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Breaking Ties With Russia And Refocusing On France Could Destroy Armenia

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Breaking Ties With Russia And Refocusing On France Could Destroy Armenia

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan seems to be a “gift that keeps on giving“, although the only problem is that the beneficiary is anyone but Armenia. On the contrary, with him coming to power in 2018, in the aftermath of the so-called “Velvet Revolution” (the same name used in Czechoslovakia in 1989 and aptly recycled by Pashinyan himself), Turkey and Azerbaijan couldn’t have possibly gotten a better strategic gift than this. The results of his rule have been an unmitigated disaster for Armenia, as evidenced by the loss of most of the territory of Artsakh (more widely known as Nagorno-Karabakh), further galvanizing Turkey’s Neo-Ottoman ambitions.

Prior to Pashinyan’s 2018 color revolution, Azerbaijan was regularly engaging in skirmishes with local Artsakh forces in an attempt to “defrost” and escalate the conflict which was more or less frozen since 1994. Each and every time, Russia intervened to prevent such escalation, including in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2018. However, that year, after Pashinyan took power, he started a campaign of sweeping anti-Russian “reforms” and moves that essentially distanced Moscow and Yerevan. This included closing down Russian-language schools, as well as openly declared intentions to join the so-called “Euro-Atlantic integrations”, which effectively means joining the European Union and NATO.

Thus, at that point, Russia was faced with a very difficult choice – either help its historical ally which was (slowly but surely) turning into anything but, or leave Armenia to its own devices so as not to risk derailing the crucially important rapprochement with Ankara and Baku. Even then, Moscow decided to intervene in the nick of time and prevent the total loss of Artsakh by rapidly deploying 2000 soldiers to the area. So how did Pashinyan react to this? He started a blame game in an attempt to shift responsibility from himself and simply throw Russia under the bus. This accomplished nothing but the further cooling of relations between Yerevan and Moscow, the last thing the Armenian people need.

And while 2000 Russian soldiers keep protecting the indigenous Armenians of Artsakh, Pashinyan allowed the massive expansion of the American Embassy in Yerevan, which is now housing over 2000 staff members, many of whom are intelligence operatives whose sole purpose is to hurt Russia’s interest in the region. As if that wasn’t enough, in a recent interview with the Italian La Repubblica, Armenia’s Prime Minister effectively announced the breaking of close ties with Russia. At the same time, there is an ongoing strategic shift towards France, the country that Pashinyan foolishly thinks will get into an open confrontation with Turkey over Armenia (to say nothing of Artsakh).

Namely, in early July, several sources revealed that France would deliver weapons to Yerevan, including armored vehicles and short-range SAM (surface-to-air missile) systems. There was no mention of drone acquisitions, although unmanned systems proved to be the main decisive factor during the 2020 Azeri invasion of Artsakh. Precisely Russia is one of the world’s leaders in this regard, as evidenced by the superb performance of its drones in Ukraine. Why hasn’t Pashinyan approached Moscow to procure thousands of strike drones that could provide a significant asymmetric advantage over the more numerous and heavily armed Azeri forces? This would help both Artsakh and Armenia proper.

However, Pashinyan has other plans, including the wasting of Armenia’s modest resources on expensive French weapons that are now burning across the endless steppes of Ukraine, along with countless other Western tanks and armored vehicles, many destroyed precisely by aforementioned (and inexpensive) Russian drones. In the meantime, Azerbaijan keeps militarizing the border with Armenia, while Artsakh is still in jeopardy. The only thing standing between Baku’s forces and the Armenian people in the area are Russian peacekeepers. What’s more, Moscow’s forces in Armenia proper are the only reason why Turkey doesn’t dare to attack the country itself. However, all that doesn’t mean much to Pashinyan.

In an obvious reference to Russia, during the aforementioned interview with the Italian La Repubblica, he said that having “just one partner is a strategic mistake”. According to Pashinyan’s “logic”, France will get into a confrontation with Turkey, one of its NATO allies, for the sake of Armenia, a country nearly 3,500 km away that can be reached only through neighboring Georgia. What’s more, Tbilisi is extremely unlikely to even allow this, as it has zero reasons to worsen its largely cordial relations with Turkey and Azerbaijan for the sake of Armenia. All this is without even taking into account the troubles Paris is going through as its neocolonial system in Africa is faced with unprecedented unraveling.

