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Armenia Says Turkey Directly Participates In Azerbaijani Advance On Nagorno-Karabakh, Claims Hundreds Azerbaijani Soldiers Killed

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Armenia Says Turkey Directly Participates In Azerbaijani Advance On Nagorno-Karabakh, Claims Hundreds Azerbaijani Soldiers Killed

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Clashes between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces continued in the contested Nagorno-Karabakh region on September 27 evening. Azerbaijan, supported by Turkey, seeks to take control over the entire region and dismantle the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, a self-proclaimed state with an Armenian majority and integrated into Armenia.

Azerbaijani forces have been advancing sine the morning and so far, according  to the Azerbaijani side, have captured at least 7 villages and several key heights in Fuzuli and Jabrayil areas. Turkey, a strategic ally of Azerbaijan, already declared its full support to its actions and said that it is ready to provide any requested assistance.

The Armenian side says that Turkish forces and proxies directly participate in the clashes. Arayik Harutyunyan, the President of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, said that not only Azerbaijan, but also Turkey is at war with the republic.

The Armenian Defense Ministry also declared thatit has data confirming the participation of mercenaries (likely members of Syrian militant groups funded by Turkey), the “Turkish involvement” and the usage of “Turkish weapons”.

Armenian sources continue releasing videos of the destroyed military equipment and killed soldiers (at least 8 bodies) of Azerbaijani forces. The first seconds of the video likely shows vestiges of a Mi-8 helicopter of the Azerbaijani military:

Armenian Defense Ministry spokesman Artsrun Hovhannisyan said that about 200 Azerbaijani soldiers were killed. He also said that 30 armored vehicles and 20 drones were destroyed. According to Hovhannisyan, 90 out of almost a hundred wounded Armenian soldiers are in normal condition, the rest were taken to a military hospital in Yerevan. At least 16 Armenian soldiers were confirmed to be killed.

Meanwhile, Azerbaijan declared that it got a fire control over the road between Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. Forces of Azerbaijan allegedly took the Murov height of the Murovdag mountain range and established fire control of the Vardenis-Aghdar road connecting Karabakh with Armenia. The Ministry of Defense said that this will prevent the transportation of additional troops and equipment from Armenia along the route in the direction of the Kelbajar and Aghdar regions in Karabakh.

The Armenian side denied these claims and said that the Azerbaijani attack on its positions near the town of Mrav was repelled. Nonetheless, it confirmed that the Armenians lost ‘some positions’ in the area Talish and in the southern areas.

Clashes are ongoing.


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looks like anti tank mines. thats some metculous preparation.

Daily Beatings

One was a helicopter downed, two were hit with artillery, one had a track failure, and the other was abandon because it was stuck. Why do you even comment?

Daily Beatings

Actually one was hit by artillery. I didn’t realize from the video it was the same BMP from different angles. Since it had a blade on the front it was there to recovery the other one that was stuck. You can tell from the recovery strap attached to the front.

Daily Beatings

Actually one was hit by artillery. I didn’t realize from the video it was the same BMP from different angles. It was there to recovery the other one that was stuck. You can tell from the recovery strap attached to the front.


thats ok if you think so, entitled for your opinion. best of luck

Daily Beatings

“You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.” – Daniel Patrick Moynihan



Daily Beatings

… and with that response victory is mine.


yes yes, you are the best. long live daily beatings:)))))))

Lelouch Vi Britannia

Scam numbers

Servet Köseoğlu

Tomorrow Armenia says Danny Trejo aka Machette participates in Azerbaijan advance.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/80d4700bf7564025b4444e03d8d3646280adc8f6d657b8f98b86476b42010acf.jpg

Free man

And thousands of Azeri soldiers killed.

Servet Köseoğlu

Even Kim Kardashian started to piffle..


And you know, of course, that she’s even more influential than President Trump. xa xa xa

Furkan Sahin

if Azerbaijan against Armenia 1 vs 1 without Russia and Turkey had Armenia won because they have better war planes

Free man

I think the Armenians have no chance.

Furkan Sahin

why ?

Διγενῆς Ἀκρίτης

Helicopters are far more effective than warplanes in these mountains, Artsakh is a fortress with an Army that might not be so impressive as an Army but it is one of the most effective and heavily armed guerilla forces and with a full scale Azeri invasion every Armenian will kill ten azeris. Also Armenia is quite united and the Azeri government is weak and has a tradition of falling or getting close to falling after some batlefield defeats. Social media and internet acces has been highly restricted in Azerbaijan during the fighting.


