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Biden Backs Israel’s Policy To Eliminate All Gazans

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Biden Backs Israel’s Policy To Eliminate All Gazans

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Written by Eric Zuesse

On December 8th, Reuters headlined “Israel sharply ramps up Gaza strikes, U.S. alarmed”, and reported that America’s Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, said that “there does remain a gap between … the intent to protect civilians and the actual results that we’re seeing on the ground” in Gaza. The Reuters news-report didn’t note that Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Gaza — its goal of eliminating all of the current residents from Gaza — is the U.S. Government’s actual policy notwithstanding that the U.S. Government claims to be disapproving of the methods that Israel’s Government is employing in order to achieve that goal.

Blinken’s public acknowledgement that “there does remain a gap between … the intent to protect civilians and the actual results that we’re seeing on the ground” might possibly be intended to convey the impression to the public that the U.S. Government did not authorize this ethnic cleansing, and to pretend that this cleansing-objective is only Israel’s doing, and that the U.S. Government somehow did not allow and assist in its becoming achieved. However, that would clearly be a false impression that the U.S. Government conveys by the Secretary of State’s allegation, because, as Israel’s Jewish News Service reported on November 27th:

Israel’s dependence on the United States was stated bluntly by retired IDF Maj. General Yitzhak Brick in an interview earlier this week.

“All of our missiles, the ammunition, the precision-guided bombs, all the airplanes and bombs, it’s all from the U.S. The minute they turn off the tap, you can’t keep fighting. You have no capability. … Everyone understands that we can’t fight this war without the United States. Period.”

Publicly, U.S. President Joe Biden is critical against Israel’s rampant bombing of hospitals, schools, homes, apartment buildings, and other civilian facilities in Gaza and of Israels’s cut-off of food, water, and other supplies of essential products into Gaza so as to starve and weaken the Gazan residents to death. However, he privately backs it, by continuing his actual policy that America’s supply to Israel of weapons and U.S. intelligence resources which are essential to the success of Israel’s goal of eliminating the Gazans, still remains unconditional. In other words: Biden has at his disposal the means to force Israel to stop its genocide, but he chooses not to do that. Biden explains this unconditionality of America’s backing by saying that only Israel’s Government, not America’s, will control what Israel’s Government does. The $3.8 billion per year that U.S. taxpayers donate to Israel’s Government ($3.3 billion of which is donated each year specifically in order for Israel’s Government to pay Lockheed Martin and other U.S. weapons manufacturers to buy U.S.-made weapons — it’s a public subsidy by U.S. taxpayers, to investors in those firms) has never been subject to any conditions from the U.S. Government, and Biden is not only continuing that policy but wants to increase it this year by adding during the coming fiscal year $14 billion more in order for Israel’s Government to be able to eliminate all of the Gazans. (However, Congress still hasn’t yet approved that budget-request from him.)

On November 30th, Gallup headlined “Americans Back Israel’s Military Action in Gaza by 50% to 45%”. So, the American public likewise supports this ethnic cleansing. (For decades, Americans have been trained and propagandized to believe that to be anti-Israel is to be anti-Semitic, and to smear Palestinians as being the actual nazis — even though there are many anti-Israel Jews and many Palestinians who aren’t anti-Semites. So: those polling-results are very understandable. They are the result of hiding from the public historical truth.)

The only question right now is whether this ethnic cleansing is to be done by extermination or instead by a combination of extermination and evacuation — to kill as many as possible and expel the rest. On October 17th I had headlined “U.S.-Israel Trapped Now by Jordan & Egypt” and reported that both King Abdullah of Jordan and President al-Sisi of Egypt had closed the door to Israel’s and America’s preferred outcome of this ethnic cleansing campaign, which outcome was for the surviving Gazans to be relocated into the Egyptian desert and/or into Jordan, so as to make way for Jews to rebuild and populate Gaza; and, so, I concluded at that time:

The statements on October 16th and 17th, by Al-Sisi and King Abdullah, leave no way that the U.S. and Israeli regimes can leave this new Middle Eastern war as being anything but pariah-nations. Even if all of the Gazans end up being slaughtered, the U.S. and Israel will be pariah-nations. If, instead, the U.S. and Israel will lose this war, then the U.S. and Israel will also be pariah-nations. Either way, The American Century, which started on 25 July 1945, will be ended, in ignominy, by this war.

