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Poland Getting Ready For All-Out War

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Poland Getting Ready For All-Out War

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

It’s been just over two years since NATO officially restarted the Cold War. Obviously, the conflict never really stopped, as the world’s most aggressive racketeering cartel kept expanding eastward, exclusively through lies and deceit. Namely, it turned out that NATO deliberately crossed all Russian red lines in order to provoke a reaction. Moscow kept its cool, but American belligerence made it virtually impossible to maintain even basic bilateral ties. The Kremlin realized it could not rely on any sanity in Washington DC, as the warmongering elites fully took power. NATO’s strategic setup for yet another Western invasion of Russia was all done, or so it seemed. Namely, after eight years of futile attempts to reason with the political West, Moscow realized it was time for action (SMO).

In the last nearly two and a half years, the NATO-backed Neo-Nazi junta became the proverbial punching bag for probing Russian military might. And while the mainstream propaganda machine is doing a somewhat decent job hiding the atrocious results, the massive amount of resources that the Kiev regime is demanding only keeps growing, clearly indicating what’s really going on. What was supposed to be NATO’s third most powerful member (had it ever joined) turned into a virtual junkyard of the latest Western military equipment. And yet, it seems there are several other nations in NATO that would want this horribly unflattering role as well. Namely, Poland is the “logical” choice for many, although most of those people don’t seem to understand the gravity of the current situation.

High-ranking NATO officials have already announced a number of major moves that can only be described as extremely hostile toward Russia. The annual NATO summit in Washington DC this week is a clear indicator of that. Apart from the regular weapons shipments to the Neo-Nazi junta, particularly air defense systems, the much-touted F-16s are in the spotlight again. The Netherlands, Denmark and the United States jointly announced that the deliveries of these US-made jets are ongoing. The Dutch F-16 are of particular concern, as they’re also nuclear-capable. However, while this could certainly lead to an uncontrollable escalation, the moves of some individual member states are a real danger to global peace. As previously mentioned, the situation with Poland is particularly concerning.

For instance, on July 10, Polish Army Chief of Staff General Wieslaw Kukula openly called for Warsaw to prepare its troops for an all-out war, insisting that it shouldn’t focus on asymmetric warfare, but a full-scale one. Although he didn’t really mention any specific country, it’s only logical to presume he was talking about war with Russia. Such provocative statements accomplish nothing, and yet, here we are.

“Today, we need to prepare our forces for full-scale conflict, not an asymmetric-type conflict,” General Kukula said at a press conference, adding: “This forces us to find a good balance between the border mission and maintaining the intensity of training in the army.”

Another thing that’s easy to miss in General Kukula’s statement is the escalating situation on the border with Belarus, the closest Russian ally and member of virtually all international multipolar organizations as Russia itself, including the CSTO and SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization). What’s more, Minsk and Moscow are part of the Union State. Although still de facto not implemented, this post-Soviet supranational entity gives both countries security from outside threats. Namely, while Belarus is important for Russia historically, ethnically, culturally, militarily, you name it, Minsk needs Moscow for the same reasons, as well as geopolitical and economic stability. Not to mention that Russia repeatedly warned that attacking Belarus also means attacking Russia itself.

“Speaking at the same event, Deputy Defense Minister Pawel Bejda said that as of August, the number of troops guarding Poland’s eastern border would be increased to 8,000 from the current 6,000, with an additional rearguard of 9,000 able to step up within 48 hours notice,” Reuters reported.

And indeed, Poland is investing billions in “beefing up defenses”, particularly along the Belarussian and Russian border. It’s also massively increasing troop numbers, a trend that is the complete opposite of what’s going on in the vast majority of other NATO member states. The current size of the Polish military is estimated at 190,000 soldiers, but the government wants it at a staggering 300,000 in the next several years. Such a massive expansion also suggests that Warsaw is preparing for “something big”. This is without even taking into the latest agreement between Poland and the Kiev regime which will effectively allow Warsaw to target Russian missiles, making Poland a direct party to the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. This alone could light the fuse of a new war in Europe.

