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MARCH 2025

Royal Navy Says Tanker Was Boarded By ‘Unauthorized’ People In Gulf Of Oman

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Royal Navy Says Tanker Was Boarded By ‘Unauthorized’ People In Gulf Of Oman

Forces of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) in the Persian Gulf. FILE IMAGE: IRNA

An oil tanker sailing in the Gulf of Oman was reportedly boarded by “unauthorized” people in military uniforms on January 11.

The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations, a Royal Navy detachment that provides warnings to sailors in the Middle East, said that the incident began early in the morning in waters between Oman and Iran in an area transited by ships coming in and out of the Strait of Hormuz.

It described receiving a report from the tanker’s security manager of hearing “unknown voices over the phone” and said that further efforts to contact the vessel had failed.

Meanwhile, the British private intelligence firm Ambrey said that “six military men” boarded the tanker, which it identified as the St. Nikolas. It also noted that the men had covered the surveillance cameras as they boarded.

The St. Nikolas is associated with the Greek shipping company Empire Navigation, which pleaded guilty to smuggling sanctioned Iranian crude oil in the past.

The Strait of Hormuz, a narrow mouth of the Arabian Gulf through which a fifth of the world’s oil traded passes, witnessed in recent years a series of ship seizures by Iran as well as attacks targeting shipping which were often blamed on the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Tensions in the Middle East in general have been also on the rise since the outbreak of the Israeli war on the Palestinian Gaza Strip. Last week, two Israel-affiliated tankers were reportedly attacked in the Indian Ocean.



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Dick Von D'Astard

ansar allah rules-based order. houthi sanctions enforcement against zionist genocide.

Authority Fixation

why should anyone need authorization from a gang of royal criminals who prowl for things to steal or kill.


it is too early to point at houthi rebels. if british private company is the first to report about the incident, it smells like a false flag.


yet rus and chn refused to back the houthis when the u-s tabled a vote against them in the unsc yesterday. this was a shameful abdication of moral and ethical responsibility by two key nations that both seem to crumble like toothless tigers whenever the u-s wags its filthy blood stained finger.


ah, who cares about some un mumbo jumbo. anyway, houthis are not operating in gulf of oman so this “news” smells like “fake news”.


well, that un mumbo-jumbo is what caused starvation and lack of medicine in yemen. explain why russia would do this, especially after complaining about sanctions against them. why call houthis terrorists when they never did a thing to russia? yemen was ‘attacked’ by the same tactic as was ukr in 2014…foreign power infiltration. this is likely uae ff to blame houthis/iran.


russia’s abstention basically is saying: “go ahead you dumba$$es, try that and see how it works out for you”


you mean like the way rus fearlessly defends syr from u-s piracy, isrli missiles and cia funded/controlled fake terrorist militias? sorry, but i seem to have misplaced my rose tinted spectacles. rus will never openly oppose u-s in the m.e. (or anywhere else) for reasons best known to the krmln, but painfully obvious to everyone else.


well it’s clear to all that russia has greatly helped syria, and is continuing to do so. and first part of my previous comment for some reason was not published. i was saying i was surprised by russia’s abstention but in fact there was no need to veto that toothless resolution. us & uk will lose billion$$ battleship to 1000$ aerial and underwater drones if they try anything against the houthis

Last edited 1 year ago by Mowaten

‘russia has greatly helped syria’

a great job in between refusing to confront the u-s, switching of air defences when isrl makes regular strikes, turning a blind eye to trk in the north in case it endangers big power contracts. at best it has acted as a referee, while syr is slowly eaten away.


russia has maintained a status quo. russia is in syria for it’s own benefit and they admit that. after syria would have been iran…then russia proper would be right in front of them. even as israel slaughters muslims, where has russia done anything to stop it? russia has not just abstained previously, they voted ‘yes’ against yemen for years.


yes, reality is reality. this makes the coming mp-nwo suspicious as hell. russia’s fealty to israel is quite plain to see. even worse are their ‘anti-semitic’ laws. they are worse than eu laws, which are far worse than us laws. yes, this mp-nwo is going to be sooo much better. for who? governments and their infiltrators.

Peter Jennings

russia and china are not the world’s policemen and neither do they want to be. both admins have stated this. russia’s involvement in syria and the ukraine was requested by these countries.


‘..not the world’s policemen and neither do they want to be..:

i guess that’s why rus stood by from 2014 while the eu openly made a fool of it by backing the urkanzi govt and fascst military shelling of innocent donbass civilians (while still professing to support the minsk accords)?


i love your nazi thinking. would you be interested in a buttsex threesome with jens holm and myself? we have a nice polish whorehouse occupied currently. no women of course. you would fit right in. in many ways! 🐖😍🎉👬


try taking your head out your (or whoever else’s) rear end, and learn how to read before commenting. rus failure to oppose isrl now and its previous failure to oppose ukrn shelling of dpr and lpr from 2014 has only encouraged western fascsm and the rise of the zio-nzi elites – who are now eroding plstn and the lvnt.


ahhh, the intelligent reply. you even got in the propaganda key-words and meme. well done! who do you work for?


yes and there is far more. russia has done a great job of propaganda, as has the west. their propaganda on the mp-nwo is doing quite well. but ask about digital ids and such. it’s coming world-wide and i do mean world-wide, no exceptions. wait until they roll out digital money. seems the khazarians are still in control…everywhere. people think it means freedom, it doesn’t.


agree. the ‘theatre of world events’ over the last 25 years has been carefully calibrated to implement irreversible change. the 2020-22 c19 scam managed to dispense with dmcratic oppos while a totalitarian rules base was embedded into statute books worldwide – allowing unfettered govt surveillance and draconian police actions etc. into this scenario gncde and cbdc fit very well.

