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“They Need War”. SouthFront’s Interview With Martin Armstrong

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An exclusive interview with Martin A. Armstrong by Pietro Messina with the collaboration of Julian Macfarlane.

Western democracies are no longer democracies, the system no longer works, it is broken. A global economic crash is possible, indeed, very likely. The so-called Deep State knows very well what is happening and is aiming for war to erase everything and start again. The United States may no longer be so united: Martin Armstrong, one of the most influential economists globally, told us his point of view just over 100 days before the vote to elect the new President of the United States. With an alert that, after the first failed attack, sounds threatening: the Deep State will do everything to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the White House.


QUESTION: A couple of weeks ago, before the attack on Donald Trump and before Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race, you wrote an article that today resonates prophetic. The title was “Stand Down”.

MARTIN A. ARMSTRONG: You have to understand that there in most governments, there is a what we call the deep state.  And they have their own vested interests. They’re not elected. They’re the people that really run everything all the time.  And Donald Trump  effectively, uh, is an outsider.  They don’t like him. They don’t like RFK.

Uh, so, uh, honestly,  the protection that he was provided was so outrageous.  It was more or less the same thing as JFK. Um,  you know, it was very clear that from,  you know, I wrote, even in the beginning of the year, that they could not possibly,  uh,  cope with,  with Trump winning, because he stands against everything that they are pushing for, uh, from climate change to war, et cetera.

So, um,  that’s why I say, you know, the shooter, basically. Uh, I mean, they, they knew he was there. People were screaming, Hey, there’s a guy on the roof, and they did nothing.  So standing down is basically just let it happen, uh, and then blame it on. Oh, you know,  I mean, the same thing with nine 11. They, they had advanced knowledge.

Homeland security even  was created because Congress said, Oh, well, some agencies had information, but they didn’t share it.  Um,  you know, it’s just the way things go. If they allow certain things to happen, they get more power.

QUESTION: Kamala Harris is the probable Dem candidate in the US elections. In recent days you have made an analysis of Harris’ political agenda: her anti-crisis recipe is to raise taxes in the States up to 35%.  Can it work?

MARTIN A. ARMSTRONG: The left side of Democrats just never learn. They keep raising taxes because I think it’s more like they want to punish other people rather than does it make any economic sense.  Every time you’ve raised taxes, the economic growth declines and I don’t care what government you’re looking at.  You know, if somebody has more money to spend and they create more jobs, you take that money and you put it in government’s pocket and it’s always wasted.

Government creates no jobs.  Anybody that works for government actually does not produce anything. It’s kind of like having a maid at home, you know, she cleans your house, but she doesn’t bring in income.

QUESTION: In just over 100 days the United States will have its new President. But on an economic and social level, is this really happening in the States?

MARTIN A. ARMSTRONG: I think basically that you to look not only United States but Europe too. Everything is becoming very polarized,  politically. You saw it in England, you saw it in France. The United States is the same. It used to be,  okay, fine. The other side won and we all got along, but now the politics has  changed to the point that if one side gets in, they want to force their agenda upon everybody else. That’s not civilization.  Civilization historically is when we all come together because everybody benefits.  When one side starts to punish the other side,  civilization no longer makes sense.  So that’s why you’ll, you’ll most likely see the United States eventually break up into different regions. The same thing in Europe.

You know, it’s,  there are different cultures, uh, beliefs, et cetera. I mean, there in Italy, you have different philosophies than, you know, people up in, in Northern, you know, Germany. That’s just the way life is.  You know, California is like a foreign country to somebody in Florida. You just have political differences and,  you know, I should say that, you know, the  governments always want all power  and  all you have to do is look at Russia.  When Lenin, his idea was to create the Soviet Union like the United States,  that each state retained its sovereignty. And could, exit if they, they chose to.  Stalin it’s widely assumed that he poisoned Lenin.  And Lenin had even written a letter saying, do not let him follow me, and Stalin usurped all the power into centralized control.

Anytime you do that economically it declines.  You know, one size, you know, does not fit all,  you know,  even in the American Civil War, the North was basically industrialized. The South was more agricultural.  You have different economies  throughout the whole region. Same thing you see there in Italy from the North versus the South.

QUESTION: So what could happen in the States? Is there a risk of civil war?

