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Footage Confirmed Destruction Of Fourth HIMARS MLRS Over The Past Week In Ukraine

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Footage Confirmed Destruction Of Fourth HIMARS MLRS Over The Past Week In Ukraine

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On March 12, the Russian Defense Ministry published footage of the defeat of another US-made M142 HIMARS MLRS launcher which was in service with the Ukrainian army. This is the second confirmed destruction of the expensive MLRS on Ukrainian frontlines over the past week.

The newly destroyed HIMARS MLRS was spotted by a Russian UAV in the Nevelsky area in the Donetsk People’s Republic. It was immediately struck by the Russian Tornado-S MLR.



The launcher clearly suffered extensive shrapnel damage. Thus, the strike was likely launched with a 9M544 cluster munition.

If the launcher can be repaired, the Ukrainian/NATO military will be likely forced to send it to the US and the journey back home will take a lot of time. LINK

Some sources supposed that the vehicle could be a decoy. Ukrainian forces are actively using the fake HIMARS MLRS to decieve the Russian military. However, the previously spotted decoys could be easier distinguished from the real systems; and Ukrainian serviceman (or a foreign soldier from NATO, who are usually operating the foreign systems) was seen operating near the launcher during the strike; while the decoys are usually abandoned on the battlefields. Most likely, the destroyed HIMARS was the real one.

Footage Confirmed Destruction Of Fourth HIMARS MLRS Over The Past Week In Ukraine

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A week ago, another high quality video confirmed the destruction of HIMARS MLRS near the village of Nikanorovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic. More footage showed two more destroyed US-made systems. LINK

The undoubted evidence forced Kiev and the Western MSM acknowledge the losse; while these are far from the first HIMARS systems destroyed by Russian strikes. According to open sources, the Russian army has destroyed up to 35-37 HIMARS MLRS over the past two years.


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up in smoke

in 2 seconds 6 million $ of your tax dollars, up in smoke, suckers

Last edited 1 year ago by up in smoke

apparently, it missed and exploded fear meters away. russian precision strike, hahaha.

Joe Biden

the strike was aiming at the soldiers and it’s unlikely that the himars escaped damage. even if it’s a decoy the rocket didn’t go to waste because the guys who placed it there are dead.

fm eere et

soldiers and their yank instructors went kaputt


class recess


yes, because a grenade that explodes 10m from you don´t do anything, ignorant

Malcolm Z

usually russian forces attacks these systemas as well as tanks and vehicles after drones have observed that they are not models because have open fire or launch missile

Gneaus stapo

lol assclown articel as usual. 35-37 destroyed himars systems, igor konashenkov’s math 1= 35 , now i better can understand his 600% destruktion rate figures about ukrainian airforce looses or screwjew claims of total victory in krinki.

fm eere et

destruktion ? go learn english son of a sankt pauli crack whore schlampe

Gneaus stapo

lol du kannst mich am arsch lecken du dummes russen buckstück.


hahahahaa you little moronic saudummes hurenkind and nazischwein. a bückstück was your grandma for the russian soldiers, after they crush your nazi grandpa and 3,5 million nazis on the eastern front. also you are a shame for all germans and not an german patrion, because german patriots want peace, friendship and cooperation with russia, that brought germany 50 years of economic growth and wealth.


shucks, what do you want from a guy who lists his mailing address as the old gestapo headquarters in berlin? he’s totally wacko.

Gneaus stapo

it is written on every wall, ivan verrecke 🖕🏻.


nobody can find such a wall in whole germany, not a single one. so it seems such is only written in your little moronic brain, right? lol


the only writings on german walls are…’doh, we screwed up again’ and ‘never march on moscow’.

Gneaus stapo

ur kind is only good as gas chamber test dummies.


uh uh, our little hurenkind nazischwein still dreaming of gaschambers and to gas many people again? then jews and now russians? sf should provide your ip adress and email to german verfassungschutz and bka/lka for a little visit at your place, because such hatespeach and nazi/fascist propaganda is highly punishable by german laws with up to many years of prison.

