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Copy Of 2014 U.S. Ukrainian Coup Failed On Saturday Against Serbia

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Copy Of 2014 U.S. Ukrainian Coup Failed On Saturday Against Serbia

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Written by Eric Zuesse 

On December 24th, a coup that self-alleged to be in support of Serbia to join the EU (like the successful U.S.-organized Maidan coup in 2014 Ukraine was alleged to have been) failed, as was reported on Christmas day by Alex Christoforu in his video, “Serbia color revolution. Russian intel warned Belgrade. Borrell, Russia not a nation. Festivus $900B”. He noted that “you always need to have the EU flags waving when you’re trying to get a color revolution going,” and this had been true, for example, not only during Obama’s successful coup against Ukraine in 2014 and in the U.S. regime’s several prior but unsuccessful Ukrainian attempts, but also in Georgia’s 2003 “Rose Revolution”, and elsewhere. Christoforu’s point was that the U.S. regime will seek to overthrow any head-of-state (such as in Serbia) who isn’t 100% following the U.S. Government’s instructions. He was talking about the U.S. regime as being an international dictatorship — which it is.

Christoforu then proceeded to report about the U.S. regime’s planning a regime-change in Russia, and he focused upon Yekaterina Sergeyevna Duntsova, whom U.S.-and-allied ’news’-media have been pumping as an aspiring ‘anti-war’ Presidential candidate against Putin. However, Wikipedia since at least December 7th has posted an article on her, and here is what it said as-of December 25th, about her “political career”:

Political career

As a local politician

In 2009, Duntsova gathered more than 4,000 signatures against the abolition of elections of the mayor of Rzhev.

From 2019 to 2022, she was a member of the Rzhev City Duma.

Presidential campaign

Main articles: 2024 Russian presidential election and Yekaterina Duntsova presidential campaign

In November 2023, Duntsova announced her intention to run for President of Russia as an independent candidat …

That’s all — that’s the entirety of her public record on national and international policy: she has no record on any of that. What U.S. or European politician who has such a minuscule record as a politician could possibly stand a realistic prospect to win the entire nation’s Presidency? RFK Jr. perhaps? — but Kennedy has been a national figure in American political-policy debates for decades, and has extensively and in-depth discussed them in public interviews far more than most U.S. Presidential candidates have done. Then Marianne Williamson, perhaps? She has never held a public office, but apparently thinks that she is rich enough or backed financially by enough rich donors so as to be able to get onto enough of the 50 U.S. state ballots so as to stand a chance. On December 15th, The Hill headlined “Long-shot candidates battle to get on state ballots”, and reported:

The battle for the ballots is underway as the race among incumbent-challenging Democrats, independents and third-party candidates has frustrated those who’d prefer to focus on Biden’s low popularity and Trump’s ascent.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an independent, and Democrats Rep. Dean Phillips (Minn.), Marianne Williamson and Cenk Uygur are strategizing over how to legally get their names in front of voters in key states before the fall.

“For the candidates who have real support among voters, it costs very little to get on the ballot,” said Jerry H. Goldfeder, a national elections attorney at the law firm Cozen O’Connor. “All you need to do is print petitions and have your supporters circulate them to get the signatures necessary.”

Kennedy, whose double-digit support has concerned both parties, is being boosted by multiple outside super PACs that are spending millions of dollars to ensure he’s listed in places such as Arizona, Georgia and Michigan, where Biden is polling behind Trump.

One Democratic strategist who worked on a presidential campaign in 2020 recalls the monumental task of getting their candidate to appear in enough places to be viable.

“It was difficult getting on the ballots of certain states,” a strategist and former campaign adviser wrote to The Hill. “We spent a lot of money canvassing states for signatures. Like A LOT.”

Without a groundswell of support, 2024’s nontraditional candidates are likely to face similar hurdles to those that came up in the last presidential cycle.

“Getting on the ballots requires either a huge staff on the ground that can go knocking door to door or paying a canvassing firm a ton of money to get the signatures,” said the strategist, recalling efforts to prop up a candidate from the Democratic primary in 2020 who ultimately didn’t garner much traction. “Not to mention the fees for appearing on the ballot themselves.”

Kennedy’s name as the late President Kennedy’s nephew gives him a leg up over his rivals who are still working to build up their recognition with voters. …

Whom do the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media think they are kidding to pump Duntsova as-if she were a serious contender to be running against Putin for the Presidency? The U.S.-and-allied public?

