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War Ended, But Armenia Still Suffers Losses. Azerbaijani Troops Enter Largest Armenian Gold Mine

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This week, the Armenian leadership has reached an unprecedented height in its state management achievements. Prime Minsiter Nikol Pashinayan and his government did not stop at the successful campaign to undermine the Armenian regional position and the epic loss in the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War. Now, they are losing their largest gold mine, which was controlled by the Armenians for the last few decades.

On November 26, Azerbaijani troops entered the Sotk gold mine, which is located in the Gegharkunik province of Armenia, right on the border with the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh. The mine reserves are estimated at more than 130 tons. GEOPROMINING GOLD, which operates this mine, is one of the largest taxpayers and employers in Armenia. According to Armenian sources, the company paid $34 million into the Armenian budget in the period just between January to September of 2020.

A total of over 80 Azerbaijani soldiers entered the gold mine and the nearby town, claiming that the area should be handed over to Baku and gave workers one hour to leave the mine. For years, the Armenian state border with Azerbaijan in this area did not exist and there was no established border line since the fall of the USSR, Baku is now claiming that at least a half of the gold mine belongs to it.

On November 25, Armenian forces returned control of the district of Kalbajar bordering Gegharkunik to Azerbaijan as a part of the ongoing implementation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani ceasefire deal reached to end the hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh. Thus, the Azerbaijanis also obtained access to the Sotk mine.

The Armenian government tried to hide these developments from the public and the Defense Ministry even called reports about Azerbaijani troops in the Sotk area fake news. However, later, it had to change the official version claiming that ‘parts’ of the mine appear to be on the Azerbaijani side of the border and Azerbaijani troops entered only their side of the mine. How this became possible without any monitoring by the Armenian military and why the Defense Ministry was not aware about Azerbaijani troop movements remain a big secret. Now, Yerevan says that Azerbaijani forces established 3 posts near the gold mine, while the boundary settlement process is ongoing under the supervision of the Russians.

Armenia did not reveal who would operate the gold mine after this process, but according to claims of the Armenian General Staff the status of the mine is being settled in the Russian-Azerbaijani talks. By these claims, the Pashinyan government likely tries to lay blame for the fact that they somehow forgot to secure its largest gold mine and guarantee Armenian interests on the process of the settlement of this question.

In the current conditions, Baku is likely considering to push even further in an attempt to establish control of the entire mine. And the only factor that is preventing it from doing this is the presence of the Russian forces and business interests in this area.

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Nikol Pashinyan is national disaster and total traitor of Armenia and all Armenian people. While retarded Armenians keep in power probably the biggest traitor in the history of Armenia they have no problems accusing Russia for not defending in war what they themselves were suppose to defend! Showing that way not only to be totally retarded but cowards and hypocrites also. On the other hand while giving their gold away….. Soros puppet and traitor Pashinian will say that they have protection of president Macaroni… It is called a total delusion when whole nation lose reason and becomes insane. They are lucky to have Russia to protect them and they do not deserve that at all. https://www.sott.net/image/s25/509324/full/5French_President_Emmanuel_Mac.jpg


” They are lucky to have Russia to protect them and they do not deserve that at all.”

As she protected the Russian pilots or her ambassador ?? … we do not want another “protection” ... whoever does not have “nails” to scratch his back alone … not to wait for someone else to “scratch” it.

1-Azerbaijan admits shooting down Russian helicopter in Armenia.


2-Turkey’s downing of Russian warplane – what we know


3-Russian ambassador assassinated in Turkey



You are trolling me with bollocks about which everybody knows why and how they did happen. I will not get back on that with you! Greeks are absolutely one of the last to give lessons to Russians. It was Russia that was helping Greeks in the past and not opposite(while Greece today stabs Russia in the back). If you have to say ANYTHING on the subject from the thread than do it and if not kindly fuck off.

Indian Army & Israel

Russia will face more troubles if Azerbaijan gets more powerful and weakens armenia further….Caucasus is already a hotbed of Islamic terrorism and with falling population of russia…barbaric Islamic hordes will make inroads into Russia…just like USA defends israel forr all its illegal occupation of golan and other areas…Russia must back armenia irrespective of D govt at d centre in armenia..in this way u build confidence among ur allies….Just like russia russ d business in Idlib unfinished..Libya is also a stalemate….so further influence of Russia will subside…and if Russia really want to topple Pashiniyan then they shld hav done that atleast…but now..Pashinuyan despite d debacle is still in power…So wat russia gained out of all dis except volatile borders???


Russia doesn’t do regime changes. We disagree lot. No point in arguing.

Arman Melkonyan

You’re so right.

Forget the Armenians. None of what happened was good for Russia itself. (But then again, Russia is ruled by Jews and Turks.)


FACTS show how much Russia protects. As for the fact that Russia is helping Greece … it is a LIE … Let me remind you of the disastrous cooperation between Lenin and Kemal against Greece. With Russian money and weapons, Kemal fought the Greeks in Asia Minor, The Conditions of Moscow and Kars (1921), and it is not the only time. May I remind you of the loves of Russia with Turkey, in which it unites and GIVES EVERYTHING. !! A Turkey that will soon come into a TOTAL WAR CONFLICT with Greece. Then whose side will Russia be with ??? We all know that he will be on Turkey’s side because these are its INTERESTS.


