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MARCH 2025

Detained Terrorists Begin To Reveal Details Of Attack In Crocus City Hall, Name Their Curator

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Detained Terrorists Begin To Reveal Details Of Attack In Crocus City Hall, Name Their Curator

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The investigation of the horrific terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall in Moscow is underway. According to the latest data, 145 people were killed and at least 550 injured as a result of the terrorist attack on March 22.

The involvement of the terrorist Kiev regime in the attack leaves no doubts. Since Ukrainian leaderships is fully controlled by its Western patrons, the guilt of foreign special services in the massacre is also obvious.

Meanwhile, the investigation reveals new details of the terrorist operations against the Russian civilians. According to the official reports by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB), 11 people have been detained in suspicion to their involvement in the attack, including the four perpetrators, who launched the attack and killed, wounded hundreds of people. All of them are under arrest, investigative and operational actions are underway, and all the circumstances of the crime are being established.

According to the Russian Investigative Committee, all the traces lead to Ukraine, and the US statements about the alleged involvement of ISIS militants in the terrorist attack are an attempt to hide the guilt of the terrorist Kiev regime.

The detained terrorists revealed the name of their coordinator. All the actions of the attackers both in the Crocus City Hall building and during their movement to the Ukrainian border were coordinated by a man who called himself “Sayfullo”. All four terrorists called him their curator. Now the Russian special services and the Investigative Committee are working to identify the curator. There will be no surprise if the so-called “Sayfullo” turns out to be an employee of the Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate.

‘Sayfullo told us to go to Ukraine, to Kiev. And they should give us a million rubles there’ – all the detained terrorists declared.

This very “Sayfullo” was reportedly preparing the escape of the terrorists to the Ukrainian territory. According to FSB, Ukrainian special services were preparing two crossing points for the terrorists in the villages of Chuykovka and Sopych in the Sumy region. The areas were cleared from mines for the passage of terrorists.

According to the detainees, Sayfullo promised each of them one million rubles, when they come to Kiev. The plan failed. The car with the terrorists was intercepted on the territory of the Bryansk region, 140 km from the Ukrainian border. In fact, the terrorists were lucky not to cross the border, since Ukrainian curators were unlikely to save their lives. The terrorists would be killed on the spot as soon as they cross the border.

Despite all the clear evidence that the terrorists attempted to escape to Ukraine, Kiev’s propaganda attempted to spread fake reports that they were moving to Belarus.


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yes after torturing them, making them eating their ears, and what else perverted shit the ru communist leadership subjected these putin imported tajik migrants to, of course they are saying whatever putins fsb wants them to.

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

why doesn’t “isis” attack israel, even though they are currently genociding muslims? why not attack the americans who are enabling it? even kids manage to shoot up schools there. so why russia of all places? why did they contract random idiots to carry out the job, who weren’t prepared to die? why did they flee towards ukraine?

Last edited 11 months ago by Solstice
Malcolm Z

isis has never attacked israel despite the terrorist gang had a base in qneitra province close to israel ( golan occupy).

jens holm

of coruse they dont.

rosewelt was no fan of stalin and the comics well.

Saxon clown

sniff more peniz less glue


islamists were even treated in israeli hospitals, for exemple the ziv medical centrer in safed or the western galilee hospital in nahariya….. the news was even reported by western msm (the independent, vice news and so on….)

Guy Metdrapedes

i remember when syria took that region. food, ammo and everything else had hebrew writing on it. also, there was a border checkpoint where they seemed to get along just fine with the israeli soldiers just a few meters from them.

Edgar Zetar

where their shin bet handlers commands them.


all true but you all miss the main important connection. it’s not “it’s eighter ru or us attack”. as russia and usa are both controlled by jews, especially rothchild banking mafia and chabad lubavitch endtime sect. isis is jewish creation – and putin is with them same as biden & trump. therefore they not attack israel, that’s the reason.

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

moron amerikan hillbilly envious–inferior to russians jews and taliban

Saxon clown

my nazi aunt theresa transgender—why you rape me when i was only 7?

Crocus Shooting Gallery

the allies are always kicking the asses of the snow-nighers and gopniks…heheheheh😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Crocus Shooting Gallery

the allies are always kicking the asses of the snow-nighers and gopniks…heheheheh😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


it’s true that “isis” (oddly named after an egyptian goddess) rarely attacked israel when they held a border with them in syria. at the same time however, i know that russian media lied about isis fighting alongside ukrainians. it is similar to the russians and serbians lying about muslim terrorists from afghanistan fighting alongside albanians.

