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MARCH 2025

Zelensky Promotes SS Fighters As A New Symbol Of Victory Over Nazism

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Zelensky Promotes SS Fighters As A New Symbol Of Victory Over Nazism

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On May 9, President of Ukraine Volodimir Zelensky congratulated the Ukrainian people on the Day of Victory over Nazism, sharing photos of Ukrainian soldiers with Nazi patches.

The first photo on the official page of the President on the social networks showed a soldier with a patch of the 3rd SS Panzer Division “Deadhead”. It turned out that the fighter was member of the volunteer formation of the “Right Sector”.

“On the Day of Victory over Nazism, we are fighting for a new victory.” – the text under the photos reads.

The post was later edited and the photo was deleted.

Zelensky Promotes SS Fighters As A New Symbol Of Victory Over Nazism

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On the same day, the deputy permanent Representative of Russia to the UN Dmitry Polyansky gave an interview to the British channel Sky News.

According to the diplomat, the journalist urgently suspended his interview after he showed on the air a photo with the emblem of the SS division published by Zelensky.

“I asked: does the British public know that this division was responsible for the execution of about a hundred British prisoners of war in France at the beginning of the Second World War? Isn’t it embarrassing for the British Minister of Defense that after all this he supports and supplies weapons to the authorities openly displaying such emblems?

And what do you think the representative (of Sky News) answered me? He quickly curtailed the conversation, muttering that it turned out that our time had suddenly expired and that Sky News could not confirm the correctness of this information,” Polyansky wrote in his Telegram channel.

Such a mistake of the Ukrainian president on May 9 is mockery of all the heroes and victims of the Great Patriotic War. The modern pro-NATO Ukrainian leadership has officially proclaimed Nazis who served in the SS as heroes. As resulted from the Nuremberg Tribunal of 1945-1949, the SS was ruled to be a criminal organization responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity, including the mass murder of civilians, medical experiments on people, the genocide of Jews, Slavs and other peoples.

The Kiev’s regime is playing a dangerous game. On the one hand, in the international arena, they are trying to maintain the image of a victim of unmotivated aggression by the “Russian invaders”. On the other hand, in their internal propaganda, they pursue a policy of consistent glorification of Nazi criminals and promote Nazism as a state ideology. The Western MSM condone this duplicity.


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I am 85, and I can understand the Ruropean people, speciale their leaders, or I am mad, or they are mad, and I8 go for the madness of this criminal people, well they wil ose again but it cost again dead citizen, just for the money and their plesur of killing !

Glory to the Vodka People!

Plot twist: grandpa was Aushwitz guardian

mike l hutchings

The side that can look at this propaganda and laugh out loud wins

Glory to the Vodka People!

At this point it’s hard to distinguish between propaganda and satire

Thomas Turk

HollowHoaxing? Published is that Auschwitz had 3 orchestras, one a woman’s, a band that played at official ceremonies, 2 swimming pools, a brothel, special privileges for pregnant inmates, (over 1000 births), and Jewish docs treated the guards.

Vents on the alleged chamber’s roof were added AFTER the war during Soviet occupation according to aerial photos! In any case, the vents would have vented onto the German sick bay, on the adjoining building’s 1st Fl.

A brick from the wall of the alleged gas chamber that was analyzed by Max Plancke Inst. scientist Germar Rudolf showed sufficient Zyclone B gas to DELOUSE. The German Govt imprisoned him for a few years for stating facts. Also it was calculated they would still be cremating.the6M with the available facilities.

Also they tell that the Ukies Nz’s were far more barbaric than the Ger. Nz’s

Tom Clark

Nazism? No such thing…just like there is no such thing as anti-Semitism.

Time for people to wake up and realize the Germans were the good guys. They weren’t trying to take over the world, they were trying to stop the people that still are.


Zelensky is only a remote controller. His bosses pay him enough to promote their business. A terrible president that will soon escape to Washington…

hunter bidé lab pork !

problably to the hunter biden penthouse bunker full of coke and crack and a digital wisky in the ur anus !!!!

Glory to the Vodka People!

That was the plan two months ago. Lots of things changed.

Russians failed to win this war and now they are facing all the NATO toys that will be tested on themselves.

MAD Magazine

All the NATO toys tested back onto NATO? That’s silly.

Why would the Russians bother with those when they have so many toys of their own?

Darling, NATO hasn’t faced a peer competitor since, well……ever.


Military gear that works effectively instead of just presenting a fat profit margin.


Totaly true , there is no profit from a nuclear war only profits will come to either side if they prove their weapon systems are better than the other. who ever wins this war will sell alot of weapons. In the eyes of elite there is no good or evil just business.


the weapons the Ukraine are receiving is old obsolete rubbish… the Yankees hope to boost their bankrupt economy by faking a war economy for Raytheon and jewish finance etc etc…

Europeans as the cannon fodder and the fat American electorate to foot the bill…

it’s a desperate plan but that’s because you are dealing with ‘high calibre’ imbeciles ….presumably the pandemic hoax has all but collapsed and left them scurryng for plan B to starve you all..

