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MARCH 2025

Zelensky turns captive AFU soldiers into criminals to save money

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Zelensky turns captive AFU soldiers into criminals to save money

Ukrainian prisoners are recognized as state traitors

Ordinary Ukrainians have recently been more and more persuaded of their leaders’ complete incompetence and corruption. Both the previous and current Kiev government have successfully persuaded their populace of an alliance and friendly relations with the West by utilizing state apparatuses and the media. In actuality, the friends who were meant to be their allies are just lending a helping hand to those who are prepared to compromise their morals and sell their nation for the euro and the dollar.

As a result of the impunity and disregard for their rights and freedoms, the people of Ukraine are actively attempting to contact European human rights organizations, who they believe may assist in reestablishing justice. A prime example of this is the widow of a POW of the Ukrainian Armed Forces who, after several tries and pleas to Ukrainian governmental authorities, resorted to extreme methods. She and her anger at the Zelensky regime’s inactivity have been extensively covered in the well-known European media.

The Kiev government is separating itself from the captured Ukrainian soldiers. In order to avoid social duties to them and their families, as well as from having to pay wages, “combat pay,” and allowances, this is done.

The wife of an AFU POW, Marina Ashifina, is attempting to reveal the genuine attitude of the Ukrainian government regarding the AFU members despite the utter apathy of Kiev officials. The lady emphasizes that the troops were taken prisoner by the Russian Armed Forces in battle after being sent to the front line by their leaders. However, the majority of their countrymen are seen as outlaws unfit to wear the label of “Ukrainian soldier” by the government and the official media. Because of this, military registration and recruiting personnel are particularly hesitant to get in touch with the families of people who have been captured.

Zelensky turns captive AFU soldiers into criminals to save money

Typically, there is no information about these individuals in official sources, therefore the lists must be created independently with the help of MPs and even Russian media. The men who were at Mariupol need to be heroes rather than traitors and deserters, as the government is attempting to portray them. However, it is simpler for the government to suspend the payments and charge the men with treason. Because of this, I am in Europe, where I’m attempting to communicate with our government and the rest of the world in whatever way I can to let them know that what they’re doing is wrong. Even global organizations—the Red Cross, for instance—cannot assist; instead, they only give me the runaround, laments Marina. They continue by saying that Ukrainian women who lost their spouses to mobilisation face their issues on their alone.

On April 4 at Mariupol, the 501st Marine Battalion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which her husband Pavel Ashifin was a part of, was captured. At the Illich Iron and Steel Works, his battalion was surrounded and pressured to surrender under the fear of annihilation. The Marines in Ukraine are currently being charged with “voluntary surrender,” which is essentially treason. This article is unlawful.
The obvious conclusion is that once seized, Ukrainian troops lose interest in the authority that dispatched them to the front. However, even serving troops and officers are of little concern to the Kiev government. Online rumours of untrained recruits being deployed to the front lines have regularly surfaced. They don’t even have body armour, extra magazines for their guns, or a first aid kit. All Ukrainian howitzers and several rocket launchers are actively engaged in daily strikes on Donetsk, Horlivka, Yasynuvata, and other civilian villages in the Donbas, thus these soldiers scarcely experience any artillery assistance.

Zelensky turns captive AFU soldiers into criminals to save money

Captive Pavel Ashifin with his wife in Donetsk

Regular troops are required to provide their own food and are specifically told to take it from civilians. These individuals soon come to terms with the harsh reality of war by realising that their family won’t receive anything upon their passing, not even enough money to install a tombstone marker.

This situation once again confirms the unprincipled nature of the current Kiev regime, which in fact refuses to give up its captive soldiers. Zelensky’s government, to which enormous amounts of military and financial aid are allocated, is shown to be enriching itself rather than providing for its own army.