Karl Heinz Schulz

…well, as long as it is knowledge of the perpetrator, it does not matter in what way it was obtained!

in abu ghraib, the us tortured because they had fun with it, with no plausible outcome:

in guantanamo, torture continues to be carried out diligently at low yield…


yes usa & russia is the same subhuman jewish controlled government style, the same sick inhumane behaviour and the same hook-nosed masters are the wirepullers above these puppet nations that are posing in the jewish “bad cop vs. good cop game” which the jews use to fool & plunder the people & nations of the clamsy none-jews.

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa
Crocus Shooting Gallery

the allies are always kicking the asses of the snow-nighers and gopniks…heheheheh😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Karl Heinz Schulz

…by the way, after what these guys did, i would also torture them, but then they wouldn’t look so nice anymore!!!

Crocus Shooting Gallery

the allies are always kicking the asses of the snow-nighers and gopniks…heheheheh😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

AM Hants

think you will find they do not need their confessions, however obtained. the mobile phones come in handy, when they are being analysed.

jens holm

so russian officals says.

most of this very easy stunt so keep people im gear.


the bitter nazi holm returns—did you pray in amerikan church of money today?

jens holm

yesterday i worship money in amerikan church

Crocus Shooting Gallery

the allies are always kicking the asses of the snow-nighers and gopniks …heheheheh😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


i am so glad they tortured them and fed them their ears. please do more!


russia should have sent the ears to biden fedex.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

the allies are always kicking the asses of the snow-nighers and gopniks …heheheheh😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


dieser abschaum der menschheit kann froh darüber sein, dass sie nicht ihre hoden zum frühstück serviert bekamen!


they are lucky the russians didn’t use a pair of pliers and a blowtorch, these arseholes are patsies russians will id the puppet masters.

Pas de pseudo

not worst of what the us do in guantanamo


true if they were actually tortured and beat up, and not the russian version of crisis actors. keeping people locked in a dungeon out of the light, sexually abused and psychologically tortured is far worse than cutting off their ear and beating them. unless they’re psychopaths, and then physical pain is the only way to get to them, because they have no shame for anything. then it should be cement screws through the bones while you dump little bits of brimstone on them.


the banal amerikan nazi desperation amuses

jens holm

i also bitter unhappy nazi—i like you amerikan nazi–i also worship money and pray to your dollar


ok puny tiny teresa jew.

your kosher terrorist business is everywhere on this planet. the fucking khazarian signature is in every terrorist action. jewish marxists and communists are not in russia, but in the usa demonocratic party ans israhell itself. the jewish mossad was behind the terrorist attack in moscow.

Mother Theresa

as amerikan hillbilly i am feminized liar—“he was like a woman–he lied for the sake of lying”. emil zola…”amerikans have been liars and braggarts for 3 centuries”. daniel boorstin

Mother Theresa

“only in amerika is the father vestigial: the amerikan mind and conscience is feminine”. geoffrey gorer


at least russia is not a nation of mongrels like the us


550 injured… lol. those guys were carrying 50+ lbs of ammo each huh, with their sloppy and repetitive shooting. who needs planes and drones when you have some operators like that. i make fun of russian hoaxes, german hoaxes, american hoaxes, and french hoaxes all the same. show me the passports! greta got arrested again by her thugs who want climate change too.

Last edited 11 months ago by BunkerDwellers

most of the dead and injuries are from the building being set on fire and falling apart


gotcha. supersonic bullets have a crack when they are fired, they were using all subs for some reason too with preplaced fireworks on the floor? for that matter there was never any sound of bullets hitting anything like tile or sharper screams from people who were shot and not scared of blanks, like the las vegas hoax with the bullet fire coming from the speakers. the fake rape victims w/o bruises or scrapes on oct 7 and fake scene after too.

Last edited 11 months ago by BunkerDwellers

contrast that with the palestinians with shrapnel all over, gushing blood everywhere, amputated with gore, and thin as bones from starvation. freemason hoaxes, like their gd tranny story time and men pretending to be women all over on tv. psycho clowns. the world needs to be depsycho’d not disarmed.

jens holm

yes. kill all the timy machas and give women a cgance.

trannies do now harn. they are harmed by infictions as you.

