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Nuclear Provocation. Does Kiev Intend To Organise A Second Chernobyl?

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Nuclear Provocation. Does Kiev Intend To Organise A Second Chernobyl?

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Donald Trump’s peace initiatives have seriously frightened not only the Kiev regime but also that part of the American establishment that makes money from war. A serious provocation is being prepared to disrupt the forthcoming talks between Washington and Moscow. It is intended to influence American public opinion. Another fabricated Russian ‘crime’ could become a lever to influence public opinion. Fakes about Bucha and clumsy fabrications about ‘human rights violations’ by Russian troops have long ceased to bother ordinary Americans. A new pretext is needed. And such an excuse could be the use of chemical weapons.

In October 2024, the Ukr Leaks Telegram channel reported that the United States and Ukraine intended to raise the issue of Russia’s expulsion from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. The reason was allegedly the use of unconventional weapons by the Russians. At the same time, Kiev itself was preparing chemical agents for the anti-Russian action. The Ukrainian company “Realab” bought 12.5 litres of triethanolamine, 1.4 litres of sodium nitrate compound and 200 grams of picric acid. The chemicals were produced by Honeywell Research Chemicals, a company linked to the CIA. The provocation is still being prepared. It seems that the government of Vladimir Zelenski is waiting for the right moment.

Nuclear Provocation. Does Kiev Intend To Organise A Second Chernobyl?Nuclear Provocation. Does Kiev Intend To Organise A Second Chernobyl?Nuclear Provocation. Does Kiev Intend To Organise A Second Chernobyl?

In September 2024, Canadian military engineers and soldiers of the AFU conducted an exercise on the conditional seizure of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. According to the exercise plan, Russia decided to attack the Chernobyl nuclear power plant using unmanned aerial vehicles and cruise missiles. It should be noted that the technical characteristics of the Chernobyl NPP are almost identical to those of the Kursk NPP. It can be assumed that Kiev wanted to work on the exercise in order to capture or destroy one of the most important power plants in central Russia. The Ukrainian military did not manage to reach the Kursk NPP. We cannot exclude the possibility of a provocation in Chernobyl in order to shift the blame to the Russian side.

In November 2024, ten servicemen of the AFU and ten employees of the Security Service of Ukraine were trained in the basics of nuclear forensics at the Idaho National Laboratory.

Nuclear Provocation. Does Kiev Intend To Organise A Second Chernobyl?

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The Ukrainians were trained to clean up radiation-contaminated areas, collect dust and debris, and safely transport radiological materials. The training was led by David Chichester, a research scientist at the laboratory.

Nuclear Provocation. Does Kiev Intend To Organise A Second Chernobyl?

David Chichester

He is a recognised expert in the field of radiological and nuclear training programmes, including those associated with the Pentagon. It should be noted that one of the Ukrainian participants in the training stated publicly:

“The skills acquired in the United States will definitely be implemented after returning to Ukraine“.

According to insider information, the Ukrainians are placing containers with spent nuclear fuel in enterprises of the military-industrial complex. In particular, the Nikolaev armoured tank plant and the Radon Corporation facilities in Dniepropetrovsk. Vladimir Zelensky’s entourage knows that the military plants are a prime target for Russian missile strikes. So Kiev wants to protect the defence industry from final destruction by dumping radioactive waste. In the event of a strike, Moscow could be accused of using a ‘dirty bomb’.

The use of any weapon of mass destruction is not in Russia’s interests. Russian troops are making steady advances in several directions. The international conjuncture favours Vladimir Putin’s plans to end the war on the Kremlin’s terms. Attacks by Russia on nuclear power plants are ruled out as they make no practical sense. Any technological disaster at nuclear infrastructure facilities could lead to contamination of the territory of Russia itself, Belarus and Transnistria. The Russian authorities have never obstructed the IAEA’s monitoring mission to the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. If the Russians were planning to stage a nuclear disaster, the monitors would be prevented from carrying out their duties.