You are only 3 million people left.

A nation on the verge of extinction. What if your “victories” eventually become defeat simply because there will be nobody left to celebrate them? Why are you playing games with Russia when your survival might depend on that?

Διγενῆς Ἀκρίτης

I’m not Armenian, just an observer. My experience in armenia and with armenians when it comes to russia is very divided and most of them don’t see them as a real ally merely the lesser of two evils. Russia would prefer a weak dependant armenia and Azerbaijan for that matter. Three million people of a single mind against a opposition that one the azeri side has a weak officer core and weak mobster like regime and turkey with economical problems and internal strife mixed up in too many conflicts and one half of the country locking up the other. I don’t deny the horrible situation these brave armenians are in but I would not be surprised if they survive both erdogan and aliyev


“Russia would prefer a weak dependant armenia” A 3 million underdeveloped tiny country and Russia “wants” them even more miserable?! This is some bad joke right? So what did Russians do so horribly wrong to “poor” Armenians that they must support Russian protection so reluctantly?

How can such economically weak, tiny population country be “independent” in any possible way on this planet?

So Russia is lesser “evil” comparing to whom?! Iranians, Turks, US?

To US? And what about Russia preference? They do not need Armenia at all !

Russia does NOT need them can’t you get that?! I am personally disgusted by the people who depend on somebody and they despise those on whom they depend (in this case Russians)

You have completely missed my point They will get exterminated eventually doesn’t matter how “united” or despite all disadvantages of the current enemy because totally insignificant as oponent and perfect target for any predator in their vicinity. Like Turkey for example.

Putin Apologist

The Armenians have been in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) since antiquity… and they’ll defend their land until they no longer have need of it.



they’ll defend their land until they no longer have need of it. OK til they get exterminated eventually, than they will not “have need of it”. Weak opponents always attract predators. Without Russia Armenia is only prey, nothing else.

PS Greeks also are since “antiquity” on their land and much bigger nation yet not stupid enough to renounce all protection apparently….

Putin Apologist

You’re appear to be a man of little faith.

I myself have no doubt, Russia will, should it become necessary, defend the Armenians, as they have before. So too will the Greeks, Serbians, as well as Orthodox Christians the world over. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ.


Funny, because that’s exactly what the Turks always claim about their many enemies. ‘We killed so many of them – 100, no 500, no wait 1000 SAA and Kurds!’.


Appears the Azeri attack forces are slowed down by rough terrain. Or was this the mine clearance group ?

Zionism = EVIL

The area is not mined mostly, due to civilian villages.


There are Armenian civilians and villages and many shepherds use the trails, so they are not mined but under artillery observation posts as you have reported.


yes, as you can see the mine sweepers in front and also the explosions in other videos.


In one of the videos, I think there was a IMR-3M engineering vehicle fleeing up the road in flames.(also used for mine clearance). https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f1ffa202996c17c25f0d92570c3147b7084f799c20f7736cd1620f193fd62dbf.jpg


If you are talking about the video with many burned trucks, that one is clearing the road for movement.


Almost a similar war is going to happen between India and Pakistan in the future

Zionism = EVIL

You still trying to get attention :) BTW, how is the daily kneeling in front of Chinese going on? Good thing that you little dot heads know your place and have withdrawn 20 kms from the Aksai-Chin LOC. The Indian “generals” must be taking lessons from the Egyptians, as they tried to drive 45 ton T-90 tanks on dirt goat tacks in Ladakh, most fell into rivers and ravines. The Rafale also have proved to be total duds. However, against the corrupt Pakis, your military may do better, as they are the same equal inept clods.


The Chinese are going to get buried in the snow and the Indian soldiers would get a good laugh that’s what gonna happen.I would worry about your inept Shia army and think about saving your ass from a joint israel and US invasion ;)

Zionism = EVIL

Yeah sure kid, eat some more curry in hurry. BTW, no school these days due to Pimpeovirus, a million poor Indians have died. Sorry for you streetcrappers.


No self bleeding during Muharram as well you Shia bastard

Zionism = EVIL

Don’t be a crappy dot head kid :)


Quite a few Azeri armoured columns getting destroyed so far by the look of it. Normally I take all casualty reports with a grain of salt, but the Azeris do seem to have suffered a few dozen at least.