Marcel Lucard

“las vegas hoax with the bullet fire coming from the speakers”

so for the fact that you do not believe any false reports, but you are very well in the race 😆😆😆


i used to believe a lot of the fake stuff years ago. running around lying about everything and murdering people for money, power, and kicks is foreign to me. one day i decided i was going to either debunk 9/11 conspiracies or find the truth. clown faggots pretending to be women is also something totally foreign to my being and didn’t understand until looking closer at michaels biceps and the adams apples and masculine faces everywhere.

jens holm

thats rigt. they did that too.


the police in the netherlands only did their job by arresting greta rothschild because it is not allowed to block the highway endangering yourself and the traffic.

jens holm

no fun here for all those people.

the fun is ,a taiga woods only hitting his own ball.

decomposed kraut bodies

what does 50+lbs mean sir?


lol at the people in the comments section trying to make us feel sorry for terrorists. losers


israel, america and ukraine’s cyber warriors protecting their terrorists as per their bosses instructions

jens holm

in which country.

jens holm

i am senile moron in cunt-ry 404 we stupid submissive

Crocus Shooting Gallery

the allies are always kicking the asses of the snow-nighers and gopniks …heheheheh😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Just me

governments are known to carry out terrorist attacks on their own people to achieve political goals… west and east are the same.


people are very similar, no matter which nation they hail from, especially when it comes to being controlled by fear and egoistic self interest and refusal to think.

Last edited 11 months ago by BunkerDwellers

just like expected from a forked-tongued nafo troll, you fail to present any substancial idea (not to speak of evidence) about what the russian government would achieve by terrorizing its own people!

jens holm

he just tell wahts goimg on in fx eu, gb, usa.

w are many more then you.

you substance is allready well decribed in very different version.

they tp and right now when i write. and you even can write the duma decsions about it.

jens holm

i love money–i attend amerikan church of money today–worship dollar


nato 31 bleating sheep—the russian wolf laughs at you weak morons…”the wolf cares not how many sheep there may be”. virgil


they want achieve support for the illegal war against ukraine, want stir up hate against the west & hope to have new excuse for stealing more & more of ru peoples rights, including free speech, right to opposition rallies, right to refrain from enlisting to the rat army etc. …

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

.. it’s a hategame, dehumanization in order to further brutalize & escalate the war and the “we have to defend our country” bullshit ru propaganda, that forgets to mention that they have attacked & are still busy raiding a neighboring country & not the other way around.

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

impotent bitter amerikan nazi theresa a talibannd loser


we ignore your immoral anglo laws—now see your nazi therapist and beg for prozac

jens holm

thats why new houses in russia has no windows

jens holm

i am a senile moron–i worship money


exactly, but most people here on this board are too stupid to get it, they are like emotional little teeny girls, yelling and screaming for any bullshit expression or political toys their government are throwing at them. they not get that usa+uk+eu+ru+china are all part of the very same jewish (rothchild & chabad lubavitch) controlled jwo-nwo, which is pushing the goy-nations into hatred against each other, using terrorist attacks and hoaxes, provocations and have the goal of igniting ww3.

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

therese amerikan hillbilly inferior to jew


made by donks for the half a brain tards, beggars from the great russian economy, keep begging

jens holm

they will admit they killed the dead sea and painted another one black and djenkis khan paid them,

jens holm

i worship dollar bill–my only god is money


nobody believes ruzzian lies 🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆

Last edited 11 months ago by _TomSawyer_
USA #1

you’re late today, tommy = 🤡 🤡 🤡 😆


“obamas job is to lie to a nation of liars”. kiese laymon

Conan M

certainly hope that the russian government will also expose the terrorists within it’s oil and banking businesses that made crocus hall “possible”…

Conan M

and the titular head that still hasn’t erected a memorial with all the names of the fallen military that have sacrificed everything the last 10 years from syria to ukraine for it’s country…


isis=al-nusra=alqaida are abuse by britain,israel,france and usa.after action every including syria usa,france and british are killing them to destroy link.foolish erdogan release this azov stall killer to kill russians.supply bayrakters just as in armenia,syria,lybia and iraq.


