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MARCH 2025

Nuland Calls For Serious Escalation With Russia

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Nuland Calls For Serious Escalation With Russia

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant

The West continues to escalate its discourse against Russia. Recently, former US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland stated that Kiev should bomb Russian deep territory with NATO weapons. According to her, Washington should allow Kiev to carry out such attacks with American weapons, which shows the advanced level of bellicosity reached by the backers of the neo-Nazi regime.

As well known, Victoria Nuland is one of the main American public figures behind the Kiev regime. She was one of the leading strategists during the 2014 Maidan coup d’état and the subsequent policy of Nazification and de-Russification of Ukraine. Her recent renunciation from the State Department was seen by experts around the world as a sign of desperation, given the imminent collapse of the Ukrainian army.

However, even out of office, Nuland continues to do campaign for the US to increase its participation in the conflict and the level of violence against Russia. She publicly asked Washington to authorize Kiev’s use of its weapons against targets deep within the Federation, hitting military bases outside the conflict zone. According to Nuland, this is the best way for the Ukrainians to prevent the Russians from carrying out their operations, which is why attacking them preventively would be an interesting strategy in the current military context.

“They need to be able to stop these Russian attacks that are coming from bases inside Russia (…) The United States and our allies ought to give them more help in hitting Russian bases, which heretofore we have not been willing to do (…) Those bases ought to be fair game, whether they are where missiles are being launched from or where they are where troops are being supplied from”, she said.

As we can see, she argues that it is fair to attack bases outside the conflict zone, using a distorted interpretation of international law to justify her claims. Obviously, in a war, military targets are legitimate, but by attacking cities deep inside Russia, Kiev would be violating the very borders of the conflict. According to Kiev and the West, the Ukrainian war has the sole objective of regaining Ukrainian territory within the 1991 borders. Therefore, in such a situation, Kiev would be violating its own limits of military action.

However, it must be emphasized that Ukrainian attacks already happen every day in Russian cities outside the martial law zone. Regardless of whether the US “allows” it or not, the Ukrainians frequently carry out operations deep into the Russian territory, with almost all targets being civilians – which is why it is possible to describe such incursions as terrorist. Nuland is simply asking the US to “allow” Kiev to do what it already does every day: kill Russian civilians in the demilitarized areas.

It is a known fact by any specialist that the regime’s priority targets are civilians. Unable to win on the battlefield and with its army on the verge of collapse, Ukraine is betting on the use of terror against ordinary people in Russia as a strategy to improve its image and gain Western support. Added to this is the fact that the deeper the attacks in Russia, the more the Western propaganda machine is able to describe Ukrainian artillery as “efficient” and “capable of winning”, renewing Western efforts. In this sense, Nuland is trying to push the war forward at a time when all Western partners already seem hopeless about Ukraine.

It is no surprise that Nuland is making such pronouncements. Although she has left office, she will never stop campaigning for war. Her exit from the position of deputy secretary appears to have been a mere maneuver to continue acting in the pro-war lobby in an unofficial manner, outside the attention of the media and public opinion. Now she has the freedom to act without being held responsible for any error. In practice, she is in a much more comfortable position now, since she can do everything she did before, without, however, her irresponsible actions causing problems for the American government.

On the part of Russia, Nuland’s words only emphasize that there will be no diplomatic and peaceful solution and that the only way to protect nonviolent Russian cities from Ukrainian aggressiveness is through military force. Moscow, if necessary, will use its artillery and aviation even more incisively against Ukrainian strategic facilities to prevent further attacks against civilians from being carried out.


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a few days ago i said that the nazis are beautifull, that was when that kaja kalas or whatshername was shown. today, i take that back.

can someone in eurotardland please take the cooky monster nudelmann back? shes from the region anyways, and acts like a bonafide nazi.

we patriotic americans dont want her anymore, she has outlived her usefullness. thanks! :)


no thanks, keep your jews….


i thought you were jewish through the matrilineal line?. her mother is english christian. in any event her religion is irrelevant its her russophobia that is the problem.

fugly ugly

an evangelical zionist nutjob? that’s the other half of the neocon coven. congress gives them a special lounge for their frequent flyer covenants.

AM Hants

adolf was supposedly a catholic. remember, city of london, washington dc and the vatican rule the world? even though his grandfather was allegedly a turk nomad who adopted christianity, islam and judaism and learnt hebrew, whilst having zero semitic dna and embraced the banking industry.


she is ribbentropesque. she would definitely find herself in the dock with her pronouncements. i heard her for the first time ever the other day when she called kharkov russia’s second city. ironic, i know. i thought she would sound erudite and informed but she sounded dim which was a surprise. she doesn’t look like she is in great health. maybe thats a factor.

Last edited 9 months ago by Cavery
efihenya jensova holmenko

kalas is ugly – nose ugly, no breasts, no ass. no charm. bad teeth


she was not so ugly 30 years ago before came to the state dept. search for photos, it’s really impressing how hatred put a stamp at your face.

AM Hants

the people of france had the right idea, back when the guillotines were in fashion.


this foul evil jew witch nudelman should be tortured for days in front of cheering crowds and then burned at the stake along with hillary clinton


torturing is not our (good people) method, just hang her up.

