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Kiev Starts Building ‘Zelensky Rampart’ Which Is Hundreds Times Cheaper Than Russian ‘Surovikin Line’

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Kiev Starts Building 'Zelensky Rampart' Which Is Hundreds Times Cheaper Than Russian 'Surovikin Line'

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In early December, Zelensky officially acknowledged that the Ukrainian counteroffensive had failed and that the Ukrainian military went on the defensive. As months ago Zelensky revealed plans of the military to launch counteroffensive and proudly provided Moscow with all  the details, today, Kiev continues its media war and attempts to reduce the pain of defeat by revealing new plans of the military. Ukrainians are going to build defensive lines across half of the country.

The decision to begin the construction of fortifications was reportedly promoted by the Chief of the General Staff of Ukraine Zaluzhny. According to Ukrainian media, this was one of the reasons for the ongoing crisis in relations between Zelensky and the head of the military, Zaluzhny, since Zelensky did not want to admit the defeat of his “offensive” and, in fact, give up hopes of regaining the lost regions. The Kiev regime probably has a sound assessment of its might, and hardly believes that it will be able to take control of Crimea or Donbass; but the beginning of the construction of large defensive lines forces them to officially admit defeat.

Kiev Starts Building 'Zelensky Rampart' Which Is Hundreds Times Cheaper Than Russian 'Surovikin Line'

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Zelensky first declared that the fortifications will protect a huge are on the Avdevka, Maryinka, Kupyansk, Liman directions, as well as border regions near Russia and Belarus.

‘I held a meeting at which we discussed the construction of fortifications on the main defensive lines. These are the Avdeevka, Maryinka, Kupyansk-Liman directions, as well as the regions bordering Russia and Belarus. The proper arrangement of defense lines should become a priority issue, including in front-line areas,’ – Zelensky declared a week ago.

Preliminary reports stated that there should be three lines of defense along the entire Donbass and the northern border of Ukraine. However, further reports revealed much more modest plans of the Kiev authorities.

According to more recent claims by th Representative of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ukrainian government has allocated UAH 32 million for the construction of fortifications. This is only about $800,000. Kiev authorities also claimed that the fortifications will be built in the southern Zaporozhie region, where the Armed Forces of Ukraine are moving to a “strategic defensive operation.”  These funds should be used for the construction of defensive structures south of Zaporozhie, in the area of Orekhov east to the DPR border. This is much less than the plans announced by Zelensky a few days ago.

To compare, according to Kiev, Russia allegedly spent about $ 400 million on its defensive structures in the Zaporozhye region, which the Ukrainian military did almost not reach during its failed counter offensive. In its turn, Kiev is reportedly going to spend about 450 times less money on its fortifications. Ukrainian propaganda has outplayed itself.

Ukrainian servicemen highly appreciated the timely decision of their commanders to start building fortifications in the frozen soil in December:




Kiev’s project has already gained an unofficial name of Zelensky’s rampart and it is largely compared to the ambitious project of another wall aimed to protect Ukraine and the entire Europe from Russian aggression. In 2014, the then Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk announced his plan to build fortifications along the Russian border. Kiev payed at least $22 million for ‘Yatsenyuk’s wall”, which finally resulted in a couple hundred kilometers of frail wire:

Kiev Starts Building 'Zelensky Rampart' Which Is Hundreds Times Cheaper Than Russian 'Surovikin Line'

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Kiev Starts Building 'Zelensky Rampart' Which Is Hundreds Times Cheaper Than Russian 'Surovikin Line'

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In his turn, Yatsenyuk did not respond where were millions of dollars allocated to his project. His ‘business plan’ inspired numerous Ukrainian patriots, who proposed new multimillion-dollar walls to defend Europe from Russia. None of them helped to stop the Russian troops. Zelensky’s rampart is unlikely to stop them either, if it is ever built.


