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Poland About To Participate Directly In Ukrainian Conflict

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Poland About To Participate Directly In Ukrainian Conflict

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

Poland is about to take a dangerous step in the Ukrainian conflict. Vladimir Zelensky stated that under the terms of a recently signed pact between Kiev and Warsaw, the NATO country could use its military forces to detain Russian missiles and drones in Ukrainian airspace. Such a situation could be considered by the Russians as a case of direct participation, leading to an open war between Russia and a NATO country.

The pact, according to Zelensky, establishes the necessary conditions for Warsaw to have positions inside Ukraine and directly participate in the role of air defense, thus helping Kiev overcome one of its current main strategic difficulties. For a long time, the airspace in the conflict zone has been almost completely controlled by Russia, which has made Ukraine’s Western-supplied tanks and military vehicles easy targets for Russian drones, missiles and aircraft. Kiev is doing its best to try to solve this problem, as it is impossible for one side to achieve any military gains without a strong air defense capacity.

In this sense, seeking ways to reverse the collapse of its air defenses, Kiev has sought direct cooperation with Western partners. Faced with the impossibility of joining NATO or bringing the Atlantic alliance into the conflict, Ukraine is currently betting on signing bilateral agreements with as many NATO members as possible, taking significant steps towards these countries beginning a type of “direct intervention” on an individual level. In this sense, the defense pact between Kiev and Warsaw can be seen as a way for Ukraine to use even more NATO software and troops to improve its positions on the ground, without, however, officially involving the alliance.

“[The agreement] provides for the development of a mechanism [for Poland] to shoot down Russian missiles and drones fired in the airspace of Ukraine in the direction of Poland (…) [We] will work together to work out how we can quickly implement this point,” he said.

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk confirmed Zelensky’s expectations and stated that the terms of the agreement do indeed set the terms for direct cooperation, with Poland being authorized to publicly use its military equipment on Ukrainian soil against the Russians. However, Tusk appears concerned about the level of NATO’s participation in such maneuvers, fearing that Poland could be held individually responsible for attacking Russian targets.

Tusk hopes that NATO partners will reach a consensus with Warsaw and Kiev on how to act in the current phase of the conflict. He hopes that all actions taken by Poland and other member countries will be seen as a joint act of the alliance, thus generating collective responsibility. In other words, Tusk fears the consequences that the use of Polish military in Ukraine could generate for the country and expects NATO to protect Warsaw in the event of a direct conflict with Moscow.

“We need clear cooperation within NATO here, because such actions require joint NATO responsibility (…) We will include other NATO allies in this conversation. So we treat the matter seriously as open, but not yet finalized,” Tusk said.

It must be emphasized that Poland has been a de facto participator in the conflict for a long time. It is through the Polish border that most Western weapons arrive in Ukraine. Polish military personnel, both commandos and ordinary troops, have served in large numbers in Ukraine, and there is a lot of public information about Poles killed in combat during clashes with Russian forces. It is naive to think that these Poles are merely acting as “mercenaries” individually interested in “gaining money” or “helping” Kiev. Obviously, they are regular troops sent with the support of the Polish state itself, being the label of “mercenaries” and “volunteers” just a way of disguising Warsaw’s direct participation in the war.

To make matters worse, Ukraine is increasingly dependent on foreign intervention in the current situation. Unable to defend itself from Russian air strikes and with little force left to stop ground progress, Kiev is focused on creating defense pacts with NATO partners to increase its military strength and try to survive the conflict. For Kiev, the more internationalized and escalated the conflict, the better. The country hopes to create a situation that makes it impossible for NATO not to intervene, which is why it is trying to bring Poland into the war.

However, many analysts suspect that NATO would actually intervene in defense of Poland or any other European member. Although there is a collective defense clause in the NATO treaty, this article has never been actually tested. Furthermore, if Poland intervenes in the war and attacks Russian targets, it can be considered the aggressor, which removes NATO’s responsibility to intervene in the event of Russian retaliation on Polish territory.

In fact, only the patience and rationality of Russian strategists are preventing the war from escalating into a conflict of catastrophic magnitudes.