MARTIN A. ARMSTRONG: It  is turning more violent. The left usually is the most violent.  That’s simply the way every country looked at.  That’s what happened.  So  this election  is not going to be accepted by either side.  You know, I think you can get in with Hillary, when back in  2016,  everybody that voted against her, she called them the deplorables.

QUESTION: Harris or Trump? What happens after the US elections? How can US and global public debt be managed?

MARTIN A. ARMSTRONG: Well, we are in a debt crisis globally,  because all governments since World War Two have been borrowing with no intention of paying anything back. And historically, when the default comes, it’s when,  because you’re in these Ponzi schemes, you’re borrowing new debt to pay off the old.  Historically, um, this has happened many times the debt crisis takes place when you can no longer sell the new debt to pay off the old. There are no buyers.  That’s when it all comes crashing down  to that.  This is also why they need war.  After war, they basically get to create a new government and they default on the debt of the of the old,   even the United States did that. You can see, you can buy on eBay Continental currency, the constitution said that they would honor the dead, but they did not. Basically, you’re you’re looking at this. This is why they need war as the excuse because they know financially  the system is beginning to collapse.  It’s also why they’re pushing for digital currency all the governments i’ve met with around the world. They all pretty much are the same.

They believe that about 35 percent of the economy is underground, that they don’t pay taxes, and if they go to a digital currency, eliminating all physical money,  then they’ll collect those taxes. So as far as our computer shows that Trump should win, you know, the reason I warned that they might try to assassinate him in advance is because he represents too much of a kickback against their agenda. And so,  I think what you’re going to really look at is that since they were unable to assassinate him,  then you’re likely to see them pushing for some sort of a geopolitical confrontation before he takes office  to trap him into this so that he can’t get out of it.   You know, you’ll also see them come, you know, come out with the slogans again that, he’s a puppet of Putin, um, because he doesn’t want war.

So these are the sorts of things that you’re kind of really looking at.  I mean, economically, it’s just,  we’ve simply gone down the road too far. That’s it.  And for example, you have Blinken who’s the head of the state department threatening China  over Taiwan.  Well, China sold off 53 billion of us debt in the first quarter.

And  so they’re not going to be buying debt in the future.  So this becomes the problem. If you cannot sell the debt that’s when you default.  Okay. But this is happening on a global scale.  This is why you’re, I mean,  I just got back from Europe and three governments are all, you know,  promoting war.  I mean, they’re in, in Italy, your prime minister has two people on her cabinet that are very pro Russia.

I mean, you know, to start war with Russia,  you know, she even came out and said that Russia will be forced to accept our terms. How?  You have the former head of NATO coming out saying, Oh, Russia will never use nuclear weapons. So don’t worry about that.  They act as if they can invade Russia. Just walk in, take the place. Putin will drop to his knees and say, okay,  you know, forgive me, you know?  I mean, these are not realistic ideas.  But I’ve seen them  for so many, you know, for so many times.  I’ve just worked with government for a long time. All governments, I mean, even when China was becoming,  you know, capitalist, basically,  I went over there and, you know,  I was invited by the Central Bank, after the 1997 Asian currency crisis. So,  I was, you know, actually answering questions how you become capitalist. So I’ve, I’ve dealt with governments on all around the world and I don’t see much difference.  Once you’re in power, you want to hold on to that power.  And it’s not about the people or the economy or anything else.  I  mean,  pushing war is  always highly inflationary.

Vietnam War broke, you know, Bretton Woods and the gold standard. You know, you, you fix gold at 35 dollars, but you continue to increase the quantity of dollars that you printed. I mean, I think a three year old with a pocket calculator could figure out that’s not going to work.  But, you know,  unfortunately, governments will always rule in their own favor.

You know, you can look at Plato, and he quotes a debate between Socrates and Thrasymachus, and Thrasymachus basically said that justice is the same in all forms of government. It’s only the self interest of those in power.  Nothing’s changed  in 4, 000 years. What has changed?   That’s why I look at history because history does repeat because human nature doesn’t change.

I mean, okay, fine people say, oh, well, the Romans, they were just throwing spears, etc. Well, so, you know, if they wanted to kill you, they used a sword. Now they use a gun. And then we get to nuclear weapons. They still want to kill you. That’s, that’s still the human nature behind the issue.  So the weapon doesn’t really matter.

