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Israeli Fresh Strikes Perished 40 Civilians In Khan Yunis

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Israeli Fresh Strikes Perished 40 Civilians In Khan Yunis

Israeli Fresh Strikes Perished 40 Civilians In Khan Yunis

Early in the morning of September 10, the Israeli airstrikes pounded the so-called ‘humanitarian safe zone’ in al-Mawasi area of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, killing at least 40 Palestinian civilians and wounded 60 others.

Preliminary investigations suggest that Israeli warplanes dropped three US-supplied MK-84 bombs on a tent camp in the al-Mawasi area in this attack.

The US MK-84 is a free-fall, non guided GP 2,000-pound bomb. The MK 80 series Low Drag General Purpose (LDGP) bombs are used in the majority of bombing operations where maximum blast and explosive effects are desired.

During the Gaza war and America’s unwavering support for the Israeli regime, the US army reportedly transferred more than 14,000 MK-84 bombs to Israel. The Israeli regime uses most of these bombs to target different areas of the Gaza Strip, which leaves devastating damages and losses to people and the infrastructure of the besieged strip.

Israeli Fresh Strikes Perished 40 Civilians In Khan Yunis

US Air Force members transfer cargo to the IDF at the Nevatim Air Base on October 15, 2023. (Edgar Grimaldo/US Air Force)

Israeli Fresh Strikes Perished 40 Civilians In Khan Yunis

A US C-17 sits with crates of American munitions for Israel at the Nevatim Air Base, October 13, 2023. (AP Photos/Lolita Baldor)

Local sources reported the bombs caused craters as deep as several meters, burying about 20 tents with families inside.

Israeli Fresh Strikes Perished 40 Civilians In Khan Yunis

Israeli Fresh Strikes Perished 40 Civilians In Khan Yunis

Israeli Fresh Strikes Perished 40 Civilians In Khan Yunis

Israeli Fresh Strikes Perished 40 Civilians In Khan Yunis

Israeli Fresh Strikes Perished 40 Civilians In Khan Yunis

Israeli Fresh Strikes Perished 40 Civilians In Khan Yunis

Israeli Fresh Strikes Perished 40 Civilians In Khan Yunis

Israeli Fresh Strikes Perished 40 Civilians In Khan Yunis

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The IDF claim that it targeted three senior Hamas commanders in the area. These people allegedly were directly involved in the October 7 attack and participated in operations against the Israeli soldiers in recent months.

According to Israeli military, Samer Abu Daqe, the commander of Hamas Air Force, Osameh Tabash, a commander in the intelligence department of al-Qassam unist and Ayman al-Mabhouh, one of the senior commanders of Hamas, were killed.

Islamic resistance movement Hamas and the Islamic Jihad movement issued a statement and strongly condemned the barbaric crime committed by the Zionist regime army in the Mawasi area of ​​Khan Yunis.

The Israeli aggression in Gaza Strip has left more than 40,500 martyrs and more than 93,500 wounded, mostly women and children.

Also, the Israeli imposed war in Gaza has caused vast destruction and displaced around 90% of Gaza’s population of 2.3 million. Israeli army evacuation orders, have pushed thousands of Palestinians into the so-called ‘humanitarian safe zone’ in al-Mawasi area, yet they will be attacked in the same area by Israel.

The humanitarian situation is dire and is getting worse due to the restrictions imposed by the Israeli regime on the entry of food and medicine into the Gaza Strip. Israel faces accusations of genocide for its crimes in Gaza at the International Court of Justice.


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Allahists are Nazis

white helmets reloaded? common, do we look really that stupid? no mercy to nazis. on both sides


the jew is subhuman and zionazis are filth

Skip 59

russian military aircraft fly in and out of tel aviv daily.,.russia is represented in israel through an embassy in tel aviv and a consulate in haifa. russia is a member of the quartet on the middle east. for many years, israel was a haven for russian jews.