You can follow Lucas on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.


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and guess what, russia will sit, drink vodka f*ck young girls and send young boys to meat grinder. nothing changed since ww2. seek power.take bribes. do sh*t. throwing friends and allies under the bus. look what putin did. yugoslavia, iraq, libya, syria, donetsk/luhansk even such losers as armenia are pissed off. belarus is the next one of the list of russian betrayed allies. nobody likes russia and you know why.

Last edited 3 months ago by tuv

and as for as poland, these idiots are another story. during ww2 they were so self confident, that they came to conclussion they can win with horses and sabres against german tanks. now they are eager to win with drones and tanks against nukes. idiots. but they are merely bigger idiots then russians. they are roughly the same idiots. only ukrainians are bigger idiots.

Last edited 3 months ago by tuv

as if the rest of the world likes the west any better. stop pretending russia is the bad guy here 🤣.


let west asside. they are killing other nations, giving their internal sheep bread and games. this is what old rome did and it works.. at least to the point when you still can afford bread and games. russia on the other hand is killing their own people and allies and it simply doesn’t work. they clearly don’t deserve to exist unless they overthrow that putin idiot and start doing something reasonable.


can you describe the taste of the government boot you are licking?


i guess it’s smelly brown mass, but not a chocolate.


who would replace putin? another one like him or another one like yelzin? if you look at the world every anti russian polititian that falls opens the way for another us puppet.


the one who will replace putin will be even tougher towards enemies. these stupid hohols, duda, tusk and romanian puppet regimes must pray for putin’s health, because he is the most reasonable and mildest person towards such scum. new leader will turn them into dust with no regrets. just think about ramzan kadyrov. he’s like stalin, but 3 time worse for western sodomites, because of nukes, faith in god and pro-active mood.


well the problem is the us have a track record to exploit tough leaders to lure them into traps. the usa ended the ottoman, german, austrian, russian tzar, british, french, nazigerman, japanese empires in two world wars. only the sowjets were left. to create circumstances where someone will make a mistake is their mastery.

Self-Evident Truths

they’ve only reacted to nato’s idiotic moves, like thinking they could take over sevastopol and turn the black sea into a 100% nato lake. the greedy little fuckers already have half of it.

what can i say? nato’s been cruisin’ for a bruisin’ for years. now they want to use the ukrainians to take their blows. some upstanding organization, that nato is.


the armenians put themselves on the chopping block by turning against russia and wanting to join nato and eu. the turks took the window between leaving the russian defence umbrella and joining the nato one. there will be no armenia left to join nato and eu. russia wont stop them cause armenians dont want russian help and nato wont help against a nato member…

captain hohol

in the west and europe it is leftist garbage that needs to be exterminated that “doesn’t like russia”. these leftists are the same demonic scum that want the wef and it’s policies and the lgbt agenda to predominate politics and life in the west.

russia is the last major power to oppose that, and for that russia is righteous.

Self-Evident Truths

those ‘leftists’ liked the soviet union plenty. goes to show you what makes them tick.


you’re saying that the flamboyant, self-centred and nihlistic us mass-distraction lgbtq++++ culture has something to do with dialectical materialism and the soviet union?


the sowjet union was another project of the same circles that created the eu and nato. they are just moving their pieces to get where they want.


you are, in no uncertain terms, retarded. there is no left in the us empire. the wef is a corproratist far-right organization. the lgbt rubbish is what has been substituted for leftist economic policy. never stop derping.


but the west is already escalating! blnknn also announced today that f16s are on their way to ukr despite rf stating that would be a red line. us-ukr-nato doesn’t care, as direct confrontation is necessary to bust open rf and its allied states.

georgia is already slipping into nato, others will be chipped off unless rf takes off the gloves now before more nato weapons arrive. no ifs, no buts, standing toe to toe now against nato is the only way to avoid ww3. trump will only make it worse.


west/nato told long ago they will use poland and romania airports for f16. everybody knows just sf is reinventing the wheel with the “news” that poland will be involved directly in the ongoing war (not special operation, but a war.. you know). surprise, surprise. western partners, minsk agreements, putin’s deals.


