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MARCH 2025

Zelinsky’s Failures in Washington

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Zelinsky's Failures in Washington

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The visit of Vladimir Zelensky was an important Christmas PR campaign. The unexpected trip was widely covered by the MSM and ended with the declaration of another military aid package which included the US-made Patriot air defence system. 

However, Zelensky’s visit to the US Congress was marked by a number of accidents that were traditionally ignored by the media.

All Zelensky’s attempts supported by the MSM to hide the Nazi essence of the Kiev regime fail.

Zelensky handed the congressmen a Ukrainian flag with the signatures of the AFU soldiers, which he allegedly brought from the war-torn town of Artemovsk (also know as Bakhmut). The flag was handed to Vice President Kamala Harris and Speaker Nancy Pelosi who ignored the SS symbols drawn on it. Another interesting detail is that the flag with Nazi symbols waved in their hands during Hanukkah.

Zelinsky's Failures in Washington

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In her turn, Nancy Pelosi presented a special souvenir to the President of Ukraine. She awarded him with the American flag placed in a special triangular box made of wood.

“This flag was waving today over the Capitol in honor of your visit,” the speaker said, handing over the souvenir.

The special way that the American flag was folded 13 times is a long-standing tradition. Each fold has its own symbolic meaning associated with the expression of patriotism, loyalty and respect for America and its values. And the triangular shape goes back to the hats worn by soldiers during the struggle for US independence. The flag is usually folded in this way at solemn funeral ceremonies.

Zelinsky's Failures in Washington

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A few hours earlier, during a press conference with Zelensky, US President Joe Biden solemnly declared : “This guy is ready to give his life for his country.” Zelensky, who was listening very attentively and tensely holding onto the podium, seemed not pleased by such claims.



Another funny incident took place during Zelensky’s speech. His interpreter made a very symbolic mistake when translating the claims:

“I hope that the Congress will approve this financial assistance for our crimes… country”.



Zelensky’s visit to Washington was his first trip to the US since the beginning of the Russian military campaign. It was an important PR campaign dedicated to the announcement of another military aid package to Ukraine which included US-made Patriot air defence systems. Zelensky’s voyage gained the headlines right before the U.S. Senate adopted a draft federal budget for fiscal year 2023 in the amount of $ 1.66 trillion. The draft budget includes $44.9 billion to help Ukraine and NATO allies. US defense spending next year will amount to record $858 billion. Senators also unanimously approved an amendment which allowed the transfer of confiscated assets of Russian businessmen for humanitarian and military assistance to Ukraine.


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Based US Vet

A negro creature holding a flag with a SS (Nazi symbol of the Schutzstaffel), you can’t make these things up. I wish I had a time machine to put this gorilless back into Germany of the year 41, she wouldn’t survive 2 days alive.

Sr. Menotti

It’s people like Kamala Harris and Lloyd Austin supporting Nazis that make me HATE Black people


It shouldn’t make you hate black people,what it should do is disgust you that there are such people like some jews support those Ukrainian Nazis.

Western Defector

Stop being a cuck for niggers. Niggers are mostly dumb!


You’re getting confused with the KKK. Nazis would have considered her similar to what the KKK thinks of Italians or Hispanics.


The so-called Western MSM free press hastened to publish this photo of the Ukraine flag in left-right mirror mode to hide the Nazi symbol. How pathetic! Check! I’m not kidding

Biden the Clown™, Harris the Clown™, Pelosi the Clown™, Anglo-Ameriscums™ are all trademarks of Carlo, a high ranking commentator to SouthFront. Any abusive use of these terms is encouraged

Mexican American 🇲🇽

Kamala Harris is a whore.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Lloyd Austin too. Fewer holes but nobody cares anyway. They are just destroying livelyhoods and lives all over the world….

Buford T Justice

You’re talking of out of your ass end .


And not just figuratively but in reality WAS a whore, whose price was political support and advancement. That doesn’t even classify as a mere slut. That’s as bad as it gets.

