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MARCH 2025

Zelensky’s Wrong Turn

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Zelensky's Wrong Turn

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President Volodymyr Zelensky came to power in Ukraine speculating on the local population’s hope to get rid of Petro Poroshenko’s legacy. However, recent developments show that Zelensky is just becoming the Poroshenko 2.0.

On September 25, Zelensky made his first speech at the United Nations General Assembly. The speech was full of the Poroshenko-style rhetorics, clown’s tricks and speculations on the supposed ‘war with Russia’.

“The war in Donbas has already lasted five years and five years have passed since Russia annexed the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea. Despite the existence of international law and hundreds of organizations designed to defend it, our country defends its own sovereignty and territorial integrity with weapons in its hands and losing its citizens.

More than 13 thousand people killed. 30 thousand wounded. One and a half million people were forced to leave their homes. Every year, these monstrous numbers are heard here, but with one correction – every year these numbers get bigger.

The end of the war, the return of all the occupied Ukrainian territories and the prevailing of peace are my tasks. But not at the cost of our citizens’ lives, not at the cost of freedom or the right of Ukraine to its own choice.

That is why we need the support of the world. I understand: everyone present here has their own state concern and other people’s problems should not worry you more than your own. But in today’s world, where we live, there is no longer someone else’s war. None of you can feel safe when there is a war in Ukraine, when there is a war in Europe,” Zelensky claimed de-facto repeating Poroshenko’s speeches of the previous years.

The EU, the US and the world, in general, are tired by the Ukrainian leadership’s claims about the supposed war with Russia, in which Ukraine claims to be engaged. Instead of settling the conflict in eastern Ukraine by negotiating a peace settlement with the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, the Kiev regime is exploting the ‘threat of war’ to suck funds from the EU, the US and international institutions and explain its own economic and political failures.

This predentermined the popularity of Zelensky’s speech. The hall was almost empty.

Zelensky even mimicked Poroshenko’s image by showing a bullet to the audience instead of talking about the real questions related to the European security (like illegal arms and drugs flow from Ukraine to nearby states).

Zelensky's Wrong Turn

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Zelensky’s speech does not explain why Ukraine has not officialyl declared the war with Russia if it’s already engaged in a military confrontation with this neighbouring country. The President also ignored that during the recent years the conflict in eastern Ukraine was mostly based on daly artillery strikes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on areas controlled by the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republic causing multiple civilian casualties.

Since 2014, Ukrainian intelligence and security services detained multiple Ukrainian citizens and some Russians in Ukraine under various pretexts. Many of these people have been tortured and illegally imprisoned. The recent 35-35 ‘prisoner exchange’ between Russia and Ukraine showed that at least 22 people handed over to Moscow were not Russian citizens. So, Russia is just rescuing Ukrainian citizens from their own state. If Ukraine really believes that it’s ‘in war’, it openly violates the laws of war by torturing prisoners.

Zelensky came to power declaring that he aims to restore peace and stability in Ukraine, put an end to the conflict in the eastern part of the country and, at least, de-escalate relations with Russia. This rhetoric dominated first years of the Zelensky presidency. The European Union considered this a positive development that in the future should allow improving the security situation in Eastern Europe and restoring trade and proper economic activity in the region. Nonetheless, the further developments led to the EU disenchantment with Ukraine.

Furthermore, the Zelensky government is being infiltrated by notorious Poroshenko-era radicals and corruptionists. In particular, Zelensky appointed Anton Gerashchenko as the Ukrainian Deputy Interior Minister. Gerashchenko is widely known as a supporter of political prosecutions and murders of opposition activists and people with ‘wrong views’ in Ukraine. He’s the founder of the infamous website ‘Mirotvoretc’ that collects and releases personal data of people that criticize actions of the Kiev regime and its foreign backers. Many of people listed in Mirotvoretc died in ‘suspicious’ circumstances.

