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MARCH 2025

Zelensky – Putin’s Greatest Asset

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Zelensky - Putin's Greatest Asset

Illustrative Image

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Written by Julian Macfarlane, Tokyo based investigative journalist, writer, author, geopolitical and military analyst

Zelensky is really Putin’s greatest asset. Read on and you will see why.

In his most recent video, the excellent Alex Mercouris talks about Kursk—pretty much confirming what I’ve been saying in my previous articles on this debacle.

A trap?

I have noted that two months ago Putin requested the Ministry of Defense to withdraw conscripts from defense duties in the border areas, replacing them with special forces and regular combat troops.

Mercouris has a trusted—and so far very reliable— source who apparently warned him some time ago that Ukrainians were preparing an attack on Kursk!

The Russians appeared to be inviting it — they had demined the border areas, and withdrawn most of their heavy units to the rear, east of the Kursk nuclear power plant.

Was Russia indeed setting up a trap?

Zelensky - Putin's Greatest Asset

Illustrative Image

If it was, it would have to look like it was not expecting Ukrainians to attack across the border— even though Ukrainians had already done so, from time to time— with small group assaults.

Supporting this theory, as I also noted before, is the fact that the assault forces appear to have been put together haphazardly with little real preparation, drawing on a combination of Ukraine’s last elite units, mercenaries, and conscripts, along with all the armor and weaponry they had available on hand— as if they were in a really really big hurry to take advantage of a momentary lapse in military judgment on the Russian side— also driven perhaps by the necessity of doing something before the Russians took all of Donbas— now happening even faster.

Zelensky - Putin's Greatest Asset

American mercenaries in the Kursk region

To put together a competent force capable of achieving any kind of success, the Ukronazis had to draw on resources that could have been better used in the Donbas.

Clearly, Zelensky thought it was worth it.

The Kursk incursion is the kind of mistake that Zelensky has been making since the very beginning of this war, resulting in perhaps as many as a million casualties.

With Zelensky running things, Russians are assured of success. Yes, Zelensky is Putin’s greatest asset.

As Mercouris points out, the Russians are now focused on destroying Ukrainian weaponry – that is, tanks and armored vehicles and artillery. Leaving Ukrainian troops for the last. The Russians have what it takes to do that.

But Zelensky continues to send in whatever reserves he can cobble together! The man simply does not learn.

Where Now?

Where did Ukrainians go from here?

Where does NATO go from here?

Where does the US go from here?

The Nazis— not just in Kiev and Lviv but in in Berlin and London and Washington – are desperate.

Putin must therefore tread carefully.

Because desperate men do desperate things  – irrational things  –  which can cause a lot of damage.

In Ukraine, for example, the Nazis are turning to out and out terrorism  –  increasing their attacks on civilian targets like children and the elderly and sensitive infrastructure such as nuclear power plants….

It is a sign of weakness — just like Israeli terrorism in the Middle East. Or the US’s “soft” terrorism in Latin America, using a sophisticated combination of the media, bribery, propaganda and political coercion.

Putin has naturally put antiterrorism protocols into force along the entire Western Russian border the east side of the Dnieper.

The attacks on Donetsk city and Zaporozhya NPP, however, can only be prevented when Russia is able to extend its zone of control in southern Ukraine.

For that to happen Chasov Yar, Ugledar, and a few other places must fall.

Ukrainian and Western terrorism represents an existential threat to the average Russian, stoking nationalist sentiment and increasing support for the military. From 30,000 volunteers a month, we can expect an increase of 5 to 10,000. Putin’s upgraded million man army is on its way to becoming a reality.

The pace of offensive operations by the Russian Armed Forces, volunteers, and veterans has not only remained steady but has actually increased by fifty percent. Our troops are advancing along the entire front.

Lastly, another clear objective of the enemy is to create discord and division within our society, to instill fear, and to undermine the unity and cohesion of the Russian people. They aim to disrupt the domestic political landscape. However, the response from Russian citizens has been resolute: there is widespread support for those in need, strong backing for the army, and, importantly, a rising number of individuals eager to join the ranks of those heroically defending Russia. Recently, there has been a notable increase in the number of people signing contracts with the Ministry of Defence. Vladimir Putin. Meeting Aug. 12

Medvedev’s call to incorporate all of Ukraine in the Russian Federation increasingly resonates with the Russian public. It is now a long way from 2022, when Russia’s 90,000 man contingent faced off against NATO’s best army of 400,000 (and won) in an effort to support the newly independent republics of Lugansk and Donbass. At that time, Putin did not have the support he does today. There was still a substantial “Atlanticist” fifth column in Russia. So he tried to negotiate to achieve his goals.