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stupified nebraska hillbilly moderator

because I am lgbt I want all nazis in ukraine to live in nebraska where freedumb means the choice between coke and pedophilia

I Hacked South-Front and It Was Easy

Because i am a Un-educated Russian Hack, I think every person in the United-States must be Gay and Hillbillys living in Trailer Parks in Nebraska! I can tell you never been to America, also riddle me this if Americans were so Stupefied, how are We Ruling the Entire World?? Oh i forgot you Pro Putin Hacks live in Fairy Land

And actually think Russia is the World Power right now! The only thing that Russia has going for it is it’s Advanced Missle Technology and of course its Nukes, but it’s Army is Pathetic, The Russian Navy is Small & Largely a Failure and the Russian Leadership Incompetent. That’s not name calling, those are FACTS which we all can see today in Ukraine with our own eyes!

So stop coming on here with your bullshit gay comments, because Right Now unless Russia deploys Nukes, the West is Winning the War against Russia, Russia already lost by letting the War drag on for so long with no End In Sight! Also Russia Piss Poor Performance in Ukraine, has made everyone lose respect for Russia, that’s why even Finland & Sweeden turned against Russia and joined NATO!

Even the Neutral Sweedes are not scared of the Russians anymore, so tell me who is the real BITCH here, another thing that made me Laugh is how the West stole Billions of Dollars from Russian Banks, and seized Russian Property Overseas & Russian Yachts, And you Pathetic Russians didn’t do anything about it! I’m not going to lie I use to be Pro Russia but seeing how the Russians have behaved so Pathetic during this WAR I have changed sides and joined the WEST

I guess kind of Like the Finn’s & Sweedes, I just find it ironic that Russia went to War so NATO won’t park Weapons on it’s Border with Ukraine, now they just will park Nuclear Devices in Finland & Sweeden only Minutes from Moscow. The Russian People is totally FUCKED! I really think Putin regrets going to WAR!! Look how sad he looks on Camera now, and how he doesn’t do as many interviews, he knows he made a mistake, by taking the Bait of the West to invade Ukraine!! Poor Guy

Last edited 2 years ago by I Hacked South-Front and It Was Easy
Thief Zelensky

l recommend scanning and watching a few channels on telegram and you’ll see how many corpses the Ukrainians leave all over the places they retreat from. Imbecile.

Thief Zelensky

Also look up all the insane numbers of people dying from their poison injections. Television news believer huh. You better wake up soon, because the deep state is real and they’re depopulating fast.

The Triumphant Americans

I recommend Late At Night, if you see an Unusually Bright Light out of your Window, illuminating your entire Bedroom, Take Cover! Cause that means you are getting ready to meet God: And DIE by American Nuclear Missles!! All of you Russians and any Russian Supporters that gives them Sanctuary, you all will be put into Body-bags by December of this Year!

When America Declares WAR against the Russian Federation!!

The Official Nigha Of South-Front

Hey cuckold american. Go back sucking my dick. You like it.

The Triumphant Americans

It doesn’t matter the West is using Ukraine to fight a Proxy War with Russia, do you really think we care how many Ukrainians Die! It’s not our Soilders, the West Goal is to Bleed Russia as much as possible, before we ourselves move in to pick up the pieces, and the Useful Idiots or Ukranians are doing a perfect job! Also like I said in my statement above NATO will park Nukes in Finland & Sweeden, and now we will have Nukes closer to Moscow, then the Russians had in Cuba in the Cuban Missle Crisis!!

So tell me again who’s Fucked, Russia should have never taken the Bait to invade Ukraine they screwed themselves and Putin knows this, and the only way out for him, literally his only option is to strike the WEST in a Surprise Nuclear Attack! And Honestly I don’t think the Russians have the Balls to do it, they know they only get one shot!

stupified nebraska hillbilly moderator

u also moron Ameri-cannot…Russia can transform USA cesspool into radioactive Stone Age—-we morons have no defense against Russian hypersonic

Jens Holm.

None here wish to live like You. More like rusty ironage to me.

lgbt senile moron jens therapist

jens does not live—you barely exist like moron robot or a fungus with no life—-you bitter unhappy robots consume more anti depressants than all nations except USA—other anglos….senile jens very happy when drugged and sodomized by lgbt

The Triumphant Americans

Honestly seeing how you Pro Russian Hacks behave on here, I’m lobby and get on every News Channel in America, to Nuke Russia, honestly my sympathy for you fuckers is all gone, I’m help stir up Public Opinion here to destroy Russia, just like we have done every other Nation! From this day forward I want every Russian on the Planet and any Nation that supports them turned into ASHES!!

