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Russia Counterattacks As Mud Season Starts

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Russia Counterattacks As Mud Season Starts

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Written by Pietro Pinter, a Doctor in International Relations, author of italian-language geopolitics blog inimicizie.com

In the south of Ukraine the rainy season is beginning, soon the rasputitsa – the transformation of the soil into mud typical of the region – will make large-scale manoeuvres impracticable in the predominantly agricultural landscape of the Zhaporozhye areas, where the failed Ukrainian summer offensive has concentrated its forces. Tactical successes will still be possible, but strategic objectives will have to be postponed until winter or late spring.

This does not mean, however, that fighting will stop in the rest of the frontline during the autumn.

With the de-escalation of the Ukrainian offensive, Russia launched its own counteroffensive with rather modest objectives: to marginally improve positions from the junction between Donetsk and Zhaporozhye to the pre-war Russian border with the Kharkov oblast.

The focal points of this counteroffensive are two.

The first is to reach the Oskol River in the Kharkov oblast, from whose bank the Russians had to withdraw after the Ukrainian offensive that brought Izyum and Lyman back under Kiev’s control and prompted the Kremlin to declare partial mobilisation. In particular the city of Kupyansk, in the far north of the front.

The second is to ‘tighten the noose’ around the town of Avdeevka, a settlement of 30,000 inhabitants (pre-2022) a few kilometres from Donetsk. Avdeevka is a Ukrainian stronghold with a strong military and symbolic value: it is here that in 2017 the Ukrainian ‘year of the attack’ solemnly announced by US Senator Linsday Graham began. After the Rada had established by decree in January the need to militarily reconquer the territories under separatist control, the Ukrainians launched a limited offensive on a totally frozen front, aimed at taking control of the grey zone, allowing the AFU to control the lines of communication around the city of Donetsk. It is here that the Minsk agreements signed two years earlier effectively died: in April, in fact, Kiev will put an end to the Anti-Terrorist Operation in the Donbas to replace it with a military task force with the precise mandate of reconquering the territories; while in the same month, the US delivers the first javelin systems to the Ukrainian armed forces.

After the battle in early 2017 – which ended in a deadlock, probably thanks to direct intervention by elements of the Russian armed forces – Avdeevka was heavily fortified, and transformed into the maze of trenches, concrete defensive positions, cameras and mines that it is today. The front line barely moved in the year and a half of large-scale warfare – as was the case with most highly fortified areas after 2014 – and the city remains a useful stronghold of the Ukrainian armed forces, from which Russian logistical lines near Donetsk as well as the oblast capital itself can be regularly hit, undermining its chances of becoming the economic and political epicentre of the new Russian territories.

Here, the counteroffensive has already achieved limited successes – not without losses – by reaching (or depending on the source, going over) the railway line north of the city – which until a few days ago was still being used by the AFU to supply the city – and a second road from the south connecting the city to the Ukrainian rear. The Ukrainians are left with only one asphalted road – through Orlivka to the north-west of the town – to supply the town: going through the muddy fields in the autumn may prove impracticable or extremely expensive in terms of vehicles.


For the Ukrainians, there is a risk of repeating a condition of partial encirclement that has been fatal in many battles since 2014, such as Donetsk Airport, Ilovaisk, Debaltsevo and most recently Bakhmut. The symbolic value of the objective – in this case highlighted by Zaluzhny’s recent visit – makes it politically difficult to retreat, but the presence of only one supply route under the control of Russian fire from 2/3 sides – think of Bakhmut’s ‘road of death’ – makes it militarily burdensome to stay, causing losses even higher than the attacker’s in some cases. Without the guarantee that the endevour will not turn into a retreat anyways, weeks or months later.

It should be emphasised that the AFU is not yet in this position, and has the opportunity to avoid this dilemma. The margin for error, however, is minimal: the Russians are one village away from effectively controlling the city.

That said, it is not entirely true that Ukraine’s offensive possibilities are exhausted with the Zhaporozhye offensive. Kiev also seems to have refocused on more modest objectives: operations are intensifying in the maze of rivers, islands, marshes, bridges and peninsulas that is the Dnipro delta. Here the AFU aims to strengthen its position under the Antonov bridge, and possibly establish new bridgeheads on the Russian-controlled bank, take control of river islands currently within the ‘grey zone’.

For several weeks now, the river front has become active again, with Ukrainian raids and massive Russian bombardments against troop concentrations on the right bank: the new morphology of the territory – after the undermining of the Nova Khakovka dam swept away many Russian position – offers new opportunities for the Ukrainian command, without the need to employ large armoured manoeuvres, made impossible by this summer’s losses, possibly for the rest of the war.


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excellent contribution. many thanks! it openly talks about both sides. that is the kind of reporting we’d like to see on sf at any time.

USA the world's bully

agreed. great background on the avdeevka stronghold as well.


thanks, am the author of the article. you can check out inimicizie.com if you want… it’s in italian but it has the automatic translation function


yes, avdiivka – the place were ruzzia tries its counter-counteroffensive and gets massacred in a way unprecedented since vuhledar 2022. see avdiivka report here: http://rlu.ru/3b82p

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

btw the ukraine military commander of the armed forces of ukraine, valerii zhaluzhny, just visited the troops in avdiivka congratulating them to their impressive victory. see: http://rlu.ru/3b84x

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

still fantasizing i see

Jean Paul France

fake links bastard.


what an infantile, out of touch fan fiction you wrote there, mate! i’m 100% you aren’t even ukrainian, don’t get or understand military, history, political matters in the slightest and still you came here and treat this shit fest as some kind of manichean sports game black and white retarded manner! man, go and focus on something else, i bet you get stressed a lot by something you clearly don’t understand. and for the love of god i hope you are a teenager, if not you are done for man.


