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MARCH 2025

In Video 18+: Dozens Killed And Wounded In Israeli Strikes On Khan Yunis

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In Video 18+: Dozens Killed And Wounded In Israeli Strikes On Khan Yunis

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On the evening of November 21, the Israeli military launched airstrikes on the town of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip. As a result of the attack, as a result of the strikes on residential buildings in the Hamad quarter in Khan Yunis, the death toll has increased to at least 15 people, 25 more civilians were wounded. Earlier, local media reported that 10 dead and 22 wounded were taken to the Nasser hospital in Khan Yunis. The number of victims is likely to grow, since the the rubble is still being cleared.







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Palestine People Are No More!

the israeli people are going to burn in hell, did you guys see the incredible number of burns on that baby in the last video, when those three babies were being brought into the er and that is besides of course the actual children that are actually dead! there is no excuse or justification for this, i wish these videos could be shown on the news for a bigger audience to see.

rat hunter

say that to hamas! why the fk do they don’t separate themselves from civilian structures and deliberately store weapons, rockets and bombs underneath them?

Psionists slaves of America

it wouldn’t matter. the psionists and their slaves in the us and britain deliberately incinerated more than half a million german civilians including women children, infants and newborns during thei genocidal fire bombing of german cities.

Allah is SATAN

a good terrorist sympathizer is a cursed satanic terrorist sympathizer. like hamas like iran like you.

Jesus didn't speak English

lies lies lies coming from pathological lying 🤥 people such as zionists.

Allah is SATAN

the truth hurts. it’s in their pagan quoran unholy book. they want to kill all infidels. violence is in their genes. they won’t stop at nothing. they (the hamas) even taught hitler’s mein khamp in children’s schools.

jens c.u.m. drop

why is it that jewish rabbis sck the dck of baby bleeding p3nises?

coz jews are satanic pigs


a čo takto povedať sionistom aby vrátili okupované územie a sadli za rokovací stôl? je predsa rezolúcia br osn z roku 1947 kde sa dohodlo vytvorenie dvoch samostatných štátov. tento konflikt podľa môjho názoru zase vyprovokovali sionisti!!!


okupácia východného jeruzalemu ktorý mal byť hlavným mestom palestíny a tak isto útokom na mešitu v deň sviatku moslimov!!! následne došlo až k útoku na izraelské vojenské základne!!! na festival útočili sami vojaci izraela, lebo boli uvedení do omylu, že sa jedná o teroristov. existuje svedectvo jedného statočného pilota izraelskej armády!!!


hamas doesn’t care about civilians – hamas leader ismail haniyeh once said: “the more killed palestinian civilians, the better for us. they are only good for propaganda.”

Huckelberry finn

israel has forever separated from humanity. and you are such examplar, showing no compassion, instead pushing the usual deflection bs

rat hunter

and you are mf piece of horse manure terrorist sympathizer with a brain of hyena who licks allah’s azz.


vermin filth must be destroyed


sure, israeli jews never used terrorism to achieve their aims: ever heard of the 22 july 1946 king david hotel bombing in jerusalem by jewish militant group irgun that killed 91 people?


hamas are underground, you idiot!


these videos will never be shown on television in usa, england, france, germany…. these countries are us slave states under total jewish control.

Max Hermansen

what has really happened to that building?

Huckelberry finn

sure, 4 videos, 3 showing victims, and you try to concentrate the discussion on the one of a building, nice try max jewrmansen

Max Hermansen

is this just like some videos zelinsky and his film crews make?


time for persia to unleash the fattah-2 hgv that has mach 15 speed, smash zionist scum hard unleash the khormashar-2 with mach 18 speed, or sejil-2 with mach 13 speed. zionists have no chance if persians launch massive multi-ballistic missile, cruise missile, kamikaze drone attack at the same time. iran will drive you kikes into the sea


🫵=🤡 😆😆😆


israel and usa will retaliate with nukes. iran and israel would be destroyed but not the usa. the biggest zionist city in the world isn’t tel aviv, it’s new york.

rat hunter

he who curses israel will be cursed up to the fourth generation. you are now already cursed.


iran needs to stop this slaughter before the khazar zionazis and their ussan livestock attack iran. strike now and collapse the evil that is the anglozionazi empire of gore. no better opportunity will come than now when natostan is bleeding out in rump ukrapland and urupp is bankrupt.


the poison that is khazar occupied palestine can no more destroy the truth and palestine itself than it can ever again hope to play its pathetic, fake hollow co$t card. the jig is up; the entire world sees the evil viper that is squatting in apartheid controlled palestine. there will be no more tolerance for zionazi scum.

jens c.u.m. drop

this is humaniteies final battle between good and evil.

evil is the jew- and humans ahave been fighting for thousands of years to destroy these inbread animals…. and we are in the final chapters… the time we are in is exciting for when the jew is finally gone from planet earth utopia can begin its journey

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