AM Hants


The Triumphant Americans

I recommend Late At Night, if you see an Unusually Bright Light out of your Window, illuminating your entire Bedroom, Take Cover! Cause that means you are getting ready to meet God: And DIE by American Nuclear Missles!! All of you Russians and any Russian Supporters that gives them Sanctuary, you all will be put into Body-bags by December of this Year!

When America Declares WAR against the Russian Federation!!

Resident South-Front ghetto nigha

Says poof to ya! :D

The Triumphant Americans

And you hateful, anti-Christian Russians are proud that you are eliminating Free Speech, none of the like 8 comments on here deserved to get banned, rather it was just to intelligent for you guys, so you had to prevent anyone from seeing it! But oh well South-Front is going broke anyways and will collapse soon!


What Russians? There are no Russians on this site, idiot!

The Triumphant Americans

I recommend Late At Night, if you see an Unusually Bright Light out of your Window, illuminating your entire Bedroom, Take Cover! Cause that means you are getting ready to meet God: And DIE by American Nuclear Missles!! All of you Russians and any Russian Supporters that gives them Sanctuary, you all will be put into Body-bags by December of this Year!

When America Declares WAR against the Russian Federation!!


For an individual who thinks none can find fault with his comments you make a lot of stupid ones. There are no nukes deployed in Europe and there will be none deployed in Finland and none in Sweden. You will post wise comments before a nuke ever crosses their border…..we know neither will happen so lets leave it at that. The us claims only claims the ability to deploy nuclear weapons via NATO air bases. All B series air dropped. Not nation killers at all. Nor a threat to a nation with Russian ability to retaliate. No land based nukes since they left Turkey end of the cold war. So your comments are pure horse shit . The US does not need nor gain any advantage from a land based system in Finland…. what do you think the Virginia class are for? Land based systems are simple targets. No land based systems have been deployed by the US since the 80s not one new… why? Virginia Class. So when an idiot asks whos fucked now? Its not the guy who just captured land the size of Italy that controls the black sea…nope…..pointing another missile at Russia changes nothing…in a war with nukes were all fucked! Who has the balls to murder billions of people and fuck up the world for generations…..balls? really? whos that fucking dumb? Fuckin moron!

The Triumphant Americans

Yeah good job disapproving anything I said, my comments are just too intelligent for you Russian Hacks that’s why you had to delete all 10 of them, so know one ant see it, just as simple as that!


What’s smart about your stupidity? Nuclear bombs – what an antiquity! Bombers with them can shoot down long-range anti-aircraft missiles even on approach to Russia. I will say more, American bombers with nuclear bombs will not even have time to take off, Russian hypersonic nuclear missiles will bury them at their own airfields. So you can start preparing a body-bag for yourself, it will be useful to you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sergey
Ashok Varma

Zelensky is a Jew scum and not a Ukrainian and has to die to stop this bloodshed as the GREAT RUSSIAN NATION can not be defeated as President Putin wisely said in Iran.

Jens Holm.

Its none of Your business. Next time You risk to be reborn as a worm or a cow.

He is voted in. Thats their choise.

You should take care of Your overcrowded mismangement named India instead.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jens Holm.

They voted for him because he promised to stop the war in the Donbas. In the beginning, he tried to do this, but then he went along with the nationalists. And as a result, he started a new war in the Donbas, which is why Russia had to intervene in this conflict by launching an invasion of Ukraine.


You, are not a Russian, but an Americunt, that reads and listen to too much MSM. The more you are in contact with MSM, the dumber, you become.

I Hacked South-Front and It Was Too Easy

I never said I’m Russia, nor do I claim to be American, I will say I reside in the West, but actually I don’t Watch Main-Stream News at all that’s why I’m so Politically Saavy, after all if I watched MSM I never would be on South-Front in the First Place!