National Suicide

Civilizations do not die because they are murdered. They die because they commit suicide, Oswald Spengler

Now, Banderite Ukraine is committing suicide.

The Kursk incursion is very effectively demilitarizing Nazi Ukraine, destroying significant amounts of its last reserves of military equipment, as well as manpower.

The MOD says Ukrainians have lost over 1600 men— that is that they can count. In the case of casualties from bomb strikes – it’s hard to count so the number is well over 2000. Out of the total number of 6500. You do the math.

Zelensky - Putin's Greatest Asset

Click to see full-size image

This number will eventually reach 3000 or 4000 even. Russian forces will then be posed to take positions in the Sumy region, threatening Kiev. Ukrainians must either withdraw forces from elsewhere to protect their capital — or move to Lviv where they are still vulnerable — to an attack from Belarus.

The end of Ukraine signals also the end of NATO, American domination of Europe, and the collapse of the American Borg!

The West is committing suicide too.

If you liked this article, visit Substack New Forensics site for more, such as The Tau of Vladimir Putin.  Please subscribe – it’s free.  But if you buy Julian a coffee, ( Click here) you can get longer “special reports” on geopolitical matters such as “American Borg”.


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‘putin – zelensky’s greatest asset’

there, fixed!


‘never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.’

sun tzu (the art of war)

(fixed that as well)


zelensky is a shit-fer-brains whose days are numbered.


z can have mashed potatoes and spam for brains it doesn’t matter; he’s a nato puppet and does exactly as the strings pull him (or the stuffed brown $$$ envelopes stop arriving).

V for Victory

idi0t tr0ll




its the jews they run both sides and we the goyim are the vic tim of their actions.

Last edited 6 months ago by Awakend
arthur brogard

i wonder when this was written. the mod actually reports over 3,000 kiev ukrainians dead as of today. and the total number of 6000? i query that. i think this is a nice read when you’re looking for a little of what pleases you but it adds nothing. this adds more maybe: https://t.me/mod_russia_en/15797

Last edited 6 months ago by arthur brogard

just add 300-350 every day and you’ll get losses in this direction. it’s average number, other directions give close numbers, but the region of kursk is deadly ground for armored vehicles. before this average number was up to ten a day and few tanks, some days no tank lost, now there are tens armored units and up to 10-12 tanks in peak, most of them lost in kursk region. huholds are definitely loosing last quality reserves. daily loses for august: aftershock.news/?q=node/1412342


blah blah blah. just more self serving propaganda opinions and excuses as to why russia just can’t seem to beat the lowly ukes and are now losing territory to them.

face it, russia is run by the same zionist idiots as the west.


accept reality, or perish with your delusions.


προφανωσ..εμφανωσ..αστειευεσθε !!! η’ δεν γνωριζετε τι ειναι ο “σιωνισμοσ” !!!

Edgar Zetar

i can use this report as a disinformation tool. what julian macfarlane says here i can said the opossite and be correct also, so this is not true at all. zelensky is a puppet, a hollywood wannabe performer so he just received order because u.s.a presidential election needed. also west is not committing suicide, it’s the opossite, they are pushing to take all before the east surpass the west. nato won’t collapse its the opossite, now they are going to build up a real military.


calling it zelensky’s glory sure is a jewish take on the jew running things into the ground and killing goy again.


one of the worst researched articles yet with incorrect statements ( ‘donbass people’s republic’) to relying on the woeful ego of mer couris, who simply regurgitates history while bending with any breeze.

but that idiotic picture takes the biscuit, shouldn’t it be a mousetrap? the cheese being innocent civilians and energy infastructure? how clever.. the bridges and evac being part of the trap too?


you are right, nato love killing civilians. bombing weddings, etc. their best specialty


yes i am right! ptn should well know what nto does to r. f. civilians and infrastructure (y’know, the two bridges in kursk?).

or is death and destruction part of ptn’s ‘grand trap’ using r. f. civilians and infrastructure? i’ll spell this out nice-and-easy because either (1) ptn planned to use r. f. people as bait or (2) the invasion was a r. f. f*** up (as even escobar has also – finally – realised).

this whole ‘trap’ cover up propaganda is hilarious – if it wasn’t so tragic.


