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Russian Offensive In Kharkiv Region: Strategic Goals And Interim Results

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Russian Offensive In Kharkiv Region: Strategic Goals And Interim Results

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The offensive operations of the Russian army have been ongoing for more than two months in the Kharkiv region. The active attacks of the assault units of the Russian North  group of forces began on May 10. Since then, they managed to break through the Ukrainian defense line paid for by the West and ruined by the corrupt Ukrainian elites. Russian troops advanced in some areas to a depth of up to 12 km and took control of two bridgeheads in the region.

Fighting in the border region has strategically important goals. The creation of a buffer zone near the Russian border pushes the Ukrainian military with NATO weapons further away from Russian settlements, where they are terrorising Russian civilians.

Also, the fighting in the Kharkiv region forced the Ukrainian military command to take emergency measures, use strategic reserves and transfer huge reinforcement, weakening defense in other directions. According to various estimates, Kiev has transferred 12 brigades, 2 special forces regiments, 10 separate battalions and 15 UAV units into battles in the Kharkiv region.

Despite the heavy losses, the Ukrainian command is throwing more and more forces into battles. Kiev’s goal was to demonstrate at least some success for Western sponsors amid Zelensky’s conference in Switzerland. However, no reinforcement and NATO weapons helped the Ukrainian army achieve a strategic victory, only temporarily slowing down the pace of advance of Russian units.



Ukrainian/NATO command took into account its sad experience of counter-offensive operations. The AFU did not throw large forces of valuable and trained units into bloody battles, but tried to probe the Russian defense with small offensive groups of mobilized infantry battalions of the territorial defense. These forces are used as cannon fodder and they were transferred to the operational subordination of more experienced units for operations in the Kharkiv direction, including the 36th Separate Marine Brigade and the 82nd Separate Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

However, they failed to find a weak spot in Russian defense, and Zelensky went to Switzerland without victories. However, the Ukrainian Armed Forces still maintain a large grouping in the Kharkiv region and continue counterattacks, albeit with less intensity.


Chechen snipers in action



In response to Ukrainian counterattacks in the Kharkiv region, the Russian Armed Forces also conducted a regrouping of forces at the end of May. In particular, Chechen Akhmat special forces were deployed to the Kharkiv direction. Having strengthened the defense, the Russian army continued offensive operations, albeit at a slower pace, massively shelling Ukrainian strongholds along the entire front line. However, Moscow’s main goal is not rapid advance at the front, but the grinding of the Ukrainian army and foreign fighters.

On June 17, the commander of the Akhmat special forces, Apty Alaudinov, said that the situation in the Kharkiv direction is completely under control, Russian troops are pulling together the forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to grind them and subsequently smash them. “… and after that, as they say, the enemy is basically unable to collect anything serious… Let them think that there is free cheese in a mousetrap here.”


Russian Offensive In Kharkiv Region: Strategic Goals And Interim Results

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Today, fierce fighting is ongoing in Volchansk, where over the past day the Armed Forces of Ukraine have reportedly launched about 15 attacks on the positions of Russian troops, but have not been able to break through the Russian defense. The Ukrainian military continued attempts to transfer reinforcements across the Volchya River, which divides the city into two parts. The main fighting in the city continues in the central part, where the remnants of the AFU units retain control of some multi-storey buildings. They recently attempted to conduct reconnaissance in combat in an attempt to find a weak spot in the Russian defense and to introduce reserve forces after the breakthrough.

However, as a result of the short-sighted tactics of the Ukrainian command, the garrison of the Ukrainian 71st separate Jaeger Brigade was blocked in high-rise buildings in one of the central quarters of the city. Surrounded from the north, west and south, the abandoned Ukrainian servicemen have made several attempts in recent days to break through the gray zone to their units across the river, but Russian fire did not allow them to do so. On the other hand, some Ukrainian units attempted to cross the Volchya River in order to unblock the garrison, but their operations were also unsuccessful. According to recent reports from the front, as a result, the activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the center decreased, the hope for evacuation of the surrounded soldiers faded away, and the command finally forgot about them. The Russian military controls the roads in the city and prevents the AFU fighters from maneuvering on the streets, building bridges and panton crossings across the river.



At the same time, the battle for the local aggregate plant, one of the main fortified areas in the city, continues. Ukrainian counterattacks on its territory were unsuccessful. As a result, the new footage recently released by the Ukrainian military confirmed that the facility has come under Russian control. According to the statements of the Ukrainian side, the video shows strikes by GBU-39 guided aerial bombs on the workshops of the plant, which indicates the absence of Ukrainian forces on its territory. The control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation over the industrial zone predicts the imminent collapse of the entire garrison of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the northern part of Volchansk.



In the Liptsy direction, fighting continues in the area of Glubokoe. The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue attempts to enter the village, but all their attacks only lead to new losses in both personnel and armored vehicles, mainly supplied by NATO. The Russian Aerospace Forces are actively destroying enemy infantry and armored vehicles before they approach Russian positions.

The price of slowing down the Russian offensive in the Kharkiv region is Ukrainian losses in many other areas. The summit in Switzerland ended and Kiev is forced to forget about PR and remember about the military strategy. The Ukrainian military command must hurry to stabilize the situation in the Kharkiv region as soon as possible and begin transferring part of the reserves back to the Donbass front to stabilize the situation in other directions. The Ukrainian military is already preparing for such a manoeuvre. It is expected that several Ukrainian brigades will be withdrawn from the Kharkiv region in the nearest future.


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kiev is filling holes with holes. just expand the frontline to the complete northern border that means another 500 km of battle zones!