Peter Jennings

and the bbc were making reports of azov nazis parading around kiev in 2014. they soon changed their tune too. i might point out that the donbas isn’t russian territory. the russian admin had to wait until it was invited by the people of the region to help with their nato problem. everybody knows that the minsk accords are now outdated. i think the russian admin will be creating their own in-house accord quite soon. that will solve the problem.

Peter Jennings

also, the russian admin at the time could not simply rush into the donbas until the us and its nato poodles had discredited their own psyop. give them enough rope eh? now the russian admin and its leader enjoy all the public support they will ever need from their own people, and/or the rest of a decent planet.


even ptn admitted on feb 24th 2022 that rus should have (officially) intervened much earlier. it already had teams on the ground unofficially assisting dpr/lpr. the invitation would have been forthcoming much earlier if rus had confirmed it would accept in advance.

too much dithering and procrastination.

Peter Jennings

the russian admin had to wait until the people of the donbas had voted on secession, even though the admin had advisors of the ground. if president putin had acted before with any force, he would have been accused of being the aggressor, when he was in fact, waiting to liberate. president putin didn’t waste those 8 years whilst ukrainian brother was attacking ukrainian brother at the insistence of the us/nato.


russia has designated the houthis as terrorists and voted for un sanctions for most of the last decade. several russian gov officials bad mouthed the houthis when they attacked ksa, saying that they were indeed terrorists. china has done the same as the us and other western nations, they supplied many drones to ksa. the houthis have been shooting down wing loon drones for years.


but times change, and the houthis are one of the few groups taking effective action against the psychopathic zio-us-uk nzi alliance that openly trying to obliterate what’s left of the plstn nation and people – with the support of the unsc. history will not be kind to either rus or chn over their fence sitting apathy when faced with isrl’s gncdal actions.

Boycott usa the world's bully

usa and china abstained in the usa motion asking for the houthis to stop blocking shipping. that amounts to support for the houthis. houthis not recognised as the yemen government, so has zero legal effect on them. so the west’s refusal to recognise the houthis as the rulers of yemen comes to bite them.


by abstaining rus and prc are effectively looking the other way, as many did with htlr in the 1930s, and in doing so giving the zio-us-nzi coalition a green light to attack ymn as well as gza.

meanwhile the u-s habitually vetoes any unsc motion it disagrees with. perhaps this is one arrogant yankee habit that rus would do well to copy at times like these

Zelenskii's Flaring Nostrils

understand your frustration in the face of western treachery, but both russia and china don’t just give lip service to international law only when it’s convenient like the west does; to them it is a matter of maintaining a fair and just order for all to abide by, including the powerful, as the world transitions into multipolarity. they are just being adults in the room, as usual, even though they have to hold their noses and grit their teeth sometimes.

Zelenskii's Flaring Nostrils

one million russians live in israel (mostly settlers, boo!), so it’s complicated for them. they’d probably support un sanctions on israel, though, and be at the forefront of a legit two-state effort.

Peter Jennings

reportedly, unauthorised people, british private intelligence firm ambrey, six military men, st. nikolas, greek shipping company, sanctioned iranian crude oil. if i was stupid, i would think that the houthi’s were not sticking to isreali targets as promised. thankfully, i’m not stupid but all those who whore for tv media are. they will lap it up. more blighty intelligence anyone?


no they aren’t that stupid, only the boob-tube watchers are. the bloviators are just that, windbags. they are just money hungry lackeys, spreading the story. they know the truth, but could give a rats ass. their only real goal?…that paycheck. journalistic pride/integrity? wth is that?


boj za slobodu a oslobodenie pásma gazy musí pokračovať!!! následne treba tento boj rozšíriť aj za oslobodenie neprávom zabraných území palestíny ako aj golanských výšin!!!


že by pokračovala blokácia izraela za to, že pácha genocídu na palestínskom ľude? ak je to tak potom je to správne!!! všetko ostatné stojí za odsúdenie. boj za slobodu však v žiadnom prípade!!!


the unconfirmed story is that iran did it. i think it’s some kind of response to that “prosperity guardian” nonsense and to u.s. and british misadventures in the gulf and red sea


iran just got one of its tankers back from us custody…..lol…..check press tv……lol

Boycott usa the world's bully

yea, genocide joe’s operation guardian to protect shipping there going well.


no, this happened in gulf of oman, not in the red sea. the operation guardian take place in the red sea and i remember iran sending warship to red sea to protect their intel ship that has been there for a long time.


iran navy has thrown down da gauntlet bro…….come n get it if yous got da balls is what iran saying now. lol……the usn knows it can’t fight iran, not in its own backyard. no way!


bomb usa and british warships non stop and cutoff their entry to the red sea.


unauthorized lol! so what?


boo hoo, looks like no army or balls left.

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