It’s why these people do the same thing all the time.  So,  I think that,  I hope that answers all those questions. I mean,  the computer does show that Trump’s going to win, but I’m afraid that they’re going to you know, go to plan B.  You have to understand that Trump, I’ve dealt with, with governments for nearly 50 years,  I was in Washington when Ronald Reagan won and they said at that time  that, you know, they were all upset. And I said, what’s the problem?  And they said, Oh, you don’t understand. I said, well, tell me what’s the problem.  And they said, he’s a governor. He’s not from Washington. We’re going to have to train him.  They don’t like anybody from outside of Washington.

That’s why they hate Trump. But they also don’t like Kennedy  for the same reason.  They only want people from Washington,  because they,  when it comes to money, they all vote the same. And, you know, they make a good show that they’re against each other. But a lot of times it’s, you know, money for Ukraine, suddenly it appears.

This is, you know, they’re always backroom deals.  And that’s unfortunately what  politics is all about anymore.

QUESTION: A global overview. Can a war in Eastern Europe act as a lifeline for global financiers, and especially for the US industrial sector?

MARTIN A. ARMSTRONG: Look,  just look at Yugoslavia.  When Yugoslavia broke up,  it broke up according to ethnic lines.  All right. Ukraine. Why are we not doing the same thing?  There was the Minsk agreement.  The Donbass are Russians who have lived there for hundreds of years.  Zelensky had promised peace when he ran for election. He’s done the opposite and  he’s outlawed their language, outlawed their religion. He changed,  you know, Orthodox Christmas. They have to celebrate it on December 25th.  They’re no longer allowed to report to the patriarch of Moss in Moscow. It has to be his that he set up in Kiev. You don’t do these kind of things if you’re trying to create peace and unity when you’re attacking religion, their language,  of course you’re gonna get Civil war.  I think it.  If you looked at Canada, if Canada tried to outlaw French, I think you’re gonna have a civil war.  Same thing in the United States, you can’t outlaw Spanish.

These are not things that promote civilization or peace.  And in all honesty, over a million people have died in Ukraine. Does anybody really care about  Ukrainians? The answer is no.  This is all about just getting to Russia. That’s it. You  know, Merkel from Germany,  supposedly, you know, she even told the press, I don’t know if she had too much to drink or what, but she told the press that they never intended to honor the Minsk agreement.

It was just to buy time for Ukraine to build an army. That implies they have wanted war from the very beginning, not peace.  And that’s why I say they need war and this is their exit strategy for the debt crisis.  Unfortunately,  Ukrainians are basically the, you know, the lamb on the altar to be slaughtered.

They don’t care about them.  They do not care about Ukraine. It’s a country that’s just going to be absolutely destroyed and they’re not going to be giving them money to rebuild it.  That’s not on the agenda. It’s just propaganda. It usually is that way but they have been trying to conquer Russia and you,  I know some of these neocons , I’ve dealt with them for a long time.  My opinion is, is that they, when  they grew up just hating Russia and China because of communism.  You had Khrushchev say, we will bury you.  All right. That was their economic philosophy at the time.  Well, communism fell  and the West should have recognized that, but it did not.

It’s like, I think that these people just hate Russians,  and they, and they’re just upset that communism fell and they didn’t get to shoot anybody.  They still want war.  We had  a global economy and they’ve done everything to undermine that.  Once you impose the sanctions on Russia,  China started realizing they could do it to them.

Other countries started withdrawing, India, et cetera. Now you have the BRICS nation. We once had a global economy.  That’s what made Rome work.  All right. Rome had freedom of religion.  There weren’t, tariffs on so somebody in France could sell anything they manufactured to somebody down in Syria.  That’s what Rome was about.

Rome showed us how to create peace.  All right. The Christians misinterpreted Rome. They said, they have all these gods. No, they don’t. It’s just that they had freedom of religion. They allowed each region to keep their God.  You didn’t have to just accept mine.  So that created the,  the false image that they had so many different gods that they were every, they respected everybody’s religion.

That’s really what it was about. I mean, we are doing everything exactly opposite of what the Roman empire did.  The Pax Romana lasted for about a thousand years.  As long as everybody  economically benefited it was better to stay inside Rome than to leave,  because you could manufacture whatever you wanted, pots or whatever, and sell them to someplace else.