Neighboring Belarus might be smaller and less populous, but its military is similarly sized and it has not one, but two superpower allies – Russia and China. Minsk acquired a number of technologies from both sides to help modernize its military industry, while exercises are regularly conducted with both Moscow and Beijing. In fact, one such with the latter was conducted this week. However, apart from that, Belarus can also use Russian nuclear weapons stationed in the country in case of a foreign aggression. In other words, Poland is risking thermonuclear war by allowing its top-ranking military officials to openly talk about preparations for an all-out conflict. And to say nothing of the possibility of Poland shooting down Russian missiles in airspace under the Neo-Nazi junta’s control.


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there is no need to waste russian and beloussian lives in an endless war against poland. nato has more soldiers anyway. it would be a big waste of time and precious human lives. if the pollaken dare to attack, the best (and fastest) option would be to use the tacticals, or even a satan 2. problem solved in a question of minutes. not in a question of long bloody years.

Last edited 8 months ago by concerned

on 17th sept. 1939 poland was raided by russia (soviet union). now jewtin raided ukraine and positioned nuclear weapons in belarus .. so what other should they “the pollaken” expect to happen next ? of course they prepare for war. they’d be stupid if they’d not doing it.

Last edited 8 months ago by Teresa999
Mil Spec? Hit the Deck

makes more sense if the czechs prepare for war against poland.

AM Hants

1938 poland annexed a small part of czechoslovakia. remember, the bolshevik soviet union, during 1939 had a georgian leading it. crimea, donetsk and lugansk voted to return home to russia. us used same argument to gain independence from great britain. brexit, used same argument. even nato used the same argument, in order to invade kosovo. why are poland begging for wwiii?

Moshe Dayan

polish politicians and military leaders are inexpensive to purchase by the globalist eugenicist cabal: they pay 20 times more for politicians in other countries. plus these new polish deputies are mostly uneducated in world history, but they like easy money because they’re lazy. and they have no loyalty to their people whatsoever.

AM Hants

wef has an addiction to picking single digit, iq and sociopathic narcistics, for their graduation academy. polish, eu, us and uk politicians all have the same dna, by the look of things.and all excelled at the school of uncle klaus.

Lead Zepellin

why didn’t the czechs bomb brattislava when slovenia seceded without asking them? you’d think they’re so gung ho on ukraine’s bombing of donbass civilians for 8 years that they’d have tried to wipe brattislava off the map. czechs sound like forked tongue assholes to me.

Moshe Dayan

nato started this entire war with the coup d’etat in ukraine in 2014 and have been escalating ever since. go spew your bullshit lies somewhere else.


the poles started wwii with their permissiveness in allowing zionist poles to commit attrocities against unarmed german pesants. the only difference for wwiii is that ukrainian zionists beat the poles to the punch this time around. wrong side of history once again…


so you don’t have the slightest clue about the background of this conflict. go through the 2014 events on these pages. how the ethnic russians comprising 1/3 of the ukrainian people were oppressed and killed. until 2022, there was bombing and murder until russia intervened.


it is 100% western propaganda that russia is a threat to other eu countries. see on these pages how angela merkel and francois hollande confessed that they planned the war in ukraine. in the usa, numerous parties have recognized the plan to get russia into the war.


why? because brics got too big. its gdp is higher than the g7 countries, its armed forces are superior (e.g. russia, china, india). it includes most of the world’s natural resources, surface area and population. it is important for the west to weaken russia and china. that’s why they don’t want the war in ukraine to end. that’s why orban is smeared because he wants the war to end. that’s what this is about.


simply put: brics is a threat to the value of the $ and € and their ability to impose sanctions. india laughed at us sanctions when india bought s-400 anti-aircraft missiles from russia. it is impossible to impose sanctions against china, its economy is the largest in the world. russia was dragged into the war to weaken it, but the opposite happened, brics made economic growth possible when the eu’s economy collapsed due to its own isolationist policy.