Lenin was not ethnic Russian and he was killing socialist Russians so why not capitalist Greeks. From Russian perspective today I do not see why would they care about NATO Greece that is back stabbing them. Russia will be on RUSSIAN SIDE now kindly fuck off.


Lenin was not a national Russian … what is Putin ?? Because Putin has better relations with Turkey today than Lenin then. So what is Putin?

No country expects help from Russia … much more Greece. And not because we are in NATO, and Turkey is in NATO, but it has help and support from Russia … even if it has shot down a helicopter and a fighter jet.

We Greeks know what the Russians think of us … and that they will do absolutely nothing in the war between Greece and Turkey because they are friends with the Turks. So Russia is doing very well and is on the side of Russia …. only this time the good I wish it, is not to help the Turks. To remain NEUTRAL …. because then other “games” will be played.


Russian’s are not Turk friends….better go away you are waste of time…. Russia can only celebrate if 2 NATO counties start the war against each other. That would speed up destruction of NATO. But no Russian Orthodox will be happy to see Greeks getting killed by Turks, I am sure of that. Go away we have nothing to say to each other, difference in oppinion is too big.


” Russia can only celebrate if 2 NATO counties start the war against each other. That would speed up destruction of NATO.”

Yes, absolutely right … but we Greeks and the Turks know that . Slavo-Mongols (Russians) and Turano-Mongols (Turks) will continue to coexist under the direction of the transatlantic center for as long as necessary. Where are you telling me to leave ?? From your home;; Or maybe from your country ?? There is a public forum in here … and we all say our opinion. But you can not stand criticism and argument with evidence. Every time you say things that are not true … I will tell you the right point of view.

Франциск Спиридонович

Hahaha! The mighty Greeks have a word! Filthy, and slimy pedophiles… Who do what the NATO orders them to do. Where were you when Russia liberated Abkhazia and Ossetia? Where were you when Russia liberated Novorossiya and Crimea? Where were you when Azerbaijan waged war on the Armenians on Nagorno Karabakh, both in the 90s and now? Oh Yeah! You supported your anti-Russian allies of EU and NATO… Why haven’t you recognised the Abkhazian, Ossetian, Novorossiyan independence? Why haven’t you recognised yet the Russian authority over Crimea? Why you still deny to recognise the Turkish minority of Thrace as Turkish? Maybe because the Zionist puppets that govern you orders you to do so? Leave the NATO and the EU before you come and seek the Russian help…


Dirty and slimy pedophiles are you. You who sent your wives to work in Greece as prostitutes, when you did not have to eat during Yeltsin’s presidency. At that time, all the bars in Greece were full of Russian women. What job would we have in Abkhazia or Ossetia, what job would we have in Novorossia and Crimea ??? What job do we have in Azerbaijan or in the NK ???

WE ARE NOT INVASIVES, like the Turks !!! Still to understand it ??? But the time will come when you will understand it !! Yes, we are in the EU and in NATO … and your friend and ally Turkey is in NATO … but that did not stop you from becoming allies !! Russia is in the CSTO group as well as Armenia, but it did not help it, because for Russia today, the loss of Armenia is more profitable.

Russia sells arms to Armenia, but Russia also sells arms to the Azeris, it also sells arms to Turkey, but it also sells arms to the Iranians who border the Azeris and want to enter as a peacekeeping force …. but it also sells arms to the Syrians who are said to be fighting the Armenians together with the Turks … how is this said in other words ???

Let them kill each other, and I will intervene in the end to take them all. These are you … the world has taught you … And the Americans is asshole, but you too also. Who asked you for help ??? Here you can not help yourself from the creation of the Greater Turan by Turkey. and Tajikistan. ..you understand what is coming to the CAUCASUS. !! AND THE KEY WORD IS CALLED: PANTURKISM – CRIMES – TATARS – BOZKOURT.


Франциск Спиридонович

Learn how to fucking write in English first! I can’t even understand what you are saying you uneducated, filthy ape! No Russian women left Russia to work in Greek red light districts. All those were women of Greek descent, that Russians used to fuck before sending them to Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, and who, when the Soviet Union collapsed, rushed to go back to mother Greece, a “rich western country” as they thought, where they could make a fortune by doing the only thing they knew to do… Thus meaning,spreading their legs! Russia is realy lucky to have got riden so easy in the 90s, of the filthy,criminal and degenerate Greek element. This degenarate and criminal Greek element that used to live in Russia for decades, is what you call Russian whores…


Cut the vodka … it has burned your brain … everyone knows about the Russian women who had filled the place here …. and not only here but also in other countries. It is known that for the money, even your mother is killed. 33% you are alcoholics … another 33% you are incompetent, and the rest you are for the mpoutso.! I did not expect better behavior and language from a Scythian … in ancient Greece we had them as employees for jobs that did not need intelligence. Go drink your vodka and deal with the Turks’ poustrakia, since now the Turks fucked you normally.


