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Hungary Welcomed Sweden In NATO

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Hungary Welcomed Sweden In NATO

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On February 26, the Hungarian Parliament approved Sweden’s application to join NATO. 188 Hungarian deputies voted for the entry of “neutral” Sweden into NATO. Only 6 deputies of the Hungarian Parliament found the courage to vote against it.

Hungary became the last member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation to ratify the Swedish application. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban claimed that “Sweden’s accession to NATO will strengthen Hungary’s security.”

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg congratulated Stockholm on becoming the 32nd member of NATO.

Finland and Sweden jointly applied to join NATO in May 2022. Helsinki officially joined the alliance on April 4, 2023, but Ankara and Budapest blocked Stockholm’s application for a long time due to disagreements. Nevertheless, in January 2024, Turkey approved Sweden’s accession to the Alliance. Hungary was the last country to ratify Stockholm’s application. Budapest noted that the governments of the Scandinavian countries “have repeatedly sought to strike at Hungary,” putting pressure on the government and supporting the opposition.

Initially, the Hungarian parliament planned to vote on Sweden’s membership in the Alliance on February 5; but the deputies of the FIDESZ party boycotted the vote. The leader of the party called for the vote only after the visit of the Swedish prime Minister to Budapest.

As a result of the accession of Sweden and Finland to the North Atlantic Alliance, Russia’s land border with the bloc will increase from 1,215 to 2,600 kilometers. At the same time, the United States were seeking to take control of Scandinavia in order to strengthen the US position in the Arctic.

It was only a matter of time before new countries joined the Alliance. The great ‘victory’ is nothing but a legal formality. For many years, Sweden supported the anti-Russian operations of NATO, formally declaring its neutrality. Stockholm provided its territory for American intelligence complexes and took part in military exercises with NATO colleagues.

In their turn, Hungary and Turkey used the rush of their NATO colleagues to get some preferences. For example, Turkey gained the permission from Washington to buy new F-16s. LINK


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it’s an paradoxal stupidity to believe on a europe ruling in an euroasian continent. and what is a paradoxal imbecile? is himself and his continencies.

Last edited 1 year ago by jorge
jens holm

no. the parodox were ussr with its resoources were able to collapse itselv. they denies any internal and extern advice. and here we go.

i look back. they should have changed ussr by gorbatov, jelsin or both some 20 years before they did making making reform in many small safe steps.

russia is not europa. its shown well.

jens holm

eu and nato is doing very well. hungary signed and har to keep the rule or out. we dont want them as they ones were even claming and getting land under hitler.

its ignored eu instead has made open border and demand equal minority right for all. nato is thema thing. who has to full needed things too.


idiot jibber monkey–russia largest economy in europe growing while all eu nations contracting—monkey holm stupid and a liar

jens holm

i always wrot stupidity cuz i am clean nazi moron

jens holm

i nevor rote this

Edgar Zetar

russia is bigger and have more resources than all european eu countries together, so i agree with your comment. it’s huge stupidity to believe europe eu could rule euroasian continent, also they had surrendered completely to usa anglo zionist empire.


when will they learn, many of these countries also joined the third reich or collaborated with it, didn’t end well.

jens holm

you ignore dirty communist were crawling in all europe as well and i even i berling.

and of cource you forget you took finland, the baltics and divided the rest with with hiltler.

you forget you got military tech. and by that sold them fuel. nikel and a lot of fuel.

and of course you ignore the nazis only were rulers the very gernamy from 1923 to 1945. and its the same for your banderas. in in big pictures they not even agains you but the poles and jews

jens holm

i afraid superior communist–i prefer be slave retired janitor submissive monkey in amerikunt colony

Lance Ripplinger

prime minister viktor orban, please explain how sweden joining nato increases your country’s “security”. what the fuck could sweden do if you were invaded by russia? jack shit, that is what!


his filled bank account tells him to say it.


on the other hand, the west threatened to take all the money out of pocket.

jens holm

np need for that.

he want to hungary once was it big country. he forget others in the regions all has big as well.

not all can big at the same time.

realisme for me, eu and and even nato in open borders and treaten according human right is better then fight.

jens holm

denmark has been biig too. its better having as good neigbors and cousins. the norway again became an own coutry, they choosed as danish as their first king. that was a big honor.

hey didnt dislike danes and sweedes, but justed wanted to be their own

jens holm

big honor for danes liking amerikan peniz


orban is almost the only sane leader in the eu. watch tucker carlson’s interview 2023. orban wants the war to end immediately and aid to ukraine to end immediately. the west put pressure on hungary for almost two years. this was inevitable – threatened to wreck the hungarian economy. hungary made agreements with china and iran, soon it does not need the eu. turkey is also interested in brics.


the united states is pulling the strings here its their kissinger zbignew brezinski doctrine to bully and baiting russia into this terrible war in ukraine. heartland theory. they want to sabotage economic coorperation between russia and germany at all costs because with russia joining nato and the eu it would mean europe would become far more influential and wealthy then the united states. this is what these hawks in thw white house fear.

Last edited 1 year ago by Worldpeace

they want to ignite ww3 to divide us and have us kill eachoter. we should not allow this to happen and demand peace and peace negotiations over the war in ukraine rather then more weapons and sending our people to the front to die on mass. we need peace negotiations and get rid of these us controlled puppets anf climate nazis in our government

Last edited 1 year ago by Worldpeace

the wef controlled young global leaders are all traitors and enemies of the people. this sustainable development agenda is digital slavery and digital dictatorship


i support swedish neutrality and finish neutrality .now they join nato the problem is they become a legitimate target if a large european war breaks out. the real victors of ww2 and ww1 are the countries who managed to remain neutral. they were spared from the death and suffering.

