Henry Kissinger (real name: Avraham ben Elazar), Maurice Strong, and Rockefeller Foundation. See: https://www.jstor.org/stable/40858689 You can read in the Yale Daily News, which is the student newspaper of the Yale University, from 29.02.1972 the following:

“Yale has helped many young men in their political rise to power. In the class of 1919, in addition to the 1,000 male leaders graduating from New Haven, Yale in China assisted a young man named Mao Tse-tung. Without Yale’s support, Mao Tse-tung would probably never have risen from the shadows of history to the top of China.” (end of quote)

And Soviet Union just relabeled communism into ‘free market’ Russian Federation. So both Russia and China too are ruled by jews and jewish agents. And jewish anti-christian ideologies. Nothing good for mankind is coming from this. Believe me, the jews are fooling you, by playing their old good cop vs. bad cop game with you. That goes: “Western jews is evil, but eastern jews – oh yes very good. Support, support.” I tell you no ! Don t let yourself get fooled by them ! They are all in cahoots with each others. See for example:

The globalists ? SF article speaks of them, as if it where just western christian bandits behind this name. When in fact behind this whole shit is Jews. The international jewry. And they are working together globally. All of them !!!

Putin belongs to them too. Even in late 2022 he allowed Klaus Schwabs agents to hold large congress inside Moscow. Jewish rats from everywhere. Global Financial Forum was held in Moscow on September 28-30. During the session, the speakers discussed Russia’s continued fulfillment of its obligations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Ecumene 2022 was supported by the UN, UN Convention on Biological Diversity, UNEP FI, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the National Geographic Society, WWF, World Bank, the International and Comparative Law Research Center, and other reputable Russian and international organizations. General partner is JSC ”Gazpombank”.

Klaus Schwabs high-grade WEF absolvent and close associate Kristin Rechberger (Rechberger twisted name from Reichberger aka Richberg hence a name of jewish origin) attended the Congress as representative for the WEF, and to make sure that Russia fullfills all the jewish plans, and orders exactly.

In 2009 Kristin was selected as a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum, where she has served on the Advisory Council and working groups including oceans, the circular economy, and the future of global development.

here https://www.iclrc.ru/en/experts/405

and here (on page2) https://www.iclrc.ru/en/events/63

More sources here: https://www.akm.ru/eng/press/the-global-financial-forum-ecumene-2022-was-held-with-the-support-of-gazprombank/

In a 2017 interview at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, Klaus Schwab talks about how current and former world leaders were once a part of his Young Global Leaders school of the World Economic Forum. He mentions how Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, and even Vladimir Putin were all once pupils of the WEF. He also mentions how his Young Global Leaders “penetrate the cabinets” of governments.


Watch that portion of the interview below.


Last edited 1 year ago by Svetlana

Freedom fighters don’t blow up a school full of kids you Nazi whore.



Is that all you have to say about all the facts and links I gave? So basically you admit, that you are following a poodle of the jews, the jew Jewtin and his Chabd Lubavitch master, and want christians slaves to die for their aims. Disgusting, very disgusting Mr. Cromwell !!

Btw. Cromwell was the asshole that allowed all the jews (which had already been kicked out from GB back into the country – thereby ruining it).

Last edited 1 year ago by Svetlana

Nazi propaganda? Russians if you want to denazify just come to this site, there are loads


Svetlana, why the jewish would want a WW3? I could understand they wish to denazified the entire word… I am afraid Poland is the next one



The Jews have it written in their “holy religious books” for example the Talmud, that they ought to eradicate all none-jews people and leave only very few left – who are to become slaves to the jews. They are sick evil satanic criminals, and not a religion. They devilish books says “When the messiah comes every jew will have 2800 slaves”. And “1000 thousand none-jewish lifes are not worth a jew’s fingernail” and all such extremly evil and racist shit.

They first want to eradicate the bright-skinned ethnics – aka white race. Because these are the people which where clever enough to uncover the complott/the evil doers and took up the fight against these most evil pest of the earth in WW2.