Lead Zepellin

in olden days, merkel and hollande would have been tied to stakes by the villagers and set ablaze for having spoken in tongues and bearing false witness.

Last edited 8 months ago by Lead Zepellin

ethnic russians are ~85% of population in rural reich, but brainwashed for 100 years to be strange separate entity. same like in belorussia. “gallup’s” pole results in 2006 show that 86% of people speak russian in daily life as their own native language. genetic research in the same period of time show the same results — no difference in genetic balance between russia, belorussia and left bank of dnepr. slight difference is in region bordering with poland, hungary, romania.

Lead Zepellin

of course she has a clue. she’s just a nazi sympathizer.

Depth of Chudops

“jewtin” who took the side of the ukraine against russia? “on 17th sept. 1939 poland was raided by russia (soviet union).” should have done it on september 1st.


and they would’t be vaporize too?or the russians and bielo have radiation immunity?or you just a mental?


are you really that retarded? geezas even biden has more brain than you. here we go again: ru has sat killers (all nato sats would be destroyed in case of ww3), all silos and subs etc. containing nato nukes would be preemptively destroyed. you blinded and disarmed in minutes. but if for some ‘sci-fi’ miracle the nato nazis manage to retaliate (which i doubt), their nukes will be jammed. oh as for ad ru has s-500 and s-550

Last edited 8 months ago by concerned

lol you have less brain than a chicken

Mil Spec? Hit the Deck

you should know, being a chicken talking chicken shit.

all hat, no cattle – couch warrior dude

AM Hants

russia has prepared their people. any hit on russia, takes out the planet and the western idiots, on the political stage and their nafo trolls/ bots think they are joking. how many underground, nuclear bunkers does the west have for their people, compared to russia? it is the 1% crowd, who think they will be immune from it all.


you are the propaganda of the alucinated , alucinated people like you follow the lunatics , good luck for the end of the world retarded ,if you are beliver lol


the planet rotates towards the east, thus, the majority of the nuclear fallout will land in a westerly trajectory. i know i used some big words, but this might clear up your obvious misconception. dumass.


nuclear fallout depends from winds and flows of big air masses (cyclone, anti-cyclone). but you’re right, it’s too difficult for the court jester jensy. let’s get more simple: denmark will be totally vaporized, because it’s small and sits around strategic straits. jensy, you are dead man. what do you prefer: “sarmat” or “poseidon”?

Lead Zepellin

and why would you care what the russians are thinking while you’re dying a slow death from radiation poisoning?

Polish Jokes

we know why polish jokes exist


the whole western/nato house of cards will tumble down, at its rate.

AM Hants

followed by the eu.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

afu has done its job…russia has been bled dry…now it’s time for nato to finish it off…


Mil Spec? Hit the Deck

i heard they’re sending all the oldest f-16’s that can barely fly, just for show.

Lead Zepellin

maybe if they put enough out there as decoys, the russians will eventually run out of washing machines.


you are partly right.


nato took its best shot, to bad nato was using blanks.


Lead Zepellin

afu’s job is to march off a cliff like lemmings? ok, whatever you say. can’t disagree with that.

Mil Spec? Hit the Deck

the polish jokes just keep on coming.


southfront keeps saying that russia has defeated the latest western weapons. how ignorant can you get.

russia has shown its hand against marginal and outdated weapons so far.

if this ever truly escalates russia will be hit with weapons it doesn’t even know about. and has no defense against.

that is why they are preparing their only possible defense which is their nukes.

russia is being played like a bad fiddle.

AM Hants

yeah, which is why the west has no hypersonics in active service, or air defence systems that can argue with them.

AM Hants

poland never learns. how long did they hold onto their independence, after 1919? 3 seas initiative and why do the poles love anything that idolises bandera?

gestapo mctaco

q: how do you sink a polish battleship? a: put it in water.

