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MARCH 2025

Russian Forces Shot Down 7 Ukrainian Mig-29 Fighters In One Day – Russian MoD

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Russian Forces Shot Down 7 Ukrainian Mig-29 Fighters In One Day - Russian MoD

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In its daily briefing on October 20, the Russian Ministry of Defence reported that Russian forces had shot down seven Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter jets during the battles on Ukrainian frontlines.

The Russian military did not reveal the areas of interception of Ukrainian aircraft by the Russian air defence forces, but the Ministry clarified that in total, Russian air defense and aviation shot down 12 aircraft over the past week. They included:

  • 10 MiG-29 fighters;
  • two Su-25 attack aircraft;
  • two Mi-8 helicopters.
Russian Forces Shot Down 7 Ukrainian Mig-29 Fighters In One Day - Russian MoD

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In addition, 314 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed during the week.

On October 19, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on the downing of a Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter near the village of Troitskoye in the DPR, a Su-25 wasa shot down near the city of Dnipro and a Mi-8 helicopter was intercepted in the Kharkiv region. The day before, a Mi-8 helicopter of the Ukrainian Air Force wa shot down with barrage ammunition near the village of Umanskoye in the DPR.


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M from Romania

where the fuck does ukraine still get 10 mig29 after 2 years of war?


poland i think

jens holm

look op yourself. dont you have internet.

its a very big for yourself and and us, your are grown as learners. its all over and gdp too.

herer are b.t.w. are above russia. they ,earn, produce and reward themself. our new eaterns are still low tp grow. more work better and wih the modern stuff copared to their collapse.


it’s just another of jewtin’s propaganda lies. common folks, don t believe in such shit. 10 mi-29 shot down on 1 single day. hahhaha. ru propaganda is so damn stupid. but what does this say about those folks believing even in that lowest crap? fact is: now that ukr hammered ru airfields with atacms long-rang rockets & destroyed nearly a dozen of ru k-52 helis + 1 or 2 planes, ru propaganda wants to come up with something comparable so they made up this “10 mig-29 on 1 day” bullshit story.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

yes mother, it’s all bullshit. at this time, ukraine is rolling over the russian lines, victory & the sea is now within sight! why are we not able to see the truth? slobber pukranzsky! ps: good choice of name. we know what you did with the little orphan children, sic fck


its probably the same ones they started the war with and the russian operators that shot them down are probably fired for doing their job a little too effectively, thats assuming that this claim is accurate to begin with.

same reason they took out wagner, cant have a bunch of guys that are being effective and alter the planned course for the scripted war.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny
Dr. Abramov

wagner leader made mistake of mutiny. hubris got the best of him and clouded his judgment. his little episode was nothing short of treason. wagner is still operating. corporation games, changing corporation names.

jens holm

look op yourself. dont you have internet?


jens “will sow this only wence!”

jens holm

its a lack of erased culturre.

you are told everthing and has to obey that. according to that you makes it had to habit only to ask. do do no search even its free and build no kwow no learning.

its in every every level. if there are only one ipion why wrote. there is one

jens holm

the f16 is a many light jet, which is a choise.

but the leaning in russia as well in most of the islamic world are there from above only. by that the gifted with talent are not ecen found as there(fx in denmark). they they finally are old old enough, they are often are zero to none leaders. good laeders is as a stranger to them. often they dirty dirty albows and hand.

jens holm

usa has the same problems in the bad and poor parts of the education system and makes too many loosers in crimes and courts. .


from poland from romania they refurbised outside in czech republic 8 pieces from mihail kogalniceanu becouse romanian mig-29 was out of service from 2001

Last edited 1 year ago by hopa

poland, slovakia, peru, romania and others were saked by the americans, not only migs but also su and helicopters. they even tried to buy migs and sus from russians allies and american enemies, venezuela and cuba had to deny. russia has destroyed three ukrainians armies already.


how many mig-29 ukr army have ? 100 ?


are you following this war? if not, why ask such stupid questions? all easter european countries have depleted their inventories of soviet era fighter jets, dumbass.


a video or two would have been good, instead of a photo of a red toy just saying


there is not vid eo prove for the 10 allegely downed mig-29 because it’s just bullshit, a big fat jewtinist propganda lie. get it

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

its called scraping the bottom donations from the paper tiger nato.