That’s also why their medias and puppets around the world are always lambasting and damning the Germans and National Socialism. Not because these were bad people, but because of the opposite. Resp. because these men and women dared to fight the jews also known as “children of the devil” (as Jesus called these creatures today called “jews”)

And btw., Cerbero, you are right. Poland is on their list. (The list of the jews). Poland was already once put into the fire by these evil creatures. Whole 1939 war with Germany was initiated by crypto-jewish polish president Ignacy Moscicki (who was president of Poland at that time – 1926-1939) and his evil associate which he brought into the polish senate, the jewish rabbi Moses Schorr). Check it out yourself if you do not believe me.

Last edited 1 year ago by Svetlana
Buford T Justice

USA, EU, Russia and CHINA are ruled by jews. Didn’t t Russia murder about 50 civilians in Moscow theater by fentanyl years ago ? Go into comedy , you friggin idiot , you are a natural .

Last edited 1 year ago by Buford T Justice

@Buford T Justice

Are you really such a stupid. You obviously know nothing even about the recent Russian history !!! I really dislike such disgusting stupids like you.

Read and learn dumbass:

Russian law enforcement authorities stormed a Moscow theater October 26, 2002 after pumping gas into the building, where Chechen militants were holding more than 700 people hostage. Many hostages were rescued, but 115-117 hostages died from the effects of the gas, according to media reports.

Despite Russia’s early reluctance to name the gas, Health Minister Yuri Shevchenko said in a press conference October 30 that it was based on the opiate fentanyl. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention list fentanyl as an “incapacitating” chemical agent.





Last edited 1 year ago by Svetlana
Buford T Justice

You are suffering from terminal stupidity .


Interesting take on it…



No problem, here see it yourself:

Russian law enforcement authorities stormed a Moscow theater October 26, 2002 after pumping gas into the building, where Chechen militants were holding more than 700 people hostage. Many hostages were rescued, but 115-117 hostages died from the effects of the gas, according to media reports.

Despite Russia’s early reluctance to name the gas, Health Minister Yuri Shevchenko said in a press conference October 30 that it was based on the opiate fentanyl. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention list fentanyl as an “incapacitating” chemical agent.





Last edited 1 year ago by Svetlana

So much fiction and fantasy, and this obsessive fixation on Jews is sick…


Most recently, they run the COVID death jab pharma companies. So it’s not obsession but fact.


Actually he was in combat several times

David Perseus instead is a pathological liar and never fought a real battle on the front lines



“the Russian military given the superiority in the number of soldiers, weapons, and equipment.”

Unfortunately Russians don’t have superiority in number of soldiers, just the opposite. That’s the main problem with their entire operation since the beginning. Right now they are still outnumbered at least 2:1 and when AFU concentrate their assault troops in designated breakthrough areas it will be even worse locally; Zelensky and his masters dont care about losses, they will try with feint attacks in different directions, in the north, and even across Dnieper in the west, so Russians can’t reinforce different fronts with their limited reserves.

Putin’s stubborn refusal to mobilize significant reserves is a major strategic blunder even if they manage to stop and defeat AFU offensive. It was the main reason for all failures, maybe not the only reason, but this one was avoidable. You can’t fight a war in Ukraine, vast and open/flat land without enough soldiers. Everyone can see this except Russian leadership. I’m not into con.theories like some people but I absolutely can’t understand Russian/Putins logic here. You have 5 times more population, use it to win the war. Mobilization is expensive and not popular, but still better than losing the war.

Last edited 1 year ago by Reality
Uncle Ho

The leaked pentagon files proclaim the ukraine is losing troops by a 7:1 ratio. Quit watching television news and propaganda channels. There’s better intelligence information on cereal boxes than whatever garbage you’re filing your head with. Those overflowing cemeteries in ukraine and the videos of civilians having to be dragged off the street by force to “join” the corrupt ukraine army speaks volumes.


That’s why I said Zelensky’s regime doesnt care about losses. What good is for Russia if Ukr. loses are indeed 7:1 and yet Ukraine win? And they will win if they manage to break through Russian lines and reach the Azov sea. Impossible? We’ll see. Look at the map, it’s not that far away Vugledar and not much in between.