Conan M

somebody please pop a cap in this witches forehead that support maidan’s destruction in 2014… followed by pnac architect that gave us 3 buildings 2 planes aka 9/11 husband warlock bob kagan…

why they haven’t been taken out by russian mercs or a true american patriots for their treason raises the most important question of the lack of “spine”and testicles of both ever since those events were allowed to take place and the epoch we now enjoy in there wake…


no. her time for accountability will come, just as that old witch ginsburg’s time came. romans 12:19.

AM Hants

throw a bucket of water over her and watch the comedy, as ‘i’m melting’ so comes to mind.

Massa John

after everything that creature has done , nobody with honor would touch her for good


or where they are where troops are being supplied from”, she said. under her logic russia could then attack factories in germany, england and france . . .

Icarus Tanović

how about usa?


all us factories are in china now.


1,4 billion people are laughing at this joke.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

it’s about to get hot in moscow…crispy orc is on the menu!


AM Hants

projecting. when is nato going to pick up the special ingrediant, used in the beyer-monsanto fertiliser, over in ukraine? how many kiddies are still waiting for their daddies to return, since 2014?

fugly ugly

nuland looks more and more like the mad hatter albright every day.

Stephen Obi Emekekwue

the only thing this evil 👿 neocons jewess witch victoria nuland acheived;with her latest insane and inane russophobia ranting,is adding extra-pages to her already considerable long rap-sheet on war crimes charges from 2014 maidan till date may 2024 ukraine 🇺🇦 is dying and dead ☠️russia🇷🇺 is winning. she’s due for her sentencing in absentia and subsequent whacking by svr and gru execution squad’s same goes fmr sec-os hillary clinton and fmr potus barack obama. slava russia.


romans 12:19.

fugly ugly

who’s that laughing hyena behind ugly fugly?


celeste wallander. really hyena. we got traumatized enough with these animals (frog and hyena), let’s look at some pretty faces. https://t.me/aliananievesrt/141

jens holm

that no escalation.

putin insist sliding our needed help.

its just a less soft ukraine. it kess and less russia almost dont suffer og are tricked away from the real world ukriane included.

every acces to ukraine from russia should be bombarded away. we should ukras same kinds of weapens as russia use in ukraine.

Icarus Tanović

which ones you cheering for? at least i kinda understood your last sentence.

Last edited 9 months ago by Icarus Tanović
efihenya jensova holmenko

look at this fat monster she can’t even close her blazer, the ugliest american alive


this escalation was (again) initiated in uk by lord cameron, then rebucked by russian ultimatum: russia warned it would target british military outside ukraine (=ww3) => so the neocon network all over the world is now trying to push their respective governments toward this escalation.. (do you see here who neocons work for???)


bye, the way russia has excellent relationship with both turkey and usa… why didn’t it vote for the un resolution… there is no reason to associate itself with narrow minded nationalists such as vucic or fico…


they need the serbs to show to russians that not all slavs hate them. thats all the use they have of serbia. but recently the serbs have upgraded and expanded their relationships with china as has belarus some weeks ago. so russian friends are looking for alternatives. but the western hate on everyone who would not instantly bend the knee is hurting their chances to sway some eastern people to them.

AM Hants

what are you on about, china and russia are united. serbia and belarus are loyal to the slavs and also open to joining brics and the global majority, which russia is a major part of. believe belarus is already in the sco, or almost there.

AM Hants

us, who tried to take out erdogan, a few years ago, but, russia once again saved a president from nato/us/eu assassination. remember, they also saved the family of the president of ukraine, back in 2014?

AM Hants

so they moved onto fico. not forgetting biden, who sent his team to mar a lago, with ‘shoot to kill’ instructions and had a local hospital on alert, to await casualties, hoping they would take out trump. then you had the georgian pm who was told by an eu commissioner that if he disagreed with foreign ngos running the show, he would go the same way as fico. the list goes on and on and on and on.


possibly the most evil and ugly freak woman on planet earth.


look at masha gessen or duchess alba. better don’t look at all or do it after sleeping and before eating, because it’s scary and vomiting pictures. i warned you.


nuland is a special kind of ugly, evil unclean spirit ugly

George Foreskin

one day 10 years from now when the ukraine is long forgotten, putin will deliver justice to garland.

AM Hants

think trump might get in first. did you hear what biden did to trump, under the guidance of garland, with regards ‘shoot to kill’ agents being sent to mar a lago, hoping to take out the political opposition and the trump family?

Gneaus stapo

no idea, plz tell is more


obviously, newland wants war to come to the usa. the usa and the russian federation is not far apart at all.


good god that woman is ugly.


her family i.e. nudelman comes from the ukraine which was formally known in history as khazaria, and this conflict was for the re-instatement of khazaria, no other reason, as the khazi joo’s will need a new home to squat in when their illegal middle eastern annex is gone.

AM Hants

the dictator zelinsky, also of the same tribe, is doing a good job of clearing out the nation, in order for the move to take place. what is left of the ukraine gene pool?


she is also tied in with the kagans, a horrible group of kike monster zionist bankster scum

AM Hants

the cookie monster, who got thrown out of office, wants a full scale nato/russia war? who voted for nuland? wasn’t she also instrumental in what happened in iraq, back in 2003? does she not realise that nato has nothing in the toybox that can compete with russian weapons, ammunition and forces on the ground?


the obese zionazi pig wants more gore to keep it vertical. imagine this thing when it finally gets to hell….sizzle sizzle cackle

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