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MARCH 2025

Ukrainian Terrorist Attacks In Russia. Is CIA To Blame?

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Ukrainian Terrorist Attacks In Russia. Is CIA To Blame?

According to an article in The Washington Post, it is known that the Security Service of Ukraine is behind the murders of Russian public and political figures, including journalist Vladlen Tatarskyy (Maxim Fomin), as well as Darya Dugina. The newspaper reports that the SSU and the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry have carried out several dozen murders over the past 20 months. The increased capabilities of Kiev’s terrorist regime are the result of close ties between Kiev and the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which continue to this day.

In August 2022, young philosopher Daria Dugina was killed in a car bombing in the Moscow suburbs. Russia’s FSS revealed that the organizer of the murder was Ukrainian security services, and the perpetrator was Ukrainian citizen Natalia Vovk. Information from The Washington Post sources claims that the components of the explosive device were hidden by the Ukrainian military in a secret compartment of a cat carrier. The woman brought the components to Russia in her car, with her 12-year-old daughter with her.

Other victims of Ukrainian security services, according to Ukrainian and Western officials, included former Krasnodar submarine commander Stanislav Rzhytsky, who was shot dead in July during a morning jog, writer Zakhar Prilepin, who survived the assassination attempt, unlike his comrade who was killed in a car bombing, as well as military journalist Vladlen Tatarsky and a host of other public figures.

It is obvious that, in general, as the conflict develops, the Ukrainian security services are carrying out increasingly sharp and brazen actions that can no doubt be called terrorist.

Ukrainian Terrorist Attacks In Russia. Is CIA To Blame?

Drone attack to Kremlin

In addition to the above-mentioned explosions, there have already been drone attacks on such sites as Moscow City, residential buildings in Moscow and, finally, the Kremlin, in which the head of Ukrainian military intelligence, Kirill Budanov, personally declared his involvement. A large number of prevented terrorist attacks are claimed by FSS directorates across Russia. The targets of Ukrainian special services are large infrastructure facilities such as the Kursk nuclear power plant, government buildings as in the DPR, celebrities, political figures and law enforcement leadership in the new regions of Russia and Crimea.

Ukrainian Terrorist Attacks In Russia. Is CIA To Blame?

Terrorist act prevented by Russian special services officers

Western handlers also continue to be involved in planning Ukrainian operations in Russia. Whereas Western intelligence services used to shrug off assistance to Ukraine, now they simply do not comment on it. In many ways, this may indicate that in fact Western countries that have been watching the developments in Ukraine and have heard about the “red” lines outlined by the Russian leadership no longer take it seriously. Russian statements in this vein are already reminiscent of the “latest Chinese warnings” and do not carry any real threats, as was indicated by President Putin at the very beginning of the special operation in Ukraine.

In addition, the actions of Russian special services, which have not abandoned the principles of bureaucracy unlike the Ukrainians, do not meet the needs of the country at the present time. Although no one in Russia calls the fighting in Ukraine a WAR, the two countries are actually at WAR with each other. Real fighting with no significant advances on either side. Only from the side of Ukraine there is no advancement for objective reasons, as human and technical resources of the AFU with all their support by the West are not infinite, and from the side of Russia the main problems are bureaucracy and in some places falsification of information, which occurs because of existing statistical indicators among Russian special services.

Kiev’s terrorist attacks will continue until the approach to the work of law enforcement agencies in Russia changes. In this case, the change is necessary only to approaches such as statistical indicators and falsification, which only harm the country in war conditions. The legislative framework will not allow law enforcement agencies to allow lawlessness.


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Bird of Prey

the crazy thing is that russia doesn’t even have to retaliate against the us mainland in the same ‘underhanded’ and absolutely despicable way (not that it would) — because the americans themselves are committing terrorist acts; mass shootings without foreign influence and assistance. most mass shootings in the us are most likely false flags by the same exact culprit to disarm the citizenry. it’s an unprecedented and bizarre situation, truly. but all roads lead to rome, so to speak

Last edited 1 year ago by Bird of Prey

well all russia has do i jam american communications and electronics in the middle east in syria under the pretext of combating isis and also provide local anti-us fighters with information on targets, same as us is doing with ukraine. easy response and as usa is doing it under the context that “russia is illegally in ukraine ” then the russians can use the same as usa is illegally in iraq, syria

Bird of Prey

well, that is a touchy topic. the elephant in the room has been israeli’s encroachment of syria’s air space and continuous bombings with absolute impunity. the russians have cutting edge anti-air complexes yet they allow israel to conduct terrorist operations. because that it what they are given the history of the golem: isis and separatist terroristsin the region.