In comparison, Armenia has only lost a few AA sites, probably destroying at least a few drones in the process. To the Turks reading this comment, downvote me all you want but it’s painfully obvious yout’re just coping trolls at this point.

Zionism = EVIL

I normally don’t comment unless there are verified FACTS and a grown up perceptive, however, your assessment is closer to the truth. The Azeris appear to be coming out second best, despite over 2,000 Turkish special forces, Syrian recruited headchoppers and Turkish operated drones on their side. So far, no side has used airpower and the Azeri-Turk probing offensive seems to have petered out with substantial losses. I have monitored all the available videos from both sides, and the Azeris have lost the general who was running the operation and deployed their armor on hilly terrain without any aircover, providing the dug in better trained and motivated Armenians to turn the rolling hills into a shooting gallery. Just a note for posterity, the Azeris in the last decade have bought over $4 billion in weapons from Zionistleeches, NATO and the Turkeys, but obviously have not learnt to use it and get a handle on modern C3I. I believe this will turn into a stalemate as besides the Turkeys and Zionist parasites, no party in interested in a regional war. Iranian FM has been in touch with both sides, along with the Russians, Germans and French.

Liberal guy

More misery for the wahhabis turks

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, Turkey is directly responsible for this conflict along with the Zionist parasites, who thrive on misery. The Azeris are extremely corrupt ruled by the same father and son since the breakup of the USSR and the Turks are trying to annex parts of Caucasus, they also supported Wahabbism in Chechnya and Dagistan and rest of the Muslim Causcasus. Russia has around 6,000 troops in Armenia and a few dozen aircraft and simply can not allow Armenia to lose as it is being squeezed from Georgia to Belarus by the NATO toads. Iran is trying to stabilize the situation and I don’t believe the Azeris or their Turkish masters will achieve a breakthrough.Both are inept.

Liberal guy

What u hv said is exactly the truth

Zionism = EVIL

I call it the way reality is, my friend. My comments are based on experience and not hype. Iran has the strongest influence in the region as both Azerbaijan and Armenia were part of the Persian Empire and are culturally linked. Iranian assessment is that this conflict should not expand as it will be far more destabilizing than the Syrian mess. I also believe that Turkey will fail in both Syria and Armenia as Erdogan like the Indian Hindu idiot Modi, shoots from the hip without any military experience. The Armenians have a very tough and motivated military and Iranians have just finished large scale exercises with them in Kavkaz 2020 and appreciate their capability. The Azeris are corrupt and are like most Arab armies, based on nepotism.

Liberal guy

Thousands of caucuses terrorists hv died in Syria and Iraq many Azeri scums also with. Any azeris in deash died in Iraq and Syria and these chechnen scums died so much that their wahhabis male sex ratio is declined in recent years now this mad man of Ankara is having a complete rout again and as usual this time in Armenia

Zionism = EVIL

Erdogan is an demagogue idiot, who has no real appeal in the wider Muslim world, let alone a confused inferiority complex ridden Pakistan, where the illiterate Wahhabi braindead poor people watch Turkish soap operas and think that Turkey is the leader of a new “ummah”. The Arabs hate the Turks, and rightly so. The Turks are being pushed into an abyss by this megalomaniac.

Liberal guy

Ya call him the most powerful muslim leader of present times.This scums are the biggest insane fools with only empty words. Size of an army does not guarantee the victory of an army. As usual these cowards depend on size of their foolish armies.

Zionism = EVIL

The Turkish military was designed as a NATO cannon fodder and is largely conscripts from rural Anatolian peasant villages and now the casualty rate is rising and there is unrest. Turkey has been now involved in fanning terrorism and occupation of Syria and Libya for years now and its military is breaking down. It is still a third world country fighting on multiple fronts, including its own people, the Kurds.

Mustafa Mehmet

you keep repeating yourself time to change the record now… what you think?

Concrete Mike

stop supporting jabhat al nusrah and ISIS, and MAYBE we will take you seriously.

Mustafa Mehmet

why you like Erdoğan so much?


Turkey will … be divided.


Remember that the Armenian Army is largely commanded by graduates of the Greek Guards School. The Commander of their Special Forces, also of Evelpidon, went to the Expeditionary School. They are literally our children. With them!


Wise words.


I thought you died in an Israeli aurstrike lol

Zionism = EVIL

Zionists are as crappy as you dot heads, some of us have a life kid.


