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Zelensky’s Laughable ‘Victory Plan’ Seems To Be ‘Working’ – He Already Got $8 Billion

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Zelensky's Laughable 'Victory Plan' Seems To Be 'Working' – He Already Got $8 Billion

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

In the last two and a half years, the Neo-Nazi junta frontman Volodymyr Zelensky pitched a number of “peace” plans, formulas, platforms and whatnot. Last year, the so-called Crimea Platform was all the rage, with the United States pressuring numerous countries to join this effectively void initiative. Then came the so-called “peace summits” in Switzerland, with Zelensky insisting everyone should come except the one country that actually matters – Russia. Supported by the US/EU/NATO, he kept pushing until many countries started signaling that such events are pointless and a waste of everyone’s time. By mid-July, the Kiev regime realized it would lose even the formal “support” that Washington DC and Brussels gathered through “diplomacy” (i.e. blackmail, coercion and arm-twisting). As the battlefield situation kept deteriorating, Zelensky suddenly became “open to the idea” of Russia attending the next “peace summit”.

However, the Kremlin was on the verge of laughing in the face of those who suggested this, refusing to take part in the political West’s ludicrous games. The “peace plan” that was offered to Moscow effectively boiled down to capitulation at a time when its forces were already making steady gains across the frontline, but particularly in the Donbass, by far the most heavily contested region in the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. Thus, in order to shift attention away from its collapsing defenses, the Neo-Nazi junta resorted to the most daring PR stunt yet – the Kursk oblast (region) incursion. Expectedly, this also turned out to be a disaster, with the political West itself frustrated by the way the Kiev regime forces were wasting precious resources while the defenses in the Donbass failed to stop the Russian advance. Zelensky’s PR team was now essentially out of new phrases/tropes and realized there won’t be any “peace summits” with Russia.

That was when the Neo-Nazi junta finally decided to recycle the old one – “winning the war”. All of a sudden, the word “peace” was replaced and now we got a “victory plan” once again. Obviously, such “grand schemes” require more money, so Zelensky traveled to the US and spent around a week there in late September, formally pitching the latest “victory plan” to the troubled Biden administration. Many pro-Trump Americans were frustrated by this and even argued that Zelensky was engaged in election meddling, as he visited Pennsylvania, the top swing state. On September 26, the White House hosted Zelensky, where he and Biden happily announced that the Kiev regime would immediately get $400 million, while the US pledged another $8 billion in so-called “aid”. Apparently, Zelensky was frustrated as Washington DC refused to allow the use of NATO-sourced long-range weapons, so he was given all those billions to “lighten up”.

The Neo-Nazi junta frontman officially presented his “victory plan” to the troubled Biden administration, prompting the Trump campaign to call Zelensky “the greatest salesman on Earth”. Obviously, anyone familiar with the way this works knows that the so-called “Ukraine aid” is just another way to get more taxpayer’s dollars back into the US and straight into the coffers of the DNC and Biden crime family. The latest revelations about this scheme show that the warmongering oligarchy in Washington DC initiated the Ukrainian crisis over a decade ago precisely for this reason. However, at least part of these promised funds will surely end in Ukraine, where they’ll be used to bribe numerous Kiev regime officials, but also prolong the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. The unfortunate populace of the NATO-occupied country is paying the price, while the rest of us get to live in fear of uncontrollable thermonuclear escalation.

This still leaves the obvious question – what is this “victory plan” about? It wouldn’t be the first time that the Neo-Nazi junta is claiming that it can “win”, but it “just needs this one game changer”. So far, only nuclear weapons and aircraft carriers haven’t been delivered to its forces. However, nothing worked, so how would this new “plan” turn the tide? Russian offensive capabilities only keep growing, with a deadly combination of artillery dominance and air superiority aided by unrivaled long-range strike systems. Not even NATO itself can match that, let alone the battered Kiev regime forces. The latest assessments only confirmed previous findings about their atrocious casualty ratio, which is why the Russian military is advancing much faster across the frontlines. The Neo-Nazi junta simply doesn’t have the manpower and equipment to prevent this, forcing it to continuously pull back to new defensive positions.

