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MARCH 2025

Zelensky Ordered Ukrainian Army To Attack Territory Of Russian Federation (Video)

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On April 10, the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky ordered to attack the territory of Russian Federation. The video above shows the commander of the AFU unit setting the task to his subordinates to attack the territory of the Russian Federation, referring to the decree of the President of Ukraine Zelensky. The commander of the unit specifies the task for his fighters to advance to the territory of the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation, if possible.

I report to the personnel the decree of the President of Ukraine. The approval of the decision of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in connection with the ongoing large-scale military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine on the basis of the proposal of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief in accordance with paragraphs 2, 17, part one, clause 116 of the Constitution of Ukraine the law of Ukraine on the legal regime of martial law i order the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the Chief of the General Staff of Ukraine to prepare all personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: Ground forces, Air Force of Ukraine, Naval Forces, Airborne assault troops, Special Operations Forces, Territorial Defense Forces to deter aggressor and conduct combat operations on its territory. To prepare units of the AFU for offensive actions in the directions of the city of Belgorod and the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation. Bring the order to the personnel and be ready for its implementation in a short time. Control over the implementation of the order shall be entrusted to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Zaluzhnyi. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, 10.04.2022. Everyone understand?

– Yes sir!

– So, we kept our land, and now we are going (to war) against Russia! Are you ready?

– Yes sir!


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Good luck getting razed to the ground morons that’s what Russia needs to use foabs and tactical nukes.


They want Russia to redirect it’s troops back north in order to buy more time. But of course it’s just a retard tier propaganda video because if they intended to move in on Russia they obviously wouldn’t post a 240p garbage video about it. But the walnut brained dumb fucks at the CIA think that this will genuinely cause Russia to redirect it’s troops. Things are looking extremely dire for the USA if their top intelligence agencies are coming up with this sort of nonsense.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sunny

pretty much right on. There could well be minor symbolic incursions that the border guard and reservists should almost be able to handle. To add specialists, recon infantry, and experienced troops just as contingency should not take away much resourced for RU if at all. And as always, I think the RU air force is monitoring and ready to take advantage of such a blunder in the rare chance that it would be a full sized incursion.


https://d2v9ipibika81v.cloudfront.net/uploads/sites/165/SA-false-flag-1068.png Wearing full military kit and face masks so nobody is identifiable inside the privacy of a non descript building, reciting a direct order from the arch Nazi Zelinsky to attack the innocent Russia. the speaker being carful not to say unjustified aggression or war. Seems like a video produced by the Russian government for the consumption of the russian people as a way to justify the ongoing for a surprisingly long time war.

Much like this video was a false flag attack, produced by the russian state.


Last edited 2 years ago by Rasputin
David Herzog

Tu sei proprio scemo . Un vero idiota .

Peppe il Sicario

Lo scemo del villaggio, di sicuro adesso senza casa!

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario
Albert Pike

Didn’t you get it, that they work nicely together by giving each other willingly reasons for a long war (up to the last Ukrainian, like the washington post wrote)?

jens holm

Im sure Washinton Post didnt say that.

I as several others has predicted, that Ukra can and will defend themself until hardly none are left – AND WILL.


I think Russia has a few divisions “war gaming” up there, just to make sure the Kiev forces don’t get any ideas to try to bail out the UAF forces being surrounded in Donbass.


Redirect? How do they think to reach Russia? Small groups of saboteurs could do it, but the damage they can do is small and the russians can deal with them using the FSB. No need to move the troops. If they think they can send military columns to Russia, they are delusional. They need to drive in the countryside, where their columns can be annihilated by Russian choppers.

This is just another PR trick, nothing more.


Yes. Whatever the origin of this video, it’s hardly helpful if the AFU were really planning for that. Also, announcing to take the war in the Russian Federation seems like an own goal. Russia will not be threatened by that in the least. And the last thing they’ll do is use tactical nukes. Jeeez, certainly not on their own territory (nor in Ukraine, which they consider as such).


They are horribly intolerant of people who just want to have a gay time and have sex with other men. Ukraine must be EU and boys free to play with other boys. US and UK are leading the movement for the man love and Ukraine wants to follow!

Last edited 2 years ago by Karma

Thanks guys. You can join me on Grinder, I am so lonely.

John Tosh

The CIA directing these group of dimwits have something wrong with them….. Do they think the world or the Russians are stupid????

Wow the CIA must be full of soft brained individuals who watch too many movies and think of themselves as video game warriors!

jens holm

Thats how it is. We pay them for only computer play. Many are in the streets right here naked. They even has sold their umbrella for electricity.

The last days of the months its hard to sleep. They are crying 24/7. Therefore we have no cats and dogs in Our countries.


You f****** idiot you think only Russia got nuk es . idiot


Probably fake: Tornado battalion, the shoulder patch right in front of the camera, was disbanded in 2016, and many members jailed. While most of these nut-heads were freed and drafted back in the Volkssturm early in the war, the battalion itself was not reformed.

And they would probably not start by sending a bunch of paranoid psychos with a military training barely sufficient to fight unarmed civilians (except if they want to speed up the denazification by sending them to their death).

jens holm

I agree. It seemes to be an illustrative.


Will never happen. This is just another staged cheap propaganda stunt. Moronic actions like this one are only admittance to an obvious breakdown of the remaining Ukrainian army on most fronts. This is just too easy to see.

jens holm

It seemes one of those nukes already has hit 84 creatures of the world. Their brains are declined to 5 years old all the way from 6.

Jens Assholm

You dumb animal never had any brain, just a pile of stale horse manure in your ugly head


Good luck unless you don’t want to be nuked.