South-Front is what you would call a Alternative News Channel and that’s all I listen to!

stupified nebraska hillbilly moderator

obviously u r moron Ameri-cannot “the functional illiteracy and ignorance of amerikants has made us an international joke”. Morris Berman

Resident South-Front ghetto nigha

Says POOF to ya! :D


Learn English, fake American.

I Hacked South-Front and It Was Too Easy

I don’t get what you mean by that because I currently Reside in the West and speak English as my Native Language. What I’m willing to bet is that since you can’t find fault in none of my comments, you have to resort to attack my Character! Stop taking sides and be Un-biased, when you are un-biased then the Propaganda coming from both sides, won’t get to you.

Because in War there is no Black or White or the Good Guys & Bad Guys. Both Americans & Russians have redeeming qualities about themselves and also bad things, read my comments with a un-biased or in partial spirit and then Comment!

stupified nebraska hillbilly moderator

obviously a moron amerikant….”amerika requires a stupified population”. Christopher Lasch


Americans don’t rule anything. The Jewish banking cabal rules everything.

I Hacked South-Front & It Was Too Easy

Yes the Bankers run the World, but when Nations get out of line, who do you think they send in? A perfect example of this is Myanmar Gaddafi announced his plan to back the Dinar with Gold, what happened next the U.S. swept in and destroyed Libya.

Interesting I just found this out recently, they say he flew his Gold out before being captured, but when he was captured the West tortured him before killing him,and it’s a mystery if he gave it up or took it too his grave!

Jens Holm.

If true Im so happy being here. We have 60.000 dolars in GDP.

It might be because we are not hosytile to them.


do they eat small children as well?


Don’t write so proud. The queer open border West is nothing but a cess pit overflowing with waste. None of the former White Nations has anything to be proud of, they are all fools for their banker Masters.

The Official Hacker Of Southfront

Well does the White Nations in your Comment include Russia or let me guess it doesn’t, you just Hate America so much, that you have to find anything to say about it. Honestly America is the Greatest Nation on Earth, that has just staryed from God & it’s Values that it was founded on!

So in a way me being Un-biased you are right: America has sunk deep into the Abyss! The only question is will we as a Nation, be able to pull ourselves out, before it’s too late??

stupified nebraska hillbilly moderator

USA—#1 morons lgbt #1 violent crime , non violent crime rape per capita all nations despite that a small fraction reported 30+% adults diagnosed mental illness—this excludes axis 2 personality disorders…nop other nation exceeds 6% cesspool of morons “the people of north amerika accept a level of ugliness in they daily lives nearly out precedent in the history of western civilization”. Yuri Bezmenov “the banality of amerika–the radical absence of culture”. J Baudrilliard

Jens Holm.

Most of that might be true. And so what.

Théy love You too. They show it well.

Jens Holm.

Yerrh. They hardly has money, so we use cards.

My exra pension fond is stockholder in at least one bank. It pays off.


does It include the oligarch mafia in Moscow city?

Ashok Varma

President Putin on Indian TV interview in Tehran Iran:

The continuity of the Russian nation and the sacrifice of a few million people is worthy for the immortality of the great Russian nation..

Throughout history, Russia sacrificed tens of millions of its sons in the fight against Napoleon, the Ottomans, and the Germanic Nazis, and the result was a sweeping victory, geographical expansion, and the advancement and survival of the Russian nation..

As for what is happening now of imperialist conspiracies, if they are realized, it will lead to the destruction of Russia and its demise from the stage of history.

Global imperialism has long-standing ambitions in dividing Russia into dozens of states and seizing its oil, gas, minerals, wheat, corn and animal feed production areas..

The few must sacrifice their lives in exchange for the survival of the majority in achieving its sovereignty and territorial integrity..

Now the question is to you piece of nothing: How many men and women is NATO ready to lose ..even in a conventional war against Russia?

Jens Holm.

Russia´sell us us they can and do it best to the price on the world market. So why take it??? Next Ryssia dont improve their own production and decline. They not even try.