Last edited 5 months ago by Skip 59

hogwash, lying through your teeth, filth!

the cohen r khan

why is haifa so sleepy if you want a quiet sleepy holiday go to haifa

no trouble from syria iran or the hex


look because jews moslems catholics protestants and orthodox can always be visiting diplomatically its the centre of international drug trade. they’re all there because they love the sane g. o. d. gold oil drugs imo. they all need a cover story its been that way since the crusades where again the real business was the plundering looting and protection rackets.


talmudists are nazis too


listen you has barat nazis ars imperialists. hitker wanted the third reich reich you fool meabs empire. wake up.


remember that on judgement day when you’re facing god the father of the jews.

the cohen r khan

rita katz tim bell bell potting. genie energy


you do look really stupid, especially when you try to deny the genocide that has been going on for 78 years, or try to compare the white helmets (a cia/mi5 shell, supported by us/uk/eu) with the palestinian civil defense


genocide was best achieved by the british who totally genocide the whole tasmanian race they also invented concentration camps which they used in south africa and were the first to use chemical weapons. the vatican invented communism, which now wef calls owning nothing and being happy with your community values, long before they pretended marx did they also created fascism.


you? do you? with so many names who knows who you are.


this whole comments section is filled with the stench of corruptuon


the mind sickness of the western elites manifests itself in these murders. it may be they want to provoke a wider war because time has become their enemy


they want what you claim to be

Dr. Draxxus

the good news: 60,000 israeli startups and companies are officially bankrupt, 1 million israeli’s flee the country, no foreign investments, severe red flags in recruitment & readiness. and they continue to instigate full-blown war with all of their neighbors …

bombing of civilians in a concentration camp is all that they can do. this spells d.o.o.m. for the ziofascists

Last edited 5 months ago by Dr. Draxxus

so the khazar trash are heading back to their former ghettos. imagine this poison again smeared all across the planet that thought it had done with these monsters.

the cohen r khan

the khazhar canker cancer name stealers identity thieves are on the move looking for fresh blood the blood lickers blood libel satans own oded yinon new khazaria from old ukraine what a fuck up

straight to hell you scum


good to see the moderators are in your spew bag.


intel have just cancelled a $25 billion investment in talmudistan.


they’re losing big time everywhere nvidias and the new chinese chips are taking all their customers they’re going down


the jews can’t and won’t defeat hamas and hezbollah can keep the jews at arms length for ever and keep inflicting damage on the jews and the west bank soon to be returned to the rightfull owners, the palestinians. the palestinians will soon go from friggin’ poor to affluent once the gas the jews been stealing will benefit the pallies! and not a jew in sight in the entire middle east. wow something to look forward to!


the zionazi demon is insatiable in its blood lust and is intent on drawing its brainless ussan golem into total war for the zionist filth that owns $lumville ussa and all its tax cattle. yet again the monster nut’nyahoo and its depraved ghouls splash the blood and strew the body parts of innocents as the devils seek to goad iran to finally strike at the core of the beast that is the israhell abomination. karma will come, of that there can be no doubt.


such persistent nazi propaganda is really transparently desional.


omg ars you pro globalism and agenda 2030? do you support the new world order are you trans gender sitting on a wind mill watching the solar panels harvesting sunshine to run your electric car for your 15 minute limit in your community of like mineded clones?


i look forward to seeing the brainless ussan golem tear itself apart and burn in the coming civil war reloaded. karma is coming to the most disgusting sewer ever to plague huamnity, even more disgusting that the cesspool of filth in khazar occupied palestine.


sewer talk suitable for deep septic tankssuch ridiculous assertions of 1930s hitlerist crap.


fucking zionist joo killers.


wake up world !!! judaism is the highest form of satanism !! jewry is not a religion but an ancient cult of devil’s worshippers, thieves, pederasts and poison-murderers !!!