Gneaus stapo

first ones to be sonderbehandelt/ gassed in ausschwitz have been ivan pow flatheads as test. only afterwards it was adopted for the the final solution.

me and my kameraden at the bka, mad and verfassungsschutz are having a laugh about clowns like ur kind


hey there, gneaus. did i ever tell you about my granddad that used to ride around in himmler’s staff car in munich after the war?


when i was a kid, granddad stored a whole bunch of iron cross and swastika medals in a trunk in the basement that i used to pin on my neighbor paul and then pretend to shoot him with an air rifle. he eventually threw them in the garbage where they belonged. granddad even brought back a bronze ballerina that he took as war booty from the home of the builder of the first autobahn where he had a post-war office.

Last edited 1 year ago by MIC

it was probably stolen from a french villa. nice bronze, it’s sitting in my living room. want to see a photo?

James Hodgkiss

your time and contribution to humanity is priceless, thank god you chose this comment section to contribute, the world will really miss you when your dead.


ha ha. he denied he was a nazi one day, after everybody got on his case for a few weeks but since nobody slacked off, now he just lets his dirty little nazi self out for all to see.

if you go to bitchute and punch in ukraine, it’s the same thing. the only anti-russian ukrainian cheerleaders posting videos there are skinhead nazis/disfunctional morons.


thanks, gneaus – for letting the whole world see what the sort of nazi filth supporting ukraine is all about. you’ve done the blind and brainwashed of the west a real wake up call. keep it up.


when stapo asked his mother who his father was, her reply was “gruppe der sowjetischen besatzungstruppen in deutschland”. been angry and bitter ever since.

jens holm

in germ clown show amerikan colony stupo tantrum like amerikan child

gestapo mctaco

gestapo wen n dun full stupid n dunnit again..

Jonas Strandval

russian military generally has exaggerated all ukrainian losses by ratio on 1 to 5. that’s why ukrinians can keep of defending and inflickting heavy losses to russian forces. this war has proved all kind of weakness of russian military.


copium….mmm.mmm good.


don’t worry you will soon get some government forced austerity to pay for all this fireworks


gee, it’s strange then that ukraine’s losing so badly tha macron’s throwing a hissy fit.

James Hodgkiss

i don’t understand why the himars is so expensive. surely a standard lorry could move them about and their container is just a box. its the missile that’s expensive and the control system which could be remote and distributed.

Last edited 1 year ago by James Hodgkiss

we like it that way, more profit. russia’s the gift that keeps on giving.

concerned citizen

it looked like that hit was a bit off. did the shockwave do enough damage at that distance?


i thought that on first view, but replaying it a few times and pausing it at various points you can see it explodes in the air before reaching the target, then blasts an entire area perhaps 100 or 200m across like a giant shotgun as shown by little clouds of smoke or dust appearing, the launcher was in the middle of the pattern. apparently the tornado system has near 100% accuracy.


it’s going to be taken as a trophy and to study the system.

jens holm

as humiliated moron nazi i envy superior russian—i am certified graduate of aalborg toilet scrubber academy—63% russian adults university graduates where university no cost

stupo germ

25% germs university graduate—63% russian adults…our inferiority complex observed by scholar merleau-ponty etc….

Jonas Strandval

video didn’t tell anything and it was likely just another offspring of russian military propaganda.

Degeneration Of Russia

more than two years of pathetic russian warfare and facts remains: russian people need more indoor toilets and toilet seats, not this stupid war run by kremlin oligarchs.

Westoid Braindeads

the west’s project ukraine is turning out to be very bad marketing for their crappy weapons


crappy but very expensive. plus we need to change barrels and tracks and transmissions and firing tubes every five days and engines every month. it’s all in the manual. more profit for us. yippee!

Last edited 1 year ago by MIC
jens holm

nato spend trillions$ on dempmark lego to build incompetent tank give russia target practice—nafo morons live in cesspool of stagnant economies and ugliness—i have long worshipped money—i have alter with a dollar that i pray to


democrats and their senile stooge joe biden have already stolen 200 billion dollars and want another 100 billion dollars of your tax payer dollars meanwhile there is no money to help homeless americans or fix the crumbling infrastructure under their feet.


destroyed or damaged? the vid shows a hit some 30-40m right from the target, so a destruction is questionable, but serious damaged by shrapnel 4 sure. also no secundary explosions, so maybe empty rocket tubes or just a mock up?


trump in2024. biden & zelenskyy are kaput 100%. lock them up.

Lloyd Austin's Prostrate

somebody quick, give that himars the heimlich maneuver. maybe we can still save it!

Lloyd Austin's Prostrate

my prostate feels better when i’m prostrate.

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