Thus, Zelensky’s “victory plan” effectively boils down to an over the top wishlist counting on a Russia-NATO escalation. In simpler terms, the political West needs to go to war with Moscow to prevent the Kiev regime’s complete defeat. Unsurprisingly, many in Washington DC aren’t really happy about this, as going to war with nuclear-armed Russia would mean the end of America itself, particularly as Moscow has an advantage in terms of both quality and quantity. Its strategic arsenal is second to none and the Pentagon is surely aware of this. Zelensky’s “victory plan” is yet to be publicly revealed, but senior US officials who have seen it say there’s nothing original or innovative in it. On September 25, The Wall Street Journal quoted one who said that he’s “unimpressed”, as “there’s not much new there”. It can only be concluded that the Neo-Nazi junta and its overlords simply want to keep the NATO-orchestrated war going for as long as possible.


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2/3 of the sum stay in the us, in the pockets of the washington’s swamp and they want more.

Last edited 5 months ago by Антон

the us has used this “reduce, reuse and recycle” program for decades. they were able to create the petro-dollar, rake off massive profits from the early-seventies oil shocks, pay for all their foreign bases for five decades, and then recoup all the money from iran and saudi through the military-industrial complex. even the jewish supremacists basically send the portions not stolen through graft back to the us when they buy their baby-killing equipment.


zionists getting several billions annually as free military supply. few years ago it was 3 bln, now 4. this is military base of washington, need to pay for that. egypt receives free military supplies too, but amount was reduced in the same time when zionists got more. visible limits of money printing.


saudi purchases $tens of billions in arms from the us. saudi buys more than uae buys $tens of billions from the us mic. kuwait has purchased more us weapons since 1950 than germany. a few billion here and there to the client states in the middle-east is a drop in the bucket. the fmf is not gifted military supplies. the recipients get grants to buy the weapons. the money goes in a circle from the us to the client, back to the us.


no clyde’s dale raytheon boeing and lockheed get the $billions.


no raytheon boeing and lockheed are english not zionists. get real bubbsy.


guess you have no frikken clue who owns and manages the bulk of the voting shares of any of those companies, or you might have answered correctly… no points for you. fail.


just stop pretending you don’t know the real facts for a change. it’s common knowledge the opec nations create the petro dollar and the biggest players are the royals with bp and the oranges shell company and the english created house of saud .


pretending??? look whose talking…

Buffalo Bill

don’t mind him. he’s bipolar and sometimes gets stuck spinning between the poles.


yup…sad truth… russians invent hypersonic missiles, uk and eu respond with useless bottle caps that stay attached to the bottle after opening, making it a bitch to drink yer frikken water, so we can haz save the whales being murdered with weather control weapons, doppler and sonar… futile retards is what we haz… dang shame…


people have very little understanding of how ingrained and vast the corruption in the us is today. one example is how bloated some of the defense contracts have become — but part of that is because the defense companies launder the taxpayer money and donate it back to politicians in various forms. the ukraine aid is no different. politicians enrich themselves both through insider trading and grift.


+ hundreds of thousands dollars for single lecture and million for a book of ex-president or another high-ranking official. lobbying is pure corruption.


indeed. lobbying has become a legalized, systemic form of corruption. it is so vast at this point, that it is accelerating the decline of the middle class by undermining the economy that such taxpayer grift depends on in the first place. but the greed and wickedness has an insatiable appetite and it is too vast and entrenched for any one group to do anything about it. it would take a historic moment like a civil war/ revolution to restore ethics and save the usa from imploding.


… it is also another parallel that any historian can draw with the fall of the roman empire. specifically, in relation to the overextension and the insidiousness of the elite in ravaging the motor of the economy that the whole system depended on (like a pack of rabid dogs and rats.) china seems to be playing 3d chess in comparison by enacting anti-corruption campaigns.


china and russia* both. in regards to the anti corruption campaigns.