Another interesting point is that the Zelensky speech in the UN was accompanied with the publication of the Trump-Zelensky phone call transcript. In this phone call, the Ukrainian President found time to accuse Germany and France of working not enough to support Ukraine and fight Russia. As to the US leader himself, Donald Trump in his UN speech did not even mention Ukraine or the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

The US, Germany and France demonstrate that they have changed the vision of the Ukraine question and are not interested in the escalation of the situation in the region. Therefore, it’s hard to expect that Zelensky’s current stance will find support among the Western leaders.


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AM Hants

Considering Zelensky’s mentors are Kolomoisky and Soros, of course it is business as usual. Check out who has provided jobs for? No change since Ukraine first got their independence, back in 1991 and the fall of the Soviet Union.

Smith Ricky

Hes and actor just like every other president.


And not a very original and good actor either :)


Zelenclownsky is a clown, unfortunately not a very funny clown. His impersonation of Porky & Bibi & Colin Powell is even more stupid and pathetic than originals: “look at the bullet!”. Perhaps next time he should bring a few bullets used by maidan snipers, or a gasoline canister used to burn 50 people alive in Odessa back in 2014. by his maidanazi terrorists.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

sheklensky and poroshekel are both khazars from the same stock they should do the ukrainian people a favor and immigrate to Pissrael and never come back to ukraine

AM Hants

Thank you Snowglobe, for this link.

Why would Biden be interested in making sure that Dmitry Furnash, would not be welcome in Ukraine?

Shokin Statement Uploaded byJohnSolomon Description:Sworn statement of former Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor ShokinFull description… https://www.scribd.com/document/427618359/Shokin-Statement

Why does Ukraine remind me of Russia under Yeltsin?

Ukrainian Billionaires Exchanged Luxury London Real Estate in Secret Settlement… https://www.occrp.org/en/paradisepapers/ukrainian-billionaires-exchanged-luxury-london-real-estate-in-secret-settlement

Why was Firtash such a problem, where Biden and Obama were concerned?

Will Trump Rescue the Oligarch in the Gilded Cage?… https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2017-02-16/will-trump-rescue-the-oligarch-in-the-gilded-cage

Ralph London

Strange that that traitorous MADMAYHEM didn’t have bad things to say about corrupt ukrainians in London, but Russians were fair game.

AM Hants

Must admit, I am enjoying the layers of the onion, slowly being peeled away. With so much more to come.

Ralph London

So long as it doesn’t make you cry, AM.

AM Hants

What they do in our name, possibly brings on the tears, of fury.


Tears of fury.

How well-put.

Latest from Crimea if I may by Eva Karen Bartlett:

Eva K Bartlett 6.6K subscribers 27 Sep 2019

When in Simferopol, Crimea, recently, I had the opportunity to speak with Anastasiya Gridchina, Chair of the Ukrainian Community of Crimea, about the rights of Crimeans of Ukrainian heritage, that Ukrainian is one of the official languages, that there were no Russian troops on the streets during referendum, and why she as a Ukrainian Crimea chose to join Russia. Very interesting. MSM wouldn’t share her words–in fact, she gives an example of how western media completely distorted her words to fit their pre-scripted (anti-Russia) narrative.


AM Hants

Brilliant and thanks for sharing. It is nice that she has gone to Russia, including Crimea, to get her perspective on things. Do like her work.


You are welcome.

I am very fond of Eva.

Very few men come anywhere near to her calm, composed, very intelligent and truly courageous uncompromising stance.

If anything ever happens to Her, I am going to take it personally and will not rest until I take Kolomoyskyi out.

AM Hants

Not just Eva, but, also Vanessa Beeley, Whitney Webb and Dilyana Gaytandzhieva. It is not because I am a feminist, because I am not, that I like them. It is the fact that they made it on their own terms, and not using their gender for promotion. Intelligent, determined, brave, women who go through so much to give us a story.

Ralph London

Dilyana is the best, really a very very brave and good lady.


They are all outstandingly good in their unique way.

