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At Least 22 Civilians Killed, Wounded In Ukrainian Attack On Russia’s Belgorod (Videos)

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At Least 22 Civilians Killed, Wounded In Ukrainian Attack On Russia’s Belgorod (Videos)

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At least 22 civilians were killed or wounded on May 12 after Kiev forces shelled the Russian region of Belgorod, which is located on the border with Ukraine.

“The city of Belgorod and the Belgorod Region were subjected to a massive shelling by the Ukrainian Armed Forces,” the region’s governor, Vyacheslav Gladkov, wrote on Telegram.

Gladkov added that “an entire section of an apartment building – from the tenth to the first floor – collapsed as a result of a direct hit by a shell” in the Kharkovskaya Mountain residential area of Belgorod city.

Videos from the scene showed a whole section of the ten-story building collapsing as a result of a strike and first responders digging through the rubble.

The Telegram news channel 112 said that at least 20 people could be trapped under the rubble. It added that residents were being evacuated from the apartment block, as there is danger that its other sections may also collapse.

There have so far been no official announcements about casualties, but Mash Telegram news channel reported that at least seven people were killed and 15 others wounded in the Ukrainian attack.

In the morning, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that a Ukrainian attack with ballistic missiles and drones was repelled over Belgorod and three other Russian regions.

“Several attempts of the Kiev regime to commit terrorist attacks using fixed-wing type unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and Tochka-U tactical missiles against facilities in the territory of the Russian Federation were prevented during the past night,” the ministry said in a statement. “Air defense assets on duty destroyed two Tochka-U tactical missiles over the territory of the Belgorod Region, three Ukrainian UAVs over the territory of the Bryansk Region, and two UAVs over the Lipetsk Region. One UAV was intercepted over the Volgograd Region,” the ministry said.

Overnight, 29 civilians were wounded after Ukrainian shelling on Belgorode. 12 of the wounded, including a child and at least two women, were taken to hospitals.

Ukraine intensified rocket and drone attacks on Belgorod and neighboring regions in recent months, wounding or killing dozens of Russian civilians. The main aim of these repeated Ukrainian attacks is apparently to make up for the never ending failures of Kiev forces on the battlefield.

In response, the Russian military launched earlier this week a ground operation in the Ukrainian region of Kharkiv, the source of most recent attacks on Belgorode.



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russia should have annihilated maidan a long time ago, the us or any other country would not tolerate this terror.

Malcolm Z

russia can hit kiev with kh 22, onnyx and hypersonic khinzal and zircon after belgorod attacks, but someone in moscow is playing the good cop…


‘someone in moscow is playing the good cop’

no, someone in moscow is a pro-west coward. this cowardice has led to to death of countless thousands of russian and russian- speaking people at the hands of kiev nzis and their nutto bosses since 2014.

most on sf prefer to believe us-shills like ritter et al that rus can take its time and rus civilian lives don’t matter (like syrian lives i guess). sickening.


the someone you call has multiple faces and different shapes of his head. check the video he was introduced to his a.i. clone, who was way better shaped. you think the message was for putin? or, rather for the masses?

Sumy Sumatra Big Bang

it’s voodoo. voodoo i tell you.


right. because there was a whole extra russian armed force that was trained, armed, led by competent officers and ready to have at the ukrainians, that was just kept under a tent by the russian state, right? thanks for derping, derpster.

Shitskin Clyde

i love talliban dicks up my ass and mouth. their spеrm rejuvenates my wrinkled pig face diseased with herpes.. 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 💋💋

Last edited 5 months ago by Shitskin Clyde
AM Hants

so you would prefer them to act like nato invading iraq or another peaceful nation? just to keep you happy? many of us want the planet to survive, and fortunately the good cop takes that factor into consideration. nafo bots trying to cause unrest for those who support the global majority.


all states have an absolute ethical duty to protect citizens and borders (enshrined under the un charter). ergo rf has to kick ukr nzis out of rus-donbass and protect all rf from strikes!