So expanded your market, created jobs. That’s what,  that’s the recipe to, to world peace,  but nobody wants to follow it.

QUESTION: The last question. Let’s try to forecast the horizon for collective West in a 5-10 years range. 

MARTIN A. ARMSTRONG: Uh, we’re probably going to see, um, our forms of government, uh, being a republics will, will come to an end probably by 2032.  The same thing, more or less when Caesar crossed the Rubicon because the republic was so corrupt.  We have that same problem.  There was a debt crisis when seizure crossed the Rubicon.

Nothing’s really changed. When he crossed the Rubicon,  all the cities cheered and they opened their gates. It was the Senate that fled to Asia because they were so corrupt and they were, they didn’t have the support of the people.  So we’re looking at the same thing here that republics are historically the most corrupt.

And so  we’re probably going to see, that’s what all this chaos is about people are beginning to realize that, you know, the governments are not what they’re supposed to be. Things are not working out the way they were.   I mean, this 2024 election is going to show a lot of people, you know that the system’s broke.

So, you know, people will then change the form of government, but only when they begin to see it’s broke.  So,  our computer shows after 2032, we’ll probably create a new form of government. I’m hoping it will be more of a direct democracy  where we should be, uh, allowed to vote.  Do you want to go to war with Russia? Yes or no. We’re never asked these questions.  They make their own decisions and we’re supposed to follow.  That’s not democracy.  They call it democracy, but it’s not.  It’s more of authoritarianism.  Even in Vietnam, you were 18 years old. You could be drafted to go to war and die. You were not old enough to have a drink.

And you were not old enough to vote. That’s not democracy.  Uh, where did they have a right to vote for anything? That’s not democracy.  This is the problem with our system. The politicians make it sound nice. So we’re, we don’t have democracies. We don’t get to vote on anything. We have a Republic.  All right.

So,you know, maybe there’ll be somebody like,  Caesar and crosses the Rubicon and finally forces everything to change.  That’s what we’re really looking at these things.  No form of government has ever lasted, you know, really more than 250 to 300 years.  It’s just our turn. That’s it. Communism collapsed. It’s our turn for the same thing.So, if we undestand what the problem are we can create a better life…

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homer simpson

my decayed cesspool has lgbt freedumb

Ramses ll

volodolfs oligarchs needed war to hide ukrainian corruption and cheaply fool hunter bidens lbtq followers and fan club it was geopolitical.


the only ones who need war are the jews. wars are good for jews and bad for most! both sides are controlled by jews and the jews need wars to put a cap on our white race genepool. they use these wars to exterminate us.

Conan M

no **** martin!… the only question that remains is between china, russia and india who keeps giving the u.$. loans to keep this charade going?… and “why’ does russia think so little of it’s own that they are not summoning them home, and reciprocally expelling western foreign service inisde russia as the picture keeps getting worse and their “vote” in the un wh0reh0u$e bleeds out less of an roi???…

Last edited 7 months ago by Conan M

do you know who this guy is? lol


“donald trump who is effectively an outsider.” say no more martin, your ‘computer program’ is glitching.

Matthew Schram

rome was vary bad

Conan M

but not worse than a country that allegedly protects inalienable rights to all human beings since 1789… and what do the kikes in that occupied palestine since 1948 “protect”…

Last edited 7 months ago by Conan M
Ramses Ill

vladolfs oligarchs needed war to hide corruption and cheaply fool vladolfs lbtq followers and fanclub it was geopolitical.


brilliant synopsis.


here’s one called ‘mein drumpf’ about the donald: https://old.bitchu te.com/video/cvivqhcepfti/ when they flash the handsigns in front of everyone, it’s called gloating. it is a twisted perversion to make people think it was the ‘ok’ sign when it meant everything is ok for lucifer’s plans and they were the one’s bringing into the public for that reason: to gloat. there is basically nobody who is more a member of the joo-fag/freemason deepstate than drumpf and his family.


https://old.bitchute.co m/video/h64anxa4nlkv/


a fake economist, a criminal, this is disgusting to talk to this nobody!

oh well

deep state had reagan from the get go. he started this clown world.


if ‘the truth’ was easy to handle, we could all be free.

Emanuel Gomes Bueno -Brasil

o sionismo e o nazismo (dois irmãos) precisam da guerra.

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