Last edited 1 year ago by Worldpeace
jens holm

i dont see that. they now are better defenced and the rest of us.

i dont see worked in ww2 at all. the problems was we could not defend us they against italy. hitler and ussr.

and again: we are not sitting ducks less clever then fx russia and much stronger.

jens holm

speek for yourself and where you are.

here we elect peolple which are parts of ourselves.

i see digest has solved a lot more then problem. it was invented because there was a need.

fx my father work in a bank potting money out and in and out and in. customers wasted time. that cirkus is replaced by plastic card. thank you + + ?

jens holm

i like amerikan peniz in my mouth


when did the eu become war-crazed? the eu has always pushed for immediate peace and negotiations. now the heads of state childishly refuse to answer even putin’s phone call. human dignity and human life have no meaning for western leaders. across the eu. what has happened? i’m ashamed to be european. only hungary wants immediate peace – that’s why it is barked at and smeared in the west..

jens holm

i so impressed you can see that throgh being censerud to the bone yourself.

you ignore eu is 450 millions and germany ionly is 90 mio.

you also ignore we are very different from usa and by that until the invasion has behaved much more calm as merkel.

russia were the real showstopper giving usa wind. rusian didnt agree in somthing making sense.

the russia museum dwarf is no option to join with. they has nothing the world need.

jens holm

the monkey jens inferior insecure retired janitor uneducated nazi has nothing anybody wants


angela merkel was one of the initiators of the war and she has admitted it in 2022, france’s hollande also acknowledged the matter along with numerous other leaders. germany wanted ukrainian earth metals for batteries, the usa wanted nato bases. see three seas initiative. it openly lists the german and us plans.


the reason behind the russian sanctions and to the ukrainian conflict is the same as in the destruction of libya. for destroying currencies that threaten the dollar. libya was overthrown because the countries of the middle east planned a gold-linked currency that would have weakened the dollar. the purpose of the sanctions was to topple the brics; russia and china. the fear of brics overrunning the dollar and the dollar’s ability to blackmail developing countries with economic sanctions


also the eu’s ideological disengagement from arab oil and the three seas initiative. in the eastern ukraine has europe’s largest deposit of earth metal, needed for batteries. because ethnic russians voted “wrong”, the us and ger organized a coup in ukraine in 2014 that used fascist militias to help a pro-nato regime come to power, angela merkel confirms 2022 that nato wanted war from the start but needed time to prepare militarily and lead the situation to a large-scale conflict


hungarian president orban confirmed in an interview with carlson in 2023 that the decision on ukraine joining nato was already made at the 2008 nato summit. ukrainian president poroshenko admitted in 2015 that he got power from a conspiracy and that his presidency was not legitimate. the west cannot win because you can win the battle and even the war, but not the people. that’s why the usa lost in vietnam, somalia, afghanistan, etc.donbas etc are inhabited by ethnic russians .

Scandinavian CUCKS

what is wrong with scaninavians mann…they love nazis so much. they have become slaves to the dying u.s.s.a sick man of the globe


genial that one, «u.s.s.a». my aplauses.


lies and propaganda. the scandinavian media tells nothing but lies. the matter has been discussed in detail here. the former defense minister revealed that the nato decision was made behind closed doors as early as 2014. that is, when the eu made a three seas initiative to get ukraine. the public was clearly anti-nato as late as 2021. in practice, finland was already in nato in 2014. but without a referendum at any point. the same is criticized in sweden.


desperate to get strapped in to a sinking ship rather than pursuing diplomacy.


sweden will just see a much lowered quality of life for its citizens. lol dumbasses


moron clown jens holm desperate for attention—senilre retired dishwasher a zoo animal a well domesticated monkey


obviously dumb swede and finn now amerikant colonies…nato clown show humiliated by russia

jens holm

thats what you lean in shool dear little boy.

most likely nato should only in uk armed with bows and arrows. but you dont decide that.

jens holm

monkey holm tantrum delicious—senile irrelevant…lol


pitiful holm clown show more pathetic each day

jens holm

we bester lgbt clown in all europe—amerikan clown own us

jens holm

i only larnt to be submissive to lgbt in my school


please send the monkey holm a banana—it desperate

jens holm

now sweden pay for hungary—we suckanavians submissive amerikan colonies

jens holm

25 nations want to join brics—nobody wants join dirty failed eu


scandianvians dickheads loves the latino, asiatic, negro us marine pennis inside their white ass


get ready for nuclear war europe. your leaders don’t care if you die they think they can ride this nuclear winter out in their luxurious underground cities. tactical nukes will be used in ukraine to create a permanent buffer zone and might be escalated to actual nuclear war that will affect all of europe and most likely the entire planet if the war in ukraine doesn’t end very soon.

jens holm

nato=amerikan clown show…impotent weak talibanned

jens holm

nato prepare by prozac more lgbt commanders and begging for tacos from amerikan clown show


now even the most obtuse recognize the amerikan ukie nazis are defeated

wokestan foreign minister

we will install hunter biden as director of drug enforcement administration to eradicate all dane glue sniffers from our hillbilly society


hungry wants some swedish grippen aircraft for its air force, as always selfish national self interest dictating political decisions.

Paul Citro

another stupid country volunteers to be on the front lines of world war iii.

Edgar Zetar

usa empire and the neocons who ruled over usa federal goverment wanted war. the world never stopped fight the world war in, maybe they were peace treaties, but soon after started cold war. asian countries and middle east countries should realize, war never ended. usa empire its all or nothing so they will push for war until the end.

Edgar Zetar

to me it’s amazing western civilization, we all have just only one shot on this creation (one life only, we all born and die and that’s all). western civilization its all about to conquer and slave, subdued or be destroyed, just to the western elites to have more fun in life they pushed suffering to the lesser humans in the third world.

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