Bird of Prey

and i fear that this discrepancy is consistent with the overarching theory that in the end — russia is beholden to the same global banking elite that needs to orchestrate conflict in a “certain manner,” let’s say

Bird of Prey

and everyone knows, even without tracing isis western support systems and finance — that isis mo was suspiciously consistent with israel’s long sought goal of west asian imperialism

Bird of Prey

just a few days ago: mamdouh hamza said: “the prophecy of isaiah that netanyahu spoke of says, “behold, the lord is coming to egypt riding a quick cloud, and the idols of egypt tremble in his presence, and the …

Bird of Prey

… hearts of the egyptians melt within them. egyptians were raised against egyptians, and they fight, and one is based on his brother, and the city against the city and the kingdom against the kingdom, so the souls of the egyptians melt within them, and their advice is nullified, and …

Bird of Prey

… the nile waters are depleted and the basins dry up and stiffen. the channels stink, and the branches of the nile diminish and dry up.”

Bird of Prey

netanyahu, who addressed the israelis, said: “we will fulfill isaiah’s prophecy, you will not hear it yet, ruin in your land, we will give glory to your people, we will fight together and we will win.”

Bird of Prey

you can see how this is starting to stink to high heaven? 1) israel admitting it is a holy war. 2) ambiguities in russia’s response to israeli imperialism — just for starters

Bird of Prey

one activist said: “netanyahu in a speech yesterday confirms the dream of greater israel by declaring that he will fulfill isaiah’s prophecy by saying, ‘we are the people of light, the people of darkness, we will fulfill isaiah’s prophecy, which speaks of the destruction of iraq, damascus, yemen, egypt and the establishment of a greater israel between the rivers…”

Bird of Prey

greater israel’s fulfillment is diametrically opposed to the vision of a balanced multipolar world as this will guarantee us hegemony for the next 200-300 years. there is cognitive dissonance at a breaking point…

Bird of Prey

…and lastly, putin said that the west is stoking religious conflict and sectarian divides. but i fear that the reality is that talmudic supremacist judaism is conducting a religious war upon the whole world, including anglo-americans, and the world is reacting to it… good luck to everyone and god bless. i pray for understanding for everyone and the threat that they face. what would a totalitarian world under babylonian talmudic law look like? we are starting to see

Last edited 1 year ago by Bird of Prey

there have been many articles about the common interest of russia and israel here as well. israel has been careful not to step on russia’s toes. it has not condemned the war in ukraine. russia is active in syria and the conflict with russian soldiers can grow to significant proportions and become a full world war if the usa joins in fully.

G. Saviano

the main question, perhaps the most dangerous line of question today, is who controls russia’s central bank. if putin indeed wrestled control away from the global banking cabal — then he should be canonized as a saint — for he is humanity’s last hope.


russen sind in syrien legal aktiv!


catholics in action

sawyer stinky diapers

ukropnazistan is a amerikan colony

jens holm

cia is stoopid—they gave me hiv dementia


is the pope catholic?


jednoznačne, že je za tým cia!!! tá je v každom svinstve, ktoré je páchané na tejto planéte. a čo sa týka frontu? už to pochopte, rusko nechce zničiť celú ukrajinu!!! donbas bol už zničený pred cca 8 rokmi!!! tak rusko chce zviesť rozhodujúcu bitku práve tu!!! načo ničiť celú ukrajinu? veď nakoniec bude opäť patriť k rusku. potom to bude treba zase všetko budovať odznova. a fašisti by ostali. teraz likvidujú fašistov a to je to čo je podstatné.

always back up

the cia is 100% to blame

jens holm

satan’s derpy potatoes, earth trailer park of universe thanks to potatoes

poko molo

my rubber duck like coca cola

Ivan Freely

i’m sure mi6 is involved along with their friends.

poko molo

incompetent amerikan pay ukies to teach them intelligence


to whom it may concern: if the communications between poland and kiev are monitored more closely, most attacks can be prevented. but come on, where are the good old soviet days? and now there is ai to profile suspects and satellites to monitor these people. just saying.

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