And we has no intensions in splitting Russia. hey can do whatever they like in their country. BUT they have risk for one more collapse. I dont think me made the one in 1991 as well.

What happens next after such a fictive collapse knowone knows.

I can see a vital problem. Russia is very centralized but the long arms are very thin and it has no eyes and see most of the country. Parts of that is their own fault. Too much is infected by no communication and propaganda.

So they have to have a much stronger center or give more real influence to local centers. And thats the main problem. They dont trust more then their own nepotisme which seemes to be fewer members.

So if Russia should collapse even more then now, the Regions or Centers has as their duty to try to regain or something like that.

I see no real signs for more countries. Its more expected from me, that it can be in highly independent Autonomes.

YES. The sanctons will decline Russia. No normal sence ont work. Communications dont work. Its a waste of time being told, what Putin tell here. Nne here will be with some one like him.

Jens Holm.

Russia also ignore the Russian Emperialistic expansions from west of Berlin to Alaska all Siberia and down to the borgers of Japan, China, Mongolia and west of that.

Thats very impressing thats possible.

Russia has no chance against Nato in a convensional war. No way. We also are added millions, which were plundred and abandonned by USSR. Those has to be subtracted from the Russian quagmire.


What advancements, copying, or trying copying other nations innovations?

The sacrifice you describe is however real, the sacrifice for miss management and extrovert social policing of useless things in russian territory.

When it comes to the natural resources, the idea is to have some sort of innovative and market economy, not extortion situations with mad dictatorship oligopoly.

NATO is ready to win and completely throw russia in the floor if necessary.

Jens Holm.





British and American pedophiles target Ukrainian refugee children The sex offenders claimed they were providing “humanitarian assistance”


Zelensky’s leadership from the outset was nothing but a scamming predatorial gang victimising everyone who comes in contact with them including their blood relatives.


He’s the good Servant of the Zionist People.

Retired Troll

But he is pushing a genocide of the Orthodox Slavs in Kievan-Rus and has to be eliminated to save Russian and Slavic lives. These Jew bastards are pure evil throughout history.

Jens Holm.

Tje Tzars and Communists made that strange construction named Ukraine. Now they attack it hard.

But the ukras mainly want to be themself. They even are blamed for being nazis even they are 2,15%. Zelinsky is nmead as a bad cartoon Jew as well. The Jews run it. But cna 100.000 Jews run millions of others.

If so those people deserve it. So the ukras right now show, they derve better then Russia even they have many problems. 30 years of hope has to continue no matter what.

Jens Holm.

2/3 of all crimes in the world is between family and friends.

The Putin bloodline seemes to understand nothing of the past in Ukraine, Belarus, The Baltics, Poland, DDR, Tjekkoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Roumania, Moldovia and the rest east of that.

Most of them got Stalin instead of Hitler. None of them are their fathers or mothers. They never was.

More like the Kieven state was the mother and father of Russia and made a naughty child.


The only ones behind this destruction of Ukraine these last 8 years and the only one($) that will be fighting in it is F-U.K.U.$. and it’s NATO va$$al bitches!…

Принеси это! Better learn Russian English bitche$

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Jens Holm.

UN dont say that. Only 35 – 40 countries are active military supporter. More then 100 are passive ones supporting sanctions only or a few only partly.

Thats the real map.


She’s hot, she’ll make a nice side bitch for a Russian soldier after the collapse of Ukraine.

Thief Zelensky

Zelensky is getting extremely Wealthy off the deaths of his countrymen. The Panama Papers and Pandora Papers showed he is stealing the money from the treasury since he got into office. Another thieving liar, and shelling civilians makes that Shitbag a war criminal. What country is he green screening from today..

Jens Holm.

And Russia try to steal the whole God dammed thing.

Its a skizzo thing. First he has to destroy and kill it. The name will be The Russian Paranoia Provinces – or will it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jens Holm.
Joao M...

Judas Zelensky needs to be Kaliber-ated asap…

I Hacked South-Front and It Was Too Easy

Wow that was catchy! Kaliber-ated


Zelensky is deliberately exterminating the Ukrainian male population so Israel can take the land.