you’re doing the work of three propagandists from the economist here. how many posts have you made since the start of the kursk terror operation about v putin?


all my post are correct too. don’t worry, i know you like doggin’ around and throwing insults so the very fact you disagree is just as predictable.

even escobar is finally starting to see the truth of this farce, that r. f. have made / are making some serious f*** ups, but it took time.

your blind defence of ptn while r. f. civilians die, land is grabbed and its infrastructure is destroyed is the the real propaganda here. some of us want r. f. to win without a ww2 death toll!


ps: under r.f and donbass law dpr, lpr, zap etc is legally r.f. territory. so your oft repeated ‘20% of ukraine is held by r. f.’ bs is 23 months out of date. it is ukr that occupies r. f. in donbass – and is the invader here – not r. f (unless you believe the west’s point of view)!


your posts are generally wrong. i don’t claim that rf occupies any portion of ukraine. perhaps spend less time regurgitating your memes and more on reading if you’d like to be wrong less often? just a suggestion. for someone relentlessly repeating the central us meme of “bad putin!”, it’s a big pathetic for you to make a passive-aggressive allegation about my point of view. derp!


blocked 9x while trying to quote you yesterday lol!!


i see someone in s f likes your nonsense, which is of no surprise!


just one of them comments. s f article 17 08 ‘r*ssi*n frces withdrw from brder area in nw drection in krsk rgn – rpt’ ‘..and that’s why the u k r s have forf eited 20% or so of their ter rit ory…’ (cld)

Last edited 6 months ago by B.F.Finlayson

fascinating. i don’t ever defend v putin. your assertion that i do is amusing.

Last edited 6 months ago by Clyde

not amusing – accurate!


quote a single instance. 1,2,3, go!


i did so 2 hours before your ‘challenge’ (3 comments above), can you read? i also replied to another of your ‘20%’ replies in another article. it’s the same 3 comments, clichés or ‘insults’ (“derp” ffs) like a self marking dripping tap.

yep, the drip is certainly strong.


the notion that a ww2 death toll is remotely possible barring the us of nuclear weapons is absud, and seems to bolster the very silly idea that this incursion into kursk is of great significance other than to people selling the five eyes propaganda line. funny thing, your take on the whole affair, no?


ridiculous response. so what number of r.f civilians killed to bait a trap for z is acceptable? or was it not really a trap?

r. f. is slapp happy and irresponsible with its sacrificing of its people to make up for its sh*t strategy and slap dash tactics.


it’s not my fault that you can’t exercise self control and prevent yoursefl from posting moronic drivel like asserting any potential for ww2-scale casualties in russia. the derp is strong in you. you’re the michael jordan of derp.


it’s not my fault you can’t do the math (i tried to explain the figures – below – but it was clearly too difficult for you).

thanks to r. f. incompetence and the cowardice/connivance of its leadership this is turning into one of the bloodiest conflicts ever, all to the advantage of zio-murika and its associates (you know the ones).

your shilling doesn’t work either, people can see.


w w 2.

c. c. c. p pop 1939 = 170, 918, 811 / est 26 . 6 m c . c. c. p. klled (= 15.5 pc).

s- m- o

r. f. military total [=900k (feb22) + 137k(aug22) + 170k(dec23)] =1207k

z est 50pc, ‘neutrals’est 30pc+ r. f. mltry losses alone. both bs of course!

pro-rsn ‘experts’ like mrcrs/lvl est 100k++, double digit pc l*sses in only 30 mnths! this omits civilians and it ain’t even a w*r (according to prof_p). ffs!!


is there something wrong with your keyboard that produces this gibberish?


ask s f! even if i copy your lines to quote it is censored by s f (an ongoing problem for certain commenters not toeing the line, which doesn’t apply to you) requiring workarounds. blocked 9 x trying to add your quote. yet the ever-censorious s f asks for money because it’s avowedly ‘anti-censorship’.

such is the intellectual esteem in which s f holds its readers/commenters.


as it is too difficult for you, in brief:

r. f. is approaching (or has surpassed, depending on sources) the w w 2 death figure of 15.5%. this ‘relative’ death toll % is within its armed forces alone since only the start of the s -m- o.

s -m- o has been a w w 1 style bloodbath, going nowhere, and ukr still occupies donbss (which btw is now legally part of r. f.) as well as krsk. get it?


leave the poor lad alone. he gets a shekel a line and he needs the money. it’s not much but it’s the only job he can do – he didn’t make the grade as a road sweeper.