” Russia is realy lucky to have got riden so easy in the 90s, of the filthy,criminal and degenerate Greek element.”

Happiness is all ours … fortunately you have shown us your true face many times … but from Scythians only this can be expected. Russia’s plans for domination in the Mediterranean through Turkey collapsed … since Turkey is now controlled by China !!! You bet on a lame horse and … you lost….КОМПОНЕНТЫ СПОКОЙНОЙ НОЧИ

Франциск Спиридонович

Learn a little history before you open your dirty mouth! Russians are not Scythians. Russians descend from the Varyag people. A Nordic people related to the ancient Vikings. “Russians” mean : “the people of Rus”. Rus was an ancient legendary warlord of the Varyags, who was the first to drive and settle with his people in todays Russia. You, modern Greeks,on the other hand, are a mixture of Semetic,Turkish,Romanian,Slavic,and Albanian peoples,who think that descend from the Ancient Greeks… Your only thing in common, you have with them is that you live in the lands they used to live.


The Scandinavians hate you! Finland repulsed two attempts at Russian invasion during World War II. You are not Vikings, Slavo-Mongols and Scythians. The name Scythians refers to ancient Greek writers as a group of nomadic tribes who came in contact with them and lived in Central Asia and on the northern shores of the Black Sea. According to Herodotus, the Scythians called themselves Skolotes. In traditional Polish and Ukrainian songs the people of the steppe are called Sokoloi which probably comes from Skolotoi Skolotoi. The Scythians were a loose network of nomadic tribes of equestrian shepherds and horsemen. They invaded many areas in the steppes of Eurasia, including what is now Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, southern Ukraine and southern Russia.

Look to find out your own origin better, and do not deal with the origin of the Greeks. We know better than anyone what we are.

Arman Melkonyan

Your Vikings were enslaved and fucked up the ass for centuries by the Mongols. Mongols are the same shit as the Turks. Only their respective languages differ.

Hence the half-breed Turkish bastards you Russians became today.

Arman Melkonyan

The Russians are so stupid. The Turks fooled them in 1917 big time and got the gold, the logistic supplies and the weapons for free to fight you Greeks who were betrayed by the British and the Europeans.

The Turks then joined NATO instead. The Turk NEVER gives anything to other people. The Turk only lies and takes and kills.

My friend,

Let’s watch together the Turks give it good and hard up the ass to the perfidious Russians.


You let them bomb the Serbs, from NATO … the Bulgarians “smelled” to you … and they are no longer your “brothers” …. you let the Armenians be slaughtered by the Turkish Azeris …. we are the Greeks are ” bad ” only Russia is good, everyone else is bad guys….. CLOSE YOUR DIRTY MOUTH … AND DEAL WITH YOUR COUNTRIE …. BECAUSE YOU WILL ENTER THE CRAVE WITH THE CHINESE DRAGON IN A SHORT TIME. DID YOU UNDERSTAND ASSHOLE.??

Франциск Спиридонович

I never said hat you are bad. I said that you are a complete incompetent, dishonest, corrupt and broke nation of scaramouches, who think they are a superpower. Russia never needed your help! You needed the Russians. If it was not for Tsar Nicholas back in 1830, to lobby in favour of your independence in the Holy Alliance’s councils,now Greece would be a Turkish Vilayet or an Egyptian Muhafaza. You owe your own independence to Russia. And look , how all this facts, seem very similar with an other nation…Armenia maybe?


Russia, which over time, and not only occasionally, uses us in an immoral way to serve its own interests. When in the 9th AD. century the Byzantine Empire magnified and protected the rest of the West from the barbaric tribes of the East, the Russian state appeared around Kiev, the forerunner of the later Russian Empire. And the role of the Hellenized Byzantium in the formation of the modern cultural identity of Russia is well known.

Nevertheless, in 1453, when Constantinople called for all Christians to help, the Russians whistled indifferently, as the fall of the city served their strategic plans. We continued to be useful as hares in the Russian hunt for dominance. Prophecies and painful texts about “blond race” began to be written, in order, after being sold first to the Ottomans, to later weave the tale of the protectors, to be reused.

This was followed by the plans of Catherine the Great, the Orlofika, the rivalries with England with the prize of Greece and the indifference of the Tsar when the nation was fighting the Ottomans for its independence. After the Congress of Vienna (1815), tsarist Russia had become an acceptable and equally measurable power in the company of the other powers of Europe. About a century later, in 1917, the Bolsheviks, ending the Tsarist regime, followed exactly the Tsarist opportunistic policy towards Greece. The Russian Bolshevik sent weapons, ammunition and supplies to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk against the Greeks, he was provocatively silent when the rioters of Kemal slaughtered Greeks of Ionia, Greeks of Pontus and Armenians

Франциск Спиридонович

You are fucking illiterate lunatic!


