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MARCH 2025

US Advancing Nuclear Blackmail

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US Advancing Nuclear Blackmail

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

Washington is apparently preparing for a nuclear war scenario in Eurasia. The US Department of Defense recently began military research into the possibility of engaging in an extreme conflict in the eastern regions of Europe, in what appears to be an attempt to intimidate the Russian Federation. Moscow, for its part, does not seem willing to surrender to Western nuclear blackmail, being any American efforts at “deterrence” therefore completely futile.

In a recent statement from the Pentagon, it was announced that a study was being launched into a possible nuclear conflict in Eurasian regions, mainly “beyond Eastern Europe and Western Russia”. The focus of the study is to assess the impacts of such a military clash, especially on global agriculture – and consequently food security. US military decision-makers want to assess whether a nuclear war is “feasible” or whether the effects on agricultural stability cannot be tolerated.

“The objective of this project is to build upon previous research efforts to develop and optimize AgriShock, a code suite for modeling the effects of nuclear weapons on agricultural systems.  The minimum needs of this contract are that the contractor provide all personnel, equipment, facilities, supervision, and other items necessary to conduct studies that demonstrate modeling of nuclear warfare on a global scale that would lead to destruction of the agriculture systems such as farms,” an official statement on the matter reads.

Several US public and private actors are involved in the research. The team includes institutions such as the US Army Corps of Engineers, the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) and Terra Analytics, a private company based in Colorado that specializes in data analysis. There is a public call for other companies to offer their services to the US state, given the complex nature of the research, which requires the mutual work of several institutions.

It is estimated that the research will cost at least 34 million dollars, but the amount might be updated as the studies progress and more work is needed. The number of agents involved in the operation and the high cost of the project suggest that the US is indeed ready to make major efforts to prepare for a nuclear operation in Eurasia.

It is not yet clear how the Pentagon plans to use the data obtained by the researchers. It is believed that the final report of the study will guide decision-makers on whether or not to start a nuclear war. Another hypothesis is that the study is simply a public tactic to make it appear to US adversaries that the country is willing to launch a nuclear war. The move could be a sort of deterrence attempt, intended to convince Russia and other US enemies to abandon their projects due to fear of nuclear war.

Another similar maneuver recently made by the US was its update in the nuclear doctrine, establishing a strategy of multiple simultaneous coordinated attacks, with the main targets being Russia, Iran and North China. Washington is clearly trying to spread panic and fear of a nuclear war, showing its geopolitical adversaries that it is “willing to do anything” to prevent the creation of a multipolar world order.

For their part, however, the enemies of the US have nothing to fear. A global nuclear war would be absolutely damaging for all countries, with no winners. So, if the US takes such an initiative, it will also be “defeated” due to the situation of mutual assured destruction guaranteed by the retaliation it would immediately suffer. In a game where there are no winners, there is no reason for fear. Either the US realizes that it can no longer prevent multipolarity, or everyone loses together.

In this sense, measures such as this recent Pentagon’s “study” are absolutely useless. It is obvious that the impact of a nuclear war in Eurasia would be disastrous for agriculture and food security. In addition to destroying fertile land, a nuclear war would contaminate the soil, air and water even in the not attacked regions. The disaster would be absolute, as has been proven repeatedly in hundreds of previous scientific studies. By trying to promote new “research”, the American intention can only be trying to advance the nuclear agenda, since scientifically the answer seems obvious.

Despite the irrationality of American strategy in recent years, it is hoped that Washington will have due caution before turning its hegemonic ambitions into real political decisions. Otherwise, the entire world will be in danger.

You can follow Lucas on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.


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it’s why they want to replace citizenries with migrants. simply because foreigners are 1000x less likely to protest against their host nation’s government’s foreign policy. even if that foreign policy is threatening the whole world with unprecedented destruction. the western boomers are perhaps the most narcissistic and deranged group that has ever lived … not even their forefathers had this combination of stupidity and greed.


in case of nucelar war, we hope that russia identifies the actual decision centers and the actual policy makers as opposed to bombing the civilians which are mostly ransomed against their will and are against their deranged and out of control governments. even the english are very much opposed to their government’s lunacy. i have many english friends and they are not being represented by their government…


i don’t like putin. first of all, he isn’t smart. before he makes any decision, it takes ages. he is slow when he should be quick. he makes mistakes. and on top of that, he repeats them. allowing maidan, not sending army to donetsk, just two examples. sometimes he is funny. you won’t see it in western politics. they are freaks, like poles, baltics, french, britons, canadians and other degenerates, who watched rambo too much. west depends on soros’s pr agencies, and these are professional.