Cutting to the Chase

kiev has more assholes per capita than anywhere else on earth.


thanks to fashington and “5 billion for democracy” from nuland.

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

a rata nuland deve estar se sentindo menstruada todos os dias com a derrota de seu zelensky


not kiev but nato.


what about the russian soldiers encircled in the aggregate plant?

yo yo yo

it is fake


what about the guys on snake island and their fight to the death, as the ghost of kiev drops russian airplanes like he’s eric hartmann. also, all russians are already dead or surrendered since 2022 when the great ukrainiain offensive at kharkov eliminated the conscript/criminal russian army that had no equipment and no food. glory to the triple-dong dildo! bandera parade in donetsk city next january!

Cutting to the Chase

russia uses huawei smartphones strapped to tanks so they know which way to point guns. i heard this from jake sullivan himself last week.

Last edited 4 months ago by Cutting to the Chase

sullivan has very smart head, so he is a smartass. he can’t lie, nobody told him how to do it. he probably believe in microchips from washing machines to cruise missiles (vondersula believes) and stolen asphalt from hohlo-roads, because no another explanation how small crimea has more new roads than all rural reich since 1991 when “damned communists” stopped building roads, plants, factories, shipyards for aircraft carriers and many other useful stuff. so jake is right for sure.


i have also seen on french tv, some “experts” saying that russia could not have more than 100 lancets drones because it’s full of electronics and needs chips that russia don’t build….. it was last years….. now we see dozens of lancet’s videos per week.


right after the parade in sevastopol promised in 2014 by geletey and later promised again by outdated fuhrer. it’s among other famous crap like “cyborgs in donetsk airport” (kiev clowns lied that the airport is resisting a year after its fall) or “azov-nazis never surrender”. or “ghost of kiev” with that old woman who intercepts drones with jars of marinade. or all sorts of wunderwaffe starting from “bayractar”. bloody absurdist clowns.

Cutting to the Chase

yah, i hear 80.000 in boiling kettle. russian goose cooked pretty soon now.


800 000, not less, no need to mercy.


be careful not to be killed by shovel. moron!

Ramses II

throw the zombie orchs out of ukraine! slava ukraine 🇺🇦!


when they’re gone, will the poles come back to lwow to replace them?

Ramses II

it is time give back all stolen territory to ukraine, in addition pay and handover all weapons to complete the demilitarization of russia. it is the only solution.

Cutting to the Chase

it’s time to surrender or die, fellow. hate to break the news without a tranq chaser for you.

Moshe Dayan

so you support the years of shelling artillery upon russian civilians and children in donetsk and lugansk you lying pos. go there and let’s watch you fight you pos liar. go support your criminal rapist “ukraine army “ . propagandist clown.

U breaka, I fixa

those ukranazis belong in dungeons, tied to racks.


to belong to graves would be better for them, because they wish to reunite with bandera, and this is the only way to reach hell where he is now. express to bandera comes from station of volchansk.

Ramses II

are you talking about yourself but pointing your nazi finger towards other.

U breaka, I fixa

the only solution, by ukraine and its masters’ choice, is its capitulation or decapitation. pick your poison.

when total gangrene sets in, there’s only one option, lop the infection off.

Last edited 4 months ago by U breaka, I fixa
Ramses II

absolutely not don’t be silly. remove all weapons and similar stolen equipment from russia, put all prisoners back to prison and make russia a good place for everybody


better accept the conditions of russians now , otherwise there will be more “territorial losses” for ukraine.

Ramses II



wow! zelensky has an account on southfront. he signs on to comment after snorting a few lines.

Cutting to the Chase

duda will be singing camptown races, du da du da as he marches into tatarstan to free it from orcs.

Cutting to the Chase

where’s ukraine?

U breaka, I fixa

hiding up biden’s arsehole.

Ramses II

ask your mama and then she whip your stupid ass .

Last edited 4 months ago by Ramses II

when there is too much nationalists in a white country, the globalists provoque a war to kill them. french nationalists were killed in 1914. german nationalists were killed in 1939. after the massacre their msm blame nationalism as the root of evil to justify mass immigration. it last 50 years then people return to nationalism and the cycle continue. it take 2 or 3 cycle to destroy a country and replace it’s native population with an unrooted one….

Mr Fixer

the kharkiv “offensive” is a fixing operation to pin down ukrops and bleed them. how do we measure its success? the more reinforcements the cocaine fuhrer throws there, the better

Ramses II

vladolf the poop collector- the successor to adolf

U breaka, I fixa

an adolf with more nukes than washington? oh, my. beware what you dream about, sparky. keep at it and your dreams might just come true.

Last edited 4 months ago by U breaka, I fixa

vladolf or not vladolf , i can understand your anger , but in fact you are losing. why not negotiate now before everything is lost? ukraine has still a chance to develop without nato and russophob hatred.


the ukraine has no chance at all, 33 years of its useless and harmful existence is the brightest evidence as well as cruel history of ukrainization — obtrusion of artificial identity invented by poles and implemented by austrian germans for ethnocide policy and ethnic cleansing in galizia. though negotiations are way better, but it won’t stop from extinction. even in the best years death rate was 2 times higher of birth rate. so rural reich is doomed anyway. ukrainity kills.

U breaka, I fixa

russia fix them good with fixing operation. soon afu be fixed like leg humping dogs for good.


why are gas pipelines going through ukraine still operational?

Joseph Day

shhhhh.. why are the ports in odessa or all rail systems still working.


their hiding places are getting eliminated just like them

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

rússia, tome karkov e odessa!

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