Last edited 2 years ago by Indeed

None of them were accidents, just slips of perpetual liars of two different nations.

One of which expects the other to make a martyr of himself for their own benefit.

Last edited 2 years ago by MrUmbrella

It was a huge PR success, and has ensured sustained funding from the American congres. Ans more important than Patriots are the smart bombs which can be used at the front line and Crimea.


Actually even the MSM is reporting this to be a far cry from whats necessary to keep ukraine afloat (500 missiles and a single air defense battery is a joke in a war like this, just this missles alone will be exasted in half a week), also the fact the republican party is openly hostil to ulraine and its leader, speek volumes on whats to be expected next when they take the majority in the legislative. The tiwtter files curruptin and censoring scandal is also not helping the ukrainians much…

Sr. Menotti

“Patriots are old stuff, on a level of a S-300. Easy targets”. V. Putin, 22/12/22


That witch -looking woman with the purple hair and red glasses in the photo definitely drinks adrenochrome harvested from children

Mexican American 🇲🇽

Look carefully, looks like a man.


Yep , a man disguised as a woman with a bunch of Nazi supporters. This is America today.


USA is lgbt—females so ugly ob ese stupified amerikans prefer trannie


Transgender, a man in a woman dress. The future of the US of America, a dystopian country.


Definitely a guy. Look at his hands.

Gender freaks, Nazi freaks, freaks of all sorts supporting Ukraine these days.


A sickening display of American corruption and a complete implosion of traditional American values when a globalist NAZI puppet and a corrupt disgrace to humanity like Biden manipulate societies into an ongoing war for the globalists to unjustly profit from the murder of thousands using this sort of congressional mind game.

Neil Sutherland

when did the US establishment get reduced to organ grinder monkeys and buenos aires tango dancers? they are such seasoned whores that they feel no shame, even after FX scandal, Zelensky genocide of 15,000 civilians in Donesk, banning the Church/ Christianity, all media and parties, Russian language and culture including Tolstoy. and 350,000 dead Uke young men. Like Britney GrinDer, they are international call girls and drug mules with fake persona for fame and money, US citizens or commi chinese or wahabist saudi or mexican dug cartel, the ‘US’ government’ officials don’t care who pays them to get on their knees.


It all went wrong with the killing of Kennedy,that was a coup in the US,its been downhill ever since.


They are devil worshippers. They sold their souls. Their joy in life is the suffering of their victims.


Zelensky’s visit to Washington has something to do with FTX and Samuel Bankman. You should mention it here.


I’m telling you the Americans govenr is the most arrogant government in earth. They so ignorant they can’t even properly inspect a stupid flag with Nazis symbol in it

Jimmu Tenno

Ellos alimentaron ese mounstro en Ucrania así que es irrelevante que noten algún signo de sus esbirros, es más los alientan a quitarse las caretas


Why should a Nazi Snake state prperly inspect a stupid flag with Nazi symbols?

Biden the Clown™, Harris the Clown™, Pelosi the Clown™, Anglo-Ameriscums™ are all trademarks of Carlo, a high ranking (and CENSORED) commentator to SouthFront. Any abusive use of these trademarks is encouraged


Dumb Americans…….

Jimmu Tenno

Que ascooooo de miembros satánicos apoyan al payaso criminal de kiev, miren quienes están ahí, pedófilos,lesbianas, aborteras, drogodependientes, criminales geopóliticos, pervertidos sexuales y lunáticos con ansias de vivir en la cúpula del poder mundial, para eso necesitan destruir a sus oponentes Russia y China


Just updated my signature

Biden the Clown™, Harris the Clown™, Pelosi the Clown™, Anglo-Ameriscums™ are all trademarks of Carlo, a high ranking (and CENSORED) commentator to SouthFront. Any abusive use of these trademarks is encouraged

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

This is a horror movie!