Last edited 2 years ago by anon
Pamfil Military Academy

No, plandemic hoax was only a chapter in theirs satanic globalist agenda. Starvation is another one…This cabal fake jews devil circle have a COMPLETE manual for resetting and enslaving the entire world.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

The US has been running a ‘war time economy’ since WWII as a means of avoiding economic collapse. The Pentagon budget represents a strong military the same way the Dow Jones represents a strong economy.

hunter bidé lab pork !

he and justina trudeau gonna make a movie disney nazi lgbt with Klaus SS chwab the digital pedo psiko parasite

Pamfil Military Academy

Evidently. All spies, agents and traitors ALWAYS seek refuge to those who work for.


Buckingham Palace îs The final destination, elensky already got the citisenship to UK. The place where the russian state owned media ipothetcaly placed the Satan nuclear missile’s potential target.





hunter bidé lab pork !

who cares about digital Z elonsky parasit ??? i want a live aid on Kiov !! please santa Klaus send the clowns……we are the digital parasites we are so beautifull we are pedo psikos parasites we are so nice…….. !!!


This is a great example of the lies and hypocrisy of the Ukro Nazi regime and their western handlers. This is why they need to be eliminated..

Muhammad your Prophet

And this deranged lunatic is the man to do it. Then he will go home and rape his favorite goat.


By Paul Joseph Watson from yournews.com A Sky News interview with Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dmitry Polyanskiy was cut short after mention was made of President Zelensky posting an image of a soldier wearing SS insignia.

Zelensky posted his Victory Day statement along with a collection of images of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians.

However, after it was revealed that one of the Ukrainian soldiers was wearing a symbol of the Totenkopf division of the SS, the post was hastily deleted.

To be Frank

Zelensky is a clown, proved that so many times.


love him or hate him, I bet most Western leaders would’ve left their capital when Russian tanks would be closing in on them. Yet Selensky stayed in Kiev

The Story of Man

Zelensky belongs stuffed and on display at the Smithsonian as an example of a not so newly discovered species of humanoid: Homo Ridiculus


When he said he wanted to be a comedian they all laughed,they are not laughing now.



mike l hutchings

this is perfect propaganda for the mentally compromised … the SS NAZIs are fighting the SS NAZIs and they always have.

Muhammad your Prophet

Ukraine is one of the poorest nations in Europe. The Putin cockroaches thought that they could attack them just because they were poor and lacked education and had no weapons that they could handle. And now that Ukranian forces are destroying Putin’s shitty army all a sudden they’re the world’s biggest evil genius conspirators. Make up your fucking mind.


of course Ukraine is poor, but Western Europe does have a lot of problems as well. The UA is literally the strongest army of the continent rn due to combat experience, high motivation and US-intelligence and weaponry.


Do you just make this shit up as you go along? The Ukrotards had eight years of training and support from their US owners and its NATO vassals. They had the third largest army in Europe, and eight years to fortify the contact line while they conducted their ethnnic cleansing/Nazification program in Donbas. They have received billions in NATO weaponry as well as ongoing intelligence support from their US owners. Missiles rain down acrosss the territory of the failed CIA project, and the Republican and Russian forces just keep squashing the unfortunate Ukrainian troops in the east. Let go of the cock, and take a big suck on reality.

Muhammad your Prophet

Putin should’ve known as that before he decided to do his moronic blitzkrieg in Kiev. That 40 mile moronic Russian convoy being obliterated is now the stuff of legends.


Hey Muham, Just because you were born ugly and had no friends to play with. Except for the times the dog play with you because your mom tie a bone around your neck. Doesn’t mean you have to go full retard on this site. Trying to insult anyone with fake, made up arsine comments that make no sense at all. Go play with the other boys on Tik Tok. As that seem to be your level of maturity and leave this site to the men.


So what, members of the Wagner (!) group proudly wear German insignia too. The Waffen-SS earned massive respect during the war and became legends of modern warfare. Soldiers can respect soldierly excellence. These units were at the heart of legendary battles. The 3rd SS were a tough nut to crack at Kursk, Demjansk, Warsaw, Kharkov etc.


What? The waffen-ss were seen as inhumane even by Himmler and his men. They were seen as brainless beasts. Useful as cannon fodder for the reich, but no more than that.

Your whataboutism in regard to this mythical Wagner ( that as we know could be a fairy tale ) is ridiculous. And remember that russian nazis aren’t in power, while ukrops nazis are. This is the BIG difference.


dude Himmlers men were the Waffen-SS, you seem a little confused

hunter bidé lab pork !

so EU van der ss layer and bordell are f u king nazis travestis digitals with a anus in the brain…..ohhhhhhhhhhh so many parazites !!!


Yep, it just proves how unreliable ALL mainstream media is.

