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Zelensky Openly Calls For Terrorism Against Ordinary Russians

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Zelensky Openly Calls For Terrorism Against Ordinary Russians

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Associations, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

The Kiev regime no longer hides its terrorist and extremist nature. In a recent interview with Western media, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky openly called for the promotion of terror against Russian citizens. According to him, this would be the best way to turn the Russian people against Vladimir Putin’s government.

Zelensky commented on this topic during an interview with CNN. He said that it is necessary to launch deep attacks on Russian society, destroying the supposedly “comfortable life” of Russian citizens. He hopes to bring the consequences of the war to the entire Russian society, including civilians and ordinary people in regions far from the conflict zone.

The Ukrainian president claims that Putin does not want to negotiate an end to the conflict, and therefore there is no possibility of a diplomatic agreement between Russia and Ukraine in the current situation. So, in order to force the Russian president to change his position, it would be necessary to make the Russian citizens themselves hostile to the government. Zelensky believes that the easiest way for Russian people to stop supporting the government is by spreading fear and insecurity.

In his statement, Zelensky openly advocated putting Russians “at risk.” In his narrative, Putin is seen as a person who is unconcerned about issues such as international support or diplomacy, fearing only public opinion and popular pressure. In this sense, only if Russian citizens are in constant danger would there be a chance for the Russian president to change his mind and start negotiating peace with the Ukrainians.

“I am sure that he is afraid of only one thing. No leaders, no countries, no anything. He is afraid of his society, the Russian people (…) If the Russian people are in danger, if they don’t have a comfortable life, if they live without energy, like our people, they will understand the price of war. They will not be happy with it and will begin to influence him, Putin,” he said.

Zelensky’s rhetoric is entirely fallacious. Since 2022, only the Russian side has repeatedly shown itself willing to negotiate. Moscow has presented several peace proposals that could have ended the conflict, avoiding more deaths. However, Kiev has refused or ignored all these proposals, subserviently accepting being used by NATO in a proxy war plan against Moscow. So, the side to blame for the diplomatic failure is not Russia.

It is true that the Russians recently cancelled all peace negotiations and decided to resolve the conflict by military means. But this decision was taken precisely because Kiev, after boycotting all the previous peace negotiations, launched an illegal invasion of the Kursk region, systematically murdering Russian civilians in a peaceful and undisputed area. The act was considered terrorist by the Russian authorities, making further negotiations impossible. The Russian stance has been clear that it will not tolerate attacks on civilians and undisputed territories, with all these Ukrainian actions being seen as terrorist.

In this sense, instead of stopping these acts, withdrawing Ukrainian troops from Kursk and asking to resume diplomatic talks, Zelensky is doing precisely the opposite. He is betting even more on the use of terrorism, publicly promising to increase attacks on civilian areas just to try in vain to change Russian public opinion. Obviously, this makes diplomacy impossible, leaving Russia with no option but to expand military actions.

Additionally, it must be emphasized that the Ukrainian strategic calculation is absolutely wrong. Zelensky hopes to foment anti-Putin militancy in Russia by spreading terror. However, the more they are attacked, the more Russians will endorse the special military operation. Ordinary Russians do not want to be intimidated and threatened by fascist violence. Just as their ancestors fought against Hitler’s Germany, they are ready to make any necessary efforts to prevent the growth of Russophobia and the genocide of Russians.

In practice, the Ukrainian attacks are making Russian public opinion even more supportive of the actions against Kiev. Zelensky is only accelerating the end of his own regime by promoting terror, as the Russians continue to have abundant mobilization capacity, being able to expand military actions – while Ukraine has only a few resources left to resist the Russian advance. Instead of “forcing Putin to negotiate”, Zelensky will only succeed in further damaging Ukraine’s own position in the conflict.

It is already clear to all Russians that there is no possibility of negotiation with the Kiev regime. The special military operation is supported by the majority of the Russian people because the increasingly aggressive actions of the Zelensky regime make it clear that the Western-Ukrainian side knows only the language of force.


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they will start ww3 one way or another. the first thing they will do after u.s. elections will be long range missile attacks on russian nuclear reactors, not only in zaporozhye and kursk, but any nuclear power plant and military base they can reach. location of these is known so they can claim “zelensky did it”. don’t expect anybody will condemn it in the west. people already make it assured that russia never retaliate, especially after north stream sabotage.


or they will claim it was a russian nuclear false flag. in the western media anything is possible now. the western countries were stolen by illegals. elections are only puppet show and testing ground for bribes and brainwashing and goebbels propaganda. sound money don’t exist. they even locked people at home for two years, printed money and caused massive inflation and and they get away with it. nobody addressed big pharma and illegal biological experiments.

