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MARCH 2025

In Videos: Azerbaijani Advance On Armenian Positions In Nagorno-Karabakh Region

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The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry released a series of fresh videos showing its ongoing attack on Armenian forces in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. It is interesting to note that videos show an active usage of Turkish-supplied military drones in the operation.


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Ishyrion Av

The “advance” part is missing. One tank is camera shut from different angles, this counts as multiple tanks kill?

Vox Populi

Propaganda and the fog of war.

Damien C

A lot of the videos cut short because the damage inflicted on the targets was not total and they remained operational to a fair degree. Military people from all countries love their destruction/propaganda videos when they cut the videos as short as these with no aftermath clips you can pretty much regard the strike or the munitions used as being less effective than hoped

The Objective

We’ll soon know when the dust settles

Free man

Multiple Turkish new outlets are reporting that Fuzuli has been captured. In addition, Azerbaijani journalists and telegram channels are claiming that the city has been captured. No official confirmation yet.

Vox Populi

You sound like a very excited child. Settle down as war is not for children. It is shame that humans resort to violence.

Free man

“It is shame that humans resort to violence.” – I agree Grandpa. These are just facts. Get over it.

Vox Populi

You sound very bitter old man. Wars by nature are failure of civilization.

Free man

You’re confusing. Do I sound like a child or like an old man to you? Are you always so confused?

Vox Populi

Really don’t care and dismiss idiots of any age. Good luck to you.

Free man

If next time you won’t push your nose where it doesn’t belong, it won’t get a burn. Good luck to you too.


turkish outlets even say their “brave and invincible warriors” have killed millions of russians in Libya

Vox Populi

It would appear that the Turks are fully involved and using the same tactics of massive drone swarms that were successful in Libya. The Armenians have a manpower handicap and will have to resort to using their substantial air attests if they are to avoid a rout. The Azerbaijan forces have a huge manpower advantage and Turkish support.

Assad must stay

And Armenia has russian and iranian support which is more than enough for them

Fog of War

Russia will never directly support Armenia militarily. Iran would be stupid to get invloved.

Assad must stay

you are very wrong my friend, armenia will win the war, the azeris will be beaten back and erdogan’s ambitions stopped butt cold

Fog of War

Watch and see. It actually doesnt matter which side prevails, the ” house ” always wins.


Iskanders. They are ready to use them. Erdogan is playing with a huge fire this time.


3rd video seems like a 3D satellite footage. Look how terrain moves with camera movement. Do they have military satellites?

Vox Populi

No, only drones and not even aerial surveillance aircraft at this stage. The Turks have RF-4 Phantoms but they are very vulnerable to ground fire as Syria had shown.


never mind, found it. They have the Israeli TecSAR all-weather military surveillance satellite.

Vox Populi

Yes, they have substantial Israeli and Turkish joint support. Israel has been arming them since the 90’s.

Servet Köseoğlu

Armenian Anti-Air systems when seeing Drones.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/627a8b946feddab47079bcb3e97793bde7b4600a51530d42f94ce05b9d929baa.jpg

Vox Populi

The Turkish drones have been very successful in both Libya and now Armenia and are a low cost option which even other NATO forces are evaluating.


Did they sell the new high altitude ones to Ukraine? there was a joint production or something

Vox Populi

Turkish company Baykar announced that final agreement on sale of drones was signed with Ukraine. A Turkish company has exported six armed drones to Ukraine. The drones, called Bayraktar TB2, successfully completed all acceptance test procedures. Israel is also arming the Ukrainian forces.


no i mean the other one (HALE) forgot the name. TB2 is MALE (medium-altitude-long-endurance)

Vox Populi

According to Janes and SIPRI, this is the only deal that went through. I am not aware of the THALE project.


oh, ok. thanks mate

Servet Köseoğlu

even cheaper than Blu-109 penetration bomb..

Vox Populi

Also the endurance and low risk of operator casualties. Janes Defence Weekly had a good write up after the Libyan success. Turkey may have pioneered actual drone combat.

Assad must stay

No Armenia has to win

Servet Köseoğlu

Uavs cameras L3Harris Wescam MX-15D(first batch)..good resolution even ı can see armenian soldiers teeth decay..he should go dentist first..