Professore Saviano

you cannot blame putin for “allowing maidan”. the blame goes to ukrainians for allowing propaganda to radicalize them to the point of murdering their own ethnic citizens at the behest of its western backers. for being stypid enough to trust the americans to support their war effort. for being stupid enough to think that they could win against russia. and for using minsk agreemens in 2014-2015 as a cynical strategic dishonorable ploy.

Professore Saviano

ukraine is ukraine and ukrainians are responsible for their self-determination. you cannot control every event in life. this is like blaming someone that was victim to hit and run road accident. an accident which is not your fault — but it happened to you. it is the same situation except it was done to you on purpose. can anyone control every life event? no. you can only learn from the situation and then respond accordingly


grow up no people have self determination they have a well constructed illusion intended to deceive

Professore Saviano

you go around replying to everyone as if you’re the ultimate arbiter of truth. you are absolutely delusional. textbook schizophrenic. delusion of grandeur, narcissistic personality disorder, etc. you are a head case. i promise you: no one takes you seriously as you seem to think.


shove off i know more than you it’s that simple you are too stupid to understand that you’re not well educated even and too stupid to accept that others are more so than you.


talk about arrogant arseholes with narcissistic demented delusion pretensions of grandeur your choice of poofessir title displays your lunacy clearly to every one.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

no it’s the sane as hitlers thugs the ss, in ukraine mercenaries were taken and they just murdered any ukrainians who were non compliant to government tyrrany allegedly.


he has only two choices act in haste repent in leisure or wait and see.

Guy Metdrapedes

it took them 4 weeks to respond to the kurk attacks. unfortunately russia will be wiped off the map with no retaliatory strikes. those who write the history books will call themselves heroes for the genocide of an entire people.

Professore Saviano

what a moronic statement. slow response to kursk was part of attrition warfare strategy. and apparently you haven’t heard of mad. mutually assured destruction. there are many hidden launch point outside of russian mainland. the thought of a nato preemptive strike to destroy the massive russian land is itself world threatening and suicidal. add the fact that even if that were possible, russia would still launch nuclear warheads from outside it’s national borders

Professore Saviano

however, your comment highlights exactly the problem. as stupid as it sounds, western intelligence is in severe decadence. there are western leaders stupid enough to think that they can get away with surviving a nuclear war somehow


wake up fukushima nuclear power plant s destruction equalled a nuclear war on japan do your homework and grow up there’s been thousands of nuclear bombs exploded all over the world already equalling a massive nuclear war. don’t be stupid yourself poofessir


england completely genocided tasmanians into extinction they called themselves the greatest empire on earth, so you’re right about that propaganda


propaganda isn’t reality when common law was secretly stolen from the world’s people in the 1930s all of the democratic theories became redundant propaganda. fraud or false pretenses basically and it was totally hushed up by the rule of law and still is to this day


well, be realistic. nuclear bombs involve 300 miles radius from the epi centre so they all know thaf they’re using human shields. they know what risks they’re setting up all, of them and if their people don’t overthrow corrupt governments and stand up for themselves and protect their children and grandchildren but are gutless cowards then it’s simple natural survival of the fittest.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

the “baby boom” refers to babies born in the post ww2 period, who are now in their 70’s and 80’s. these were the youth behind the peace movements of the 60’s and 70’s. i’d say what you are seeing now is (with a few obvious exceptions) that generation retiring, and younger people taking their place. but they did not have parents who had experienced such a war, to instil in them the desire to avoid repeating it.


no they weren’t at all naval intelligence in laurel (winners roman wreath) canyon, england’s naval intelligence really imo ran the entire 1960s hippy movement which coincided with the vatican’s whatever big convention where they decides that they were very lucky to have the jesus story to sell and that pope decided to ditch their coronation ceremony so they could look humble and democratic and all that.