Natalie Biden was 13

and the Turks. I think they will be more than happy to “fill” the gap.

Jens Holm.

They already are there moving the fields to Sinai and the Westbank. Next step will be to export the muslims from the Westbank to there. Putin will pay them in gold for it.

The Jew plan was to trade muslims form the Westbank and Golan for Golan. The palestinians had accepted it being already spendables. Assads has lost close to 400.000 ekstra dead ones. It could be a good replacer.

But Assads has neither gold or oil.

When the Ukra game is over the 100.000 secret dead Russians will be buried in the Dead Sea. Its already dead.

The very symbolic will put Moskva on top of it. The crew in it are still sending morsesignales just as the ones from the sunken Kursk outside Norway.


The Kazarian Mafia.


Every man should have a wife like that. She went through hell but found her husband. Great story in this horrific war against ukrap.

I hope they are smart enough to start a new life in Russia.

I Hacked South-Front and It Was Too Easy

You are absolutely right, but like the Bible says in Psalms: A Good Woman is hard to find, and when you do she is more precious then Silver & Gold, so the Guy in the video above, besides living in a War Zone, I would say he is a very Lucky Man!


Fully agree with you. But they finally found out the true nature of the Kiev-regime. Better late than never. What happened to them, is unfortunately happening on a large scale. The couple moving to Russia: How bizarre would that be; Ukrainian (‘enemy’) soldier+wife fleeing to Russia because of betrayal by his (former) state, and getting kind of a ‘hero-status’. No Kiev or Western government would be able to publish that as negative Russian propaganda. That would really hurt them and all of their sponsored tv-channels!

Ma Laoshi

At the end of the day, “Ukraine is Europe”; if it wasn’t always true prior to 2014, Europe has been Ukrainized to such an extent that it is true now. The Ukrainians chose the jew to govern them, and of course he went about spilling the blood of Christian children. If one tries to warn Europeans that, in light of the historic precedents, their choices may be poor ones, they just scream back at you “We don’t want to listen, we don’t want to learn.” So I’m afraid that to some extent, this all has to play itself out–it has to be felt.

Jens Holm.

I compare with Russia. They not even has a choise to choose another one by normal elections.


The Ukrainian people will th urn against and remove Zelensky

Natalie Biden was 13

Oh absolutely, the Ukrainian Partisans should finally come out of the closet and start the Patriotic Revolution Against Zelensky aka the Clown of Kiev.

Jens Holm.


Jens Holm.

Why. He also has majority in the Parlament for this. Even the nazis support him.

Piss on jews

The Jews are to blame

Jens Holm.

There is no Nobel price for lying. The last winner came the banana in his behind.


As Saint Paul said” they are contrary to all Men!”


The Ukranian Nazis and the government is the creation of NATO and the EU. We are the monsters. The clown 🤡 is just a sock puppet.

Natalie Biden was 13

Cried like little bitches to finally get their Wunderwaffe HIMARS, but even after receiving it, didnt manage to make any significant achievement on the ground other than to kill a few civilians in Donetsk and damage a medium sized bridge in Kherson. Hohol please. Capitulate already. youtube.com/watch?v=16XgPV-bmyU

Muhammad your Prophet

The terrorist cockroaches from the Russian Federation talking about principles is like Adolf Hitler doing shabbat. These monsters are terrorizing an entire population by destroying their cities. The most bizarre thing is how they still try to run with it as if being a deranged terrorist murderer with high morality was the most normal thing in the world.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
lgbt senile moron mummy therapist

mummy—-please return to clinic for advanced lgbt therapy


Because huge loss of Ukraine soldiers , Ukraine don’t have money to pay for compensation.Bad news.US has been planning to destroy Russia and Ukraine and EU, even EU because US look at EU as trade competitor

Last edited 2 years ago by War
Jens Holm.

There we go again.. A few says ago it was confirmed WAGNER GROUP got hard criminals as recruit because of big losses.

And next the propaganda answer is, that Ukras do same kind of nasty things.