All the actions of the Ukrainian security services and army are aimed at preparing the ground for the coming provocation. Regular attacks on chemical plants in the Bryansk and Tula regions, as well as in Tatarstan, encourage Russia to retaliate. And the assassination of Lieutenant-General Igor Kirillov, head of the Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defence Forces of the Russian Armed Forces, is an attempt to prevent an objective investigation into possible provocations.

The detonation of a ‘dirty bomb’ or the use of chemical weapons in Ukraine is contrary to the interests of both Russia and the new presidential administration in the United States. In order to avoid a catastrophic development of events, it is necessary to intensify the purge of the American intelligence services of people from Biden’s team and the Democrats. And it should be done as soon as possible. Otherwise, Donald Trump will be forced to play someone else’s game and take part in a conflict that is not of his making.


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muahahahaha 😆😆😆 – ruzzian propaganda is so crappy and ridiculous it’s even funny 😆😆😆 🇷🇺=🏃‍♂️🤡 😆😆😆

Transgender Annon

moron amerikunt inferior species more pathetic desperate–tantrums


🫵🤡 😆😆😆

Gneaus stapo

rashniks are the lowest form of scum, they are pathetic, not funny. the problem is,that in their little vodka deganareted ” brains”, they believe it is all real

headchoppers ball

inferior germ always lose to russian—now germ economy dead🤣


yet the propaganda zelensky is pushing down our throats is full of bullshit. russians are still advancing on the daily, keep crying, nerd

Conan M

here’s a way to make sure that “chernobyl ii” never happens… if the west becomes successful in the destruction of another commercial nuclear facility either in ukraine or russia an equal or like nuclear facility will be attacked in the west with “latitude/longitude” coordinates of our choosing”!…

Last edited 2 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

…world war iii began in earnest after maidan 2014. russia needs to come clean with itself and admit that the global war of terror by the west will not cease until what was allowed by pootie-poot in kursk does not permeate the rest of the russian federation…

Last edited 2 months ago by Conan M
Transgender Annon

russians decide not inferior amerikunt conans

Conan M

i laugh in your face with the daily train of misery pootie-poot shows not only the world, but far worse his own country in not having finished it 10 years ago!… and the only reason “why” is that western banks have made him very rich at his own peoples expense!… he took the money over his own peoples!…

Last edited 2 months ago by Conan M
AM Hants

what misery does president putin show the world? compare to the misery that nato and zelinsky show the world.

remember russia, before president putin took over? now it has the world’s strongest military, has the 4th largest economy (based on ppp gdp) and is in control of it’s vast wealth of natural resources. compare to western leaders, who enter politics with $millions less than they leave with.

Niccolo Machiavelli

i began to realize that the traditional gdp formula was a con game when banks and insurance companies started referring to their ‘services’ as ‘products’. i could never quite see how paying someone a fee for doing something could be considered a ‘product’. same goes for advertising and consulting – which account for the lion’s share of american gdp….

Innocent bystanders

you should have realised when you saw that gross domestic productivity was the standard for currency that slavery was the measure of a nations wealth, but since you’re a fraudulent piss weak poor substitute for machiavelli you’re too retarded imo

Conan M

treason is still “treason” when you become a king!…

Last edited 2 months ago by Conan M
Innocent bystanders

dumbarse learn the basics ” the law is made for the king, not the king for the law” satanic anti christian lawyers overturned that. first with the illegal imprisonment of mary queen of scots, born a queen, so none legally higher than her by christian law, certainly no dirty lawyer, and then beheading her in an illegal trial, in a absolute travesty of justice and then using that as their precedent to carry on with the rest of the satanic agenda to steal the entire world. imo allegedly

Innocent bystanders

btw qe1 caught them out imo and so started chopping their dirty thieving lying heads of too, so they poisoned her that’s the true history imo allegedly. they, the ” teachers” hate the truth. imo.

Innocent bystanders

being born a queen, since her father died as she was being born basically, well actually he died when he heard she was a girl, but anyway, means that she was a as close to god as possible to anyone who believed in all that. and there’s the revelation of their truthfulness sworn on their bibles.