Go ahead and fuck yourself MALAKA….you should be ashamed ,russianCUNT you have betrayed a lot of people and nations, and you have the audacity to even talk to me. I wish the Turks would bring it to you from behind … you deserve it.

Arman Melkonyan

The man is quoting from established history and you filthy, insidious Jewish/Turkish/Russian dog, you’re insulting him.

Depraved Russian animal. Go suck some more Turkish dick. That’s all your mouth is good for.


2) Adventurism united the interests of Russians and Turks in the Mediterranean and the Aegean!

While, as it has been recognized, the resistance of Greece against the Axis powers during the Second World War was decisive for the defense of the Russians against the Germans, after the end of the war and while he had agreed with Churchill the post-war scene in Greece, however Joseph Stalin played the dirtiest role in our post-war history, cultivating destructive myths in the Greek left.

In the Treaty of annexation of the Dodecanese to the Greek territory (1948), he is the one who urgently raised the issue of their demilitarization, creating a precedent that is currently being exploited by Turkey. The departure of the Russian navy in the Aegean and the Mediterranean has been a strategic goal of Moscow since the time of Tsar Peter Alexeyevich (Peter the Great of Russia – the Great), so any thought of a military presence in the North Aegean and Dodecanese islands Russia and of course it suited and served the Turks.

Russia is also hiding behind the Turkish casus belli for the expansion of Greece’s maritime borders from 6 to 12 nautical miles. He strongly opposes such a development, which serves the Turkish strategy in the Aegean wonderfully. Otherwise, we provide them with anchorage off Lemnos and we save their warships that lose the rudder at sea …

The rise of Vladimir Putin to the Kremlin in early 2000 set in motion the plan to restore Russia as a major power in world affairs. The useful hares of Moscow, “the Greeks”, could not be absent from the strategy.

Of course, the Russians did not say a word about Turkey’s provocations against Greece! In fact, after the failed coup, they hurried to embrace the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, – fearing that at some point the Greeks might take them by surprise, so they tell you to take advantage of the anti-American feeling of the Turks. He promises his friend Erdogan that he will serve him in his adventure and even builds him a nuclear plant to produce, in addition to electricity, perhaps a nuclear war perspective.

One question only …. Who were your allies during World War II? LEARN BETTER HISTORY..AND GOOD LUCK WITH THE TURKS. !!


Because I like to go to Russian sites and read what Russians say about others, I quote a small piece from a commentator named Vladimir Tuzakov …. “... it makes no sense for Russia to defend either the anti- Russian Georgia, or the same Armenia ... ”

These are in fact the Russians, fortunately for us after the betrayal of Serbia and Armenia by you …. we made up our minds. And while you are only looking at your own interests (you are doing well) you are asking other countries to trust you after what you have done…You will not defend the Russians in Ukraine either …

Arman Melkonyan

That was BEFORE you killed your Christian kings and Christian Russian brothers in collaboration with your Jewish Bolshevik masters.

Now you Russians are depraved dishonorable animals collaborating with the Turks.

I am tempted to say, Russians are worse than the Americans.

The Americans, after all, do not betray their allies and brothers like the Russians do in Syria and Armenia and Ukraine and Serbia.

The Americans tend to side with and take care of their allies.

Arman Melkonyan


Arman Melkonyan

Lying piece of shit.

Your Russian women (Russian female = whore by nature) worked as prostitutes all over Turkey as well.

When I visited Istanbul in ’90s, there were Russian whores practically on every street. You Russians have zero honor and zero self-respect: these Russian women walked the streets like they owned them, like they were doing something to be proud of them.

The Turks fucked Russian women up the ass all day long. The Turks call you Russian whores “Natashas.”

All Russian women are Natashas. And all Russian men are the Jews’ and the Turks’ Natashas (WHORES).

Arman Melkonyan

[I posted this below in reply to the Russian asshole:]

Lying piece of shit.

Your Russian women (Russian female = whore by nature) worked as prostitutes all over Turkey as well.

When I visited Istanbul in ’90s, there were Russian whores practically on every street. You Russians have zero honor and zero self-respect: these Russian women walked the streets like they owned them, like they were doing something to be proud of them.

The Turks fucked Russian women up the ass all day long. The Turks call you Russian whores “Natashas.”

All Russian women are Natashas. And all Russian men are the Jews’ and the Turks’ Natashas (WHORES).


However, America is also a pioneer in whores Half a million strippers, 5,000 strip clubs and two million prostitutes. Kittens are the Russians.


” Greeks are absolutely one of the last to give lessons to Russians.”

From the moment the Greeks gave in the Russians RELIGION, AND also ALPHABET (Cyrillic Alphabet) by the Greek monks of Thessaloniki, I think we can say our opinion about them….we gave them and not the Turks.