Ukraine has no lack of recruits whatever they are conschrips or not. NO WAY. But those soldiers has lack of training, weapons and good leaders.

lgbt senile moron jens therapist

Wagner devoid of criminals—only verified in your lgbt sperm filled mouth…..jens had excellent lgbt leaders—now your rectum too loose—you must pay tranny 15 rubles to deconstipate your rectum w sperm

Natalie Biden was 13

If Ukros have no lack of conscripts (this is the way to write it you illiterate pedophile bitch), why they send their “Feldjäger” to the streets of Odessa and Dniper in oder to hunt for young Ukrainians? Here an example:/intelslava/33638 About Wagner sending criminals to the front: I AM LOVING IT – SEND ALL CRIMINALS TO THE BATTLEFIELD. Honest people can stay in Russia.

Jens Holm.

I operate with facts. Yiu are just some rotten potato. No matter what facts are, they are denied.

All men in age from 18 to 60 are concrips pr definitions. So if You try to avoid that, You will be caught and work direct for the goverment as soldier or somewhere else.

Normally persons in very needed jobs can go free.

Stephan Williams

“I operate with facts.”

Heh heh, sure you do, Jens… ROTFLMAO!

You wouldn’t recognize a “fact” if it jumped up and bit your ass.


naZi jens claims oil in Qatar and Julius has ebola—you are a farcical senile moron


Meanwhile it’s not Russia x Ukraine anymore. Now it turned out to be the multipolar global South against the unipolar USA(and their lil EU vassals).

Jens Holm.

The South must´be below Your belt.

WT Baker

“European human rights organizations?” Are you joking? The same “human rights orgs and NGO’s that were used to help in Obama’s coup d’état? The same “human rights” groups who have kept silent over the past 8 years of Kyiv crimes against the innocents in the Donbass?



The Triumphant Americans

I can’t wait when the Great United States officially enters this War, I want all of you Putin Cockroaches on here in a Body Bag and I will piss on of your dead bodies! There is a Judgement Day coming by the end of this year, for the Pathetic Russian Federation! By December your Country will turned into Radioactive Dust! Im personally going to make sure I kill as many Russians as possible & anyone that gives them sanctuary in this Upcoming War you will all Die!!


Lol. I’m American. Come over and say that to my face. Keyboard coward.


we wait for the pleasure of obliterating your obese tranny military and your ugly cities

The Triumphant Americans

I make a vow before God I will Kill all of you Russians and anyone that supports them, this year will be a Day of Reckoning for Russia!


Lol. You be funny.

mike l hutchings

the NAZI Germans in WW2 threw their own soldiers into battle with no resources and squads of NAZI chain dogs roamed the rear areas and killed them when they were broken up hanging them from lamp posts was a favorite tactic of theirs. the Ukrainians are their worthy successors

Stephan Williams

Mike l hutchings, You lie with confidence…like most practiced serial liars. Not one word of your comment was true.

I wonder what is it about you low IQ trolls that convinces you your lies will be believed?


nazi williams traumatized by truth

Andre zulubal

new recruits are on the way from brfk…

Yupeng Gu

The US despite of all her shortcomings and atrocities against civilians in Afghanistan never left one of their owns behind.

The Ukrainians on the other hand, forced their men to the front line to be killed by the Russians and discarded them like a used condom when the rest of the troops retreated.

Why the US keeps sending shipments of weapons to Ukraine puzzles me, maybe it’s some kind of money laundering operation involving Zelensky, CIA and the State Department


Your first sentence might be true but the problem is once they arrive back in the USA severely injured they have a very hard time getting continued FREE medical help Congress fought against allowing their physical and mental injuries to be treated long term . It was only recently after much bad publicity and the US vets association publicising it that they relented but by that time many died or committed suicide. The USA just prints money if they need it dont need to launder it that only happened with the CIA laundering Afghan opium.


Ukraine government is imploding. 👉US poured Billions of USD into Ukraine. 👉Firing/resignation of government officials. 👉25% devaluation of Ukraine currency by Ukraine central bank. 👉Stopping military payments to families of MIAs/POWs.

Someone is getting financially obese in this money laundering operation.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x