there is no equivalence with us/uk colonial oil massacres in iraq. if rf fails then murika will be emboldened to keep starting hegemonic proxy wars backed by it’s yapping nato dogs.

the planet is already dying under murika, this can only end by opposing the us-hegemon.


this world is already finished mate. the war isn’t even real. the outcome of it has been long decided in a backroom deal. right now both sides are just culling their own population.


the culling of ukrainian conscripts by the rf grinder on behalf of murika also lends your view credence; as i have mentioned on several occasions. yesterday’s appointment of andrey belousov also supports this bloody but carefully costed theatre for the masses.

problem is the deaths and suffering are real enough and so, i believe, is the growing resistance to casual corporate slaughter to feed the m.i.c. and keep elites in power, as typified by the houthis.


>and keep elites in power

people have no issue with that whatsoever. an example from orwell’s 1984 accurately illustrates the situation.

while winston(a skeptic) was walking around outside, he suddenly heard loud bangs. he was secretly hoping for a moment, that this was the beginning of some kind of “revolution” to overthrow the regime. turned out it was just a few women fighting over a bunch of frying pans.

people are 100% useless.

Last edited 5 months ago by Sunny

‘orwell’s 1984’

a skewed allegory of 1948 britain written by an indian born, eton (elite) educated journalist eric blair. it is neither fact nor useful speculation.

british trade unions took on harrow and eton educated elites 50 years earlier to begin advancing education, health, housing and representation (despite often violent put downs by churchill et al). blair (like all elites) feared collective working class power, and 1984 projects this paranoia.


putin was killed in 2010 after speaking against the occult elite, live on tv at smolensk from the massacre scene. the same did kennedy and he was killed too. the actual fake putin is a traitor of russia and he works for the occult elite protecting the civilians of ukraine while the russians are mass killed. he says it was a terrorist attack and does nothing more!

Parubiy's Brown Shirts

too much catnip, dude.


the truth is a big dose for idiots

Sumy Sumatra Big Bang

ok, generalissimo svu…whatever you say. hehehehe

AM Hants

starting with you.

AM Hants

is that you zelinsky? must be nafo bonus target award time.


unfortunately true. absolutely horrifying how his identity has been hijacked.


the truth is way deeper than that, but, the masses having short memory term are never prepared for receiving the truth not even if they are hit in the face with a brick. they will call it whatever other names, but truth.

AM Hants

somebody in russia is weighing things up, deciding whether to retaliate and get rid of the planet or use a measure response. remind me, how much of the ukrainian gene pool is left? how much ukrainian territory has returned to russia? who do the global majority support? who is losing the war, including the west and hato? will the eu and hato survive, post ukraine? will ukraine survive? sometimes we need good cops, when dealing with immature morons, posing as politicians.


opposing the zio-us hegemon is the only chance of avoiding ww3. the us-corporate entity thrives on the cowardice and corruption of others.

usa doesn’t want to destroy the world it wants to own it. unless its threats are countered then us will attack ‘problem areas’, because that’s what it does. if it can’t have somewhere or something then nobody else will either. it did this for years in vietnam.

fear and cowardice will only hasten nuclear conflict.


in short, no one has the right to live if they fail to stand up for the right to live. so no leader has the right to govern if they fail to protect their borders and people.

this is a fundamental tenet found in the writings of all key political philosophers from hobbes to sun tzu, and is today perhaps best encapsulated in the fearless actions of the houthis (ansar allah) against isr and its genocidal western allies.


i’ve been saying this since late 2022 when it was clear that ‘active defence’ and ‘selective withdrawal’ became the favoured rf methods – while nutto armaments flooded in.

the smo failed to secure legal russian borders (following 2022 votes in dpr, lpr, zapo). ukr and nutto still occupy rf, and still shell rus towns at will; including mosc.

the rus government has failed in its duty to protect its people, take back its land and fulfill the stated aims of the smo.


nato armaments never flooded in. that’s why the ukrainians still have no nato fighter planes, and their three dozen nato mbt’s are shrinking in number every week. the ukrainians have a supply of artillery rounds that brings to mind sixth army in january ’43. if the smo were over, then it failed. but of course, it’s not over. so you’re emitting more derp.