Yes you can say our opinion but you have no moral right to lecture. Because you backstabbing Russian Orthodox church and Russian Orthodox in Ukraine and NATO has plans to build military naval port in Greece – Black sea which is another stabbing in the back. You didn’t give them Orthodoxy, that was their choice [ luckily for you] If they were not Orthodox they would probably not save your arse against Turks on which you have thanked them with betrayal and back stabbing


” If they were not Orthodox they would probably not save your arse against Turks on which you have thanked them with betrayal and back stabbing”

Fortunately, they are ORTHODOX like the Armenians … and they saved them from the Turkish Azeris. !!! Can you imagine if it were not ??? Another religion and another INTEREST …. the Russians do not give a shit about whether one is Orthodox or not … as long as their interests are identical to their own.


Armenians are not Orthodox which tells me that you are not much of an Orthodox (if at all) if you do not know that fact. You are maybe Greek but not true Orthodox. Both president and PM of Armenia are Soros puppets that hate Russia. And they have proved plenty of times that they want Russia out of Armenia. Nikol Pashinyan is Armenian traitor that never deserved Russian help. So he got what he deserved. All of you Russia haters, stick with your AmeriCunts than and shut the fuck up, stop complaining!


All I know is that Armenians are Christians. The same goes for the Greeks … and the Russians. Whether they are orthodox or not, I am a little interested. Armenians are not Muslims like the Turks, but Russia has shown that it gets along much better with Muslim Turks than with Christian Armenians !! Why;;

Because Pasinian is an employee of Sorros ??? And so, he is the only one ??? And what was the fault of the Armenian people for a bastard like Pasinyan ?? These are all CHEAP.EXCUSES I am neither a Russophile … nor an Americanophile … nor anything else. I’m a rationalist and a realist and I like to see things as they are, not as I would like them to be.

The truth is that Russia’s interests at the moment, coincide with the interests of Turkey … they have common interests. And since he is a couple with Turkey …. he has OPPOSITE INTERESTS with Greece. It has nothing to do with friendships or sympathies … just politics and interests.


Being “Christian” is of no importance. Pope is “Christian” also, yet he wants Russia occupied, put in submission by the West and Orthodoxy destroyed. I do not care what are you “interested” ! The only reason I am talking to you now is because you are some Greek (if not I would fuck you off long time ago!) If you don’t see difference in importance between 90 million country a NATO member (that maybe will abandon NATO ) and 3 million tiny Armenia than you are total idiot.

Both President and Prime Minister are Soros puppets and anti-Russian. They are both chosen by Armenians so it is obvious the fact that they are Soros puppets and anti-Russian doesn’t bother Armenians. It is THEIR CHOICE so they can fuck off instead of asking Russia for help all the time!!! This is not 1st time that Russia is saving hose ungrateful bastards from Turks! If Armenia exists as country today that is only because of Russia!! Now will you kindly fuck off you arrogant and entitled peace of idiot because you are starting to go on my nerves ?! If Greeks are all like you than Greece most definitely doesn’t deserve Russian help!


” The only reason I am talking to you now is because you are some Greek (if not I would fuck you off long time ago!)”

Speak to me nicely … because otherwise you will see how the real Greeks Fuck. Did you understand poustrako ??


Brrr, you are so dangerous…Better save the energy for the Turks. They are 9 times bigger population, you will need it.


I have news for you … you will need it. . In a few years, Turkey’s GDP will have surpassed that of Russia. By 2050 the population of Turkey will have surpassed that of Russia.


Turkey’s GDP will not surpass Russia’s ever. Their growth is thing of the past,… no more… Turks are already in full recession, lira collapsing. We are entering era of global depression. And only self sufficient countries with small debt and pile of gold and currency reserves, resources, industry, like China, Russia will survive this period unharmed. Russia is world military power, while Turks are just another regional power… Far from being in the same league with mighty Russia. In war, Russia would annihilate Turkey . It is better that you Greeks concentrate how YOU can survive Turkey!


The Turkish economy is not going to collapse, because it is financially supported by China and Qatar. Last month, the People’s Bank of China expanded the exchange for the Turkish pound worth $ 400 million. The currency swap agreement was originally signed in 2012, but is now being implemented as Ankara finds no other way to stop the currency from collapsing, and which of course is still ongoing. For Beijing, the state of the Turkish economy is a golden opportunity to ensure that Turkey becomes a vital part of the Belt and Road (BRI) initiative. Huge sums of dollars from Beijing are what really help Erdogan refuse to ask for help from the International Monetary Fund. China and Turkey have signed several bilateral agreements, while Beijing intends to invest $ 6 billion in Turkey by 2021.

the pan-Turkism of the Kemalists reaches, through the Turkish democracies of Central Asia, to the western borders of China.

Thus the “Turkish world” becomes the geopolitical Silk Road that brings China directly to the Mediterranean. The Turks, a people low in the hierarchy of the Mongol tribes, submitted to their natural masters.

PS ..We Greeks are neither Syria, nor Armenia, nor Libya, nor Kurds …. we are very tough bastards and equipped.