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Max Hermansen

are they stupid?

jens c.u.m. drop

its just a game.

neither russia or ukraine care how many men die on either side. they have not even lost 1 million between them

this could go on for 10 years and thered be only a million or so deaths.

thats nothing when they have 200 million between them


200 million? there is now 25 mil in ukraine – childrens, women and +46 year old men left. and this is official, not some lunatic propaganda.


youtube /watch?v=jzclzxzybg8


americans make fun of pollacks as stupid. they’re yet to discover the ukrainians who take stupidity to the next level compared to polaks. perhaps the dumbest dumbfucks in the entire eastern europe

Akira Kurosawa

i have plans for another epic film. i will assemble all ukrainians and have them commit hari kiri all at once.

jens c.u.m. drop

this is a forever game.

noone on earth, russia, china, iran is ever going to attack mainland usa. the usa always has been and always will be safe from the outside world.

this is a game where the usa can forever attack russia on their borders using all the countries around russia to do the fighting.

russia knows this will never stop. so they have little interest of going fast


considering usa has only 250 years, it gained security by presuring and destroying the societies in its surrounding area, and this dinamic is already failing, your statement makes no sense..


i would agree with you if it weren’t for the fact that the west is being artificially imploded. like the hooknosed jew kissinger said, they’re going to move the center of globalism away from the west and into china.

Peter Jennings

it seems that you haven’t been paying attention.


what confuses people is the idea that russia is not progressing. the situation is compared to the usa in iraq and afghanistan. what people don’t understand is that the usa lost and had to withdraw because the guerilla attacks became too expensive. russia has always advanced slowly, behind the line there is no opportunity for guerrilla activity when the enemy is completely destroyed. the usa drove tanks through the country with gas pedal at the bottom and left the guerillas alive.

Max Hermansen

why can’t kiev end this war and let the russians in ukraine decide themselves who they will belong to?


because the masters of puppets of the cocaclown from washington, london and brussels don want and dont let him to do that, because they need the ukros as usefull idiots to weaken and bleed russia. also cocalinsky seems to have an mental damage and adolf hitler syndrom, cause still believing in an endsieg over russia, while ukro frontlines colapse all over, slow but steady.

Blinken Dinken and Clodd Esq

oh, you’re too logical. we’ll have none of that.

Last Stop - Canarsie

what’s even weirder is – if the us is so gung ho on keeping countries together, why did it start a war with serbia to pull it apart?

no logic, no sense to what the us does. it’s like one of those homeless people babbling to themselves and spitting out threats to riders on nyc subway cars. best to get off at the next top.

jens holm

no fence around my lgbt senile sanatorium


hi miss cumdrop

chicken wire for hire

that’s because you had sex with the last chicken and there’s no more to keep in the coop.

Boycott usa the world's bully

now the zelensky line is in tatters, the only defensive line before ukraine vanishes into history, like south vietnam, is the dniepro river.


good luck with the chainsaws!🤣🤣🤣

Ukrastan's a joke

they have a shorter life span there than german tanks.


we hillbillies donate to zelensky cuz we live in nation w 4th world infrastructure

mohd noor

another last scam to steal whatever remaining ukraine depleted resources … and surely, some foreign company will make the bucks and another scapegoat will emerge on its corruption in ukraine, maybe the mayof of kiev this time ….

mohd noor

the only logical approach for russia is to consolidate its holdingsin majority russian speaking areas .. and should be to control the government in kiev to make sure at least the rest of ukraine is adequately governed.


it’s always cheaper when your not the one that pays for it and forcing it’s people is cheap labor. zelensky’s wife olena volodymyrivna zelenska spent more money on jewelry during their usa visit than they will spend on building this line of defense, that tells you a lot about their priorities.

John Kesich

what’s cheaper and would save more ukrainian lives than the “zelensky rampart”? white flags.


would save even more if his troops strung him up in the barbed wire on top and used him for target practice.


a few months too late ukros starting digging rows and defence structure, now in deep frozen hard ground? also not a genius idea to melt the ground with a big smoky fire, that can bee seen from miles away, as nice target signals.