But you know, maybe it’s all ukrainian/nato propaganda? At least they are good at it, unlike Russians. Maybe I see it all wrong? I mean they are killing prominent Russian patriots in Russia. They droned the Kremlin. Where is Russian reaction? Ukrainian regime is fanatical, brutal and ruthless, all these different factions are temporarily united in their hate against Russia. People are indoctrinated, no one dares to question anything. That’s all actually good for war effort. Full support from the West of course. Russian authorities look undeceive, passive, confused, divided… I don’t need Nato media to tell me this, just look at power mongering and public bickering between Prigozhin and Shoigu/Gerasimov. If someone told me last January that after 15 months of war between Russia and Ukraine, Ukraine would still hold positions near Donetsk and preparing massive offensive I wouldn’t believe it. Yet here we are. I truly hope I’m wrong but we will see soon enough.

Last edited 1 year ago by Reality
Joseph Day

So they punch a hole through to Azov sea, then what. Supply lines will get hit from both sides, then Russia closes the hole and traps the idiots in there


You are wrong, they can defeat ukis and nato in sleep


Defending territory is what the Russians do best historically. I think they will suppress this upcoming offensive enough that Ukraine will start to lose Western support. This is why the Russian leadership is limiting their mobilization, because they believe it won’t be necessary.

Buford T Justice

A picture of betray us ? Seriously ?

Sloppy Reporting

LTC Davis quoted throughout article, while picture is of General Petraeus is pictured?

British Racing Green

Russia can no longer leave any remanence of Ukraine otherwise the cancer and corruption will simply spread. Ukraine must cease to exist, all foreign agents, politicians and corporations turfed out and all debts created by the west will go unpaid.


And then you woke up and realized that it was all imagination and dreams after all, because of the cheap votka you drank

The Department Officer for Ukra wives & daughters

Soon? Nazi please, you already said that back in April. Is it the weather again? Geezas Kraist


It depends who is Kiev’ master (Us or London) and what is the real objective: free ukraine or kill as many “ukro + Russian” as possible for country take over while avoiding to reveal West’ weakness (which resukts from wokeness)


The angloZionaZi empire of shit i.e the evil EUSSR and USSA is bankrupt. The Rump Ukrapland war on Mother Russia was to be the last chance to save the collapsing economies of the so-called West by plundering Russia’s vast resources. Ironically the lump of NAZI Ukrap gristle stuck in Onkel Schmuel’s withered throat is guaranteeing its doom. Will the Pedovore Politburo in Natostan sewer Brussels rip off the USSAN albatross before it too is destroyed? Either way the Kiev Koke Kike regime is doomed and rump Ukrap destined to shrink to a landlocked hellhole that will try to survive like the Gestapo enclave run by Pentacon Kill IndUStries Inc, “Camp Bondsteel” in “Ko$ovo”, the stolen organ capital of the dying empire.



Just laugh with the trolls and the alternative reality that they paint and that they try to believe in, it must be fucked up to live in a dictatorship and earn a few miserable salaries and not be able to use the word war, it’s a comedy


The only thing to talk about is the total capitulation of Nazi forces.


The NAZIS are capitulating, didn’t you see that Wagner is going to withdraw? so there are no nazis

WT Baker

I am not a military expert yet the present situation on the battlefield favors greatly the Russian forces. This begs the question, “does Russia settle for areas as it stands now or do they mount their own major offensive to reestablish the map prior to the 20222 strategic withdrawal and push Kiev into surrender?”

Erik Nielsen

Im a major military expert and can duly inform you that Russia will settle for the areas as it stands now.

Its part of an overall strategy to exhaust the enemy by settling bit by bit and let the enemy do the mobilisation and offensive work.

Erik Nielsen

Exactly what I have been saying since the invasion and war against Nato started.


The only issue I have with this article is the addition of the word “former” when referring to LTC Davis.

In the USA, all commissioned officers commissioning as an O1, or promotion to O3 or higher are presented to the US Congress and US Senate by name, usually as a list of individuals to be promoted by the armed services. Once Congress and Senate vote to promote that individual and it is signed into law by the US President, this individual is commissioned or promoted. When a officer retirees, they retain the rank, in the same way that a representative, senator, judge, president, or ambassador retain their rank after they leave their post.


Ziolensky is an actor, does not give two hoots about people dying. More interested in carrying out globalization plan of theft and depopulation.

Fake News

That’s Gen David Petraus. Lol

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