PS ..We Greeks are neither Syria, nor Armenia, nor Libya, nor Kurds …. we are very tough bastards and equipped. Yes you are equipped but in small numbers. You can give them hell of resistance but you can’t win the war by simple attrition… —— Yes I know about the BRI and Chinese credits (they are still credits and come with the interests – do not make borrower richer) Russia is much more important allay for China (practically strategic allay) than Turkey. Russia is militarily essential for China’s survival. Also Russia has huge resources so important for China and even some tech know how in which still advances in front of China. Like I have said : Turkey is regional power only (and China’s bitch)


Yes Russia has huge resources so important for China but Turkey has the geostrategic space that China wants to have. With Turkey in its possession, China reaches the Mediterranean without a single bullet falling !! If China steps on the Mediterranean..the game is over for everyone, !!!

Any ignition or episode of war in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean will activate the intervention of China, which has interests in these seas and wants Suez open. Once 2-3 years ago he sent an aircraft carrier to the Cyprus Aoz and it was just a message. And we will be the first line of defense of this new controversy that is being set up. What makes you believe that we will be alone ???


China is still VERY far from global interventions, far away from home. If you Greek arse is not saved by Russia (again), nobody else will save you. Depression will collapse US economy (already does) EU could easily fall apart (ruin China’s export plans) Period of riots will start soon all over EU-rope. All that will ruin Turk and Greek “geostrategic” positioning as “gates of Europe” for China. NATO also (without strong US ) will fall apart and open door wide for Greek-Turk war. Russia will be forced to step up and show who is the real boss in the neighborhood.


Everything you say is known..and the EU will be abolished, the “collapse” has already begun with the departure of England … and other countries are preparing to leave. Also NATO will be dissolved … but in its place another military and defense organization will be created (I told you here before) …. and both Greece and Turkey have the most important geostrategic position on the planet..do you know why? ;;

Because both Greece and Turkey occupy one of the two shores of the AEGEAN … which is strategically ara the Holly Grail of the planet. In a war between Greece and Turkey, which of the two do you think will win ??? Answer … NO ONE. !! The only ones who will make a profit will be America, China, Russia and Israel ….. these are the “cancer” on the planet .… who “eat” the flesh of nations. But there is a good “medicine” for “cancer” and they will get it soon.


the EU will be abolished EU will be re-created but with less countries around French-German core. New “EU” will be FEDERATION with one army.

NATO will be dissolved … but in its place another military and defense organization will be created No it will not be created another “organization”. New “EU” will have its new army. US will go with Commonwealth anglophones. Scandinavians will have their “EU”.Visegrad group will be apart also.

Greece and Turkey have the most important geostrategic position on the planet….the Holly Grail of the planet. You are exaggerating way too much. Also, war between Greece and Turkey is practically inevitable.

In a war between Greece and Turkey, which of the two do you think will win ??? Answer … NO ONE. !! Answer….No one would win, but Greece would lose the war. Even when paid very expensive, victory is victory.

“The only ones who will make a profit will be America, China, Russia and Israel ….. these are the “cancer” on the planet …. who “eat” the flesh of nations.” So they are in your opinion guilty for selling you weapons, or because you are in conflict with Turks for centuries?!? That is delusional.


” Also, war between Greece and Turkey is practically inevitable.”

Yes, absolutely right. We go for a total conflict for war until the end, it will not be a simple war episode. Only that war between Greece and Turkey of this magnitude does not concern only us … HERE the future of EVERYONE will be played … because the result will determine the future for the next 1000 years. !!

Only this time..things have changed. Remember, you are going to experience things that when you tell your children in the future … they will not believe you.

Arman Melkonyan

You know, perhaps it was good that the Russians showed their real face and betrayed the Armenians and all their other allies. No-one will trust them now, knowing how perfidious the Russians are.

Everyone will make their plans accordingly.

Let the Russians continue to fornicate with the Jews, the Turks and the Jihadi terrorists the Russians are succoring in Idlib along with their Turkish partners.


Yes, we learned a lot from the behavior of the Russians. Russia is weak now. It does not have the power it had during the Soviet era. Russia and Turkey have chosen a camp and are lined up behind the transatlantic center of power, which represents the American national capital. Therefore, Putin will not hesitate to sacrifice the Russians of Ukrainian citizenship, if required, in order to achieve the goals of his diverse alliance with the Turks.


” China is still VERY far from global interventions far away from home.”

WRONG … China has reached the shores of the Eastern Mediterranean … WITHOUT ANY WAR. СПОКОЙНОЙ НОЧИ, товарищи


Again I am not Russian. Militarily China is totally non existent in Mediterranean region, let alone to talk about Chinese “military intervention”. Denying obvious is called denial and is proper to losers. Think what you want I don’t care. Yeah, good night.


I do not care if you are Russian or not … I asked you from which country you are older and you did not answer me. Your right. that I wrote to you is absolutely correct … and I will confirm in the near future.


” If Greeks are all like you than Greece most definitely doesn’t deserve Russian help either.”



OK “very bad Greek”. I am not Russian by the way and if I was I would 100% support this pragmatic Russian policy of promoting their own interests, wherever they can.

John Brown

Pope is no “Christian” He is a zio satanist.


It was just an example. Every pope wanted destruction of Orthodoxy and proof is that in middle ages Vatican din’t help Byzantium against Turks but have helped its fall by invading Constantinople.


