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BREAKING: Large Fire In Kremenchug, New Wave Of Russian Strikes Targets Ukraine

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BREAKING: Large Fire In Kremenchug, New Wave Of Russian Strikes Targets Ukraine

Fire in Kremenchug

On the evening of January 27, new wave of Russian strikes hit Ukrainian military and industrial facilities throughout the country. So far, explosions have been reported in the Kharkiv, Poltava, Kherson regions and the DPR.

Large fire broke out in the city of Kremenchug in the Poltava region. According to preliminary reports, two Russian missiles destroyed the local oil refinery plant. The local authorities confirmed Russian strikes near Kremenchug but they did not reveal details.

In Kharkiv, new wave of strikes reportedly targeted bases of Ukrainian military  personnel and foreign mercenaries, who were going to be transferred to the left bank of the Oskol River south of Kupyansk. As a result of the strikes, the Ukrainian military likely lost more reserve forces necessary to plug the holes in the defense on the frontlines, where the Russian military continues successful offensive. According to the latest reports from the front, on January 28, Russian forces took control of the village of Tabaevka located about 23 km southeast of Kupyansk.


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the us never care about their puppets, that goes for ukraine, zionist-stan, taiwan and their european puppets.

what did the us do to afghanistan after 20 years? what about the rtded kurds in iraq & syria? do i have to mention the role of the us in south america or in asia?

iran for years fought colonialism and their allies are anti-colonialism as well.


colonialism prevailed for centuries because western industrialized powers could use their military superiority to impose their will on the weaker nations of the global south. this was particularly humiliating for many arab and other middle eastern societies, where western powers during the past century have routinely created and manipulated countries, imposed and removed national leaderships, dominated and exploited economies and waged war at will anywhere in the region.


the direct military occupation and economic exploitation from colonialism continue to this day, in forms such as sanctions that devastate national economies, proxy wars, assassinating suspected enemies with drone-fired missiles, and casting united nations security council vetoes against the wishes of indigenous populations. – rami g. khouri

Last edited 1 year ago by Ihavebeenhere
jens holm

zelinsky say all peuple in russland is ukrainiens so russ people must go.

jens holm

i never wrote this

jens holm

zelinsky wrote ok but not me

jens holm

amerika benevolent countrie. bring happy face werever it go

jens holm

i never wrote this. amerika is stinky country.

jens holm

to maney spyes in ukraina. what to do?

jens holm

i never wrote this


of course you did

jens holm

i too senile only remember when taliban bf sodomize me

jens holm

can real jens please stand up, not sure no more even who is me. i think karl swab make me cloner cause i send him heppy birtdey kard so he get mor kards now.

jens holm

i always writ if diapers smell like thai food

jens holm

i catch octapuss in harbur und make danish octapuss pastrie. try to sell on stand in streeet so can buy more daipers. somewon buy one und spit all over me but i not giv monie back, no slir, i no foool.

jens holm

yes i did. i wrote this. don’t listen to this faker.

jens holm

karl swabber make me into clones so make soceity mor stupid nd die off fastir. make more room fur karl and hiss bugfarms.

jens holm

how com russies not undertand meening of stalemate?

Shock and Awe

because stalemate is only for stinking americans and low life europeans, russians only understand the meaning of victory, nothing else!!!

jens holm

ok, than why not russins understood dead lok. maybe dey understootd only when all ukrainians dead or loked up alraedy? ok, we close to understooding den.

jens holm

i never ever wrote that. swear never on old danish swastika keep in closet wit blak fishnet stockings. hope with to catch nice fisharman boy.

jens holm

i never wrote this


why moron dane cannot comprehend you are defeated amerikan colony?

jens holm

my poppa tell me last real man in danmark leave 1200 years ago. some go to england island where all turn into fairys and some go to rusland where they stay like men. in danmark than, only leave funny kids who not sure what sex behind or front even. say no gud for battle just lot of prattle.

jens holm

i not understand ether. i always think stale mate when you get tired of girl or boy friend. i never get tired of last one. now i undrstand it just thingy calld copium.


former ukraine will soon become lgbt brothel —a prostitute economy funded by amerikan nazi

Joseph Day

the cia project has failed. all they can do now is loose more oblasts. i guess zel and his mates can pocket a few more sheckles, but the rest might as well learn to speak russian now.


the irony is that a lot of people already speak russian, even in kiev it is around 40 percent. the languages are very similar at least when people surrender at the frontline they always seem to understand russian very well.


my favorite gay bar on fire

Kev not Kiev

russian tactics are proving successful, it’s ironic that from a strong defensive line, troops can still concentrate fire power and engage in ‘elbowing’ assaults on key locations to constantly improve positons and route enemies from advantageous positions, with minimal losses on the line. fpv drones have certainly prevailed as the new harbingers of death on the front, but the decision making centers still need to be decapitated, advantage russia.


i think jens has dementia. yesterday during our buttsex time, he started sharting again and then forgot to wipe. oh well, saved me money for lube!

saving money is the american way! 🗽🍆🍩😍👬

Last edited 1 year ago by _TomSawyer_
jens holm

i pay you to use butter not lube

Peter Jennings

the entire line of the ukrainian/us/nato front is swiss cheese. all that is needed are the crackers, which the us and nato provide. it’s over guys. at least save yourselves.

jens holm

no worry…swiss send swiss armie nives to stich togethur holes in chees. it hav handy awl

jens holm

how swiss make hols in cheees anywho? we make in danmerk wit cow farts. somtimes i help.

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