Ralph London

True, but I would put Dilyana at the top.


They all have completely different backgrounds and there is no top or bottom at the level they belong.


I agree.

Vanessa Beeley is a very inspiring lady. She belongs to Methodist school of Christian thought. I think that is one of the main reasons why she travels a lot.

Head in The Clouds by Vanessa Beeley https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6f2d17c0b4cd8d3c0c7e83878b8aaeef6e41f8c4e445f31a12bb9519e5e8b76e.jpg


Vanessa Beeley and Eva Bartlett are apologists for war criminal Assad. Beeley is a contemptible bitch.



https://disqus.com/by/disqus_ky8vtfPjLn/ needs to open its comment history and a good kick in the teeth in order to face reality and stop being abusive troll.


You desreve no less than a good kick in the teeth for being so blatantly abusive towards Vanessa. But then again, you obviously do it on purpose since you are nothing more than a commercially motivated agent provocateur ..

I very much like the picture you posted though. Thank you.

Here is one for you:

NPR Mocks Cancer Survivor in Drumbeat of Syria Propaganda




Congratulations! You deserve the Russian Propaganda Sucker Award.

Article by Rick Sterling – member of the “Syria Solidarity Movement” steering committee. https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2019/09/30/pro-assad-lobby-group-rewards-bloggers-on-both-the-left-and-the-right/ …”First Lady Asma Assad had to overcome breast cancer?” Poor bitch! Her husband is a brutal dictator who is known for kidnappings, torture, executions, and killing thousands of civilians with air strikes and chemical weapons. Who gives a fuck about Asma Assad? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_violations_during_the_Syrian_Civil_War#Crimes_against_minorities

Eva Bartlett, a founding member of the Syria Solidarity Movement and the first winner of the Serena Shim prize. RT propagandist, Eva Bartlett’s bullshit claims about Syrian children debunked: https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-eva-bartletts-claims-about-syrian-children

RT regular Vanessa Beeley, who served on the steering committee of the Syria Solidarity Movement, also received an award for her regime-friendly commentary. Beely’s speciality is attacking the White Helmets and sucking Assad’s cock. Vanessa Beeley — the Syrian conflict’s goddess of propaganda https://medium.com/@Brian_Whit/vanessa-beeley-the-syrian-conflicts-goddess-of-propaganda-2c84f850dba4

Killing The Truth https://thesyriacampaign.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/KillingtheTruth.pdf Inside the Conspiracy Theory That Turned Syria’s First Responders Into Terrorists https://www.wired.com/2017/04/white-helmets-conspiracy-theory/

How Syria Civil Defence volunteers were smeared by a co-ordinated propaganda campaign https://www.thenational.ae/world/mena/syria-s-white-helmets-all-we-care-about-is-saving-lives-1.756229

Chemical Weapons and Absurdity: The Disinformation Campaign Against the White Helmets https://www.bellingcat.com/news/mena/2018/12/18/chemical-weapons-and-absurdity-the-disinformation-campaign-against-the-white-helmets/

The story behind Russia’s smear campaign against Syria’s White Helmets https://www.businessinsider.com.au/feras-fayyad-last-men-in-aleppo-russia-propaganda-against-syria-white-helmets-2018-3?r=US&IR=T

Timeline of Syrian Chemical Weapons Activity, 2012-2019 https://www.armscontrol.org/factsheets/Timeline-of-Syrian-Chemical-Weapons-Activity



Congratulations, you have now revealed exactly what I thought you are, which is a highly dagerous criminal with direct links to ISIS.

From now on you will be delat with accordingly by MI6 and assosiatiated state security agenicies.

As for your abusive language towards Vanessa Beeley and myself, I am going to deal with it as I see fit if and when I choose to see you in person.

Tara for now.


Yeah, I’m dagerous. LOL! Toodle pip.


Don’t flatter yourself.

You are no danger to me and never will be.


Right! You’re more of a danger to yourself than I’ll ever be, fucking idiot.