Shitskin Clyde

i love talliban dicks up my ass and mouth. their spеrm rejuvenates my wrinkled pig face diseased with herpes.. 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 💋💋💋

Last edited 5 months ago by Shitskin Clyde
AM Hants

so you would like them to behave like hato? just carpet bomb the whole area, starting with the wedding and funeral parties of the innocents? exactly what would that achieve, besides keeping nafo bots happy?


russia could give the nazis 24hours to evacuate maidan, then turn it into a car park that would send a message of what could be next, after ten years those nazi bastards are still hitting donetsk, it’s time for russia to take the gloves off, they could start by sinking a nato ship or other nato target, then we will see what that artice five bullshit is about, nato need to start bleeding.


nato’s illegal neo colonial carpet bombing in pursuit of resources, power and territory is the antithesis of russia’s legally recognised defence of its own land (including the donbass people’s republics), borders and citizens.

z’s kiev nzis are 100% illegitimate zio-us-eu stooges that must be illuminated before any peace is possible for the people in this area. sad but true that some wars are necessary, indeed ethically obligatory.


the us is the model now?

Sumy Sumatra Big Bang

it’s a model that suffers from bolemia, dismorphia and suicidal thoughts. best to keep a distance.

Shitskin Clyde

i love talliban dicks up my ass and mouth. their spеrm rejuvenates my wrinkled pig face diseased with herpes.. 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 💋💋💋💋💋 💋💋💋

Last edited 5 months ago by Shitskin Clyde
Malcolm Z

thats the consecuence when russia removed the troops in kharkov, sumy and chernigov and left the border without protection.

Sumy Sumatra Big Bang

who knew ukrainians were more prone to shoot expensive western weapons at civilians and ignore the military altogether? i’m no psychiatrist.

Malcolm Z

everybody knew that leaving the russian border unprotected was reckless and imprudent, above all when belgorod capital is only 30km away.


everybody knew that russia is the biggest country on this planet, so it’s impossible to cover every kilometer of 2000 km of potential and actual front line. so nobody blame the army. 2-3 million troops on the ground could try to do it, but all military forces with fleet and strategic missiles are near 1,5 mln. anyway, nazis are loosing, that’s why they are so desperate. this is agony.

AM Hants

have you noticed how the azov battalion and their mates run away from the russians? since 2014, as memories of odessa 2 may 2014 come flooding back (rip), tha nanzies have only gone after the mothers, kiddies, babies, elderly, disabled and infirm. similar to those without semitic dna and their actions in gaza. nazis/km is their a difference?


there were no forces to hold it, all army was 200-250 thousand troops (including ldpr forces) against 700-800 t. hohols. mobilization should have started half year earlier to hold cherson and kupyansk. but no need to worry much, anyway need something to do with nazified population, because they are all our future co-citizens. to prevent terrorism in future need to stop them now.


that’s why istanbul agreement allowed the kiev regime to continue its useless existence under russia’s control — no need to clean all these terrorist hordes on our own soil. but now malorossia and novorossia will back home and all nazis, terrorists, banderites and another scum must be cleaned out before getting passports of russia’s citizens. we have no moral right to repeat mistake when hrushyov released prisoned banderites from prisons. death to fascists. my opinion though.

Zionists Are Nazes

ukronazis are good at pin-prick-tactics meant for consumption by ignorant americans. won’t stop the inevitable destruction of ukraine.

Nome de Plume

will sure speed it up though


murderers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! murderers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sumy Sumatra Big Bang

it’s a prerequisite for being an american ally and proxy.


the masters of bolgrod is britain.the masters of kharkiv and odesa is france.the maters of snake iland and odesa is usa.

Sumy Sumatra Big Bang

britain needs a good talking to from general adam fission.

AM Hants

replace britain with city of london and snake island and odessa with washington dc. only one missing is the vatican. 3 corporations rule the world (before the global majority), city of london (finance), washington dc (military), vatican (spirituality).