Blinken’s public acknowledgement that “there does remain a gap between … the intent to protect civilians and the actual results that we’re seeing on the ground” could be intended to be in preparation for the United States to reverse its longstanding course of unconditional backing of Israel — basically Israel’s being an undeclared 51st state of the U.S., located inside the Middle East, to control Arabs and Shiites — but, if that is Blinken’s and Biden’s reason, then it would be like closing the barn door after the horse had already gone. It would be too little, and too late. And, the ethnic cleansing will then be completed however Israel wants to complete it: either by massacring all Gazans or else by starving them all to death. But is retaining Israel as a U.S. state worth doing that? In any case: the decision isn’t merely Netanyahu’s to make; it is also for Biden to make. And it appears to have been already made — by both men. Because nothing can change its outcome, now.

On December 8th, Russia’s RT News headlined “‘Rome Statute should be null and void’: Why is it so easy to accuse Russia but not Israel? The reputation of the International Criminal Court could be completely destroyed if crimes against Palestine are not thoroughly investigated, says American attorney Stanley Cohen.” Israel’s bringing to the ICC (which Israel never joined and has always rejected) a case to prosecute Hamas’s October 7th attack, and the ICC’s past record of ignoring cases that Palestinians had tried to present to it (though Palestine IS a signatory to and member of the ICC), had prompted the article, which closed:

Whether the ICC acts now will either be its saving grace, or irreparably stain the reputation of the court forever. The sheer scale of the atrocities that are now being committed in Gaza is difficult to even describe, with more tonnage of explosives being dropped on the besieged territory than the nuclear bomb used by the United States against Hiroshima. Meanwhile, food, water, medical aid, fuel and electricity are being prevented from entering, or in other cases are being severely limited. Some 1.5 million civilians have been displaced [out of a total Gazan population of 2.2 million] and around 20,000 people killed, while upwards of 30,000 have been injured.

Not only will these events affect profoundly the historical reputation of Israel and of America, but likewise regarding the ICC and the entire post-WW-II U.S.-dominated international order.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.



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the jews have ussan tax cattle by the…. i forgot cattle have no cajones. at least the palestinians fight their enemy and stack dead shlomos as often as they can while yankee slaves finance and pay for the neocohen and chosenite evil that infests them and the rest of humanity. who is more to be pitied, the dead children in palestine or the drug-addled, depraved and exploited ussan slave$ that allow their political hoes to serve the zionazi beast of satan?


i dont think america can win a thing historically or future combining with israel. i truly dont understand what it is they are trying to do. sometimes i think israel has pics of all our politicians in a bad way. they do run a criminal enterprize together.

jens c.u.m. drop

you dont understand because you missing the whole point. they are all the same.

the jews have controlled britain for millenia. britain created the usa. the usa was designed as a fully armed nation like a military force. and the usa was created to make israel with britain.

the jews have many plans to control and destroy. they just havent had the technology. now they are slowly getting it.

jens c.u.m. drop

the jews will destroy humanity. anti-human agendas liek feminism, homosexuality, trans gender, marriage and porn all controlled by jews. not to ention the destruction of all gods creations like food, water, air, land, health and nature. they want to destroy it all.

and now they are finally getting the tech they have dreamed for centuries. weapons mass destruction, ai, vaccinations, surveillance and mass control with media.

the jews are evil and have never contrributed positive to humanity


i think the time has come for all the jews from all over the world to be isolated, removed from all the leadership positions in which they perched, to have their banks confiscated and all the mechanisms through which they rule the world, in their interest. let them be tried for crimes against humanity, they are guilty of tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions, of deaths on this earth.


we will probably soon see laws that makes criticising the gaza war as a crime. just like spreading any russian narative is a crime in germany since a couple months. we are getting nearer and nearer to the police state while still pretending to be free.

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