What a shame that this land that has historically always been Armenian for literally thousands of years, and reclaimed in the 90s from Soviet rule, had turned into what it has.

Rhodium 10

What a shame is to have a colour revolution in Armenia knowing the fate of Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova…just because people want to be cheap labour in EU picking Apples in Germany, Tomatos in Spain and Olive in Italy…while women dream to turn in Kardashian sisters in USA…


Perhaps if we weren’t so horribly oppressed by the number of different empires and countries over the years and by post Soviet pro Russian oligarchs that bled our military dry it would be better.

Rhodium 10

Excuses!…everybody knew when Pashinyan became president..that the fate of NK was compromised!..it was a matter of time that Turks would try to retake NK…


You understand the previous administrations invested 0 in the military and took away so much donations and money meant for the people and military ?


Those being ‘cheap’ labor in Germany earn few times more than the average Russia peasant and they send billions of Euros at home.

Rhodium 10

Yes indeed they are slaves..happy..but slaves!..there are many of them in Spain as a cheap labour picking Tomatos..a hard and physical work…many of them are engineers…but like Africans they receive Euros and in their countries is a lot of money because their national currency are toilet paper.


But a lot better than Russians.

Rhodium 10

No! they dont have other chance!..if you go to EU Banks with rubles..they will change you in Euros…if you go with national currency of that countries…they will not give you a single Euro!..thats why they have to work using their arms and legs like Africans..and will be happy to earn Euros!..as a I said before..Slaves happy… but Slaves!…accord your stament prostitutes are alot better because they earn a lot of money using his body…


So a ‘slave’ gets 1500-2000 Euros in a Western Europe farm plus they get zheltee and foid, most of the money are sent back home where their families have built own bussinesses, restaurants, pubs, motels… How is this slavery?

Rhodium 10

Most of money?..do you really think that life in EU countries are cheap?…also Africans send money to their countries ….but it is a Slavery work that EU national dont want and even less people who are lawyer, Engineer, Doctor….which is the case of many Lithuans, Ukrainians, Romanians..working in EU as a waiters or in Farms…


And why do you call waitress and farmers slaves, are these jobs long time dissapeared from Russia? You didn’t work a single day, and calling working people slaves. Go play your TV games, kid. The life will be though with you.

Rhodium 10

it is a Slave work for people who are engineer or Doctor and have to do that hard physical work to Eat..just because Oligarchy in their countries live like richmen and the Industrial complex have been dismantle!


They don’t work just to eat, if they have stayed at home had work just to eat, in their own garden. Over 90% going to work in farms are peasants, not doctors or engineers. These countries don’t have MILLIONS of doctors and engineers, idiot.

John Brown

Nikol Pashinyan is a national holocaust and a disaster and a total traitor to Armenia and all the Armenian people as I said weeks ago. Anyone connected to Soros must be put on trial ail for treason and executed.

Another huge victory for Soros and his coup puppets!!! and another massive blow to Armenian statehood!!

The largest gold mine in Armenia is now going to Azerbaijan!!

Soon he will destroy the entire economy of Armenia and they will be begging to become slaves of Turkey. Soon he will tell Armenians they will have to sell their women and children cheap to George Soros and his global organ harvesting ans sex slave businesses. it will be a flesh pot feast for Soros.

Nikol Pashinyan is a hero of Soros Turkey and Azerbaijan!! No one on has done more harm to Armenia since they had the genocide in Turkey.

Pashinayan and his government will lead a new genocide of Armenians. Its now becoming a new holocaust of Armenians.

This week, the Armenian leadership has reached an unprecedented height in its state management achievements. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinayan and his government did not stop at the successful campaign to undermine the Armenian regional position and the epic loss in the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War. Now, they are losing their largest gold mine, which was controlled by the Armenians for the last few decades.

Not any more!!

I heard Pashinyan is about to give away control of Armenia’s water resources now as well! You go Pashinyan!!

There is also now a possablity he will sell the southern half of Armenia to Turkey and Azerbaijan for ten cents on the dollar so Azer will have a direct route for more pipelines through Turkey. This will ensure Armenia can no longer exist as a sovereign state.

Soros is laughing at Armenians.

I don’t think Armenia will exist by the summer of 2021.


Nikol Pashinyan’s name now means Armenian holocaust in the Armenian language


Fog of War

” The largest gold mine in Armenia is now going to Azerbaijan!! ”

Do you actually believe this is all accidental ? Armenia is being dismembered . One of the oldest Christian nations on earth. Nothing is a cohenincidence in this game. Isnt it strange that when Iran was mobilizing its heavy assets near the NK border, for a possible intervention, that Russia suddenly pulled a ceasefire out of its hat ?


You blame Russia because Nikol Pashinyan gave that gold mine back to Azerbaijan !!!?!? Without Russian troops in Karabakh and Armenia Turkey and Azerbaijan would even invade Armenia! Cease-fire was urgent you nitwit because in matter of days all N Karabakh would fall !!! Putin was offering help to Pashinyan for weaks while Pashinyan was refusing and asking West for help !! So you think that”EVIL” Putin prevents MUSLIMS (Iran) to save Christians (Armenians)?!! If you think that than you are total idiot ! P.S. Armenia is the oldest Christian nation but having traitor for leader doesn’t help them lot.