Last edited 1 year ago by TomB.

zaluzhny tried offering him his laser-eyed tunnel cutters for the job but zelensky wouldn’t pick up the phone.

Peter Jennings

the zelensky line. what could go wrong?


it’s rumored to be twice as long as the yats line but that still only gets him to the next outhouse.

Peter Jennings

allotments in blighty have better security fencing than what yats put up. it’s probably already been stolen.


aici bucurestiul crangasi e plin de ukrainieni bogati care au platit sa fuga e plin de evrei ortodoxi unul era intr o honda mdx noua e voie sa întreb daca esti scutit pe caz religios sa lupti si la romani se rade ca la prosti apoi se plange ca la un organ amputat mazilesc apoi gandesc zic hip hip uraaa surovikintraiasca surovikin poate putin rusii se deschid spre valorile lor si noi suntem la fel as aminti si de bucatartraiasca lupta de partizani traiasca lupta de gherila


rezistenta se naste acum . 5% vor sa lupte contra statului. 12% vor sa se ascunda … poate in militiile potrivnice statului!! 25 vor afara din ue! sociologii sunt primii injurati


25% dintre romani. nuni interesează vizele vor afara din ue. roexit prinde contur!!! ma simt liber aici !


magna carta libetatum trebuie scrisa din nou pt romani. trenuie sa luptam contra opresiunii ue asupra romanilor. formarea partizanilor trebuie sa renasca. confruntarea e aproape


did roman soldiers really talk like that?


just stuff a few armoured vehicles full of tnt and send them to the weakest point by remote control (a similar attack robot was used in syriah, we are 5 years later now. it looks rf is still keeping some weapons secret). then blast everything away that is still standing with area bombing and cruise missiles. come to think of it: we ain’t seen nothing yet of real firepower and hellfire. but first i want to see some outdated f16s in the skies, please don’t forget your dashcam lol


i’ve heard tell an s-500 stationed in omsk can blast an f-16 as soon as it leaves the runway in lwow.

Libero (PL)

one such named: maginot – also used to build a “line” :)


zelensky will call his the maggot line in honor of his half a million dead.


would it have been possible to find anybody more incompetent and useless than zelensky? and that isn’t a challenge.

Last edited 1 year ago by BunkerDwellers

he is very competent at it’s goal which of course has nothing to do with keeping ukrainians safe and everything to use the ukrainians as ammo and fuel to weaken russia.


this war has been great for russia… their ability to ink deals while thumbing their noses at all the nato equipment and personnel has been a huge boon. everyone knows where to go for military advice/knowledge and equipment capable of protecting them from the child and drug traffickers who whack politicians who dare stand for their own countries (otan). only zelensky could screw up the prestige gotten from standing up to the world bully and beating the snot out of him.

Last edited 1 year ago by BunkerDwellers

it’s certainly gone a long way toward uncovering the overpriced junk the us sells its nato lackey states.


years of ease and corruption results in uselessness everywhere. everyone pockets easy money with their friends for hookers and drugs and decadent living. look at the numpty pilots busy spraying endless poison in the sky. so obsessed with their drugs and decadent lives that they don’t even care they’re poisoning themselves and their families too. total insanity.


ten hajzel jaceňuk sa smeje ukrajincom ako sú len sprostí, ha, ha, ha … koľko z tých miliónov asi tak skončilo v jeho kapse? napakoval sa a ušiel do zahraničia, kde si teraz močí svoje plesnivé gule. a sprostí ukrajinci kapú na fronte. to samé urobil aj ten ďalší minister, čo teraz naposledy rezignoval.

Reuters Stringer

did zelensky eat his gun yet?

Last edited 1 year ago by Reuters Stringer
Ukrastan's a joke

so where did all the $ billions go? not even a few pickaxes?


where is yatsenyuk now? lots of fighting-age ukrainian men shopping at costco today. glory to heroes! glory to big box retail! i don’t know how they work these refugee claims, but one would think that to qualify, they would have to come from the areas where the fighting is going on.

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