witchcraft hubble bubble, holly the witches wand wood they used to cast their spells music movies propagandas, that’s education, news and all that jazz. course beltane 1966 they formally legalised satanism and gave it the full protections of the law for the first time in history then the un used freedom. of religion to globalise its spread universally by rule of law and no one said, boo! they’re so stupid they still don’t even know what happened


the stakeholders are still the boomers. that is only started to change now as they retire or pass away. they are notoriously narcissistic and hypocritical. it turns out that the whole anti-war hippie movement was just an excuse for them to get high on lsd. then they traded the lsd for money. they never held those beliefs. and then pulled up the ladders up on the next generation. and refuse to move out of the way. they are child like and petty.


the globalists are threatening the whole world using proxies nothings what it seems.

Conan M

many “+” up votes to what you just said. the only thing far worse are the chinese, indian and “russian” dual nationals who have drunk the kool-aid who lived large in north america and western europe the past 30 years who have abandoned their core values and families back home that believe nothing can ever touch them and would rather “stay” than return home to defend their nation(s) against this worst evil..

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

what i can say to all of them. you are willing hostage/whore$ to the terrori$t’s cause! congratulations to all of you in making the world “less safe”, including the worst ignoramus(s) in the 1 visa one language group who’s only interest is weekend trips to the football and baseball stadium(s) across the u$ where they are bilked out of $150.00 per person for a weekend event that pays the salaries of the “ignoramus(s) on the playing field!…

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M

omg every migranb eveverwhere knows they are not ever allowed to say anything bad about their new homeland by lawthats why they bomb them out of their houses in the biggest human trafficking scam on earth and then they play their saviours good cop bad cop method olgy on a global scale. they’re all in it together humans are resources with value commodities mediums of exchange . like currency.


they aren’t trying to intimidate them, they are boiling the frog bit by bit so it isn’t alarmed by the increase in temperature. the target of the psyop is the global populace, not a single nation. the international orders of jewry, freemasons and satanists generally, almost all the same anyway.


no they aren’t. satanists now think they’re the goodies and jesus is the evil, freemasons think they’re builders architects creating a better world and there’s no united jewry to speak off. pope francis told them jesus is satan and said no one should have a personal relationship with him, warned the world that satan is the great deceiver.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

according to news sources. catholics aren’t supposed to be freemasons but they are, and they’re all deceived too because the shriners are the top mason’s and they only allow the koran in temple when they meet. etcetera etcetera etcetera need to write a book a big one just to expose reality.


the americans should do a simulation what will happen to their country in case they start a nuclear on the european continent. if the americans think they will watch from afar this time won’t be the case and they themselves will be destroyed as well.


look google nuclear testing globally go and look at the marshall islands. look at fukushima. it equalled a massive nuclear war


go and educate yourself nevada has been the biggest nuclear testing ground for decades americans are already the most irradiated people on earth radiation attacks the brain first and foremost they know how to zap people so they’re brains are fried really specifically and precisely and yet they can look totally healthy its science the great deceiver science translates to witchcraft in english

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

vladimir putin is a deranged psychopath bent on world domination. he is just like hitler. he is hell bent on conquering the whole planet. he invades countries for no reason whatsoever, because he is a mad dictator who hates freedumb and democracy and our human rights rules based order and because he just feels like it. because that is what evil dictators do. you can’t be a fully paid up member of the evil dictators club unless you do these things, it’s just not permitted.


but at the same time, it’s perfectly safe to go deep inside his country and kill people there, because putin is totally sane and rational and won’t go completely ape when his people are killed by nato missiles maintained and operated by nato personnel and programmed with nato targeting information. because putin is a pretty reasonable and totally laid back kind of guy who won’t mind at all when this happens. so you see there’s nothing really to worry about.


the pope is the moral authority for rule of law which includes military law fare. its his gig


heil mary.


“america is our barracks” sir winston churchill.

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

be afraid be very afraid. the only country to use nuclear weapons and on civilians was planning to do it again all along. they have built massive underground cities right into the mountains. i have delivered goods to one of these as a truck driver. it is enormous and can house tens of thousands of people. this is their plan they will use nuclear weapons to get their way for they do not have the conventional means to do so.

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