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Energy System In Dnipro At Risk Because Of Russian Strikes And Kiev’s Policy

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Energy System In Dnipro At Risk Because Of Russian Strikes And Kiev's Policy

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On the night of February 13, Russian forces launched new attack on Ukrainian military and infrastructure facilities in the rear regions. The recent Russian attacks mainly target southern and eastern Ukrainian regions. Last night, Russian strikes were reported in the Zaporozhie, Kherson, Kharkiv and Dnepropetrovsk regions. 

Dozens of Geran kamikaze UAvs were reportedly used during the night attack. According to the Ukrainian military, 16 out of 23 UAVs were shot down by Ukrainian air defense forces. The declared numbers unlikely correspond to the reality, since explosions thundered in deferent regions of the country.

One of the targets struck by Russian forces last night was the large thermal power station in the city of Dnipro in the Dnepropetrovsk region. Footage from the city confirmed large fire at the facility.



As a result of the damage to the station, power supply was cut off in the city. Ukrainian media complained that schools and hospitals were reportedly closed. However, the large power station in the industrial city of Dnipro mainly provides electricity to the numerous plants and entreprises in the region, which serve the needs of the Ukrainian military.

The mayor of the city confirmed damage to ‘an industrial facility’ and complained the city suffers from the lack of employees of municipal enterprises. A lot of Ukrainian workmen were jailed or mobilised to the army by Kiev’s services. As a result, there are not enough people to eliminate the consequences of Russian precision strikes and the entire energy system of the city risks to collapse.

Kiev is trying its best to hide the real losses it suffers from Russian attacks. This is possible thanks to the total control of the media and social networks and threat of arrest of civilians who reveal details about Russian strikes in Ukraine. However, some damage is too difficult to hide.


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No love for 1776!

tomsawyer= 🤡🤡🤡


this is what the nazis of the 21st century, led by the new hitler putin, have been invading and destroying a country for 2 years at the service of a bunch of madmen from the kremlin, they are left to continue attacking and calling everyone else nazis, a typical narrative of lie that russia has accustomed the world, an ignorant president acting like a clown on tv


try harder propaganda clown. which foreign nations were instrumental in orchestrating the staged events in ukraine during 2013/14?

now u know who the real nazis are. watch scott ritter’s documentary to see who the servile drugged muppet zelensky really answers to.


you have less brain than a chicken, and this documentary is for mentally retarded people like you and for the well-behaved russian sheep, they arrest all of putin’s opponents, he competes alone, a country of obedient and fearful people


“you have less brain than a chicken”

uu ave less brane den a ukronazi muppet.

find a better nazified goon translator, idiot pigslop…

Icarus Tanović

‘hitler is past tense.’ iddi amin.

BoJo "to the last ukrainian"

go away, get an education. nobody likes dumb sheeple who dance to the murdering ukranazi and american zionazi tunes here.

BoJo "to the last ukrainian"

he slurps nudelman’s titsies, like giancarlo gianini slurped the nazi camp fatso commandant’s in 7 beauties and like thaqi the jailed war criminal snake slurped madhatter albright’s titsies.

oh, god i’m gonna be sick after writing that.


sickening mental visuals, bucket is nearby… :/)


schnauze! nazi pig

BoJo "to the last ukrainian"

he’s just a plain vanilla idiot. probably gets his news from cnn. lol

i’ll bet he doesn’t even know who the snipers were on maidan that began shooting civilians to get the crowd into an uproar so that nudelman and her fascist flunkies could pull off their dirty like anti-democratic coup.

Last edited 8 months ago by BoJo "to the last ukrainian"
BoJo "to the last ukrainian"

oh, what a crybaby. can dish it out but can’t take it. guess they should have stuck with minsk ii. what d’ya think, poopsy?


nice video. western freedom of information.

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