Warrior Nation

why the fuck does zelensky get to beg for f-16’s when he’s got his own planes? put a bullet in his head already!

jens holm

why add yoiur family in this? you mother too? how much we get for it?

in war planes are shot down. i seemes you has in bullet in your head.

according the russian version a jew are running all the nazis there. and the 2,15% nazis are running the rest even they no even has a seat in theirpm.

the russian world is like that. it works for declining 144 own ones and are is doing it well.

they not even chinese in school and easing suop by chopstickers.


pai are de ota n , five eyes… si cine a mai vândut…. veti afla ca prromanica nu mai are rezerve stocuri ca le au dat la naiba n praznic…. lasa ca amata n a luat camioane roman brasov….. sau dus la iveco… camioanele trata 8×8 si kraz toate le au casat….


not enough information. were the mig-29s shot down by sam, spaag, autocannon, wvr, bvr or a mixture of everything? some videos would be nice

mighty orc

amerikans pay eastern european nations to provide migs to ukies—slovakia poland romania baltic croatia montenegro bulgaria have all accepted us bribes to send older migs to ukraine

Last edited 1 year ago by mighty orc
Crimea is 100% Liberated

crna gora dosent have migs


but theyhave helicopters ans su aircraft scumbag.


ukrainians have not used much their fighterjets in a fear that russians would shoot them down. but now the russians are started to bomb those airfields and hangars, and the ukrainians have to take the jets up into the air to safety from the bombs. then russians shoot them down…😁

M buyd

we should give that a name how about “zelensky’s humdrum conundrum”?

White Gandalf

since when does “a week” have “1 day” in russia? that’s a critical innovation! it should be mentioned to the public!


might wanna read that again.


gandalf, how dare you be ‘white?’ re-think your choice of troll-name. are you a racist nazi or something? ‘black gandalf, ‘bi-gandalf’ or ‘gay gandalf’ surely appeals more to your woke, lib-tard ‘we stand with ukraine’ fan base.


tak to bola dobrá žatva. len tak ďalej. víťazstvo je vaše!!! svetu mier!!!

Fact Checker

russia has turned nato into it’s hunting dog flushing the migs into the air with an incoming warning so russia can shoot them down.

Psionists slaves of America

bravo. viva putin. viva assad. viva persia. ukraine is already being deprived of much neded air defenses that are now being given to the welfare funded, apartheid, banana re[public of israel. the aipac enslaved, treasonous, israel-firsters in the us government and in the us military will abandon ukraine to fight for israel to the last us soldier.


number of jets shot down is not really interesting, better to know if the pilots survived or not. because soon there will be another widowmaker when the f-16 flying coffins are delivered.


mig pilots will never ever fly in and f 16. it’s impossible.

jens holm

time tablerl for that?

the readers here are expected retards – of what.

Dr. Abramov

this is a bit bizarre because russian air superiority is light years ahead of mig-29 and even f-16. even ukrainian pilots regard su27 as superior to f-16. western lunatics just want to get rid of oldstock and saddle ukraine with debt in the process

Dr. Abramov

and ukraine has old su-27. upgraded & modernized su-27 would still win hands-down. so what is happening here? even f-16 single engine heap of shit that is only apt for counter insurgency or bombing civilian infrastructure against defenseless army

Crimea is 100% Liberated

ghost of donbass?


the ghosts of ukraine! all those 500k ukrainians fertilizers getting rich nutrients to russian soil.

James Hodgkiss

apparently they leave them ready to go so when there are incoming signatures they take off and fly someplace else, like poland. the fact they have been shot down, if thats true, might suggest they tried to use them to support ground operations.

Gneaus stapo

phantom kills aka igor konashenkov’s truth.

the ever repeating pattern with russian flathead propaganda.

confirmed destroyed 9+ russian helicopter, answer 10 downed ukrainian migs.

german general mentioned no pzh2000 destroyed in interview, next day flathead claim 1 pzh2000 destroyed.

if he had said no of the 12 german unicorns 🦄 killed, igor konashenkov would claim 24 kia

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo
jens holm

thasts right. simply facts in even youtubes are ignored.

i can find one or two indicating one or two.

propanda served for putin. the loses at avidika is also inored. im sure the ukras lost many there too. many soldiers and armed vehicles hare lost

Last edited 1 year ago by jens holm
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