Who is the monster with red glasses!? 😳


The Witch is a special infected zombie that is not initially hostile and is always found in a dormant sitting or slow walking state :D

Biden the Clown™, Harris the Clown™, Pelosi the Clown™, Anglo-Ameriscums™ are all trademarks of Carlo, a high ranking (and CENSORED) commentator to SouthFront. Any abusive use of these trademarks is encouraged


from one totalitarian to another – appropriate, flag given at funerals . . . the death of Ukraine


The butt-hurt of pro-ruzzia naZis is the best christmas present.


Your mamas, wifes and your daughters butt will hurt after my visit.


Again, the world keeps laughing at weak Russia 😀


The US Congress, with a few notable exceptions, is a House of Traitors and Thieves who are waging a total war against the American people. But don’t focus on Zelensky but instead focus on the Money Powers/Banksters behind this fascist thug and puppet. Follow the money and it will lead to the sovereign and criminal city within a city, the City of London populated by thieves and mass murderers…commonly referred to as bankers.


Sad Sack goes to Washington. Lol Washington Beltway has really hit bottom.


The current US government, Biden, Kamala, the dirty rat Republicans, the vulture with the red glasses, these minions are the perfect embodiment of the Globo-Homo agenda in all its defiled glory. Western Europe is led by the same exact perverted puppets. Compare these ass kissing cowards who pay homage to a failed midget Ukrainian Jew coke head who runs around in high heels to the Russian leadership, the Chinese leadership and you can clearly see why the Empire of lies is collapsing and the future seems so bright for Russia and China. Imagine the delusion in believing that the US and NATO have any chance in hell in defeating Russia or China in an all out war with such inferior and emasculated leadership.

End Ukraine once and for all!

Those are not “leaders”, that is not “leadership”, those are mentally insane degenerated tyrants that cannot lead anything, just destroy, oppress, loot, pillage, exploit and spread insanity and degeneration.

There are many people in all the America, in the European countries, in Africa and all over the planet who can see these as all they are, a small club of degenerates which have stolen the power in the last 3 centuries under dystopian doctrines

Last edited 2 years ago by End Ukraine once and for all!

Cyrillic name of a division: 46 ДШВ = 46. D. Sh .V

Just saying.

Putin's MASSIVE Balls, NATO's empty nutsack

The perpetual fleecing of the US coffers will not end, once Ukraine has lost the Neocons and dual passport holding US State Department officials will push Poland and after that Romania into the meat grinder thereby directly involving NATO. There is no stopping these psychopaths, only a violent civil war that tears America into pieces and renders the US irrelevant will solve this problem. Will that happen? NO. We have the Second Amendment but don’t use it. We have a Left that has opposed every other war but this one. Corruption reigns and the Constitution has become toilet paper. The system is collapsing yet they are doubling down and are driving us towards nuclear war. Madness, all is Madness…

A Patriot

It’s unfortunate that Nazi scums plane didn’t crash and burn.


The only way Zelensky will be a “failure in Washington D.C.” is when Russia has the balls to jettison the Ca$in0 at 405 East 42nd Street, New York, NY, 10017, USA

And Russia telling the UN Security council that they are opening the only “chapter” for the rule of international that matters in Moscow!… And that those that wish to make an honest return on their investment with real money not via SWIFT/$USD/$Bitcoin have an opportunity unlike any they will ever have!…

Let me know when that happens. Because for those who are watching Russia sure looks like a bitch with it’s Central Bank willing to continue being owned by that “Ca$in0”!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Buford T Justice

Nice of Zelensky to stop in and read the speech the White House wrote for him. The worst butt kissing exhibition I have ever seen . Embarrassing . Not one of these phony assholes gives a damn about Zelensky or Ukraine.

Last edited 2 years ago by Buford T Justice

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Last edited 2 years ago by AngelaLe

If Nazis would have not killed jews they would have probably not considered bad in todays world media. The Nazis in urkaine have seemingly signed a deal with the jewish oligarch there to not fight each others as long as this war takes. The moment the war ends the media will rediscover the nazis and the oligarch will get rid off them. They are just like al quaida usefull idiots.

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