Secret playground for adults, where you can meet different people – https://cutt.ly/Jf1KqrX




“providing the dug in better trained and motivated Armenians to turn the rolling hills into a shooting gallery.” From the videos, this seems to be correct. :)

Zionism = EVIL

I was about to reply to your observation on another reply below. The area is not mined and there a few mountain passes which the Armenians have covered with ATGM and well placed artillery that took a heavy toll of the Azeri armor. I am shocked to see how inept the Azeris and the Turks are, they moved concentrated armor without even recon helicopters or drones into open narrow roads. The Armenians have used local topographical knowledge very well like Hezbollah does.


” The Armenians have used local topographical knowledge very well like Hezbollah does.” FALSE … the FACT is that the Armenians were trained by the Greeks. 106 Armenian officers graduated from the hellenic Military School of Guards in the period 1970-2019. Training of Armenian soldiers by HELLENIC Z ‘MAK a few years ago.


Vox Populi

That is rubbish, Greece is a NATO vassal and Armenia is allied to Russia.

Concrete Mike

Relax dude. He wasent saying hezbollah trained armenian forces.

He was comparing hezbollahs knowledge of southern lebanon to armenians in nagarno.

You hot heads need to cool it, all of you!

Assad must stay

hey man i missedu! how have u been? i hope all is well

Zionism = EVIL

I am well thanks. I do glean through this website once in a while and find that the same old hasbara idiots and other drama queens are posting their usual nonsense, so it is not worth posting unless there are some real facts or issues. I thought that this Armenian conflict is an important one for both Russia and Iran and it is worthwhile to give an glimpse of reality. Anyway, good to hear from you and keep up the good comments. Syria will be fine as I had said years ago. Dr. Assad is now totally secure and Iranian and Axis of Resistance are at the peak. The dumbass Americunt losers are about to flee Iraq.

Assad must stay

Hey man that’s good yea I hope Armenia is able to beat back the Azeris and win and stop erdodogs ambitions butt cold lol good to hear from you too and keep commenting :)


I read an article this morning about the discernment of evil and thought of your handle. I’m begining to see.



Excellent analysis, Armenians appreciate our Iranian friends and neighbors who have always stood by us. The situation is under control.



Liberal guy

Atleast 16 to 20 kia azeris scums minimum yes that’s right

Zionism = EVIL

20 Azeri tanks and APC, 2 helicopters and 4 drones that I have counted based on videos, and looks like 60 Azeris have been killed and 200 wounded, Armenia has lost perhaps 20 dead and 100 wounded with a few AAA and artillery pieces lost.

Liberal guy

Seems logic

Zionism = EVIL

What is quite remarkable is that no airpower of any kind has been used. However. Armenians have made very good use of ATGM and artillery like Hezbollah does and use the mountain terrain and local geographical knowledge to their advantage. The Azeris are idiots who used heavy armor on mountain tracks, exposed and got whupped.

Liberal guy

All wahhabis are fools in fact the biggest fools with 0 war tactics


Spot on sir, the Armenian defence ministry has acknowledged 22 casualties.


The Azeris have suffered humiliating losses, thanks to the Russian Kornet and Iranian Dehalavieh and successful Hezbollah ambush tactics which the Armenian forces learnt in Syria and Lebanon and from our Iranian friends in recent joint operations, in one ambush half a dozen Azeri armor in open terrain was blown to pieces.


Fog of War

Another gift from 2020. The years that keeps on giving.

Raptar Driver

It seems to me that the Turks need another lesson. Who will step up and give them this lesson?


Must be your US terrorist supporting C U N T S that will step up

Raptar Driver

Potty mouth again. They’re not mine. I rail against them all the time. They are criminals and usurpers.

Tommy Jensen

Germany should take back the territories Poland stole in 1772 and under WWI. This historical injustice to Germany should also be corrected.

cechas vodobenikov

and Mexico should take back Colorado, Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico…florida should be returned to Spain and Guam, Puerto Rico should be returned to Spain…and the remainder to the Indians

Jens Holm

Mexico was one big unstability and can not be seen as a state from 1821. But they did throw out the Spanish Feudals and later replaced them with thtir own.

I dont see USA as making a theft there. A more fair soolution should be none took those areas USA took from Mexico. Adter that USA actially took Spanish colonies. So You prefarte they should have remainded as such?