The Objective

What happened to the Russian air defense systems Armenia bought? Another defeat of Russian air defense systems in Armenia and the market for many Russian air defense systems will crash. They always blame this on unskilled operators despite training the crews themselves. I wonder if the Russian systems are overhyped. India is resisting intensive adverts from Russia for the Pantsirs. The world is still trying to decide if the defeat of Pantsirs in Libya and Syria could actually be attributed to unskilled crews, when the systems offer a high level of automation.

Servet Köseoğlu

all aa systems who operates stand alone chewing gum, we cant accuse russian systems..but if they operate in multi layer system with the support of land based ew like krasukha+early warning radar at least with ku-band then drones has no chance..(you have to change the tactics)

The Objective

But the Armenian military received some Russian aa systems in 2019. They also witnessed how Turkish drones devastated Assad’s forces and Haftar in Libya. Why didn’t they prepare for such a scenario even after knowing that Azerbaijan has some Turkish drones? I think this is much more than the incompetence of crews. Some analysts believed that the Turkish drones had the advantage of Surprise in Syria. Certainly, they don’t have such advantage with the Armenians.

Servet Köseoğlu

what they received is working stand-alone.İntegrated radar systems with multi-layer anti-air defence systems which has data links is very expensive.Armenia hardly purchased 4 su-30 SM with russian credit.Besides advanced land-based ew system like Krasukha Russia will never give it to anyone (maybe old-school ew can be transferred but they are quite useless),There is also Ukranian option like ‘lyman” but ukraine-armenia relations are not good at all.Ps:Armenians prepared,Reports mentioned TorM2KM is pretty effective against drones but how many armenia purchased,their location is still question and they will be working stand-alone again.ı think we’ll see in coming days.

Антон С

“They also witnessed how Turkish drones devastated Assad’s forces and Haftar in Libya.”

In turkish cartoons? Very trusted source, yeah.

The Objective

Those drones stopped the advances of Assad’s forces ABRUPTLY. They also stopped the advances of Haftar’s forces ABRUPTLY. Do you deny this?

Антон С

As you wish, my not objective pal.)

The Objective

Syrian Arab Army forces were advancing against the rebels in Greater Idlib. The Turkish drone strikes stopped that advance and even reversed it to some extent. Haftar’s forces had besieged Tripoli and were advancing towards the capital. Those drones stopped their advances and pushed them back as far as Sirte and Jufra. What are you denying this for? You want me to provide links to these facts?

Антон С

Right, few scattered units is not air defense system, it’ obkects defense. Long range radars (S-300 for example) + medium range (or at least small range) defenders of S-300 + electronic countermeasures – is the system, solid dome. Anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD) as yankees say. Such zones were created in Kaliningrad, Crimea, Hmeimim and other points.

Servet Köseoğlu

Also İn Syria drones annihilated syrian howitzers,soldiers,Pantsirs until russians started using Krasukhas and Khibiny which is attached to su-34 and su-30..

Антон С

Syria has no A2/AD. Turkey didn’t hit their “Panzers”, it was Israel with “Dalilah” or/and “Harpy” 1 or 2 times after the unit is out of ammo and the crew left it instead taking cover. The result – unit can be repaired.

Lybia. Few UAE “Panzers” (export version) shot. At least one of them was in hangar and damaged by its own crew to prevent capturing and using against Haftar forces. But hohols and turkish MSM tells about victory over russian weapons.)

Add to this mosaic tens of taken down “Bayraktars” with “Ankas” and you’ll get full picture: AA is more combat capable that slow speed UAV, which is good as counter-insurgent weapon or against papuas from New Guinea.




After capturing. https://ic.pics.livejournal.com/bmpd/38024980/8044439/8044439_original.jpg

Servet Köseoğlu

syria has no a2/ad…right and thats why we obliterated their panzer or christie tanks whatever..not israel,tb2 drones did it…The result – unit can be repaireduntil repairing time we can enjoy the other targets..it cant be repaired in 1 day right? AA is more combat capable that slow speed UAVno, stand alone aa is not more combat capable than uavs(not every uva of course)..Pantsir-S1 NATO reporting name: SA-22 “Greyhound” unit cost US$ 13.15 million–14.67 million (export) where we managed to down the cost of Tb2 even 1 million usd..hitting 2-3 aa will deadly effect who uses stand alone aa’s.Generally poor organisations or countries has to use stand alone aa. And hohols(ukros) and turkish msm ı dont care as ı replied to objective Russian systems pretty good.