AM Hants

2/2 all 3, with their own laws and rules, based on roman empire ideology, squat in host nations, completely independent of them. westminster is run by those who control the city and not the people of the united kingdom. despite what elections say. same crowd behind the bolsheviks and the nazis.


not true. belgorod’s governor and mayor both were there, near destroyed building and managed rescue operation. complex of security measures in belgorod even better than in donetsk, because authorities are professional, they have more resources and people at command. belgorod city and region are one of the best in russia by life quality. when rural reich will be annihilated, it will be even better.


it’s time to start carpet bombing ukraine

and issue the following order

any soldier ( without regard to nationality ) found operating near nato equipment will summarily executed

Massa John

they need more weapons? flatten verkhovna rada building in kyiv without any warning. it’s overdue to deliver them all the missiles they want.


thank you finally somebody with the right idea

We are complicit in war crimes

ukrainian moral degenerates doing what they do best, targeting and killing civilians.

Nome de Plume

some nato idiots who said 25 yrs ago that targeting civilians in serbia will force it to capitulate thought the same will work in ukraine. why not? we’re nato. we make our own logic.

serbia – let’s balkanize it, we’re on a roll. good idea. kosovo a good place for camp bondsteel to boot.

ukraine? – let it be balkanized? you must be mad. never! we need absolute control over the black sea.

Nome de Plume

heard nuland’s latest nonsense? “well, they might end up keeping crimea but we absolutely have to have ukraine fight until russia commits to demilitarizing crimea.” cute, huh? neoconnivers always connive.

AM Hants

same cookie monster nuland, whose ambition is to erase ukrainian dna and give those that are taking out the women and children of gaza a new home. why is she still breathing and shape shifting?


but there is no ukro-dna, genetic research proves it. it’s synthetic political identity with artificial pseudo-language, same as belorussian. attempt of poland, austro-hungary and germany to separate russia. long story to tell here, but i have to say a lot. “gallup” research in 2006 shows: 86% of population speaks russian. now 80% of internet requests done in russian too (“google’s” data) even after harsh anti-russian policy. it’s russian land!

Last edited 5 months ago by Антон

the us government may not tolerate but does not mean they could stop this terror either. the deepstate is perpetrating a war on it’s people and this will be the end result a civil war is inevitable there. wef and globalists have taken over there and why russia is fighting back. thank god their winning.


the “deep state” has no people other than the tiny rentier elite. no civil war is coming to the fat, drug-addled us, any time soon. the us was always a plutocracy, and it remains so.

Shitskin Clyde

i love talliban dicks up my ass and mouth. their spеrm rejuvenates my wrinkled pig face diseased with herpes.. 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 💋💋💋💋

Last edited 5 months ago by Shitskin Clyde
AM Hants

look at how many us politicians, including the so called president have family and friends working in the ukraine energy sector. they do not want peace, as too dependent on the money they are making from the death count.

White Gandalf

thus that tochka-u rocket was intercepted and because of this fell on a civilian building. that is the downside of war, that actions may go wrong even if neither the enemy nor the own side intended to do so. both sides have a tendency to depict those failures as terrorist acts. that’s just stupid propaganda.

Sumy Sumatra Big Bang

stupid propaganda for a stupid war. let’s send cookies nuland flowers on mother’s day for having birthed it.

AM Hants

i remember back in 2014, even cnn was talking about the tochka rockets. full of white phospherous, that ukraine was using on the people of eastern ukraine. of course cnn was fully supportive of ukraine using illegal weapons on its own citizens.

AM Hants

ukraine goes for civilian infrastructure and russia goes for military installations. yet, according to western governments, russia is the bad guy. the same western governments who no doubt supplied the missiles to take out the russian people. the same western governments who fully support the nation who celebrates bandera and his ideology, whilst pretending to be anti-nazi.


the russian nazis are attacking civilians for 2 years, sf are nazi nest

Massa John

the same russian nazis that lost 27,000,000 souls to adolfs hordes, right?

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