Last edited 6 months ago by Snowden#2

(((every single time.)))


i still don’t understand why russia hasn’t bombed kiev to the ground. but i believe that if the kind of blow you mentioned comes, it would be the only option. without kiev, there would be nothing to defend. the benefit of the bombing would be that the ukrainians would turn to support peace as a nation. in addition, russians do not have to set foot in kiev.


it’s too late now the mystery imo is why putin knowing russia had technical military advantage over the whole world at the outset didn’t bomb kiev straight away and then just say ok who’s next?? but i think it’s because in the beginning he acted in the chinese intelligence warning him the ukraine had biological genetic anti russian weapons remember that was the start russia bombing g the underground weapons labs.? he wanted to eliminate them first and foremost.

AM Hants

i think he is playing it well. patience, rather than going for emotional rage. $us petro-currency reserve is out and the us have $35 trillion national debt to service. eu and nato will soon fall. 20% of ukraine has returned to russia and not forgetting the million ukraine forces that never lived to tell the tale. plenty of ways to skin a cat, without razoring a nation to the ground.


yes, because aerial bombardment of urban areas has proven to be one hundred percent successful in winning wars.


biden had more american dollars than ever before in history printed and they kept it a big secret. still are hiding the truth.


basically they were stolen by deceiving the world about democracy selling a good idea, but having no intentions of honouring it imo. using it to simply divide every country from within.

AM Hants

western media is trying to prepare the public, with regards the false flag, they intend using.


they will not be in any rush to end the war at all.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

orcs elected poohtin…they are legit targets…heheheh


retarded asshole^

Crocus Shooting Gallery

yes i am! and gay too! i loove getting my pooper rammed. love you :)

AM Hants

well at least president putin was elected. why did the dictator in ukraine ban the elections? why is he still assuming he is president, when his term ended on may 20 2024? what does he do to all opposition?


i thought the nafomosexual five eyes story on russia was that the pootin has to steal elections and the russians really want another yeltsin-type stooge to loot their country. where dat navalny at, anyhow?


the ukro-nazi heimy rat fuhrer is sounding more like nazi kraut reichsminister dr. goebbels day after day. he talks of imaginary battlefield victories, wonder weapons and now attacking faraway russian targets. in that case people in faraway vladivostok should be on full alert for an attack by these degenerate, demented, diabolical, laughable ukro-nazi whores.


i call for taiwan to invade putin👹 and for american to kill palestin🐷


you would.


you have to remembers scott ritters movie from last year showing that z takes his orders from the english cardinal aka prince, in the vatican.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous
AM Hants

3 corporations rule the world and all squat in host nations, with their own laws and taxes. washington dc – military. city of london – economy. the vatican – spirituality and remember judea was an outpost of the old roman empire. why does the vatican have such a major problem with the christian orthodox faith?

Sherlock Holmes

brits are annoying beyond belief. thank the lord that climate change will create a drought over that island and it will finally go the way of easter island and none too soon.

of course, that’s if they don’t manage to blow it up themselves. put mophead back in charge. that’ll speed things up.

V for Victory

yes, he seems hitler talking about revenge (terror) weapons wunderwaffen, v-1 and v-2s….

Professore Saviano

not only is there a departure of international law & norms — but it is a departure of all ethics.

‘moral relativity’ and even ‘moral nihilism’ have been adopted at the highest echelons of polite society — it would not be surprising to see the same amorality visit them in their sleep.

it is as if statesmen were replaced with mafiosi all throughout the west. and we all know where mafiosi belong ☠️

Professore Saviano

this abandonment of moral philosophy is consistent with neo-feudalism which is a return to a devaluation of human life and human rights. its historical precedent goes beyond the global wars — to a certain general barbarism reminiscent of the middle ages, a barbarism that predates the industrial revolution and geneva conventions.

Last edited 6 months ago by Professore Saviano

well quoted who’s the source?