Антон С

Fight in Lybia shows that old versions of stand alone “Panzers” are more effective than new “Bairaktars”. Few lost “Panzers” and few tens of UAVs. Costs of “Anka” is the same, “Bayractar” smaller and 2 times cheaper as I remember. Air strikes of F-16 and up to 20 thousands of rats from Syria stopped Haftar. Too bad (for Turkey) they have no “Panzers” to cover Al-Watiya air base instead of “Hawk”. F-16 and UAVs could be destroyed in hangars without effective object defense. That’s why offence of rats was stopped. They are losing without air support.

Servet Köseoğlu

there was no f-16 at Libya..check your facts please..Too bad (for Turkey) they have no “Panzers” to cover Al-Watiya air base instead of “Hawkhawk is old-outdated-useless aa ı agree..it was deployed symbolically..yes we always relied on nato and did nothing in military industry but we started..and ı think we are wise enough not to buy Patriots right?

Антон С

Yeah, let’s check. No F-16, no turkish frigates near Tripoli, no AWACS E-7T for air defense of GNA…


17 April, Al-Wishka, near Misurata – ground strikes with using F-16.

20th of April. Greek radars locates 16 F-16 flying to Lybia. All 16 machines have entered libyan airspace.

In the middle of August. 2 F-16 and “Hawks” at Al-Watiya air base were destroyed by airstrike.

Servet Köseoğlu

thats video was taken near cyprus not libya…besides why should ı lie?only hawks were destroyed .. you are like broken record..at the end of the day Tripoli is free..

Антон С

I just checked facts as you said to me. So who is the broken record repeating the same?) At least you are not denying 18 thousand rats from Syria delivered to Libya by Turkey.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı never ignore facts Anton..there was no f-16 at libya..yes we transferred mercenaries to Libya..


It would be interesting if Armenia had observed the initial battle deployment as this must have been prepared for some while. As long as they can´t control their own airspace this war is lost. If it is true that Turkey/Aserbaijan now already have fire control over the main supply road than it will be even more difficult.

Ray " Uncle Sam"

One call to moskow will change everything!


The call already happened – and it is not as easy as assumed by you as Russia does want to maintain a decent relationship with both parties and also wants to prevent another resource draining proxy war with the West/Turkey. That´s probably what it´s all about, anyway.


Azeris cant win this war . Terrain is valley from their side and mountains from Armenian . Tanks and bmps cant overrun areas .

The Objective

“Tanks and bmps cant overrun areas” I think the drones can.


drones cant win a war. The victory is always secured on the ground. Even for USA .

The Objective

Yeah, but after weakening an enemy from the air, you find it easier to roll in. besides, I don’t think they intend to invade the whole of Armenia.


sure you can roll in but how you will roll out. This land and whole Armenia is full of mountains.. It will demand massive death toll to invade and capture such natural fortified area.


Is azerbaijan planning to invade Armenia?


no .This area is mountainous too, that’s what I’m saying


yeah but if they take those mountains then both will be on top on opposing mountains with valley in between

The Objective

Well, I guess the Azerbaijani military planners have taken this into account before marching on.

The Objective

After watching this video, I see Turkey didn’t even employ the full might of its drones during the February fight with Syria. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqsLR-wcA8Q

Антон С

“Might” with 20 kg bombs, which can be launched just few km from the point. Easy target for AA, that’s why Turkey lost many tens of UAVs in Syria and Lybia. The are good only against insurgents, papua tribes and some small countries in Africa without air-defense system.

The Objective

The drones managed to destroy more than a dozen of you INVINCIBLE Anti-Aircraft Systems. I guess you’re gonna tell me those AA systems were manned by incompetent crews. India decided not to buy your Pantsir after that, despite heavy advertising by your country. One day your AA systems will come up against a truly sophisticated swarm of drones, then it’ll finally shut you up. By the way, are there recent orders of the Pantsir from any country? Maybe there is. I just don’t think it’s worth checking.

Ray " Uncle Sam"

or they just recieved all their ordered! They only reason turkey is in syria is because russia allowed it!

The Objective

Russia wouldn’t allow it if it could. Now look, Russia is not omnipotent okay. While it is militarily stronger than Turkey, Russia admits the Turks are no pushover in a fight. In fact, the biggest advantage Russia has is just the nukes, cos if they were to fight only conventionally, I’m pretty sure Russia will also suffer many casualties even if it wins in the end.