Its more complicated then the usual too short versions according those expansions.

And about slaves its same thing. Fx the Osman slavery finally inded in 1923 when tTurks took it away by their new constitution. And the main X slave population in America are in Brazil, Venzuela and South America. It was the Spaniols and the Portugese which started it there and it included all indians very much.

There are good maps for who is who. I just say USA is not good in that but many in the whole world has made slavery many 1000s of years ago and continued.

Me&Myself None

In 1994 The US invaded the kingdom of Hawaii, threatened to kill every member of the government if the queen refuses to leave the island. Then, they encouraged Americans from the mainland to move to Hawaii by giving them huge incentives, including free lands. When they confirmed that their citizen outnumbered the indigenous Hawaiian, they called a referendum which they won. Now, you know how the US stole Hawaii.

Me&Myself None

In 1998, the US created a false flag by sinking one of their warships and blamed it on the Spanish, because they needed a pretext to invade Puerto-Rico and Cuba. They invaded both islands, they failed to secure Cuba, but got Puerto-Rico. Now, you know how the US stole Puerto Rico.


Spain was also a Colonial empire at the time. But not sure about the years 1994 and 1998 you posted. ?

Me&Myself None

My bad. 1894, 1898. Thanks.

Jens Holm

There was no Germany to take it in 1772. As a start I think You should regaind Preussen. They began to be big about 1860 and something. Next the took part of Denmark 1864, Austria-Hungary in about 1865 and threw them out of The German influence zone. Finally they knocked out FRance 1870 and took Elsass Loraine.

Fog of War

They should try as their depleted , barely functioning, feminized army would get obliterate. How many FUNCTIONAL tanks is Germany fielding right now ?

Антон С

Sudden hitler.)


Seems like Azerbaijan is aiming for relatively lingering conflict and trying to cut the supply lines and force for surrender. That would minimise casualties from both sides. Politically there seems to be limited pressure to end the hostilities based on the tone of statements. But that can change anytime. Today is the second day on their time zone it seams, lets see what happens. And hopefully lots of videos to watch:)))

Jens Holm

I will not write much about this, but I think I do recall starvation against the civilans was used last time…wasnt it.

So minimizing casualties might be a relative. We will see,


In terms of food it seems to be self sufficient. If to look at satellite view you can see acres of farms. Munitions is different story though

Jens Holm

I have only seen Asssads and a few more in ME acting that bad with tanks. People like that instead should have a lot of artillery, which simple educated people can handle.

It look like some picnic and people inside them think they are safe, beacuse of some steel.

Comming with tanks like that should have a 2 kilomter ring of heavy armed infanterists looking around and as minimum have small missiles ready. Now drones are inveted too.

Rodney Loder

I’ve always supported Armeni right to Nagorno-Karabakh because all Armenians were expelled from Azerbaijan during the Leninist era that extend into the Stalinist era, but the Armenians weren’t expelled from Nagorno-Karabakh so it must obviously be de-facto Armenian territory.

Антон С

You are misinformed, Armenians were expelled after massacre in Sumgait (near Baku) in the late 1980’s, when ethnocracy in all ethnic regions of the Uniion grew up at full height.

Rodney Loder

Nothing reported about it on Google.

Turkey supports Azerbaijan because their republic was founded on the presumption that the Armenians expelled themselves for no apparent reason which is absurd, simply not worthy of Intelligence.


without words https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5b4333ac9490bf2c736d0f7689282a96b02b798dd34508337e3989e85e51a66b.jpg

Антон С

Clerics shouldn’t take weapons to shoot, or they are not clerics anymore after the first shot at live target. Killing people is contrary to the holy spirit. Only God have the right to choose who will live and who will die.


I’m against Turkish aggression on the Syria front. But I think this entire Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is Armenia’s aggression.

Armenia directly got involved with Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and it took the territory of Azerbaijan. Now Armenia may plan to annex Nagorno-Karabakh.

Armenia is supported by Russia.

Fog of War

Stop whining Armenia, where are your allies helping you ? This is what you get for getting friendly with the ZioWest.

Concrete Mike

yeah im viewing this as 2 zionist rats fighting for scraps.

Thats why we have a plaethora of trolls here today.

Fog of War

Very astute observation. It doesnt matter which side wins as ZioAmerica or NATO ( Turkey ) will end up on Russia’s borders. Very convient isnt it ?

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