Pamfil Military Academy

What’s so chattering and chattering about same obvious things ! It’s crystal clear Ukropizdan is a colony like many others and the masters from Empire make the decisions for everyone. Same things and pattern everywhere. In vassal country Romania exactly the same. Masters send orders and theirs corrupt traitors performs. Today is a BLACK DAY for Romania. The Law of SOVEREIGNTY failed to pass in (corrupt-to-the-bones) Parliament (full of intel agents, multi citizenship traitors, etc), which was highly predictable. So, our huge deposits in Black Sea of gas and oil will we given to Exxon Oil Ameriscum company with exceptional favorable conditions for them. Practically the state renounce on those resources. The day of Total Infamy. Many romanians mourn the former so-called communist regime. Was bad, but way better than the submissive monk fuck positions of actual government (and all others from 32 years till now). A recent unofficial poll (btw, all official polls are highly faked by sorosist NGO’s) run by a large civic organization show than 65% of romanians said the former regime was better and said Ceaucesco was a patriot which would never sold it’s country to foreign interests. And said YES, to the question: Do you miss Ceaucesco ?

Michigan Man

What you say in your comment is true, but the conclusion you draw from it, is not. There is no ‘better’.

One of the main tricks of the judeo-communists, which is also laid out in their communist long-term strategy, is to infiltrate ALL capitalist governments and companies world-wide. Then to pose as ‘capitalist’ and do horrific crimes and totally mad decisions, which are hurting the civilian population and destroying everything and generate a total discrepance between wealthy and poor people (which indeed even true capitalism does) in a way and to a absolute overdimensional point, that people begin hating their governments to the death. Then comes the luciferic “solution’ which of cause is worldwide communisn (in fact it is not, but they, the communists will present it as such). And because the populations of the different nations worldwide will be so exhausted, disillusioned and angry with their “western capitalist governments’, they will be easyly brought to revolt and oust their governments, and create chaos and civil war everywhere.

Into this then comes the great saviour, which will miracluosly bring peace and rule and order back to the planet and establish a “world government” (of course a judeo-communist one), and la voila – the long term plan is fullfilled and the jews succeeded in conquering the world, and being the unchallenged shining masters ruling the earth.

That’s the plan. That’s what they did in Russia. They faked the collapse of the UDSSR, robbed all the people, took the big formerly state-owned companies, and created chaos and havoc everywhere, and then announced to the Russians: “See, that’s capitalism, that’s what the western style world is like”, and immediately the people felt that ‘maybe communism wasn t that bad at all’. So ex-KGB/FSB chief, and fullblood communist Putin was easily introduced and miraculously re-established communist Russia (without naming it ‘communism’ openly of course).

Same goes for other countries. We need to grasp the principle, the trick behind it. The jews play “Good cop, bad cop” with us !!!

Capitalism good cop, communism bad cop, or vice versa. When in fact both are cops resp. jewish controlled systems.

And regardless which of these you choose, you’re fucked !

Therefore DO NOT fall to their trap ! Choose none ! They want you to misinterprete your fake-capitalist governments as eighter “national”, “liberal”, “democratic” or “republican”-capitalist governments, when in fact it is ALL jewish governments, as well as jewish rule over jewish-occupied none-jewish countries.

They want that you hate the bad cop, in order to make you admire and open you up to the good cop (communism).

It’s a cheap trick, but sadly, as a have read in your comment, obviously already working and succeeding in pushing people into the arms of communism resp. the communist ratcatchers/ratnabber’s arms.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man
Bob - Enough

F’ck them. Go Russia and now take it home; no more playing.


The NATO people have their head up their collective asses: this is not Afghanistan. This is not Iraq. It ain’t Syria. If they send in the NATO brigades it will be a fucking bloodbath like they’ve never experienced before. This is WWIII, and it is a total tragedy for everybody involved :-( I consider this a “billionaires’ war”, as the aim of the west, aka Joe and son Hunter Biden et al, is to first take over Ukraine from native business interests (has already happened), then in their myopic shit-headed game plan attack Russia and the western oligarchs take over all the massive oil, gas and precious metal reserves for themselves and make a killing. The only certainty is there will be death and destruction on a scale heretofore unseen. Stupid fucking humans never learn :-(


Should Ukrainians love NKVD vodka smelling murdering communist bastards?


They love your asshole.


PrActice your goosestep, the NAZIS are out.


Russia could actively attack US interests all over the world by proxy, causing maximum deaths to all branches of the US military, the deadliest weapons in the hands of anyone with evil intent for Americans, and the maximisation of deaths as that is the US policy mirrored

Last edited 2 years ago by Clubofinfo

Drug addled Monika Zelenski is so far up his own anal cavity that his al CIAduh handlers in their “safe” crypt in Poland can no longer reach him.

Shlomo Shlopinsky

Zelensky IS kweerer than a $3.00 bill. His gay lover told me so.

helene matz

zoo link skit is a dope head like his western bum chums

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