“Right! You’re more of a danger to yourself than I’ll ever be, fucking idiot.”

Left, you are going to lose your liberty once and for all, not just your teeth if you are not careful, overexcited imbecil.


The only thing you’re losing is your sanity, nutcase.


or so you wish, insolent abusive troll.


Dear Bashar al-Assad Apologists: Your Hero Is a War Criminal https://theintercept.com/2018/04/19/dear-bashar-al-assad-apologists-your-hero-is-a-war-criminal-even-if-he-didnt-gas-syrians/

A team of internationally renowned war crimes prosecutors and forensic experts has found “direct evidence” of “systematic torture and killing” by the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime. Caesar’s photos https://edition.cnn.com/2014/01/20/world/syria-torture-photos-amanpour/index.html

Syria war: Lawyers submit first war crimes cases against Assad https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-47483714


It is common knowledge that “white helmets” are war criminals working on behalf and for the benefit of ISIS.

Only led served between eyes would cure a bloodsucking murderous deviant like this – https://disqus.com/by/disqus_ky8vtfPjLn/

I really am very sorry that I am unable and unwilling to do it in person since my faith doesn’t allow me to lower myself to that level.

Bashar Al Assad is an angel for letting the beyond vile parasites like https://disqus.com/by/disqus_ky8vtfPjLn/ to roam free.

Incidentally, I do not believe in heroes.

But I do believe in burning accomplices to mass murder like this https://disqus.com/by/disqus_ky8vtfPjLn/ alive wherever it is and whatever it does and for that reason, Bashar Al Assad could never be my hero anyway.


Your “faith” in an imaginary deity is where your mental illness begins. Your delusional belief that Bashar al-Assad is anything other than a murderous despot is a clear sign that you have absolutely no grasp of reality. A Putin fanboy like you is even too stupid to pass as a Kremlin troll. LOL!

The Syria Civil Defence (White Helmets) saved thousands of lives and are true heroes. They were infiltrated by a number of Daesh fighters during the civil war, that’s common knowledge. Only an imbecile would promote the Russian narrative. You wouldn’t have a clue who was fighting who in Syria. Try looking beyond your fringe lunatic, ‘Fake News’ induced bubble of ignorance if you want to be taken seriously, fucktard.

Defector risks everything to reveal Assad’s atrocities https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2019/10/08/syrian-defector-begs-congress-for-action-bolduan-pkg-ath-vpx.cnn

Religion does not determine one’s morality. You are proof of that. If your religion teaches you to make absurd accusations and violent threats against me for providing facts, you need a new religion, hypochristian.

Today is World Mental Health Day. I suggest you seek help.



Once again, only led served between eyes can possibly fix extensive menatal health problems you and your enables are sufferring from.

And once again, I am very sorry that I am unable and willing to lower myself to that level. But as I have already told you – I am going to see to it that you and your enablers are going to be ruined once and for all whatever it takes.






Oh, I’m sorry, did I break your concentration ..


You live in La La Land.


You wish.

Start saying your prayers right now.


Why would I want to pray? Dimwit.

I don’t believe even prayers could help with your level of ignorance.

You live in your mommies basement tard.


I notice you’ve been neatly side-stepping the outing of these documents – much like your pals in the US/Israeli governments and MSM



Both you and your employer are on this picture: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/97fe23f51e358e20e9c48cc734d013bfcee0ff77f11b300474a97d5fbf412a92.jpg And both of you are going to end up encacarated for life much sooner than you can possibly imagine for well documented crimes against Humanity.

Hope that helps.


Completely delusional.


You certainly are.


Eva Karene Bartlett is known for her advocacy in support of the Assad regime, and for promoting the falsehood that the White Helmets stage rescues and “recycle” children in its videos. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eva_Bartlett


Lovely picture. And one of the world’s most outstanding women. Brave and loyal and a rock for her people. Admirable in every way. No wonder she is loved. But add to that, it is truly amazing that after all the death and destruction the Syrians have been through….. The combined and determined vile onslaught by US/UK/NATO, axis of pure evil – look at the hospital, look at the care they are trying to give those kids and look at the smiles. Talk about the blitz spirit. Britain has lost the lot – seems the Syrians have inherited it Theirs is the mantle now.