Yuri Assbangov-Hemorrhoidenko

hou you sink beloruslandia ship? in da glass of cocke soda.

Moshe Dayan

so speaks the dupa yash ! all hail his infantile “wisdom”. hail dupa yash!

Edgar Zetar

cold war never stopped. after bush father became president the skull and bones inc went to the public eye and show everyone what they are representing the “old roman empire” in the western civilization. but the radical liberal agenda didn’t work out as expected, the 9/11 in bush jr. was another misstep. world powers always know what it happen in u.s.a and britain and their minions and puppets, but they cannot do anything as the exceptionals controls the western agenda.

Edgar Zetar

since medieval age, reinasscense, french revolution, queen victoria age, world war i ii age, cold war, radical liberal democracy age, and now posthumanist artificial intelligence age. please follow the “head of the snake”, follow the massons 666, follow the satanist and where they are and what government they take under their control? also the “head of the snake” was in the vatican catholic church in xi century and follow their path from there and discover their childrens and worshippers.

Moshe Dayan

no the church was infiltrated by these satanists: christianity is the one faith they hate and are doing everything they can to destroy it. that is also a primary reason they want to destroy russia as well.

Drago Kurton

i drago kurton from kurtonistan. andric and milosevix my aydols, i love savagery.

Drago Kurton

drago passive, albanian massive!

Lead Zepellin

i was reading about the history of the albanians long ago and it turns out, they were quite famous in european travelers’ diaries for their unique way of fabricating living huts out of dried dung.


general kukula is like dracula, but kukula. funny name. kukula is ready for war, looks like we need to give up to this almighty kukula, he is very serious and not joking, so scary. he can’t use a mirror, because he is too scary even to himself.

Moshe Dayan

he imagines himself “king of the dupas”


a few years ago, kabala. wrote a scenario: first we will fight ukrainians, then poles, and finally germans and other europeans, and this way we will create the great israel. they have apparently come to the conclusion that they have already depopulated ukraine and now it is time to depopulate poland


they must have been preparing this for many years, because since the 1980s, military personnel with jewish roots had been placed in senior military positions in poland.

Icarus Tanović

not bad thinking. though pope was a polish queer too.

AM Hants

with a love of kiddies. just like biden, most nato leaders and western politicians.

AM Hants

since operation paperclip, the same year as the first cia exercise, which was operation paperclip – the safe passage of the nazi and bolshevik elite, post war. the same year that they founded israel, for the fakes of a certain faith, with zero, semitic dna. a couple of years later, nato followed. all by design, to pillage russia.


the last white country is ready to be destroyed by jews in a useless war.

Moshe Dayan

send general kukoo-puffs to the front line first! i’m sure he would not be afraid of leading the battle personally, since millions will die if that happens. of course he will be swilling champagne in the bunkers with the rest of the world economic forum criminals, watching to see how many people they can depopulate. what a true pos 💩 this crooked war profiteer polish general.

Last edited 8 months ago by Moshe Dayan

well well well… so the poles are getting tired of shooting ukrainian deserters in the back, crashing their planes at airshows, and licking zionist rooster tails… they wanna have a ‘big boy’ moment like biden at the nato conference… 2 years later, they’ll be rounding up their old and young to die in the meat grinder just like ukraine, and will end up with a country half its size. balkanized…just like ukraine will be in 3 years…crumbs of it’s former zionist colonial self…

Paul Citro

western leaders are marching us into world war three. what is the point? what are we all going to die for?


we who are about to die…. salute those leaders with the one finger salute.


but but but will the krauts pay for it like everything that functions in polakaville? don’t think so….


at the begining of the 1ww hitler and his friend allie stalin both invaded poland ,for the russians, allies from the nazis only some parts matter


i’ve talked to a lot of people, we know russia is defending the russian people it was nato that broke the treaty they kept expanding and america had over 23 biolabs if russia had any labs in mexico we would have invaded mexico.

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