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki
the cohen r khan

moshiac baal molech moloch baphomet the synagogue of satan the genie is out of the bottle rothschild black rock vanguard dutch east india company never died


listen pal read the bible learn the synagogue of satan jesus describes is the roman empire they put their fake high priests into the temple they set them up to corrupt judaism those fake jews ran to pilate squealing, he’s taken the bait at last entrapment forever etc


during ww2 many germans from all walks of life became disaffected with the nazi regime, having in many cases witnessed its brutality and atrocities at first hand. people like canaris, the intelligence chief, stauffenberg and others. some cooperated with allied intelligence, others plotted to assassinate hitler on many occasions, the 44 bomb plot being just one of many such affairs.


it is highly likely that many individuals with high level posts in western regimes are currently similarly disaffected, revolted by the endless wars of aggression based on lies, the complicity in the gaza genocide, the blatant hypocrisy and double standards, the persecution of truth tellers like assange, the endless mendacity of regime functionaries and their servile media, the corrupt and compromised intelligence agencies, the politicised kangaroo courts.


the war on free speech, honest reporting and legitimate opinions. the rigid censorship and repressive legislation. the attack on civil liberties, the blanket snooping and surveillance. it seems highly likely that there are now many such individuals, many philbys, burgesses and macleans, albeit with different motivations, doing what they can to bring down the system from within. foreign intelligence services could well reap a rich harvest.


yeah philby was the queen’s cousin i’m pretty sure.


listen assange was just just an anti american agent if britain his parent sent him to live in a cult as a 8 or 9 year old here called the cult of the white haired kids, blue eyes as you can imagine it was a terrorist training programme run by a british “lady” when 60 minutes australia exposed it she shot through back to london, dissappeared now its a big secret

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

the bible tells you that ” in the end times the stench of corruption shall reach all the way to heaven” course nazis hate the bible after all god’s the father of all jews


and btw “heaven lies between the waters above and the waters below” the bible also tells us. course nazis wouldn’t believe that. jesus and the virgin mary and his disciples were all jews.


the opposite was the main problem ! the problem was that the german ns-government was much to kind and generous to all of it’s enemies. they allowed the british to withdraw the uk troops from dunkirchen, …

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki

..they captured but then released baron l. de rothchild, they not cleansed & purged the traitor generals & others inside the state effectively, whereas stalin executed his whole army general command & staff even before the real big war started. hitler first laughed at stalins decision, but later he realized that stalin was right to do so, and he(hitler) screamed that he should have done the same too. but it was too late by then.


everyone hated him really my grandad was third highest rank in the nazi army they all wanted him dead.


gooky=amerikunt nazi retired janitor


he was a british agent. wakey wakey. imo


correct because germany was lutheran it was the german martin luther who created protestantism the vatican obviously wasn’t their cup of tea. hitler was selected imo, not elected it was early days for voting and the people were still used to the kaiser, they were suckers for every trick in the book.


there’s no way roughly 98 % lutherans elected a catholic party imo, but the media barons ran cover stories with hitler as the holy saviour every single day for two years prior to the elections so the world would believe the election results the only reason any germans allegedly supported hitler was because we are supposed to believe they though if they didnt the russians would invade. as if.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous
Time To...

it’s time to start bunging these hooked nose mutha fuqas into ovens..


israel is self destructing as we speak. its a 100% made jewish operation. there is no going back. smart jews have already left or are packing their bags right now

Last edited 5 months ago by hasbarats

what a stupid comment the smart jews never went there in the first place


making more enemies i see….its the best god’s chosen flock of baboons can do


many nazi at sf–only 2 nations vote to oppose use of nazi expressions united nations—amerikuntistan, ukraine


there is no need for jews in this world – wipe them off the face of our world which belongs to the non-jews. not hard to understand and erdogans suggested islamic alliance against the jews is a start. and if the stupid c*nts resort to their samson option the consequence for the jews will be sever and the goyim should turn into a sondercommando aggainst the jews – no leniency at all, just pure rage!

the cohen r khan

they are not jews but name stealers and identity thieves read the book the 13th tribe about these demonic scum


i know but they present thems3lves as jews and will have to live with the wrath of the non-jews when we get to that point. the amassed fortunes of the wall street jews, the rotschilds and bonniers will be wellcome contribution to the rest of the world snd make them debt-free. the sole beneficial legacy the jews are ever likely to leave behind!


it’s an horrific business played by parties who are experts at passing the buck. blessing of pope francis to congress: “god bless america” 19,511 views · 8 years ago… you tube observation.

the cohen r khan

top image is fake looks like rita katz site intel group the friends of syrian danny remember him.

this is looking like all sides are partners in zio satanick blood ritual murder slow kill

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