Bless them.


Thank you with all my heart for your thoughtful and heart-felt reply, Dearest Emily.

Big hug.


Russian–Syrian hospital bombing campaign https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian%E2%80%93Syrian_hospital_bombing_campaign

How Assad Is Using Hospital Bombings to Win His War in Syria https://www.vice.com/en_au/article/mb853q/how-assad-is-using-hospital-bombings-to-win-his-war-in-syria



It looks like the video I posted earlier has been removed by gorilka-damaged Ukrainski trolls.

Never mind, I am sure truth and justice towards bladatly dishonest Ukrainski fashists will prevail.

AM Hants

Do not like the headline, but, did enjoy reading the article. Who can Ukraine blame now, that the oligarchs, with a lot of help from Biden, fleeced the loans.

The IMF Works in Collusion with Currency Speculators and the Ukrainian Government

‘…The negotiations in Kiev with the IMF mission that took place from September 12th stalled after the statement of the Prime Minister Aleksey Goncharuk, who in an interview with the Financial times opened up about “Privatbank” and its former owners at the wrong right time. Such intentions of the head of the Cabinet of Ministers caused the IMF to be alarmed, therefore it decided to postpone the question of a new program of financial aid to Ukraine until all questions that are “inconvenient” for the new authorities have been clarified…’



Oleg Tsarev: Trump Deliberately Leaked the Conversation About Biden… https://www.stalkerzone.org/oleg-tsarev-trump-deliberately-leaked-the-conversation-about-biden/

Has Trump made up with Soros, or did he ever fall out with Soros?


Former Ukrainian Prosecutor-General Viktor Shokin Testifies Against Joe Biden… https://www.stalkerzone.org/former-ukrainian-prosecutor-general-viktor-shokin-testifies-against-joe-biden/

Tom Tom

Zelensky was planted by CIA. burisma holdings is CIA front.

AM Hants

Has anybody seen this?

US Envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker Reportedly Resigns From Post… https://sputniknews.com/europe/201909281076908809-us-envoy-to-ukraine-kurt-volker-resigns-from-post—report/

Just after the Biden and Son enterprise, over in Ukraine is exposed, the special adviser resigns? Or is it because Trump happily published details of a private phone call, with the President of Ukraine?

No US Ambassador to Ukraine. No Special Envoy to Ukraine.

Interesting, unless Trump sends Bolton, to become the Special Adviser to Ukraine, replacing Volker.

No Russian gas to Ukraine, in how many days/weeks?

AM Hants

Must admit to laughing at this headline. They have no problem with the death of over 100,000 Ukrainians, 900,000 with life saving injuries and millions displaced (figures from Oleg Tserov). However, insult Angela, and Germany takes offence?

Germany Offended By Ukrainian President’s Remarks on Angela Merkel in Call to Donald Trump – Report… https://sputniknews.com/europe/201909291076916847-germany-offended-zelensky-trump-call/

Minsk II Agreement should be entertaining, if not so serious.

Ralph London

merkel should be called Ferkel, which is German for piglet, except she is far far worse, considering she is responsible for how many MURDERS of people in Germany, and torture, rapes, violence, etc.

AmounRah ✔️ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ

Not sure of the details but as far as I know, Germany strongly opposed NATO invasion of Ukraine and defused a WWIII risk. Perhaps they are offended over the fact that with their resistance to US/NATO demands kept Ukraine from becoming another charred piece of land much like Iraq and others, with US boot-prints all over the place in the ash. Not defending anyone here, however; but I do feel that this goes a little deeper.

AmounRah ✔️ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ

Wow…… He was trained and leashed fairly quickly.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x