Fog of War

” Cease-fire was urgent you nitwit because ”

There you go again with your insults and anger control issues. Its no wonder few want to converse on here with you. It was so nice and peaceful here when you were away, so Change your stupid attitude or please leave again. Your opinion is not the only one that matters in this wolrd, never forget that .


Than do me a favor and do not talk to me at all !! I am not here to please people like you. I always hated all your comments. As for your club of Russia hatters who don’t like me, they can all go f*ck themselves! I have no patience any longer to remind slow people like you on obvious. Or again and again deal with your permanent anti-Russia bias. Your incessant tiresome prejudice against everything and anything Russian, is just something I am totally fed up with. I can’t tolerate to majority of the people this irrational hatred against Russia because it is not justified by anything. Are you from Ukraine, Georgia, Zionist jihadist? Did Russians kill somebody from your family recently? No? So what the f*ck do you want? You want Russia to let your Zionist Jihad friends to invade Syria? Huh? Tough luck, sooner or later they will be exterminated.

Shlomo Shekelstein

Now it’s time for Azeri to give these gold mines to Israel for support ?

Random Dude

If the Russian company is prepared to pay the compensation of gold illegally mined from Azerbaijani territory, Azerbaijani government might agree to joint exploration and having the operator remain in business.

Porc Halal

What a butthole face! (looking at the photograph)…

Франциск Спиридонович

Shut up you Armenian idiots! You ungrateful morons! Russia saved your ass from total anihilation and you still have the audacity to blame Russia? You lost this war due to your cowardness, incompetence and treachery! YOU betrayed Russia and the help that the Russian people gave to you selflessly for decades, by bringing to power Soros marionettes and Zionist puppets like Pashinyan! SHUT THE FUCK UP! And stop blaming Russia! You should bless Russia for stopping the Azeris at Shusha, because your incompetent army of deserters, would have lost Stepanakert in just 30minutes after, if the Russian sponsored pact wasn’t signed that moment! What the fuck do you think you are? A Super Power? If you continue to blame Russia for your totally self-created misery, be sure! That sometime the Russian patience toward YOU ungrateful Armenians, will come to an end, once and for all, and then nothing will be there to stop the Azeris from hoisting their flag in Yerevan…


Subscribe on every word.

This is correct. Without Russian help, Armenian SSR would not even have existed. It seems my compatriots don’t study history. At then end of the Armenia / Turkish war of 1920, Turkey was basically at the gate of Yerevan and were going to leave Armenia as basically a city state of Yerevan, demilitarized. Only Russia prevented that. This time, only Russia prevented complete defeat. In fact, only Russia prevented an Artsakh-Azerbaijan war from 1994 to 2020. We have to stay humble and be wiser in our alliances. Strengthen relations with Russia, and understand that the Turkey = NATO = the West. It is the same thing. Better negotiate with Turkey directly if we want to get ‘help’ from the West. Every time we go to the West, we lose, and everytime Russia saves Armenia. That is the historical truth. Let’s remove emotions and think like a chess player.

John Brown

Nikol Pashinyan and George Soros are a national holocaust and a disaster and a total traitors to Armenia and all the Armenian people as I said weeks ago. Anyone connected to Soros must be put on trial ail for treason and executed.

Another huge victory for Soros and his coup puppets!!! and another massive blow to Armenian statehood!!

The largest gold mine in Armenia is now going to Azerbaijan!!

Soon Soros wil order his puppets to destroy the entire economy of Armenia and they will be begging to become slaves of Turkey. Soon he will tell Armenians they will have to sell their women and children cheap to George Soros and his global organ harvesting ans sex slave businesses. it will be a flesh pot feast for Soros.

Nikol Pashinyan and his master Soros have done more harm to Armenia since they had the genocide in Turkey.

Pashinayan and his government will lead a new genocide of Armenians. Its now becoming a new holocaust of Armenians.

This week, the Armenian leadership has reached an unprecedented height in its state management achievements. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinayan and his government did not stop at the successful campaign to undermine the Armenian regional position and the epic loss in the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War. Now, they are losing their largest gold mine, which was controlled by the Armenians for the last few decades.

Not any more!!

I heard Pashinyan is about to give away control of Armenia’s water resources now as well! You go Pashinyan!!

There is also now a possablity he will sell the southern half of Armenia to Turkey and Azerbaijan for ten cents on the dollar so Azer will have a direct route for more pipelines through Turkey. This will ensure Armenia can no longer exist as a sovereign state. Soros even published a map of this a few years ago.

Soros is laughing at Armenians.

I don’t think Armenia will exist by the summer of 2021.


Nikol Pashinyan and George Soros name’s now mean Armenian holocaust in the Armenian language



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cechas vodobenikov

Armenian incompetence and corruption has been exposed—far worse than I believed before

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