Johny cash

pathetic russia the laughing stock of the world. brain dead fools thinks russia is doing magnificently lmfao one humiliation after the other, russia now relies on poverty striken country like africa and india and kazakhstan iran and north korea ,north korea lmao. putin the best slava putin😂😂😂slava his braindead followers who thinks russia is doing a wonderful job


better to rely on strong bric countries as equal partner than to rely on the usa as a vassal. no thanks.

Johny cash

any western american vassal is doing tremendously better than the pathetic russians. you cant deny how pathetic they are for such a huge country their people should be like the swiss or saudis level rich per capita yet theyre poorer than a tiny island nation of ireland lmfao


4th largest economy in the world, ahead of japan and germany. full employment, strong economic growth, high investment, low inflation, very low debt – according to the yankee world bank. all western economies are going down the toilet.


you have to take this comment seriously the guy thinks india is poor, what a ridiculous bot

Johny cash

3.5 trillion economy for a population of 1.4 billion is basically starving lmfao. uk economy is 3.2 with only a measly 65million population so in another words dirty india is dirt poor oh and cant forget their measly gdp per capita of 3.2k usd lmfao theyre as pathetic as the russians lol. you might eant to up yoir standards if you think india india is rich😂😂😂😂😂how embarrassing. if india is rich to tour standards the chinese must be super duper filthy rich

Boris Orlov

central europe is the best place to be, peaceful, educated, blessed with beauty and culture. unfortunately, the ukrainians are too stupid to see this. we invited them but they only want money. uk and the us envy us for our history and culture, for wellbeing and education. that’s why they strive only for money and have nothing elss.


they think the streets of the eu are paved with gold. maybe they should have asked the greeks about that.


india – 3rd largest economy in the world.

Johny cash

dirty pajeey are u blind i explained how poor and stinky u lots are. dirty fucks


how are the ukrainians doing? how has the failed ukrainian cia project done since the 2014 us coup in kiev?




il est parvenu sous les radars des kapos des presstiputes et de leurs cohortes , une autre analyse moins farfelue a la fois 1) d’ une operation de diversion en vue d’une plus vaste operation ukrotantouze visant la region sud et 2) de pousser la russie dans la voie de la guerre declarée mondiale … 3) pour faire oublier les escrocs des faillites economiques de l’ouest

Ghost of Moscow 🌪️⚡⚰️

yeah nice try south-front! but no one believes this b.s. article, that’s trying to shift blame from the incompetence of the russian leadership onto zelensky! if the russians set a trap then why has ukraine penetrated so far in their territory, when over a quarter million civilians had to be evacuated. and a couple hundred russian soildiers captured, and putin is calling the border leaders panicking trying to figure out what to do!


time will tell.


a few ukies running around taking selfies in deserted hamlets and skulking around in woodland does not constitute a blitzkrieg.


what’s your source for the exchanges between v putin and the border leaders?

Ghost of Moscow 🌪️⚡⚰️

trunews, i will found out which news organization originally reported on it, because tru-news just gives you reports on the news that’s already out there, but they are able to connect dots that no other news organization can!

Last edited 6 months ago by Ghost of Moscow 🌪️⚡⚰️

ο αρθρογραφοσ, μπερδευει τισ πολιτικεσ ορολογιεσ ! η ουκρανια, δεν εχει “ναζιστικο καθεστωσ” ! οι δυτικεσ, “ψευδο-δημοκρατιεσ” δεν ειναι “ναζισμοσ” ! ειναι “κοινοβουλευτικα καθεστωτα ! δεν ειναι δημοκρατιεσ ! δεν ειναι γερμανικοσ εθνικοσοσιαλισμοσ η’ ιταλικοσ φασισμοσ !!!


αποψη μου ειναι οτι, εχει αρχισει η “αντιστροφη μετρηση” για τον ζελενσκι ! θα του χρεωσουν την αποτυχια του κουρσκ οπου οι νατο’ι’κοι τον παρεσυραν και την καταστροφη των αγωγων που εκαναν οι αμερικανοι-αγγλοι-πολωνοι-νορβηγοι !!!


when many theories fly around, they dont want you to know the truth. that means its british operation


americans, plausible denial and dump the massive blunder on the zelensky regime. this will excellerate afu’s demise much fast. why because you can lie about simple numbers.

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