Ray " Uncle Sam"

why fight with low tech like the turks?

Ishyrion Av

”the real problem here is in fact Turkey’s overtly ambitious and nationalistic foreign policy, and its pursuit of establishing regional hegemony, which is becoming a growing destabilizing force to the Middle East and Caucasus proximity. ” “Nevertheless, this does not change the underlying facts that Turkey’s behavior is destabilizing the entire region around it. Erodgan’s foreign policy is a bitter broth of pan-Turkish nationalism and a regional power grab based on a hedging strategy seeking to play the great powers against each other. It needs to be kept in check.”

This is Russia’s voice (and warning). Do turks hear it? No, until will be too late.

Антон С

As you wish, not objective. Facts is not for you. No links to reliable sources, no photos, no proofs, just empty words from your side. Speaking with you = waste of time, you’re brainwashed by MSM. You’re a zombie who believes any crap, if it says “Turkey stronk”. Same as “Iron kaput” with “Zion shtronc”. That’t why you are supporting each other all the time. Brotherhood of iron empty pots. It’s really hilarious. Stay with empty pot and don’t bother others, if you are not a payed troll.

The Objective

https://maps.southfront.org/turkish-combat-drones-target-four-pantsir-s1-systems-in-libya-videos/ https://southfront.org/in-video-turkish-strike-destroys-supposed-pantsir-air-defense-system-near-saraqib/ https://southfront.org/turkish-drone-strikes-inflict-catastrophic-losses-on-syrian-army-videos/ https://maps.southfront.org/in-video-gna-forces-uncover-destroyed-pantsir-s1-air-defense-system-in-tarhunah/ https://southfront.org/at-least-9-pantsir-s1-destroyed-in-turkish-drone-strikes-within-a-week-reports/

Being a Russian propaganda outlet, SouthFront does make tremendous efforts to obscure the facts regarding the lose of Russian AA defense systems to Turkish drones. Because that’s bad business for the Russian defense industry. But when the truth becomes too glaring, SF does allow some of it to trickle out. It confirms some and deny or cast doubt on others despite have no evidence except for some vague claim of uncertainty.

Lazy Gamer

Idlib drone fest again. Armenia clearly prepared entrenchments against groumd assaults but did not defend against the air. How fast can it adapt upon receiving aa equipment? These will need foreign operators for such a short time.

The Objective

Armenia already received substantial Russian aa systems in 2019.

Fog of War

So did Syria, hows it working out over there ?

The Objective

Poorly I guess. the Pantsirs are yet to impress me against Turkish drones.

Fog of War

It could be the operators, it could be that those systems weren’t designed to deal with mass drone swarms, or it could be intentional. So many choices, so little time.

The Objective

It cannot be intentional as the stakes are high for defeat. Russia reportedly shot down several rebel drones using the same kind of systems. Guess those drones weren’t sophisticated enough.

The Objective

“These will need foreign operators for such a short time” Russia will not risk their soldiers over the unconfirmed claim that the aa systems fail to defeat these drones because of unskillful operation.

Lazy Gamer

Not necessarily Russian since it chooses to position itself ambigously in the middle of this conflict. lol Could even be Syrian or Greek or French or Libyan or Kurds or Iranian or just PMCs.

The Objective

“Armenia clearly prepared entrenchments against groumd assaults but did not defend against the air” The Armenians have Russian aa systems.

James Adams

Death to Azerbaijan !!!

The Objective

Why death to Azerbaijan. I can remember Armenia was the first to kill Azerbaijan soldiers a couple of weeks ago.

Rhodium 10

Turkish drones hit tanks?..nothing special..they are unmanned and some of them can hit the targets but it is not enough as many of them are being shot down…in Syria SAA could retake all lost position included Saraqib despite Turkish claimed that they have been destroyed SAA!…in Libya they lost a huge numbers of drones and cannot retake Sirte!…in Armenia-Azerbajan war more than 10 of them have been shot down in one day of war


I just feel that Armenia is like Israel and Azerbaijan is like Syria in terms of weapon quality. Look at the weapons those poor Azeri army is using.

Антон С

Clouds only on the most of videos.

cechas vodobenikov

azeris learn photo shop from Hollywood

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