The US is also unlikely to allow the worsening of ties within NATO at the time when it’s trying to keep the belligerent alliance together or at the very least maintain a semblance of unity during Russia’s strategic counteroffensive. For the sake of the Armenian people, as well as the preservation of their magnificent civilizational heritage, Yerevan should seek to reestablish close ties with Russia, the only true guarantor of Armenia’s security.


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this sf report indeed 90% true. pashinyan is an idiot and the armenian people should have killed this traitor long ago. they didn t so the whole land became shit, resp. a laughing stock and a trophy for azerbaidshan.


armenia needs strong friends like france, not a weak and poor country like russia. russia has 1 million men under arms but can’t win against hohols, wtf is wrong? i tell you the problem: putin. russia needs a new strong and charismatic leader.


it shouldn’t be one leader. russia need whole new parliament – and free elections… if people of russia can take control of the country – russia will became seriously rich.


russia is far more democratic now than whole eu. and when in comes to comparing with the us…it’s a beacon of democracy. russia is already seriously rich, the richest country in world regarding minerals, fertile land and drinkable water. it’s interesting to watch pityful western trolls taking care of what russia needs. for example, uk has almost nothing but a plunder they collected over a couple of centuries, and maybe some fish and coal of shitty quality.


you mean torn in 1000 pieces to deliver the natural resources of siberia etc to the west. there was allready this new parliament 1990-2000. why the hell the russians didn’t love it and supported putin?


what would you know? you are a troll, not a serious observer. france is strong?! really?! since when? mali told them to gtf out, so they did. they requested algeria to fly over their forces to niger and were told to f. off. france is ideally represented by macaron – whimp, sissy, molested child, that’s what france is now.


russia has strong leader already, one who will snap the thin neck of those you represent. he is not the only one. many others will participate.


it’s not the problem – jewtin is just a puppet. what russia, same as ukraine need, same as usa and germany as well are true patriotic leaders who love and defend their nations, and kick out all the jews. jewtin plays according to what his masters have ordered him to do. that is behaving as if not connected to keep the illusion alive. working together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy. murdering as much as possible christians.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

jewish secret plan is: we will make them kill each other when it suits us. they will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long as we see fit. we will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they cannot see us. we will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how. we will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. this they must never know!


this is however not exactly what mother teresa taught , she was no antisemitic warrior.


armenia will do well. same as poland or czech republic. prosperous within decade without russian ‘help’..


prosperous like oceania in orwell’s 1984 was prosperous 🤣🤣🤣


these trolls are so stupid i wonder sometimes if these are algorithms and not humans. or ai. artificial idiots.


it would take an it genius to create an algorithm quite as stupid as ghhjuut or bi-clydesdale!


prosperous from earning a much higher salary and living freely and having public schools with basic sanitation and drinking water, something that half of moscow doesn’t have, i imagine in the rest of russia.


“no public schools, no basic sanitation and no drinking water in half of moscow?” where do you get this nonsense from? if you have never been there to see moscow, how can you utter such drivel? – your description sounds more descriptive of l.a or philadelphia.


sure, they did excellent with azerbaijan recently, under supervision of us and eu. but that was just a beginning what waits for them with following washington and brussel orders. prosperity to the brink.


the problem is that nato allways comes first to nato. poland had no enemy within nato. armenia has turkey. turkey will prevent them to join and use the distancing to russia to kill them of for good. and since turkey is a nato member the rest of nato will not care.


there are so many mistakes in this comparison , it is not worth to post. armenia is a wonderful old culture , the current leader are successfully leading to its suicide.


turkey and azerbaijan want to remove armenia and its people from the map. and isrselis in chat servers watched are very happymerchants about gloating at armenias demise supporting aliyev as he was given drones from the happymerchant kikes in isrsel pashinyan will bring armenia to its demise he will soon loose the zangezur province too and after that the rest of the small armenian rump state.


sad, armenians are in the end their own worse enemies, turks and azeris are just helping them in self-destruction.


no one decent wants to appear alongside the new nazis of the 21st century, no matter how many lies they spread and ice cream eaten with their foreheads, the world knows the truth, russia will pay for that, you can be sure


turkey and azerbaijan just have to sit back and watch pashinyan make mistake after mistake before waltzing into the remnants of nagorno karabakh, and a disgusted russia looking the other way

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