mildly speaking, mt is not exactly the sharpest tool in the toolshed. paid or unpaid, ridiculous commentary is the same steaming pile.

winter cometh for nazified ukraine…

Jack Russell

everybody has a weird kind of power fantasy about their own version of the war. just my opinion but ukraine has a fresh batch of men coming through, the situation is comparable to world war 1. the same names will continue to change hands. but… in 1-3 years as support for ukraine tapers and russian production increases, they will eventually win out – ukrainian economy can’t take it and there are only so many conscripts to find longer term. it is what it is.


russia & america are no enemies. wake up kid ! they are both owned and ruled by jews !!! look here the russian state promi, the famous top russian-1 tv propaganda chief vladimir solovjov. this demon-snake & verbal total warmonger – is just a fake. he is not pro-russian !!! he is an anti-russian kabbalist satanic jew ! see: alturl.com/gabk5 (a traitor and fully anti-russian jew) & look who is supporting him and granting him piles of money & medals of fame, see alturl.com/859eg

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

it’s already a cauldron and the kartoschkas are bubbling nicely…dinner, a la artyomovsk and mariupol, will soon be served. the rump ukrapper death wish is coming true in every direction its evil natostan master pushes it. evolution is obviously not for everyone and life never gave a rat’s a$$ who lived it anymore than the anglozionazi$ that destroy their “friends” to scratch their enemies. z and lots of it until the beast is slain.


it is, but there of course are problems, but i don’t think there is any army out there that can do ww2 offensives anymore, unless a general war, and we accept casualties at napoleonic levels this war will take years until russia finishes those poor bastards in that godforsaken country! and i’m starting to think armenia is next, if they cried like babies against the azeris they will get absolutely psychotic when the russians erase that place.

G. Saviano

no one would want to amass, and concentrate too much military hardware and serviceman on the ground in modern warfare against a super power. warfare has evolved. guided missiles with pinpoint accuracy, artillery with near pinpoint accuracy, drones, tactical nukes etc etc


sýria má teraz veľkú príležitosť pokúsiť sa zničiť základne okupantov na svojom území. rf, irán, kľdr a čína by mali sýrii pomôcť a to tak, že im dodajú sofistikované zbrane a zbraňové systémy. treba podporiť ľud sýrie v boji za slobodu a nezávislosť!!! rf teraz vedie aktívnu obranu čo spôsobuje problémy banderovským fašistom. usa nebudú schopné podporovať teroristov v sýrii, iraku, izraeli a ešte aj na ukrajine.


i would just flush the enemy out of their trenches with heavy rains using geo engineering. this is a variant of operation popeye in vietnam/laos where the rainy season was extended with 2 months.

Psionists slaves of America

yeah baby apartheid zionist and their slaves are getting wrecked on every front. aleluya.

Jürgen Grabowski

lots of russian mothers crying for their hapless boys used as just cannon fodder while higher officers drunked and celebrating their military oligarch position.


pathetic paid propagandist… at least try next time.


nice story bro, at least if you believe this crap it probably consoles you in the night, meanwhile ukrainian mother will go extinct because there will be no more “children” there in a couple of months. but man, dreaming is still free, go for it.

Jack Russell

corruption and incompetence are an issue for both leaderships. but guess what, there are simply more russians, and as the dusty old soviet factories are cleaned out and put to work, there will be more weapons. it would make sense for ukraine to negotiate at some point.


exactly ! btw russia & america are no enemies ! they are both owned and ruled by jews !!! look here the russian state promi, the famous top russian-1 tv propaganda chief vladimir solovjov. this demon-snake & verbal total warmonger – is just a fake. he is not pro-russian !!! he is an anti-russian kabbalist satanic jew ! see: alturl.com/gabk5 (a traitor and fully anti-russian jew) & look who is supporting him and granting him piles of money & medals of fame, see alturl.com/859eg

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa
James Hodgkiss

mud mud baby. time for ukraine and russia to get the girls out for some hot girl on girl mud wrestling, see how that works.


i approve this message, this is the way this war should have been fought, just mud wrestling of russian and ukrainian girls in really tiny bikinis.

G. Saviano

but then how would the murderous jew attempt to resurrect the khazar empire? one based on babylonian talmudic law to enslave the whole world and treat it like it does palestinians

Jack Russell

khazar thesis is so overstated. that won’t happen and is not the key to understanding the confict.

G. Saviano

please do provide your thesis. the balkanization of russia has always been the goal. the tribe has a tiny speck of land the size of a postage stamp in the middle of the desert surrounded by blood libel enemies and it is increasingly a failed state

G. Saviano

it’s obvious that there is ethnic cleansing in ukraine. the bolsheviks still want their empire. and it just happens to be the same land as khazaria. coinkidenk?


lots of mud in my outhouse—many flies cuz we amerikan full of gavno

Russian military is farce

the term “special military operation” has long had a strong tragicomic charge. the performance of the vaunted and feared russian special forces turned out to be worthless or, in fact, even worse…

Jack Russell

the special military sleepover was off to a terrible start, realists understand this. but at least the russians are adjusting and learning, the ukrainians just chuck their guys in the woodchipper for reportage.

jens holm

too much fentanyl make you farce

G. Saviano

anyone that thinks it was off to a slow start fails to realize that russia is not the german war machine during ww2. they never wanted to draw parallels with hitler and the beginning of ww2: the blitzkrieg of poland. they do not have imperialist/ expansionist goals


amazing jews fighting jews. one side is learning and practicing how to fight a war.

Paul Citro

keep the focus in military objectives, not political optics. going from victory to victory is what keeps moral high.

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