As I documented on November 14th, “America and its allies are CLEARLY declining powers.” The regime responds to that reality by doing everything it can to weaken other countries. That’s called “neoconservatism,” and it has been succeeding at its destructive goals, but has been an utter failure at attaining any improvement for the U.S., which just keeps falling farther and farther behind, becoming less and less economicallhy competitive with the rest of the world (and already — ever since 2015 —  less competitive than China). However, neoconservatism has been phenomenally profitable to the billionaires who fund it. And so they keep propagandizing for it, worldwide — coup-after-coup, and invasion-after-invasion. But will America’s voters keep buying into it, forever and ever? And if not, then will they ever be able to overthrow and replace it by an authentically democratic system? Because the U.S. regime isn’t only destroying other countries; it is also destroying itself.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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i always found it odd that during these “color revolutions” the disseminated articles by the msm always show horseheaded freaks of non-slavic ethnicity in the lead images.

now why would that be?


you know white women are renowned for having “horse face” right?


those are jew minorities not white women


looking in the mirror again?


it s stupid that usa or eu think they could do colour-revolution in serbia. do they think people there forgot who bombed them in the 1990’s with du ammunition ???

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa
John Kesich

did vicky bring the wrong cookies?


they forgot the maidan glühwein

Sergeant Scholz

yeah, they needed a serbian parubiy and some of his right sector snipers and some hired georgians to get the crowd really riled up. they could call their victims the second heavenly hundred sacrifice to western hegemony.


there were more experienced sniper teams involved because this was too important to leave to boyscout georgians, they are more a smokescreen to hide the real shooters.

Sergeant Scholz

vicky brought the gluey cookies, trying to glue ukraine, donbass and crimea back together, whereas her mentor, madhatter albright brought the flakey cookies to kosovo, flaking apart kosovo from serbia. they both used subterfuge to get it done, at least that’s consistent.

Sergeant Scholz

see, that’s the rules-based order. separate by war when they want to and try to unify by war when they want to, simply ignoring that more civilians died under ukrainian shelling in donbass over 8 years than ever did in kosovo. that doesn’t matter. only their flakey rules that aren’t rules matter.

Sergeant Scholz

in short, they suck. no need to follow such flakey rules because only flakes think they’re real rules.

Sergeant Scholz

oh, did i forget to mention that the us and eu plus the uk and ca are all run by flakes?

i guess i figured you’d all be smart enough to figure out that i’d assumed you already knew.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sergeant Scholz

“germs would rather die than rebel”. m bakunin


color revolutions should be so easy to deal with. the incumbent state should immediately make a broadcast and make it clear what’s happening. immediately associate the movement with nasty looking jews like soros and nuland, then shoot tear gas to disperse the crowds. the end, the movement died in it’s tracks.

then start executing embassy employees of the country that sponsored the attempted coup to send a message, but that would actually require guts.


just show leadership like belarus, unity is strength

jens holm

thats no leadership. leadership for a country are all included. you support a elite has private ownership oligars includes as support.

pension fx is syria too. the people never got any oil money. the baathist too all. now usa and kurds have it. thats wrong too.

jens holm

you assume the ones-one in the leadership are the right one too.

and correct. many here has supported, where simple votings dont give seat.

thats because the rulers as everything aginst their own populationmaking the laws, has police, soldiers, jail and all medias.

and again: dont blame usa, cia, eu for most things. they/we also mostly are there too for t h e m – u s.

jens holm

de didnt collapse tito as well the grabbings from stalin. so yes. many has supported to somethong better. not all has been a succes.

one clear and in denmark too. its routine to replace all the leadership voting in peace and safety. the oppostion and tv count every single votei at the tables too


what that? propaganda for rfk brought under click bait tittle suggesting to expose fake insurgency attempt?


oy vey he’s actually an independent and answers to noone, trust us – mossad.


russische angriffe sind verlusstreicj!


yes we have seen unfortunately the endless cemetaries with many thousands of ukr. flags. please stop this genocide.


yes because russia is commiting war-crimes like executing ukr prisoners. 27th dec. 2023. ru soldiers execute 3 ukrainian soldiers who already surrendered & are kneeing on the ground, unarmed with both hands behind their heads, waiting to be handcuffed. but instead of putting headcuffs on them, the russians execute the 3 ukr soldiers with automatic fire. http://alturl.com/bcge3

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

another day, another crappy ruzzian propaganda bs stories 🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆

Shock and Awe

another day for tom paedo sawyer, stop raping children low life scum!!!

Shock and Awe

tom sawyer=🤡paedophile


last night i had unbelievable buttsex with jens holm. you russkies are just jealous! 😍

jens holm

i see not there. either has vucivic cheated ofr the many demorstraters are bad loosers – are both.

so far there has been few cheetings. we domnt know if there many more or thats it.

i am eu and nato. i non want serbs with us and some of the rest too. no way or some out and some in with landmines and fences between them.

they can make almost war about numberplades for cars its that. kosovo – cacaoa whetover too. greese it same things. i see no honor from then – and erdostan.

Raptar Driver

the greatest cheaters in the world are the anglo zionist block. which includes all of your viking kin. all you people know how to do is rape, pillage and cheat.


jens my love, the buttfuck was great, i love you so much! 😍😍 xoxo

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