putin think macron,biden,boris,sunak,scholtz,modi and yiping like him.their dont tehir hate him and russians.during cold war russia used to support pakistan and idia against china and keep china on check with usa.now after cold war putin is chinas friend while russia is also involved in taiwan split.russians should wake up or else friendship will let themto big suprise and betrayal.putin kill all who supprt russia directly against west.ex.progozin.


they would have been permanently silenced had they attempted to cross the border into ukraine.there was no way the ukrainian intelligence services would have allowed them to live! their cell phones and the weapons recovered will provide massive evidence along with what they have already said

concerned citizen

they don’t look pretty.

mother saxon nazi

i return from amerikan ghetto to humiliate myself at sf—my transgender transition to mother theresa


like nordstream sabotage–made in amerika

Mother Theresa

i very tortured retired burger flipper amerikan nazi—bitter no pension but nice government give me food stamp

jens holm

today in amerikan church of money i pray for dollar


there’s a reason why isis never attacks israel it’s because they are israel

Edgar Zetar

you are so clever, we never thought that, you are amazing and a truly genius. columbus discovering america, cheers


the amerikan agents are now revealing the trail of terror…it is ludicrous to claim torture–only an amerikan nazi tortures….exams show they were narcotized when apprehended and violently resisted police—they are fortunate they were not george flloyded

jens holm

i am bitter humiliated cuz i am inferior to russian—no education only brainwash in dumpmark–but i obedient potato farmers for 49 years in jewland


how is it that the usa knows nothing of this terrorist attack but immediately knows the 9/11 twin towers attack was caused by a terrorist in a cave. americans can also look forward to more terrorist attacks themselves by their very own globalist zionist cabal.


yep, and the same guy saying the story was supposed to be in a meeting about company fraud in a portion of the building that was used for the fireball explosives. then he went on to get a cushy job in iraq. freemasons and zionists, again.


>> the areas were cleared from mines for the passage of terrorists.

did those idiots really believe that those mines were cleared? seriously?


if you chose to dance with the bear, it is not you that stops the music. it’s the bear !!!!!!

Last edited 11 months ago by Kurt

look at the pictures of these men you would admit to anything too

jens holm

i worship money


we understand—live in ugly amerikan colony theresis nothing else except transgender burger

Edgar Zetar

i don’t want to be in their terrorists shoes, i guess russia should use them to experiment all their worst torture methods and drugs without kill them, just heal them afterwards to torture one more time… we all know how c.i.a intelligent services works using their proxies to do their bidding c.i.a –> ukraine –> rings inside russia –> recruiters –> proxies these poor bastards were the cannon fodder (i don’t know how stupid you must be to go an suicidal mission)

Edgar Zetar

they committed the terrorist act of mass murder and then expected to return to ukraine and become stars and idols (hahahaha you have to be very very stupid). who provided the weapons? the methods of infiltration? who provided assistance and coverage inside russia? that’s the work of what the gru and fsb and the interior ministry and minister of defense.should work on. disable all rings and members inside russia or at least have them under surveillance.


they will not because it is them themselves who are the main wirepullers behind this lihop-operation. they were warned by usa & iran. yes these two countries warned but putin allowed the shit. he still brings trains full of asian muslims to russia, while he throws 100thousands of ru christian men into the ukrainian meatgrinder. so putin too does the jewish replacement migration trick, replacing white christian with brown middle-east or asian muslims & other churkis !

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa
Edgar Zetar

i known how c.i.a works, they always used several methods of proxies and rings behind every operation and after the completion of their operation they always tried to disguised and create false flag and clues to distract the attention and to stop any serious investigation to advance. they have several playbooks on how to accomplish missions in foreign territory. they knew were to attack, when? how? selected the assets, i guess they had a parallel team b deployed in russia for sure.

Edgar Zetar

and yes, also russia and putin blow up the nord stream 2 for sure, right! they think everyone is so fool to believe that, the truth is everybody knows usa wrongdoings worldwide and do nothing because big brother controls everything in the west, we are just pawns, lackeys in the hands of the big hegemon and the exceptionals. the system is corrupted on purpose, the system is ridged purposely and only big sinners could be at the top of the enslaved goverments.


moron amerikan nazi theresa desperate lies convince nobody—now theresa retired burger flipper typical bitter inferior amerikanb

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