Holy Motors

zionists blackmailing western politicians on dirty secrets have on them, that’s why they control over their countries, intelligence agencies need to find (or hack) these secrets and expose these corrupt politicians and force them to resign or even worse send them to prison .


you’re wrong about who’s blackmailing whom. brother.


prison is too good for these ‘demonic creatures’….


no the romans were inhumane. they were disgusting filthy sadistic sickos imo. they normised taking your kids to the colosseum on the weekend to have a great time watching gladiators hack one another to death, to watch christians being savagely brutally mauled to death by lions for centuries. babies were born raised lived narried raised families thnking that was normal human behaviours. .


but the people chose christianity and them unable to stamp it out had to convert themselves at least publicly the 10 commandments finished off their deorable social norms and mores and they still can’t stand to admit even. they sell honeymoon packages to book a room with a view of their glorious site of the worst human abuses ever in human history that’s their true belief.


you sound like a drunken irishman waxing on a topic he knows nothing about. clearly you were high on summat in you classics courses if you even took any… rome failed due to civial war, not paying their own troops such that they switched sides, and from devaluing their precious metal content in their coinage, to pay off loans from jewish loan sharks…who were all too happy to teach rome all about ‘penny pinching’ babylonian money magic…er fraud…which caught up with the patricians…


very well put. you’re a good writer, very articulate…gratz.


the english pay hundreds of millions for somebody dressed up to wave at them iccassionaly


grow up they get crumbs of their masters plate. pelosi got a few million f all really. today youre still middle class crap unless you’ve at least 1 poxy billion. at least then you can buy a house and a boat.

I Like Ike

8 billion, huh. that’s just about the amount needed to rebuild the damage from hurricane helene.

Holy Motors

it’s satanism. they believe people should suffer. that through their suffering, people find purpose. not unlike the quote by agent smith in the matrix: “but i believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through misery and suffering. the perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from.”


the nazi pharoanic ” freedom through work” message over the entry gates at auschwitz. worked to death.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

multiply by 20. 8 bln with western very high prices is almost nothing. total amount of spending on rural reich is over 300 bln or near two “helenes”. one zelen = two helene.


here’s another perspective the msm are hiding. “lara trump this is far worse than what’s being reported fox news. you tube. and tall about faux being transparently manipulatively passive aggressive. and they think we dont see them.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous
The ukrainian soup nazi

no soup for you! i want it all!


no senile burger for me in my murikan mulatto ghetto


oh shit, it’s so pity. hang on with your taliban astrologer.

Jewish pimp

dragos ususal bs.

Anti ortodox hysteria

drago the servian slave to any occupiers.


finally stoltenberg accepts reality –either homer simpson surrenders or former ukraine ceases to exist

Buffalo Bill

ukraine was just a fantasy dreamed up by lenin and his bolsheviks to begin with.

the problem all lies with the former trotskyite neocons to begin with. they just passed their ‘world revolution’ fantasies from trotsky’s ussr on to nato and its western flunkies.

Global Jihad Against USSA

the zionists will be defeated. we are all united on destroying them. pakistan will give nuclear weapons to iranian brothers if needed. we can put difference with india aside. we do not play by english divide and conquer tricks any longer


zelensky is only going to get a small cut of the laundering kitty…if he survives long enough to enjoy it. not sure if there are more ukrainians or more russians gunning for his head at this point in time, it’s a tough call. the aid wont make any difference now, the russian bear has caught the zionist tiger by the toe in kursk and isn’t going to let go now until the whole beast system is denazified…


my victory was nazi tattoo in idaho when i was walmart janitor


his plan is working just as good as all the “game changer” weapons and tools he asked for and got. its like playing drums with drumsticks made of wax

Planned Parenthood

zelensky’s war drums are topped in plastic wrap. the wax drumsticks are only half the problem.

Planned Parenthood

zelensky’s victory plan boils down to how to avoid defeat until after the us election. somehow, i suspect it’s not zelensky’s plan at all.

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