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MARCH 2025

Zuckerberg: Facebook Is In ‘Arms Race’ With Russia

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Zuckerberg: Facebook Is In 'Arms Race' With Russia

Reuters/Leah Mills

On April 10, the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg told the US senators that his company was in a constant battle with Russian operators. He claimed that Russia was seeking to use the social network in order to confront the USA.

“There are people in Russia whose job is to exploit our systems,” Zuckerberg stated, stressing “This is an arms race. They’re going to keep getting better”.

He said that Facebook had slowly reacted to the alleged Russian content boosting President Donald Trump’s electoral chances in 2016. However, Zuckerberg hoped that the company is now better prepared to combat election meddling, not only during the 2018 U.S. midterms but also in the elections of India and Brazil.

This statement is a clear indication that Facebook will strengthen censorship  to Russia- and US-related topics as well as contribute additional efforts to influence the media agenda during elections in India and Brazil.

Earlier, Facebook was blamed for the leak data of 50 million users, which was exploited by the Cambridge Analytica company during the elections in 2018.

Facebook chef also underlined the Chinese strategic threaten toward the USA. He stressed that the interaction between Chinese apps and Facebook weren’t realized in the best way.

Zuckerberg emphasizes that the artificial intelligence is the best way to fight misinformation on Facebook, but he won’t be ready for it for another five to ten years and he “can’t guarantee” that Facebook will entirely stop the misinformation. Zuckerberg said it would not be a “realistic expectation” reported the US TV channel CNBC. However, he expects big investments and changes in the Facebook policy will create a better-protected and powerful platform:

“And we need to invest in keeping on getting better at this too.”

“I have more confidence that we’re going to get this right.”

According to Zuckerberg the main challenge for Facebook lies in detecting “suspicious” accounts quickly, before they are able to push divisive political messages on the platform. Zuckerberg affirms to improve algorithms to police content and users that will keep violent extremism, foreign political manipulation, and hate speech off Facebook.

Summing up, Zuckerberg has just confirmed  that Facebook will continue to remain a useful tool of the corporate propaganda identifying non-MSM activities as propaganda campaign (likely Russian).

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Pave Way IV

Jesus… what a f’king psychopath.


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Carol CoxSuckerberg…your Boyfriend got Aids…. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8935261e29b3fda0a2ef1b0ab13e7b6f2233ed6a936a249459cdd0c9d71bac78.jpg


Guess who influenced the U.S. elections? Britons, not Russians. Moreover, the Britons substantially owned by the U.S. Republicans. No real drama here, it was just as political analysts had expected—the only chance for Donald John Trump to win was to target and mobilize his potential voters.

Was there any harm? Of course not! It was democracy at its finest.


Suckerberg your facebook will vanish, if People stop using your CIA-Profiling Trash….


Interesting points jumped out of this feller’s pie-hole:

“…the company is now better prepared to combat election meddling, not only during the 2018 U.S. midterms but also in the elections of India and Brazil.“

Thank you for letting us know in which countries you’re planning a coup to ruin their people’s votes and hopes.

“…main challenge for Facebook lies in detecting “suspicious” accounts quickly, before they are able to push divisive political messages on the platform.“

Not really something new, but they no longer try to hide their true colours and intentions. They’re not after detection of terrorists’ outlets and accounts which promote terror and teach the ways of saboutage, bomb making, brainwashing and such. They’re focusing on detection of the people who think differently, before they even express their opinions. Divisive, my arse!

Orwell’s Big brother is really a dwarf compared to these beasts.


Anybody in US who is facing political or legal scrutiny suddenly has new catch-all defense – don’t look at our wrongdoings – just look over there, at what the Russian’s are doing, that’s your real problem, not us and whatever we are doing…

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