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Another Wave Of Russian Strikes Targets Infrastructure In Ukraine (Videos, Photos)

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Another Wave Of Russian Strikes Targets Infrastructure In Ukraine (Videos, Photos)

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Another wave of Russian drone and missile strikes targeted early on June 22 energy facilities in different parts of Ukraine.

Ukraine’s state-owned power grid operator Ukrenergo said the strikes damaged equipment at facilities in the southeastern Zaporizhzhia region and western Lviv region.

Meanwhile, Ivan Fedorov, Zaporizhzhia’s governor, said that the fire broke out at an energy infrastructure facility in the region and further damage assessment was underway as repair brigades and emergency workers dealt with the results of the attack.

The Russian strikes also hit a key gas infrastructure facility in the west of Ukraine, the country’s energy ministry said, without elaborating.

“After eight massive attacks by the enemy on the power system since March, the situation in the energy sector remains difficult,” the ministry said in a statement.

Ukraine will import a record high 33,559 megawatt hours (MWh) of power following the attack, the ministry said. The government also would have to expand by several hours scheduled electricity cut-offs across the country.

Also in the west of Ukraine, in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk the Russian strikes damaged a building of an oil and gas university. Photos of the damaged facility were posted to social networks.

Despite the heavy damage reported by official Ukrainian sources, the Ukrainian Air Force claimed that its air defenses intercepted 12 of the 16 missiles and all 13 drones launched by the Russian military during the attack.

The Russian military resumed large-scale group strikes against military infrastructure and affiliated power facilities in Ukraine last March in response to repeated attempts by the Kiev regime to attack energy infrastructure in Russia.

Over the past week, 14 Russian group strikes targeted Ukrainian military infrastructure and depots, according to the Russian Ministry of Defenses.

The strikes hit military equipment depots, airfield infrastructure, electrical substations and unmanned ground vehicle training centers with “high precision,” the ministry said on June 21 as a part of its weekly briefing on the special military operation in Ukraine.

Despite sustaining heavy losses in recent Russian strikes, the Kiev regime continues to escalate its attacks with no concern to Ukraine’s infrastructure.

On June 22 morning, the infrastructure facilities of the Russian-held Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) were powered down after a Ukrainian attack on the Raduga substation.

“As a result of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ attack on the Raduga substation at the Zaporozhye NPP, the functionality of infrastructure facilities was disrupted,” the station said in its Telegram channel.

Kiev forces have launched dozens of attacks against the nuclear power plant over the last two years. Moscow describes these repeated attacks as “nuclear blackmail”.

All in all, the Kiev regime is causing more and more damage to Ukraine’s infrastructure by insisting on continuing its attacks on Russian territory. The regime apparently views these attacks as a response to its recent defeats in the battlefield and a way to appease its Western backers.


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Faucci's Conscience

the globalists used covid-19 to kill off old people so their pensions could be used to fund this war and others.


čo sa asi tak stane ak rusko odpovie asymetrický? čo ak by ruské vojská urobili útok na je na západe ukrajiny? ako by asi reagovali debili z koza a usa? myslím, že by štekali až by sa im z huby penilo. svetu mier!!!

V2 for Victory

impossible, ukros shot down 97% of all enemy weapons! a real joke, eh?


putin take over cities dont lie and promote endless war.drive out and chase with drones and kill nazis.because currently the dangerious nazis which erdogan releases sits in undergroud bunkers with zelenski.

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