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MARCH 2025

Kiev Having Serious Mobilization Problems

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Kiev Having Serious Mobilization Problems

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

Apparently, the Kiev regime is willing to sacrifice the lives of all Ukrainian citizens in order to continue fighting Russia. In a recent statement, the commander of the Ukrainian army stated that all the people of the country must be prepared to go to war, making it clear that no citizen will escape military mobilization policies.

In a social media post, the commander of Kiev’s ground forces, Aleksandr Pavlyuk, stated that all eligible Ukrainians will fight on the battlefield at some point, considering the country’s armed forces’ constant need to replace their losses on the front lines. He called on all Ukrainians to “put aside their emotions” and enlist as soon as possible in the defense forces to “protect the state.” More than that, he said fighting Russia is a “constitutional duty” of all Ukrainian citizens.

Pavlyuk also commented on the criticism made by ordinary Ukrainians against the recruitment centers. According to him, the people’s hostility towards recruitment officers is intolerable since the workers at the centers are veterans and therefore the citizens “have no right to make them feel guilty, unwanted or unsafe before those whose lives they literally saved.”

“No matter how much help we get, how many weapons we have – we lack people (…) Everyone who was examined as eligible (for service), with no exceptions, will go to the training centers. The basic training program lasts one month”, he said.

As well known, Ukraine recently lowered the military recruitment age from 27 to 25 – although there are reports of even teenagers fighting on the battlefield. This measure has been considered by experts as a desperate effort to replace the heavy losses suffered by the regime during intense fighting on the front lines. The country’s situation is increasingly critical, as there is a lack of skilled people to fight. The constant deaths at the front and mass migration have made the country incapable of maintaining a prolonged war effort, which has worried the regime’s authorities.

Interestingly, he admitted in his post that the military aid received from the West is not enough to win the war. He states that the number of weapons does not really matter, since there are not enough people to fight. This assessment is correct, as obviously weapons are useless if there are no personnel to use them – as well as to occupy the ground gained on the battlefield.

However, tyrannical forced recruitment measures are not the solution to the Ukrainian problem. It is not enough to recruit as many citizens as possible and send them to the front lines in a few days. It is necessary to qualify them in the handling of Western weapons and train them appropriately to deal with the brutal reality of the conflict. The basic training offered by Kiev to its new recruits has already proven useless and incapable of preparing real combatants. Most newly enlisted soldiers die during their first days on the front lines, making them easy targets for Russian missiles and drones. In practice, Kiev is just creating “meat grinders” and making its own citizens mere cannon fodder.

In fact, Pavlyuk’s position on the topic reflects the hegemonic mentality in Ukraine and the West. There is strong pressure for recruitment to continue, even if forced. The proxy war against Russia cannot end anytime soon, as the West has failed to achieve its objective of causing damage and “wearing down” the Russian Federation. So, even without any expectation of victory, Kiev can only continue recruiting and sending everything it has to the front lines.

However, it is necessary to remember that Pavlyuk himself was a victim of Vladimir Zelensky’s recent purge policies. He currently works as commander of ground forces, but previously he served as First Deputy Minister of Defense, having been dismissed in February. The reasons for his removal from office are still unclear, but the case is certainly related to the preventive measures taken by Zelensky to weaken other Ukrainian officials and prevent maneuvers against his government. Pavlyuk is certainly afraid of suffering even more reprisals, which is why he is increasing his public activities, but what happened to him is further evidence that the neo-Nazi regime is weakened and polarized between different factions.

Recently, reports have spread about Ukrainian citizens fleeing to border countries, such as Romania. As much as Kiev’s allies encourage these citizens to return to their country to fight, international obligations prevent forced repatriation, which makes Ukrainian mobilization even more complicated. Without people to send to the front, the regime is already recruiting even women, the elderly and people with serious health problems. This is an absolutely unsustainable situation in the long term, with the collapse of the regime being a matter of time.

You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram.


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lol, all the winning ukraine is doing really is paying off hahaha (i was being sarcastic)

Paul Citro

in both ukraine and in gaza we are seeing ordinary people crushed in the gears of modern war machines. in the 21st century we find we are not nearly as civilized as we thought.

gneaus stapo

ukraine kaput. country of losers. they don’t deserve to be called proud nazis like us, just clowns.

Allahists are Nazis

don’t think there are any men or women left, ready to die for a country owned by blackrock, vanguard or soros jr. and some banderite puppet millionaires, whose wifes are buying property all over the globe.

now is the time to finish the job!

Kibosh warrior

ban all joos from public office, strip them of their ill gotten gains and counterfieting operatons, nationalize all of their fiat coopted assests, reverse all their antihuman laws and dictats, hang all their ring leaders till dead, along with their accomplices. burn the virologists and pharma ceos at the stake, like the witches they are! kill em all and get right with god.


i fully support your statement !!! but why is it just us few here to speak out like this ? are the russians and the ukrainians really that stupid, that they don t realize that it is that ugly hook-nosed, smelly, & disgusting pseudo-race called jews, which is pushing them ( the christian people of ukraine & russia) into a totally stupid and senseless bloodbath !?

Last edited 10 months ago by MotherTeresa

all that money wasted on war efforts could be used thousand times better to raise the living standart of people in ukr & ru. the russian ethnics who live in ukraine but dont like ukraine could be handed 10 mio eur each family, on agreement to re-/out-/settle to russia. that still would be 20 times cheaper than the war spending, let alone costs for the maimed and reconstruction of houses and infrastructure in ukr & ru.

Last edited 10 months ago by MotherTeresa

the one & only real enemy is the jews !!! nobody else !! why does mankind not see it. even jesus warned of these snakes, who came from the synagogue of shaitan !! we need to smash this parasitic alien race once and for all !! these monsters even targeted all of mankinf directly, with their mrna-mass-poisin-injections – but still mankind not uprising, and slaughtering these arc-evil scum from hell ? why ?

Last edited 10 months ago by MotherTeresa
Kibosh warrior

this is another fine lesson in understanding central banking ideology and the policies of its zionist infested and coopted ‘governments’. no ‘safe space’ for zionist bolshevik murderers of christians and muslims in any country. stop war, genocide, poverty, socio-cultural ruin? kick out or kill every communist bolshevik counterfieting bank, media, professor, health ‘authority’, 5g, vaccine pushing, joos…full stop. no forgiveness, no exceptions, no regrets, treat them as they are: amalek.

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