Professore Saviano

the source? your truly. i’ll take that as a compliment.


derp. and derp again. what the hell are you prattling on about? european colonization of the americas, 50 million dead. taiping war, 20-30 million dead chinese. fascist invasion of soviet union, 27 million dead soviet citizens. what’s this “international law and norms” you seem to think existed at some time?


actually, you seem to be a contrarian douche with very little reading comprehension skills or understanding of history. regarding, the post you replied to, it’s clearly stated as being the intentional law and norms that began to form in the late 19th c, just before the first world war and coalesced into the neoliberal norms after ww2. never has an official government called for terroristic action again citizens openly. not since america dropped the nuclear bombs on japan…


so there is a regression of norms in the sense that both israel and ukraine are overtly targeting citizens, with the openly stated purpose of enacting political change as a result of mass murdering noncombatants. again … against international law … you are one abrasive dickhead.


pope mazzini authorises fire incendiary arson some say.

AM Hants

uk, all prime ministers, since maggie thatcher have been members of common purpose. it was headed by a sexual deviant, and the brother of maggie thatcher’s special adviser. not forgetting if you check out the western politicians, they are all members of the world economic forum, narcistic personalities that are easily blackmailed or coerced, for whatever reason.


whereas the prime ministers who oversaw the british empire prior to thatcher were some a-1 groovy cats, right?


yes, where are the great statesmen like banker-puppet woodrow wilson, or zionist puppet and nuclear mass murderer harry truman? what has happened to great men like drug-slinging, missile-peddling, terrorist-running ron reagan? or the true giant, ghw bush?


at least they understood decor and had an overt adherence to international law … of course with imperialism especially the us, the right hand doesn’t see what the left hand does. i mean the cia basically modernized the concept of black ops & shadow wars. but the difference now is the overtness of the gun boat diplomacy/ terrorism … which is a regression of norms.

Last edited 6 months ago by Vegard
Professore Saviano

i don’t bother with that troll. he either doesn’t argue in good faith or he’s stupid

just a bunch of idiotic ego posting / trolling.


retarded nazis keep doing retarded stuff inviting more pain and punishment on their retarded heads, dumazzes


it’s simply business as usual to them. war is the biggest business on earth has been for centuries from the babylonian persian greek chinese japanese mongolian turkish islamic catholic hindu etcetera, empires to the tribal ism of the north american indians, the canadians to the warrior maoris, the aboriginals and most likely even the igloo dwelling eskimos. all territorial ism of every mammalian land dwelling species .

Conan M

if ever there was a legit reason for the russian federation vacating the un wh0reh0u$e along with the hague, imf and world bank -now is the perfect time. before more russians abroad are murdered our go missing in western countries, along with the western diplomatic and foreign service being labeled as terrorist and expelled promptly. any any russian government officials that say nyet to this should be expelled or go missing….

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M

that’s, right but they’re simply going to involve the whole world in ww3 anyway. they’re, setting it all up everyday travelling here and there uniting and dividing into two camps.

AM Hants

do believe russia is working on the problem. the brics summit in october, they are meant to be confirming the brics and friends nations will be using gold backed currencies. which is one of the problems that blackrock members are not handling things too well.


just like the democrats are calling for terrorists to asasinate trump in fact they’re openly blatantly inviting murder and terrorism against republicans who support trump. and they will globalise that sentiment if they can.

AM Hants

mar a lago raid, with ‘shoot to k*ll’ instructions and the medical facility on standby for casualties, only trump was not at home. then butler attempt, before the ukrainian fan at the golf course. yesterday there was another attempt, and the excuse was a civilian was training his dog to sniff out explosives?????? did not know they taught that one at pet school.

AM Hants

whilst his wife is driving her new bugatti, the hubby is trying his hardest to carry out orders to get wwiii started, before the us presidential elections and before the brics summit, where they declare they will be backing their currencies with gold and not printers.

Jewish pimp

what else can one expect from a terrorist? call your beloved wahhabi 🗑.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

i love that piano player, i hope he can do my pooper like he does the piano!


seems like all the jewish dictator thugs backed by the american war machine are committing war crimes or actively demanding them to be committed. seems like more than just ‘coincidence’…


why zelensky is trying to stay popular with a horde of banderite scum, an endangered species, whose population keeps dwindling with every khinzal pizza delivery is beyond me. typical of a nato installed dictator i suppose, unelected, illegitimate, and incompetent, this is the epitome of western “democracy”. tyranny, fraud, and cultural destruction dressed up like a sweets shop.

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