they sunk the moskva cause it was deployed near odessa and could have monitored if jets, drones and missiles launch attacks from romania.


nah, it was internal malfunction or accidental sea mines, which blew up 2 small civil vessels near odessa and in the region of danube river. turks caught some mines near istanbul. no visible signs of outside damage, no breaches above the waterline. main reason — defect in aa missile caused a fire and blast inside the haul. hohols did nothing special for that.

captain hohol

trump is going to completely betray nato to stop nuclear war.

remember nato is not the common man of the west, nato represents the interests of the wef and other unelected orgs.

Last edited 3 months ago by captain hohol

how did so much retarded get crammed into you? drumpf is going to do nothing. he is a professional wrestling heel. a propaganda meme created to distract retards on all points of the political spectrum.


exactly right!!!!!!!

Self-Evident Truths

oh no, the west is cold-shouldering georgia, because they had the audacity to want to monitor what their ngo’s are up to, like plotting overthrows of the government if it dares think for itself.

they probably want to put saakashvili back in charge, so he can start another war with russia.

Last edited 3 months ago by Self-Evident Truths

no one is scared of russias pink lines. i mean er uh red lines.

Weapons inspector

the day poland enters the conflict with russia is the day poland will be wiped out from the face of our planet earth


oh don’t say. russia will do sh*t unles they deplete all the vodka they have. and they have plenty of it. maybe if they were not so busy with drinking, they would notice that western “partners” are not trustworthy 20 years ago. or maybe 30 years ago. it reminds me molotov-ribbentropp “deals”. lavrov is the same idiot as molotov was. they are stunningly identical. and putin is even worse dickhead then stalin.

Last edited 3 months ago by 123

the corporatists built nazi germany as an attack dog to take on the soviet union, and there is no evidence that molotov ever lost sight of that fact. the soviet union was besieged from within and without from its creation. the russians demonstrated very clearly at pristina airport twenty-five years ago that they did not trust the american empire.

No Article 5 for you Poland

well let me be clear poland. we do not want to die in a nuclear holocaust because you decided to start a war with russia. so if you attack russia you will be on your own. the best we can do is sent you a box with groceries like we did when your country went through poverty.


the problem is that russia didn’t answered when poroshenko bombed donetsk from bombers. putin just sit and let it go. then they crushed ukraine in debaltseve and let it go. lavrov lost 4 years with minsk agreementse. who on the earth would believe that such shithole country would use nukes ? they were scared to use firearms against maidan protesters ! putin is an idiot, and should be jailed but no. in russian eyes it is a hero. killing own people, protecting enemies.

Last edited 3 months ago by 123
Banging Ukrainian Widows

keep dreaming. and make sure to stock up on iodine pills. also remember what you saw in ukraine will be on your doorstep next. this isn’t a cod game. nuclear war is coming and if you want to be part of that go ahead. you can book a flight to ukraine today or moscow and arrest putin yourself.


and having president such an idiot has it’s consequences, you know.

Last edited 3 months ago by 123
Armchair General

do you know this president personally or ever been to the country or just make things up based on what your television told you? i hope you realize that your government doesn’t give a shit about you or they wouldn’t even be doing what they are doing right now which is playing with your life.

Self-Evident Truths

yeah, well. hindsight’s always 20-20


123 = another western keyboard warrior who thinks he’s more intelligent then he is.

Weapons inspector

poland is desperate to provoke russia to strike on polish territory. if polish shoots down a single missile or drone over ukra territory, russia will strike poland (as she should) immediatelly. skepticals are saying she does not have the balls for that. she has the balls. but one month ago the same skepticals said she does not have the balls to shoot down the american spy drone over the black sea. but she did. and now there is no more spy drones over the black sea.


it would require to overthrow putin and you know it. russia will do sh*t and every general in nato know that. they are systematically raising the stakes to the point, when russia collapse and throws towel in the same way as ussr collapsed..there is not a chance that 150m russia can win against 900m nato plus their allies in any war scenario except of nuclear exchange and nuclear exchange means rotschilds are the winners. this is what they want day and night. depopulation.

