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Germany Fears The Use Of Nuclear Weapons

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Germany Fears The Use Of Nuclear Weapons

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Written by Patrick Poppel, expert at the Center for Geostrategic Studies in Belgrade

When it comes to the dangers of radioactive radiation, most Germans are worried about nuclear weapons, according to a study by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection. Another risk, however, is much less known. According to a study, more than half of the German population is afraid of the use of nuclear weapons as a result of an armed conflict.

This is a representative survey published by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection. Accordingly, 58 percent of those surveyed fear the possible use of nuclear weapons and 57 percent fear an accident at a nuclear power plant. The fear is primarily related to the war in Ukraine, said the authority’s president, Inge Paulini

For the study, 2,002 people were interviewed by telephone between May and July 2024. The security policy situation that has changed since the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine in spring 2022 also plays a role in the perception of radioactive radiation, Paulini continued.

Since then, the Federal Office has continuously provided information about new developments, for example in connection with Europe’s largest nuclear power plant in Zaporizhia, Ukraine. This concern of people who are afraid of a nuclear war is also being increased by the further arms deliveries to Ukraine and the question of a response from Russia.

In addition, nuclear warheads from Russia have been stationed in Belarus since the summer of 2023. This is the first time that Belarus has had nuclear weapons on its territory since voluntarily giving up its nuclear weapons following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

There are therefore two main storage facilities for nuclear weapons in Belarus. One of these is said to be a military depot near the town of Asipovichy in the center of the country. Another possible storage location is Prudok, which is closer to the northeastern border. This means that Russia has brought its nuclear strike capability hundreds of kilometers closer to NATO countries.

The depot in Asipowitschy, which now has new nuclear storage facilities, is only about 193 kilometers from the Ukrainian border. The Prudok site is even closer to NATO’s eastern flank. This deployment theoretically allows Russia to more easily reach targets in NATO countries in Eastern and Central Europe, such as Poland, Latvia and Lithuania.

Russia continues to rely on nuclear deterrence against the West. And the reality was abundantly reported in the Western media. And earlier this year, Russian and Belarusian forces conducted joint nuclear exercises.

At the end of November, Putin implemented an updated doctrine on the use of nuclear weapons. This new doctrine defines that Russia would not only carry out nuclear retaliation in the event of a nuclear attack. An attack with conventional weapons on Russia or its ally Belarus would be sufficient. At least if it “represents a critical threat to their sovereignty and/or their territorial integrity”.

Moscow also considers aggression by a non-nuclear state but backed by nuclear powers as a joint attack on Russia. These various facts were then linked and published again and again by the German media. That is why the fear of people in Germany has increased significantly.

But how real is the danger of a nuclear conflict in Europe? After 10 years of the Ukrainian conflict and 3 years of Russian special operation, there is still no realistic prospect of an end to this conflict. NATO is pushing Ukraine forward in order to weaken Russia militarily.

It is very important for the Russian structures to also look at other geopolitical fronts and to always be ready to act in terms of security policy. Russia currently has the situation in Ukraine under control. But what happens if long-range weapons continue to be supplied to Ukraine by the West?

In a spiral of escalation, the Kremlin could realistically invoke the new military doctrine if targets in Russia continued to be attacked in such a way that national security could be endangered.

This point could soon be reached, especially due to the further arms deliveries announced by the US. Despite exaggerated and dubious media propaganda from the West, which specifically convinces people in Germany to fear a nuclear war, the situation presented has a core of truth.

A lot of events are currently coming together that at least make a nuclear war on the European continent possible. The basic conditions have been created and this fact cannot be denied. One can certainly say that European politicians have brought Europe to the brink of catastrophe.


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too little too late . go and educate yourself go on go and google how many nuclear atomic ” devices ” have already been ” tested ” globally. wake up ffs get real .

Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

the globalists/zioniusts would be quite happy if the nuclear war is confined to europe.. look for the usa to back away from ukraine and leave the rest of nato to continue to the point of nuclear war.

Jar Head

you know the americans all too well.

fudge cracker

end the problems …. confine it to israel and new york city.

Lidia Litviak

i live in the garden state so as a matter of self preservation i must disagree with the big apple part.

Apple of my Eye

it would solve the migrant and homeless problem in a jiffy. don’t you want to be a part of the solution?

Shlomo's little weenie

another final solution for (((them))) sounds good. can’t get enough of them.


dear fellow, i was a token goyim in a high school full of jews. there’s good and there’s bad, like with every group…. but when the bad gain too much power, no country can survive for long.


yes and putin belongs to them. ask yourself why putin never threatens israel with nuclear weapons? despite israel having destroyed syria and kicked out russia from middle-east via their proxy hts&isis headchoppers. here again you see to whom the loyalty of putin goes. russians = zero , israel&jews = 10000000000000 to eternity. that’s what people in russia should realize before its to late and they aka russia ends up like syria did.

Last edited 2 months ago by Fidor
Niccolo Machiavelli

really stupid statement. firstly russia is not at war with israel; israel is nowhere near powerful enough to be an existential threat to russia. those bases are purely a convenience, nothing more. secondly, russians are not arabs. their loyalties are not divided. russia has been fighting the holy roman empire and its derivatives since 1054 – and winning.

Malcolm Z

anyway usa dont belive in putin red lines, we have seen how maidan regime have attacked russia with stormshadow& atacms and without receiving a devastate attack in kiev decision centers and even less in nato bases.

Niccolo Machiavelli

“exaggerated and dubious media propaganda from the west, which specifically convinces people in germany to fear a nuclear war”. huh? hollywood is busy convincing everyone that murica can win a nuclear war hands down. get this through your thick head: _no-one_ wins a nuclear war.

All Hat no Cattle

i feared having a bullseye painted on my back by school chums too, so i guess i can relate.

Boris Orlov

the only thing germany fears is co2. if somebody claimed that shooting themselves in their knees was good for the climate they’d happily do it.


germany fears it will grow a spine one day and offend the spineless.


germany is right to be concerned, hosting us nuclear weapons, like turkey does, makes it a primary target for pre-emptive strikes with non-nuclear weapons, like the oreshnik, that can penetrate the nuclear weapon storage bunkers and possibly cause them to detonate with immediate catastrophic results.

captain hohol

it is astounding to me that france, germany and the uk are all primary aggressors against russia, when france, germany and the uk all have eminent sociological and demographic problems in their respective countries.

france, germany and the uk are trying to distract from their own social catastrophes by aggressing russia.

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