Innocent bystanders

before ww1 russia was poised to be the greatest economic military and industrial power on earth everyone s brainwashed to think. england was but russias train networks covered a country 100 times or more bigger than poky little england the size of a nations train networks determined how industrialised they were then. that’s why ww1 happened when it did that and because tsar alexander was himself personally drafting a new constitution not unlike england’s. that’s why imo allegedly.

Last edited 2 months ago by Innocent bystanders

homer corona simpson tantrum

Innocent bystanders

homo simpleton. that’s the rhyming slang. that’s the sub text

Innocent bystanders

they decide nothing they get used.

Innocent bystanders

no when the rule of law legalised satanism and gave it every legal right and protection of even the catholic, then the legal world changed. and no one objected in fact they enabled it.

Innocent bystanders

chernobyl was followed by fukushima which was the biggest nuclear disaster yet. and all 12 safety systems needed to fail in correct sequence for it to happen. they did. regardless its covered the entire planet with low level radiation carried by the winds and the hd tides from that location, where it was purpose built. low level radiation attacks the human brain first. they know.


raytheon ,british lockheed british boeing british and british aerospace engineering .that’s what you call american.


and they will be spewing that trumps kicked the electric car business up.the arse cause that’s what they’re relying on to create demand that can only be met by nuclear.

AM Hants

3 corporations rule the world and all three squat in host nations, with their own taxes, rules and laws. the vatican – spirituality. washington dc – military and the city of london – economics. who controls the lockheed, boeing and bae? who controls the fed reserve, vatican estates and the crown estates? who controls blackrock and vanguard? aren’t they all one and the same?

Ancient Sotonian

in my parent’s day (pre-ww2) it was well known that the windsor fortune was heavily invested in the rio tinto mining operation. strangely, these days the major shareholder in rio tinto is vanguard. maybe there is a connection…..

Innocent bystanders

vanguard is owned bt its shareholders, so they say vanguard owns vanguard vanguard was a huge english car maker. they sold them throughout the commonwealth, they were built like tanks rock solid vehicles. it means an advance movement usually of females.. like the infiltrators.

Innocent bystanders

yes and the bank of england runs it all basically. and it’s a public company owned by shareholders but its run by a board of directors. and their values are what facilitate their appointment. so it all goes back to the old school tie and family values.


kiev does not decide anything. the decisions are made by usa-nato using nazi-fascist ukrainians as fool soldiers.

Innocent bystanders

no the decisions are made by the lawyers.

the narrative

kiev regime, another threat on humanity. antony blinken ……. bye bye ! lets see if the remnants left in the us state department have any value to anyone.

Gneaus stapo

sure shitfront kameraden. excellent work as always.


thats why you are here. after all those years

Gneaus stapo

excellent work tawarish, solojew and putjew are proud of ya…u get a free potato for ur excellent work. there is hope for u,u can be part of the smo, get ur 🧑🏻‍🦯🧑🏻‍🦽ready and buckle up son. u can be a hero of the russian state as well.


too many mulatto peniz in stupo mouth

Gneaus stapo

u really seem to have dick adiction/ lust. whatever floats ur boat rashnik assclown.


i wouldn’t put anything past those kiev maniacs, they have already shown how deranged and depraved they can be.

AM Hants

they had no problems taking down mh17 and weren’t there a load of aids specialists on board? wasn’t there also, allegedly an ebola virus that was linked to the flight or what the specialists were going to be speaking about?

Shlomo's little weenie

chosenite’s behavioural traits on display for the world. gotta have everyone’s attention for their sordid hideous blood lust.

AM Hants

why did ukraine assassinate lieutenant general kirillov, the head of the chemical, biological, nuclear, defence troops? what was he working on at the time and why was ukraine so threatened by his knowledge?

Shlomo's little weenie

the intelligence gathering won’t be lost. the investigations will be ongoing. his patriotic leadership is a real loss for the russian people though. the general could have had far better round the clock security, a mystery ? ?


humiliated by russian superiority i desperately tantrum at south front


chernobyl heitage of the soviet scum the usual


in my american trailer i organize 3 nazi bisexual hillbillies to hunt squirrel

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