Last edited 3 months ago by 123
Weapons inspector

you debunked your own old and cheap argument (150mx900m). and yes i agree the nuclear exchange would have to happen in this case, and if necessary it will happen. with putin. and the nato can’t win a nuke duel against russia and you know it.


putin only worries about his miserable life. he already sent 1m russians to meat grinder with zero results. they killed maybe 10.000 western “instructors” and some stupid ukraine mobs that cost west nothing. ukraine was never west territory, so west lost nothing again. putin will sacrifice 50m russians easily just attempting to “please” western “partners” and let him enjoy the luxury of being russian tzar at least couple more years.


. everybody knows it in the west, what puzzles me so much that russians approve that “war communism” for putin without asking any questions. . probably they are so stupid or eager to die for that putin asshole and his pleasure and luxury life in kremlin. or both.

Last edited 3 months ago by 123
Self-Evident Truths

man, what a cynic you are. it curdles my blood.


man, you have got to the heart of the problem. it’s all putin. i wonder why the five eyes are so obsessed with getting rid of him? thanks for derping, shit-for-brains.


“old and cheap argument (150mx900m)”

do you remember whose argument it is? right, it is our court jester’s! but this time he has less gibberish language.


you’re talking about anti-russian activity of poland, but what if it’s against hohols? the clown asked for aad, poles answered him: no problem, we’ll give you some with our crews. they are moving their troops in lvov to guard their aad and simply occupy this region as they dreamed for decades. primitive combination. by the way, police of poland has all rights to enter the rural reich, they signed the treaty with zelefuhrer 3-4 years ago. aad + troops + police = lvov is poland.

Last edited 3 months ago by Антон

lwow is definitely poland. until it’s lemberg again.


he-he, well said. though i could argue with you the city was found by a russian duke, but not this time to not ruin good sarcastic joke.


perhaps they can ask elon musk to build them some android winged husar riders. it would at least look cool.


these android winged raiders are called f16 pilots except of the fact, that the “androids” will be poles, rumanians, bulgarians, maybe some slovak and czech soldiers as well. definitely not germans, britons or frog eaters.


why not? mercenaries have passports of all countries you’ve mentioned above. just promise 100 thousand euros per month, or even 200, they won’t get it anyway, because every 10th flight near front line is deadly. patrolling somewhere 200 km away from front line is quite safe, but no guarantee. you may be know about deadly collision of mig-29 with “geranium” when ghost of kiev tried to intercept uav in rear.

Last edited 3 months ago by Антон
france foreign legion kaputt

you know that musk hates zelenski , why should he do it. i see no reason

Last edited 3 months ago by france foreign legion kaputt

fuck russia from vladolf and his entourage


the court jester is back!

Self-Evident Truths

juggling his coping balls, as usual.


you mean poland has game changing magic weapons ukraine does not have or just more of the same junk that falls on hospitals? come on this is laughable. the smoke above kiev was telling me this war is over but some walking dead do not know yet!

Crocus Shooting Gallery

this is the beginning of the end for russia…heheheh


no doubt, just a few more thousand years.


polish flathead nazis to meet their new fate. same when the joined adolf back then to carve up czeckhoslovakia.

cant fix stupid i guess..

Self-Evident Truths

the czechs let slovakia go without a fuss but get bent out of shape over crimea or the donbass. they’re very loyal to whatever masters they have on any given day. hapsburg empire, soviets/warsaw pact, eu/nato …..you name it, they’ll be obedient slaves in it.

Last edited 3 months ago by Self-Evident Truths

more stupid suiciders to come at order of fashington. poor morons, they will be turned into ashes in a fraction of a second. i fill pity for them, because ethnic poles and russians are the closest relatives. but it’s their choice. free choice of free people, right? to be or not to be — not to be, alright, no problem, next.

captain hohol

it is direct participation on behalf of poland and such participation pact invalidates article 5.

Self-Evident Truths

it’s their funeral. to each his own, i guess.


poles are generally a stupid people who still think they are still a major power.

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