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

With what? Your ten remaining soldiers and tanks and 4 remaining aircraft? LOL!!!!!


He is like adolf in the Reichsbunker ordering imaginery troops around.

jens holm

Russian soldiers think they are in ghostgusters and see no ghosta.

jens holm

Sure. The Russians dig deep to avoid bow and arrow attacks.

Facts also are there are incomming armed vehicles.


Attack Russia “IF POSSIBLE”….. Orders given to a platoon of 30-40 Ukro-Nazis…. That is called to go Full Retard.

Last edited 2 years ago by opereta
Aunt Polly

Maybe he want to get rid of them? They can’t be very popular in NATO-circles after Mariupol.

jens holm

Not even a single one has looked those up by internet. NONE.

Those 30-40 Ukro-Nazis were all crimnals. Their leader got 11 years of prison. No wonder Russian lovers remain as God never turned on the light there.


Never go full retard.


You never go full retard.. Tropical Thunder.

jens holm

You are the retard thinking those people are even dummer then You.

Pens Holm

Says jens the most retarded retard in history of retardation.


Is Paris burning?? Yes my Führer AKA President Zelensky!!!


Seems fair enough to me.


Russia barely tickled them using one finger so far. They want a punch in the face, apparently.


1) Attempt to invade Russia 2) Get nuked 3) ???? 4) Profit


I regret that I can only give one like.


Z Lenesky is now a legitimate target for Russian Kalibr missiles. Satan in hell will say to Z Lenesky’s soul. Welcome my new Brand of evil Jewish-Nazi Z Lenesky.


the juice is stationed in poland… all the orders to the generals come by fax… but hey, he can play a piano woth his organ

Aunt Polly

Even BoJo can do that -or something similar. He also went to Poland.


This only verifies history to be on stalins side,where he had to deal with sodimites like fkn it in russia, hence why a russian killings of pro nazi askenazi fascist whom hitler factually adored but in reality hated only orthodoxy peoples,now we see it which makes stalins achievments even more remarkable and all the homosexual trolls hate christs communion or simply got it in for stalin,yet the dumbassed americans whoms preferance for a straight reight democracy.but it was never the case this century, For all its worth,we are seeing the roots of all evil being sodomite askenazi fascist + homosexuals!

jens holm

putin has gas. A lot of Put in and no Put out.

Pedo Andy

This Jew midget gay bastard Zelensky is a mere tool of US warmongers and Zionist plunderers and needs to be eliminated. The Zionists are now openly attacking Russia as their vote at the UN circus showed. Only 🇨🇳 , Iran 🇮🇷, Algeria 🇩🇿, and Syria 🇸🇾 have consistently supported Russia 🇷🇺. Time to flatten Kiev as Kadyrov has said. SLAVA ROSSIYA!


Propaganda. Not sure by whom or why. Maybe a moral booster. Not sure for whom. (Military Order like this would happen at different forum to different audience if it was true)

The maharaja

About a week ago they fought in Russia a good three hour fight. Near border crossing. Perhaps Russia will be woken to the fact they are at war when Ukraine takes a town some where near the border. Until then it will be the normal “special military operation” that is undermanned and over extended . Might just be the best thing that could happen for Russia might wake them up from their sleep. Its coming either way..only question is will Russia decide to get ready for it now or pay a heavier price trying to get ready for it after it has begun.


the russians know the whole things a trap but had to respond, thats why it looks like they are sleeping they are doing just enough

Hans raus

They made good decision, it should be their tactic from the beggining. West need to support ukr with weapon that can reach moscow and petersburg. Let russian taste terror on their own territory….hooah. i love ukraine, i love west, we are superior


Kherson retaken yet?

Goblin Copium Dispenser

Hey, I am the goblin copium dispenser. I am sensing that you don’t truly believe your own propaganda, therefor I suggest you inhale some more copium instead. You’re welcome.


Steiners counterattack can erfolg any minute now mein Führer…


Bye Bye, Ucrap Nazis!


And always remmember too, here in,there were no lgbtq nazis married in mariupol,nice try,relic toasts!


Oh God, I hope they try. Dumb af nazis.


They may take it,but that would be a trap they will all be drawn in then surrounded,go nazi,go,go go!


Son reacciones adversas de la vacuna en Zelensky . …Está completamente demente


Well the good thing is that Ukraine will run out of Tochka quicker. I expect Ukraine to use Tochka against Russian territory.


Ukraine will run out of Ukraine.


Already happened… P.Lancasters wife, staying inside Russia was apparently nearly hit by one late today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qgRqYtuHC8


Bearing in mind the number of US commanders of the Ukro Nazi army and the numbers of British and Americans from the security agencies plus the NATO mercenaries, it looks like NATO’s war with Russia in Ukraine may be spreading to Russia too. Those bunkers under the Swiss Alps and in NZ, in the Welsh Mountains and wherever they are, they are the hope of the filth who are really behind this war. The town halls build bunkers underneath the car parks.


Thank Christ for hypersonic missiles,nuclear tipped the better for these satanic vermins then too!

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Zellerboy is getting delusional. He should lat off the cocaine and the captagon.


Attack on Russian territory, yes, I hope he doesn’t forget. By 19 February at the latest they had shelled Russian territory, the Tarasovsky District of the Rostov Region, and the Kursk Region were attacked by 21 February at the latest. Hope amnesia of Der Führer and the Western Corrupt News didn’t strike.

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

An airstrike a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Jean Luc

He doesn’t have the means to do that. But he can do terrorism. In that case kiev will pay an exorbitantly high price.

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